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尊重别人就是尊重自己尊重别人,是沟通心灵的一把钥匙。大家都听说过“孔融让梨”的故事吧,当年的孔融还不到10岁,便懂得尊老爱幼,是个惹人喜欢的小孩。一天,妈妈端 上梨子,先让最年幼的他先挑选梨子,结果他拿了一个其中最小的梨子。家人很是不解,他的解释则是;我最小,当然吃最小的,大的留给大人们和哥哥姐姐吃。连 这么年幼的孩子都懂得尊重别人,可见他的心灵是多么得美好。尊重别人,是连结友谊的一座桥梁。一段美好的友谊就这样开始了,有一次松下幸之助在一家餐厅招待客人,一行六个人都点了牛排。等六个人都吃完主餐, 松下让助理去请烹调牛排的主厨过来。让人意想不到的是,松下让主厨过来的原因是为了向他解释。松下对主厨说:“你所烹调的牛排,我只能吃一半。原因不在于 厨艺,牛排真的很好吃,但我已经80岁,胃口大不如以前。我想当面和你谈,是因为我担心,你看到吃了一半的牛排送回厨房,心里会难过。”主厨听完后立即握 住了松下的手。后来,两人成为了一对好朋友,而松下的客人则更喜欢与他做生意了。正因为松下幸之助的尊重别人,他才赢得了友谊以及更多的财富。尊重别人,是维系和谐关系的一条纽带。有一年,外国使者来访中国。周恩来总理带着他们几个到处参观,介绍着中国的悠久历史以及未来的发展,但有些外 国使者常常不怀好意,总想损一损当时还比较落后的中国。其中有一位外国使者说道:“有件事情我很是不解,我看中国人走路总是眼睛看着地下走路,而我们美国 人都是昂着头向前走。”这明显是一种挑衅,也是对我们国家和人民的一种不尊重。周总理不卑不亢而面带微笑地回敬道:“那是因为美国人正在走下坡路,而我们 中国人正在走上坡路。”顿时,一阵冷寂和尴尬,那位外国使者哑口无言,他不得不佩服周总理的睿智。周总理的回答,既给予对方以回击,又维护了我们的尊严。 从这个故事中我们得到一个启发,要维持一种和谐的关系,你必须学会尊重别人,这样别人才会尊重你。尊重是相互的,只有你尊重了别人,别人才会尊重你。在尊重的世界里,打开自己美好的心灵,与人为善,维持一段段美好的关系,创建和谐美好的世界。9 故梦 旧忆就像一扇窗推开了就再难合上谁踩过枯枝轻响萤火绘着画屏香为谁拢一袖芬芳红叶的信笺情意绵长他说就这样去流浪到美丽的地方谁的歌声轻轻轻轻唱谁的泪水静静淌那些年华都付作过往他们偎依着彼此说好要面对风浪又是一地枯黄枫叶红了满面秋霜这场故梦里人生如戏唱还有谁登场昏黄烛火轻摇晃大红盖头下谁彷徨流泪的花和荣喜堂静静放在一旁回忆像默片播放刻下一寸一寸旧时光他说就这样去流浪到美丽的地方谁的歌声轻轻轻轻唱谁的泪水静静淌愿化一双鸟儿去飞翔任身后哭号嘶喊着也追不上又一年七月晚风凉斜阳渐矮只影长这场故梦里孤桨声远荡去他乡 遗忘浮生未歇谁家的清笛渐响渐远响过浮生多少年谁家唱断的锦瑟丝弦惊起西风冷楼阙谁蛾眉轻敛 袖舞流年谁比肩天涯仗剑谁今昔一别 几度流连花期渐远断了流年不如就此相忘于尘世间今夜无风无月星河天悬听罢笛声绕云烟看却花谢离恨天再相见方知浮生未歇若挥袖作别 流云万千可有人千万流连若今昔一别 一别永年苍山负雪 浮生尽歇今夕隔世百年一眼望却叹只叹他轻许了誓言把千年咒怨轻湮成全了谁的祈愿他不见她守韶华向远不如就此相忘于尘世间今夜无风无月星河天悬听罢笛声绕云烟看却花谢离恨天再相见方知浮生未歇若挥袖作别 流云万千可有人千万流连若今昔一别 一别永年苍山负雪 浮生尽歇今夕隔世百年一眼望却叹只叹他轻许了誓言把千年咒怨轻湮成全了谁的祈愿他不见她守韶华向远不如就此相忘于尘世间今夜无风无月星河天悬听罢笛声绕云烟看却花谢离恨天再相见方知浮生未歇谁家的清笛渐响渐远响过浮生多少年谁家唱断了锦瑟丝弦徒留西风冷楼阙霜雪千年梨花香缠着衣角掠过熙攘复悄入红帘深帐听枝头黄鹂逗趣儿细风绕指淌坐船舫兰桨拨开雾霭迷茫不觉已一日过半过眼的葱郁风光悉数泛了黄褪尽温度的风无言牵引中便清晰了在此的眉目暮色的消融隐约了晦朔葱茏在这老街回眸烟云中追溯我是谁只消暮雨点滴便足以粉饰这是非待这月色涌起谁人轻叩这门扉苔绿青石板街斑驳了流水般岁月小酌三盏两杯理不清缠绕的情结在你淡漠眉间瞥见离人的喜悲霜雪楼阁现尘飞雾散荧光翩跹显露出斑驳石阶入眼是落英纷然芳草入深院凭栏杆小桌上置琼觞两盏阖眼听清风疏叶似曾有欢声笑言萦绕这高轩云动寂静鸣蝉雨坠激漪涟皴擦点染勾勒这世间缘起的一眼定格了三生千年在这老街回眸烟云中追溯我是谁只消暮雨点滴便足以粉饰这是非待这月色涌起谁人轻叩这门扉苔绿青石板街斑驳了流水般岁月小酌三盏两杯理不清缠绕的情结在你淡漠眉间瞥见离人的喜悲霜雪三月梨花雪几载开了又败笔锋走黑白丹青中穿插无奈彼时那弯儿月何时初现于江畔而我又在待何人在这亭台 回眸千年后忆起你是谁只消月色隐约便足以勾勒这是非待这回忆涌起恍惚之间已下泪枫红十里长街红帘后谁人蹙着眉遥梦桑竹桃源轮回中曾道别的地点愿今生再相见消融你眉间悲戚霜雪We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore Like we used to do We dont laugh anymore What was all of it for ? We dont talk anymore Like we used to do I just heard you ( ya ) found the one youvebeen lookin You been looking for I wish i wouldve konwn that wasnt me Cause even after all this time i still wonder Why i cant move on ? Just the way you dance so easliy Dont wanna know The kinda (kind of) dress youre wearin tonight If hes holdin onto you so tight The way i did before I overdosed Shouldve known your love was game Now I cant getcha outof my brain Ooh its such a shame We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore Like we used to do We dont laugh anymore What was all of it for ? We dont talk anymore Like we used to do Selena : I just hope your lyin next to somebody Know its hard to love yalike me Must be a good reason that youre gone Every now and then I think you might want me to come show up yourdoor But Im just too afraidthat ill be worng Dont wanna know If youra lookin intoher eyes If shes holdin onto youso tight The way i did before I overdosed Shouldve know your lovewas a game Now I cant getcha outof my brain Ooh its such a shame We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore Like we used to do We dont laugh anymore What was all of it for ? We dont talk anymore Like we used to do Charlie: Like we used to do Dont wanna know The kinda dress yourewearin tonight If hes givin it to youjust right The way i did before S: I overdosed Shouldve know your lovewas a game Now I cant getcha outof my brain Charlie: Ooh its such a shame We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore We dont talk anymore Like we used to do We dont laugh anymore What was all of it for ? We dont talk anymore Like we used to do We dont talk anymore The way i did before We dont talk anymore Ooh Woo S: Ooh its such a shame Chalie: We dont talk anymore Sparks FlyThe way you move is like a full-on rainstormAnd Im a house of cardsYoure the kind of reckless that shouldSend me running butI kinda know that I wont get farAnd you stood there in front of meJust close enough to touchClose enough to hope you couldnt see what I was thinking ofDrop everything nowMeet me in the pouring rainKiss me on the sidewalkTake away the painCause I see sparks flyWhenever you smileGet me with those green eyes babyAs the lights go downGive me something thatll haunt me when youre not aroundCause I see sparks flyWhenever you smileMy mind forgets to remind meYoure a bad ideaYou touch me once and its really somethingYou find Im even better thanYou imagined I would beIm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with youI know its no goodAnd I could wait patientlyBut I really wish you wouldIll run my fingers through your hairAnd watch the lights go wildJust keep on keeping your eyes on meIts just wrong enough to make it feel rightAnd lead me up the staircaseWont you whisper soft and slowIm captivated by you baby like a fireworks showSparks fly, oh baby smileAnd the sparks flyStay Stay Im pretty sure we almost broke up last nightI threw my phone across the room at youI was expecting some dramatic turn away but you. stayedThis morning I said we should talk about itCause I read you should never leave a fight unresolvedThats when you came in wearing a football helmet and said ok, lets talk and I saidStay stay stayIve been loving you for quite someTime time timeYou think that its funny when ImMad mad madBut I think that its best if we both stayBefore you Id only dated self indulgent takerswho took all of their problems out on meBut you carry my grocerie sand now Im always laughingAnd I love you because you have given me. no choice but toStay stay stayIve been loving you for quite someTime time timeYou think that its funny when ImMad mad madBut I think that its best if we both stayStay stayYou took the time to memorize memy fears my hopes and dreamsI just like hanging out with youAll the timeAll those times that you didnt leaveits been occuring to meId like to hang out with youFor my whole lifeStay.and Ill be loving you for quite some timeNo one else is gonna love me when I get mad, mad, madSo I think that its best if we both stayStay, stay, stay, stay, stayStay stay stayIve been loving you for quite someTime time timeYou think that its funny when ImMad mad madBut I think that its best if we both stayStay, stay, stay, stay, stayStay stay stayIve been loving you for quite someTime time timeYou think that its funny when ImMad mad madBut I think that its best if we both stayInnocenceWaking up I see that everything is ok4The first time in my lifeAnd now its so greatSlowing down I look aroundAnd I am so amazedI think about the little thingsThat make life greatI wouldnt change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectPlease dont go awayI need you nowAnd Ill hold on to itDont you let it pass you byI found a place so safeNot a single tearThe first time in my lifeAnd now its so clearFeel calm my belongIm so happy hereIts so strongAnd now I let myself be sincereI wouldnt change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectPlease dont go awayI need you nowAnd Ill hold on to itDont you let it pass you byIts the state of bliss you thinkYoure dreamingIts the happiness insideThat youre feelingIts so beautifulIt makes you wanna cryIts the state of bliss you thinkYoure dreamingIts the happiness insideThat youre feelingIts so beautifulIt makes you wanna cryIts so beautifulIt makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliantIt makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliantPlease dont go awayCause I need you nowAnd Ill hold on to itDont you let it pass you byThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectPlease dont go awayI need you nowAnd Ill hold on to itDont you let it pass you byLove YourselfFor all the times that you rain on my paradeAnd all the clubs you get in using my nameYou think you broke my heart oh girl for goodness sakeYou think Im crying oh my oh well no I aintAnd I didnt wanna write a song causeI didnt want anyone thinking I still careI dont but you still hit my phone upAnd baby I be movin on and I think you should be somethinI dont wanna hold back maybe you should know thatMy mama dont like you and she likes everyoneAnd I never like to admit that I was wrongAnd Ive been so caught up in my job didnt see whats going onAnd now I know Im better sleeping on my ownCause if you like the way you look that muchOh baby you should go and love yourselfAnd if you think that Im still holdin on to somethinYou should go and love yourselfBut when you told me that you hated my friendsThe only problem was with you and not themAnd every time you told me my opinion was wrongAnd tried to make me forget where I came fromAnd I didnt wanna write a songCause I didnt want anyone thinking I still careI dont but you still hit my phone upAnd baby I be movin on and I think you should be somethinI dont wanna hold back maybe you should know thatMy mama dont like you and she likes everyoneAnd I never like to admit that I was wrongAnd Ive been so caught up in my job didnt see whats going onAnd now I know Im better sleeping on my ownCause if you like the way you look that muchOh baby you should go and love yourselfAnd if you think that Im still holdin on to somethinYou should go and love yourselfFor all the times that you made me feel smallI fell in love now I fear nothin at allI never felt so low when I was vulnerableWas I a fool to let you break down my wallsCause if you like the way you look that muchOh baby you should go and love yourselfAnd if you think that Im still holdin on to somethinYou should go and love yourselfCause if you like the way you look that muchOh baby you should go and love yourselfAnd if you think that Im still holdin on to somethinYou should go and love yourself动物世界东打一下西戳一下动物未必需要尖牙示爱的方法有礼貌或是我管它要将情人一口吞下还要显得温文尔雅螳螂委屈的展示旧伤疤求偶时候一惊一乍因为害怕时常倒挂走投无路的情况下舍弃了尾巴如果不能将它同化就寄生于它大不了一同腐化努力进化笑动物世界都太假祖先 已磨去爪牙相爱相杀一定有更好的办法攀比一下 谁先跪下不再进化动物世界里都太傻为情表现到浮夸得到了你就该丢下人性来不及粉刷所以啊 人总患孤寡麋鹿本来约在树下说好一起浪迹天涯系上铃铛还在往那个方向挣扎如果有只豺狼它英勇披上婚纱同伴笑他读过童话别再进化别让动物世界太假我们 该露出爪牙相爱相杀 别再想更好的办法优胜劣汰 自舔伤疤假装进化 拼命想和动物有差玩一出高贵优雅在人们腐烂的欲望下兽性来不及抹杀算了吧 懒得去挣扎人类用沙 想捏出梦里通天塔为贪念不惜代价驾驭着昂贵的木马巢穴


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