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Unit4 At the farmA Lets talk Lets play 榆林市第一小学 鱼永娥教学目标: 1、能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话; 2、能够在情景中运用句型:Are these.? Yes, they are.What are these? They are. / Theyre.询问物品名称并回答。 3、能够在情景中恰当运用句型Theyre good/ so big!描述物品特点; 4、能够在语境中理解新词carrot和tomato的意思,并能正确发音。教学重点: 1、能够在情景中运用句型:Are these.? Yes, they are.What are these? They are. / Theyre.询问物品名称并回答。 2、能够在情景中恰当运用句型Theyre good/ so big!描述物品特点;教学难点: 1、名词单复数的读音及用法: 如:apple_apples, tomato_tomatoes 2、能够理解名词复数形式的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的变化,并能在情景中正确运用和表达。教学准备:图片,课件教学过程: 1、利用主情景图导入话题: 利用课件出示情景图,教师提问: Where are Mike and his friends?并出示单词farm。引导学生回答:They are at the farm.教师指着Zoom和Zip说:Zoom and Zip are at the farm, too. What do they see? 引导学生回答:They see some vegeterbales. But what vegeterbales? 2、利用课件引入A Lets talk: 1) T: I know a kind of red vegetable. Its round. What is it? 出示图片,说:Look! Its a tomato. 板书:Its a t_m_t_.请学生根据读音尝试填写所缺字母并朗读单词。再出示一张西红柿图片,引导学生说:They are tomatoes. 教师板书句子They are tomatoes. 提示学生注意tomato一词的复数变化,帮助他们理解Its a tomato. 和They are tomatoes. 两个句子的不同含义。 2)教师手指西红柿图描述:These are tomatoes. They are red. Theyre good. Theyre yummy.同桌学生结对练习运用Theyre.描述tomatoes。 3)教师继续描述:Theyre yellow. Theyre small. Theyre yummy, too. What are they?学生尝试猜测后,教师引导学生用What are these?提问。 教师板书句子:What are these?然后出示he, she, we等单词帮助学生根据发音规则拼读单词these。最后教师出示黄色西红柿图片,说:Theyre tomatoes,too. Theyre yellow tomatoes. 4) 游戏:抓单词(Catch the words) 快速出示水果或蔬菜图片(图片中水果或蔬菜的数量应该等于或多于两个),问:What are these? 引导学生用Theyre.回答。最后,教师呈现胡萝卜的图片,教学carrots,并引导学生说:Theyre so big! 5) Pairwork: 同桌学生结对用red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes和carrots操练句型What are these? Theyre. Theyre so.! 3、呈现与操练:Are these carrots? Yes, they are. 1)教师问:Where can we see these vegetables?然后利用课件呈现农场背景,说:We can see at a farm.教师板书farm,然后引导学生拼读该单词。 教师说:Now lets go to a farm. 呈现两株开着黄色花朵的西红柿苗,问:What are these? Can you guess?引导学生使用Are these.?进行猜测,教师适时出示花朵凋谢后结出红色果实的西红柿图片。接着展示胡萝卜种子发芽、长出幼苗、开花结果的过程,然后问:Are they carrots? 学生用Yes, they are.或No, they arent.进行判断。 2) 学生分角色操练对话: S1: Look at these! Are these.? S2: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. S1: What are these? S2: Theyre. 4、当堂检测: 新课堂P36 Exercise 3 板书设计: Unit 4 At a farm A Lets tal


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