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仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语考试试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I think itsunusual thing.A . anB . aC . the2. (2分)Humans are_ to live up to more than 150 years in the future. A . proudlyB . likelyC . finallyD . possibly3. (2分)- _ do you usually do when you are free?-I often read something interesting.A . WhenB . WhatC . WhyD . Where4. (2分) Which dictionary will you buy, Ox ford Advanced or Longman Advanced? I will buy _ of them so I can give one to my friend, Helen. A . eitherB . bothC . allD . neither5. (2分)Look! _ fantastic time they are having! A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a6. (2分)Many boys and girls are made_ what theyre not_.A . to do, interestedB . to do, interested inC . do, interested inD . doing, interested7. (2分)Many advertisements are_ on the walls . It makes them look dirty.I hope it wont happen again .A . put downB . put awayC . put upD . put on8. (2分)- That T-shirt with Yao Mings picture on it _ belong to David. He admires him a lot.- No, it _ be his. He hates black color.A . can; cantB . may; needntC . must; mustntD . must, cant9. (2分)The show will begin _.Hurry up, or we will miss the opening dance.A . in the presentB . in a secondC . in the future10. (2分)Linda usually _ her homework after dinner, but last night she _it before dinner. A . does, doesB . did, didC . does, didD . did, does11. (2分)The orange juice tasted so that my brother asked for two cups.A . badB . badlyC . deliciousD . well12. (2分)The scenery on Mount Emei is _. Im really _ at its beauty. A . amazing, amazedB . amazed, amazedC . amazed, amazingD . amazing, amazing13. (2分)_ the students were when they heard the good news!A . How excitedB . How excitingC . What excitedD . What exciting14. (2分)Do you often make plans your friends?Yes. I do. time with friends is so much fun, I think.A . visiting; To costB . visiting; To spendC . to visit; SpendingD . to visit; Costing15. (2分)-Nice to meet you, Jane.A . Thank you, Bill.B . Hello, Bill. C . Nice to meet you, Bill.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Perhaps you have heard1about the Internet, but what is it?The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.2that doesnt sound interesting. But3weve joined the Internet, there are4things we can do. We can have a lot of5on the World Web. We can use the Internet instead of a library to6all kinds of information7our favorite sports or film stars and do some shopping on the Internet. We can send messages to other people8email. Its much cheaper and quicker than9a letter.Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want on the Internet. But do you know much information is10English?(1)A . a lot of B . a lot C . a few (2)A . Maybe B . May C . And (3)A . where B . when C . however (4)A . lots of B . a lot C . much (5)A . interesting B . friends C . interested (6)A . find B . look at C . find out (7)A . about B . for C . to (8)A . with B . by C . on (9)A . send B . sent C . sending (10)A . on B . with C . in 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (8分)阅读理解Wikipedias most-edited listDo you use Wikipedia(维基百科) to find information about people, places, things and events? Have you ever wondered who writes all the information? The website is actually run by thousands of everyday people, as well as computers that can automatically update(自动更新) certain pages. You can even write something on a page if you want to.Of course, it means that somebody can write incorrect information on a page. That does happen sometimes, but usually somebody else corrects the information quickly.Wikipedia has counted how many times each page has been edited(编辑) this year and one page stood out.“Deaths in 2016”was edited 18,230 times. That is likely because lots of high-profile(知名度高的) people, including English singer David Bowie, American singer Prince, American boxer Muhammad Ali and former Cuban President Fidel Castro, died in 2016.The 2016 US presidential election(总统选举) was followed by people around the world. It was also a popular page to edit on Wikipedia. The “Donald Trump” page had 8,933 edits and took second spot. The third most-edited page was related(与有关)to Hillary Clinton, and the election itself took the fourth spot.Pages about movies, sports, world events, natural disasters(灾难), musicians and artists all appeared in the top 25 most-edited list. Vincent Van Goghs page received 3,551 edits during the year. Four Wikipedia editors rewrote the page in order to give people a clear understanding of the Dutch partners true nature, according to one editor.The variety of pages that were edited shows how people with entirely different interests are still all looking for information.(1)Who can write the information of Wikipedia?A . Only the website editors.B . Only famous people.C . Only computer experts.D . Everyday people.(2)Which page was edited most in 2016?A . Deaths in 2016.B . Donald Trump.C . Vincent Van Gough.D . 2016 in South Korean Music.(3)The underlined word “stood out” probably means_.A . 站出来B . 突出C . 坚持到底D . 最受欢迎(4)We can probably read this passage in a/an _ _.A . adB . noticeC . newspaperD . storybook18. (10分)阅读理解 There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now lets study some of them. Classical music Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training. Heavy metal music Heavy metal music came out after World War . The melody (旋律) of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as information music. In heavy metal music, songwriting is based on a form. Hiphop music This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass (低音电吉他), drums and so on. In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa. Opera music It first appeared in Italy in the 1600s. It has a great mixture of theatrical (戏剧的) art and musical invention and is used in theaters. Jazz music This kind of music has strong and complex (复杂的) melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody. Besides these, there are many other kinds of music such as the blues, newage music, Celtic music, religious music, and chamber music. (1) music needs high musical skills. A . ClassicalB . Heavy metalC . HiphopD . Opera(2)The main instrument in hiphop music is the . A . guitarB . violinC . pianoD . bass(3)The is used in both hiphop music and jazz music. A . pianoB . violinC . trumpetD . cornetL(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Heavy metal music appeared after World War.B . Only after proper training can you learn classical music.C . Opera music first appeared in Italy.D . People call jazz music information music.(5)Whats the BEST title of the passage? A . Different kinds of music.B . Our favorite musicians.C . We love music best.D . Welcome to the music club.19. (8分) Whats your favorite English letter ? Many of you may say Q. Why ? Because so many of you chat with your friends on QQ .What do you like about QQ? What do you talk about ? The CCTV reporter ,Miss Wang interviews three kids . Lets listen to what they say .When do you chat on QQ ? What do you talk about ?Lin Yuhan , Xian : On weekends . We talk about homework and chat with each other .Tang Yuting ,Shanghai : On weekends and when I dont have much homework .We exchange test answers and chat .Yang Yuhang , Dalian : Our class goes online together at 46pm on weekends , We complain about homework ,chat and talk about computer games .What do you put on your QQ blog (博客 )?Lin : I put good articles. I have found online on my blog . I also write articles myself . They are about funny things that have happened in my class .Tang : I put pictures on my blog . Not my own photos , but pictures from my favorite Japanese cartoons like Tennis Prince and Conan .Yang: I put DV films on my blog . I shoot ( 拍摄 )them during sports meetings and school parties .The most popular one is about a dancing teacher .It is so funny that everyone watches it .How do you like QQ?Lin : Its a good place for us to make a record of our lives of both good times and sad times .Tang : My friends and I may not have time to chat at school .But we can do it on QQ. Its very helpful to our friendships .Yang : If you chat with your friends on the telephone ,your parents sometimes listen in on your convercation . There is no such problem with QQ . You can relax and talk freely .(1)How many kids are interviewed about QQ?A . NineB . SixC . ThreeD . Two(2)What does Yang Yuhang talk about QQ on weekends ? homework chat test answerscomputer gamesA . B . C . D . (3)What does Lin Yuhan put on her QQblog ?A . Some pictures .B . Good articles .C . DV films .D . Japanese cartoons .(4)Which one is TRUE according to this article ?A . Lin says QQ is very helpful to their friendships .B . Yang says he can chat freely with many friends and relax on QQ .C . Tang says QQ is a good space for them to make a record of their lives .D . Tang says he chats on QQ on weekdays though he has lots of homework .四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 (1)Simon is an interesting person and he gets excited_(easy). (2)On my last birthday, my brother bought_ (I) a book as a gift (3)Simon is an interesting person and he gets excited_(easy). (4)After discussing it for two days,they havent reached an_(agree) yet. (5)On my last birthday, my brother bought_ (I) a book as a gift (6)I dont like soap operas because I think they are_(meaning). (7)After discussing it for two days,they havent reached an_(agree) yet. (8)I am happy to know that you will come to Zunyi and looking forward to_(meet) you at the airport (9)I dont like soap operas because I think they are_(meaning). (10)I am happy to know that you will come to Zunyi and looking forward to_(meet) you at the airport 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共3分)21. (3分)根据句意,用括号内所给提示完成句子。(1)In the next few days , there will be a_ (沙暴).(2)Everyone need to try their best to_ (减少) pollution.(3)_ (虽然)my grandfather is old, he looks very strong and healthy.六、 句型转换 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)按照要求完成句子改写。 (1)He has short hair. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ short hair?(2)Do you have a sister?(作否定回答)_, I _.(3)She has long legs.(同义句转换)_ legs _ long.(4)I am from China.(同义句转换)I _ _China.(5)We arent in the same class.(同义句转换)We are in _ _.七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6675的相应位置上。When Gregor Mendel was teaching high school students, he noticed that plants had different traits (特征). For example, some pea plants were tall, w_others were short. Mendel wondered why, so he decided to experiment.He c_the seeds (种子) that were produced. He planted these new seeds and waited for the r_. He wondered whether the new plants would be of medium h_. But all the plants that grew from the seeds were tall.Mendel wanted to see what would h_to the next generation (一代). He crossed the tall plants with each other in the same way he had experimented with the tall and short plants. When the n_plants grew, three fourths of the plants were tall, and one fourth were short.Mendel found out that a plant r_a message from each of its parents, and that message is carried by the plants genes (基因). For example, a pea plant gets a gene for tallness or shortness from one or both of its parents. Mendel a_found out that some genes were stronger than others. The gene for tallness was stronger than the gene for shortness. So a plant would be t_if it had one gene for tallness and one gene for shortness. But if a plant had two genes for shortness, it would be short.Mendel had made a great d_, but few understood it at that time. Mendel became famous only after his death.八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)24. (15分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。On April 8, a ceremony will break ground on a Disneyland theme park in Shanghai, China, after 10 years of negotiations(谈判) between Disney and the government.Disneyland Shanghai is set to open in 2016 in the Pudong district. It is the sixth Disneyland theme park around the world, in addition to Tokyo ,Hong Kon


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