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module2 period 2language points学案1. teaching objectives:a. important words and phrasesb. important sentence structures2. learning ability goalshelp students to learn about the phrases in everyday english. enable students to learn about the relationship between students and teachers in different countries.3. teaching important points enable students to master the vocabulary and phrases in everyday english and cultural corner.4. teaching difficult pointsknow the relationship between students and teachers in different countries.5. teaching methods task-based method, discussing, writing, listening, reading and practicing.6. teaching aids a computer, a projector and a tape recorder.第一层级学习目标:知识记忆与理解【自主预习】不看不讲【课堂预习交流】通过预习文化角,掌握其内容,通过讨论来完成下列有关文本感知内容。.1whats the main idea of the passage?_2what kind of differences in schools does the passage describe?_3. whats the main difference between state schools and private schools?_.答案:1.the situation of different schools in other countries.2the relationship between teachers and studentswhether schools are state schools or private schools3. state schools are paid for by the government, but in private schools, the parents pay for the education of their children. .different countries, different schools1.in which country is the relationship between teachers and students quite relaxed?a. germany. b. britain. c. france. d. china.2.in russia, the relationship between teachers and students is _.a. relaxed b. just so-so c. quite formal d. friendly3.state schools are paid for by the _.a. parents b. students and the governmentc. government d. students themselves4.which countrys private school is very good, compared with others?a. germany. b. america. c. russia. d. britain.5.if you are asked to go on writing after the last paragraph, youll most probably write about _.a. the different sports in different schools from different countriesb. the differences in teaching between different schools from different countriesc. the advantages and disadvantages of both state schools and private schoolsd. why some students would like to go to state schools答案:1.b2.c3.c4.b5.c 【课堂预习导学】问题层次化. make the students talk about differences between school in different countries. encourage the ss to give the main idea of the passage and the topic sentences of each paragraph. make the students have a debate about which relationship between teachers and students is more suitable for us, the american school , the chinese school ,or the european schools第二层级学习目标:技能应用与拓展写作策略突破技能系统化系统个性化【写作指导】 如何描写人物 描写人物,即通过文字间接地把人物的外貌、性格等呈现给读者。人物描写的特点是用语音描绘人物的外表、行为、心理活动等。 人物描写中的注意事项:1. 选好角度,顺序合理角度是指用第一人称还是第三人称来描写人物;用第一人称时主要是本人的经历或耳闻目睹之事;用第三人称时则主要是他人的经历。顺序是指以怎样的顺序描写人物,刻画人物的性格。对人物描写的范围可以是人的外貌、性格、举止以及思想情绪等:一般采用从外表到内心活动的描述,把描写的重点放在与其他人物的不同之处。2. 突出重点,选材精当发生在一个人身上的事很多,写作时,我们要抓住其显著的、与众不同的方面,也要抓住体现人物性格的主要活动和事件,着重描写最富有感染力的情节,不要在一些次要方面花过多的笔墨,更不要眉毛胡子一把抓,面面俱到。3. 稍加评论,画龙点睛在描述和叙述中,不要一味地写下去,要对人物适时作个评论,突出人物性格。4. 语言精练,时态准确在人物描写中,语言要简短精练,生动感人。另外,时态的使用要视实际情况而定,如果写的是某人的过去,就用过去时态;若写的是某人的现在,则用现在时态。 人物描写的常用表达方式:1. 介绍姓名his / her name is he / she is called 2. 介绍出生时间及地点he / she was born on october 3 , 1990 in shandong china . 3. 介绍年龄he / she is 16 ( years old ).4. 介绍家人his / her father is a doctor , while his / her mother acts as a teacher . 5. 介绍性格品质i think he / she is honest / clever / funny6. 介绍个人喜恶he / she likes / enjoys / is fond of he / she is interested in .he / she dislikes / hates doing 【实战演练】校刊要介绍一位外籍教师,请就下面的简历写一篇短文,约100词。姓名alice white性别女国籍美国出生年月1976年10月职业英语教师工作单位第十中学简历1998年大学毕业,2000年来中国工作。1.热爱教育事业,工作认真负责,乐意帮助学生。2.教法灵活多样,课堂教学生动有趣,深受学生好评。3.经常向学生介绍学习英语的方法。4.在她的帮助下,学生英语水平提高很快。简况写作范文a foreign teacheralice white,female,comes from america. she was born in october,1976. she works as a teacher of english at no.10 middle school. she graduated from university in 1998.she came to china to work in 2000.she loves teaching and is strict in her work. whenever the students have difficulty,shes always ready to help them. she has many ways to make her classes lively and interesting. so she is popular with her students. she often gives students lectures on how to learn english well. with her help,her students have made great progress in english.重点难点探究技能系统化系统个性化重点单词 joke【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意joke的意思及用法。she is fond of making jokes.她喜欢说笑话。 on april fools day, we play jokes on friends.在愚人节,我们戏弄朋友们。【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现joke是_ (1)_词,在以上句子中意思是_(2)_。答案:(1)名词, (2)笑话;玩笑。 【思维拓展】joke作名词用时,常构成:make jokes/tell jokes说笑话;play jokes on 开玩笑。joke还可作动词用。joke with sb. 与某人开玩笑。【即学即练】1.完成句子he _ and making people laugh.(他总是开玩笑使人发笑。)答案:was always telling jokes2. (安徽省望江县鸦滩中学10-11学年高一上期中考试试题)terry likes to play _ on others, which makes him unpopular among his classmates.a. fun b. jokesc. games d. enjoyment答案与解析: b play jokes on与make fun of是同义词组,意为“开某人的玩笑”。 respect【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意respect的意思及用法。1).we deeply respect him.我们十分尊敬他。 2). he fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战役中英勇作战,从而赢得了大家的尊敬。 3). please give my respects to your parents.请代我向你的父母致意。 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现respect在句子1)中是_ (1)_词,意思是_(2)_;在句子2),3)中是_(3)_词,意思是_(4)_。答案:(1)动词, (2)尊敬,(3)名 (4)尊敬,致意【思维拓展】respectable adj.可敬的;值得尊敬的 respectful adj.恭敬的;尊敬人的 have/show respect for sb. (sb.s opinions)尊重某人(某人的意见) pay ones respects to sb.向某人致敬 give/send ones respects to sb. 代向某人问候 pay respect to(=have respect for) 考虑respect oneself 自尊 【即学即练】1.完成句子the leaders should _ the needs of the people. (领导应该关心人民的疾苦。)答案:pay respect to2. (北京市第六十六中学高一上学期期中检测试题) (1)he was courage and unselfishness and gained his comrades_.a. respectable b. respectful c. respect d. respects 答案与解析:c 此处要用名词形式作宾语。(2)he was_ selfless man that everybody _him.a. so a; respected b. a such; respected c. such a ; respects d. such a; respected 答案与解析:d 句意:他是那样无私的人,每个人都尊敬他。similarly【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意similarly的意思及用法。the two girls dress similarly.那两个女孩穿着相同。she was late and i similarly was delayed.她迟到了,同样的我也被耽搁了。【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现similarly是_ (1)_词,在以上句子中意思是_(2)_。答案:(1)副词, (2)同样的;类似地。 【思维拓展】similar adj.相似的;类似的be similar to与相似similarity n相似;类似【即学即练】1.完成句子her hair style is_ to mine. (她的头发样式与我的相似)答案:similar2.( 广东省高州市大井中学2010-2011学年高一第一次月考) cars must stop at red traffic lights;_, bicycles should stop too.a. similarly b. frequently c. quickly d. briefly答案与解析:a. 句意:小汽车在红灯亮时必须停下来;相似地,自行车也应该停下来。similarly “相似地”;frequently“频繁地”;quickly“快速地”;briefly“大致地”。重点短语 have problem with【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意have problem with的意思及用法。i have some problems with my pronunciation.我发音有点困难。he has problems with his classmates.他与同学有纠纷。【自我归纳】have problems with意思是_ 。答案:“在某方面有困难;与有纠纷”【思维拓展】 have problems(in ) doing sth.在做某事方面存在问题have difficulty(in )doing sth./with sth.在做方面有困难have a hard time (in)doing sth./with sth.在(做某事)方面比较艰难【即学即练】1. 完成句子(1)the problem _(阅读课程方面的)as mentioned in the report is that too much time is spent in teaching about reading.(2) weve got _(汽车出故障了)it wont start!答案: (1) with the reading course(2) a problem with the car2. having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had problems_ the exam.a. pass b. to pass c. passed d. passing答案与解析:d 考查have problems (in) doing sth.在做某事方面存在问题。be true of【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意be true of的意思及用法。china is weak at football, and the same is true of other countries in asia.中国足球薄弱,亚洲的其他国家也一样。your family are from the south; that is true of mine.你家来自南方,我的家也一样。【自我归纳】be true of意思是_ 。答案:也一样【思维拓展】 this/it/that/the same is/was true of+n.可代替第一模块所学的so/neither+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语,这个句式尤其常用在复杂的叙述中。【即学即练】1.完成句子他很刻苦,他妹妹也如此he is hard working and the same_ his young sister.答案:is true of2. (2010郑州高一质量检测)i like the country life but ill go to the city to seek my fortune, and _my brother.a. so do b. so will c. the same is true of d. the same to答案与解析:c句意:我喜欢乡村生活,但我必须去城市寻出路。我哥哥也一样。重点句式1.its up to you.由你来决定。【名师点拨】be up to sb. to do sth.做某事是某人的职责和义务up to sth.忙于;充实【仿写】“我们下一次什么时候见面” “有你决定吧” 答案:when shall we meet next time?its up to you.【即学即练】1.(2010合肥一中12月月考)-what do you want to do next? we have half an hour until the basketball game. -_. whatever you want to do is fine with me. a. it just depends b. its up to youc. all right d. glad to hear that答案与解析:b.根据whatever you want to do is fine with me.可知做什么由你决定。【名师点拨】2. i would rather do translation than revision, mr. stanton.【名师点拨】(1)would rather do sth. than do sth. else“宁愿做某事而不愿做别的”,表示主观愿望。使用这一结构时,than前后两部分的成分应对等。如果than后是动词,要用原形。(2)would rather后还可跟宾语从句,从句的谓语用过去时态。如:id rather you waited for me in the meeting room.我想让你在会议室等我。(3)would do sth.rather than do sth.=would rather do sth. than do sth.【仿写】我想让你在会议室等我。_.答案:id rather you waited for me in the meeting room.【即学即练】1.完成句子he _ to go bad.他宁肯把菜半价卖了,也不愿让它们烂掉。答案:would rather sell his vegetables at half price than allow them2. (1)id rather have a room of my own than_ a room with others.a. to shareb. to have shared c. share d. sharing答案与解析:c would rather do sth. than do sth.句型。句意为“我宁愿有我自己的房子而不愿和别人合住一间房子”。 (2)id rather you _ some housework when you are free.a. did b. do c. will do d. have done答案与解析:a 此处would rather 后面跟的是从句形式,从句谓语用一般过去时态。“我愿意你有空的时候做一些家务劳动。”【课程目标导学】技能系统化系统个性化1. encourage students to know the relationship between students and teachers in different countries.3. enable students to understand the details of the cultural corner.4. retell the cultural corner using key words.5. enable students to grasp the important words, phrases and sentence structures in this period.课程达标检测 .根据文化角内容填空 schools in different countries are quite different. in many european countries , the relationship between teachers 1 students is quite 2 , where teachers are 3 and discipline is considered very 4 . however , in northern european countries the 5 between teachers and students is much 6 and 7 relaxed . in america and britain the 8 between teachers and students are quite 9 , but the discipline can be a big 10 . whether schools are state schools 11 private schools is also a difference . state schools are 12 by the 13 , while private schools are paid for by the parents. most students go to 14 schools instead of private schools , but 15 schools can be very good . 答案:1. and 2. formal 3. respected 4. important 5. relationship 6. friendlier 7. more 8. relationships 9. relaxed 10. problem 11. or 12. paid for 13. government 14. state 15. private .根据首字母提示填写单词1if you want to book train tickets,it is necessary to have a train t_.2the work must be completed within a twomonth p_.3jane is so confident that she feels r_ about the coming match.4we individuals(个人) need opportunities to achieve success. s_,a country needs opportunities to get stronger in the world.5we should establish(建立) a good r_ with our classmates to make progress together.6she did no r_,but she still got a very high mark.答案:1.timetable2.period3.relaxed4.similarly5.relationship 6revision第三层级学习目标:思维探究与创新【课程训练】不练不讲.单项填空1.(2010北京海淀区高一质量检测)they felt very _ , so they sit down to _ themselves . a few minutes later they felt a little _ .a. tired ; relax ; relaxing b. tiring ; relax ; relaxed c. tired ;relax ; relaxed d. tiring; relaxed ; relaxed 2. (北京市重点高中10-11学年高一上学期期中考试)what do you consider _ to him now ?a. happening b. to happen c. has happened d. will happen 3. (东北师大附中2010-2011学年高一验收考试英语)our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise . _ , our minds are developed by learning . a. probably b. likely c. similarly d. generally4.( 福建省三明一中2010-2011学年高一第一次月考英语试题) _ two exams to worry about , i have to work really hard this weekend . a. with b. besides c. as for d. because of 5. (福建省三明一中2010-2011学年高一上学期期中考试试题) now that she is out of a job, lucy _ going back to


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