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5A-Unit1 (1)71.toilet 5tCilit n.厕所2.garden 5ga:dn n.花园,公园 3.doctor 5dCkt n.医生,医师4.tennis 5tenis n.网球5.swing swiN n.秋千 vi.摇摆;回转 6.slide slaid vi.滑动7.reading 5ri:diN n.读,阅读;读书8. room ru:m9 rum n.房间9.sure Fu adj.确信,肯定10.first f:st num.第一 ad.最初11.term t:m n.期;学期;条件12.building 5bildiN n.建筑物,大楼;建筑13.street 5stri:t n.街道14.each i:tF pron.各,各自 15.other 5QT pron.另一个人(或物)16.house haus n.房屋,住宅;商号17.back bk adj. 回(原处)5A-Unit1 (2)1. the first day of the new term 新学期的第一天2. all the students 所有学生3. at school 在学校4. be happy to 高兴(做)5. each other again 互相6. a new building 一座新楼房7. a lot of rooms 许多房间8. in the building 在大楼里9. go and see 去看看10. two reading rooms 两间阅览室11. a table tennis room 一间乒乓球室12. a computer room 一间电脑室13. have a look 看一看14. near your house 在你家附近15. a lot of flowers and trees 许多花和树16. good idea 好主意17. in the street 在街上18. on the plate 在盘子里5A-Unit1 (3)1 All the students are back at school. 所有的学生都回到了学校。2 They are happy to see each other again. 他们很高兴再见到彼此。3 Are there any reading rooms in the building? 大楼里有一些阅览室吗?4 Is there a table tennis room? 有一间乒乓室吗?5 Are there any computer rooms? 有一些电脑房吗?6 Lets go and have a look. 让我们去看一看。7 Its a small one, but there are a lot of flowers and trees. 它是一个小小的(花园),但是有许多花和树。8 How many TV rooms are there in the building? 大楼里有多少电视教室?9 Shall we go and play there? 我们去那里玩好吗?10. On the table, there are some cakes and grapes on the plate. 桌上,盘子里有一些蛋糕和葡萄。补充语法点:主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimHerItusyouthem动词、介词后面跟宾格,如:find him, give me, for us, behind themThere be句型: 某处有某物或某人。 如: There are some students in the playground. 操场上有一些学生。注意区别:Some students are in the playground. 一些学生在操场上。5A-Unit2 (1)1.bed bed n.床,床位2.sofa 5suf n.(长)沙发 3.telephone 5telifun n.电话4.lamp lAmp n.灯5.on Cn prep.在.上 6.in in prep.在.里面7.under 5Qnd prep.在.下面 8.behind bi5haind prep.在后面9.under 5Qnd prep.在.下面10.garden 5ga:dn n.花园,菜园;公园11.bathroom 5ba:Wrum n.浴室;盥洗室12.study 5stQdiv.学习13.kitchen 5kitFin n.厨房,灶间14.dining-room n. 餐厅 15.rabbit 5rAbit n.兔子16.parents5pZrnts n.父(母)亲17.large la:dV adj.大的;巨大的18.wall wC:l n.墙,壁,围墙,城墙19.world w:ld n.世界20.behind bi5haind prep.在后面21. mouse maus n.鼠,耗子5A-Unit2 (2)1. live in 住在2. a new house 一幢新房子3. near her school 在她的学校附近4. very much 很,非常5. three bedrooms 三间卧室6.a large sitting-room 一间大客厅7.in your bedroom 在你的卧室里8.a desk near my bed 一张在我床附近的书桌9.on the bed 在床上10.a map of the world 一张世界地图11.on the wall 在墙上12.under my desk 在我的课桌下面13.behind the door 在门的后面14.in the cats mouth 在猫的嘴里15.in Picture 1 在图一16.in theblack hat 戴着黑色帽子17. look happy 看上去高兴5A-Unit2 (3)1. Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house now. 杨玲和她的父母现在住在一个新房子里。2. They like the new house very much. 他们非常喜欢这新房子。3. Is there a garden? No, there isnt a garden. 有一个花园吗?不,没有一个花园。4. Whats in your bedroom? 你的卧室里有什么?5. Theres a desk near my bed. 我的床旁边有一张书桌。6. Are there any pictures on the wall? No, there arent any pictures. 墙上有一些图画吗?不,没有一些图画。7. The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy. 戴黑色帽子的兔子看起来非常快乐。8. Do you like my house, little mouse? 小老鼠,你喜欢我的房子吗?9. Heres the kitchen, theres my cook. 这里是厨房,有我的厨师。There be句型就近原则:There be结构有就近原则,be动词用is还是are,由它最近的名词决定,离它最近的名词是单数或不可数名词就用is,如果是复数就用are。如:There is some milk and two cakes in the fridge.划线提问:There be 数量+ 名词 +地点. Whats + 地点?There be 数量+ 名词 +地点. How many + 复数名字+ are there + 地点?如: There are some pictures on the wall. Whats on the wall? There is a map on the wall. How many maps are there on the wall?5A-Unit3 (1)1.sing siN v.唱,演唱 2.dance da:ns vi.跳舞;摇晃 n.舞3.swim swim vi.游,游泳;眼花4.skate skeit v.滑冰5.ski ski: n.滑橇 vi.滑雪 6.puppet 5pQpit n.木偶,玩偶7.model 5mCdl n.模型;模式8.guitar gi5ta: n.六弦琴,吉他9.violin vai5lin n.小提琴10.ride raid vt.骑(马,自行车)11.cream kri:m n.奶油,乳脂12.find faind vt.找到;发觉13.head hed n.头14.dear di a.亲爱的 int.啊15.together t5geT ad.共同,一起16.start sta:t vt.开始 vi.出发 17.follow 5fClu vt.跟随;结果是18.learn l:n vi.&vt.学,学习19. cant =cannot5A-Unit3 (2)1. two oclock 两点钟2. in the afternoon 在下午3. in the music room 在音乐教室4. have a Music lesson 上音乐课5. sing and dance 又唱又跳6. play the violin 拉小提琴7. learn the song 学这首歌8. listen to the song 听这首歌9. follow me 跟着我11. all right 好的12. sing it together 一起唱它13. ride a bike 骑自行车14. have an ice cream 吃冰激凌15. find him 找到他16. behind the blackboard 在黑板后面17. under the teacher desk 在老师桌子下面18. make a puppet 做一个木偶19. make a model plane 做一架模型飞机20. play the guitar 弹吉他21. after class 下课后5A-Unit3 (3)1. It is two oclock in the afternoon. 现在是下午两点钟。2. They are having a Music lesson. 他们正在上一节音乐课。3. Can you sing the songWe can sing and dance? 你们会唱这首歌我们会载歌载舞吗?4. What can you sing? 你们会唱什么?5. I cant sing. 我不会唱。6. What can you do? 你会做什么?7. Lets start.= Lets begin. 让我们开始。8. The boy can skate, but the girl cant. She can ski. 这男孩会溜冰,但是这女孩不会。她会滑雪。9. Me, too. 我也是。10. Can you put a book on your head? 你能把一本书放在你的头上吗?11. Wheres Ben? Who can find him? 本在哪里?谁能找到他?12. Hes behind the door. 他在门后面。13. We often dance and play basketball after class. 我们经常在课后跳舞和打篮球。补充语法点:can表示能,会, 它是一个情态动词,后面跟动词原形。如: I can play the guitar. I cant dance. Can you sing?like: 1. 喜欢某一样东西时,like+this/that/the+ 名词: I like this/that/the dog. 2. 喜欢某一类物品时,like+ 名词复数: I like horses. 3. 喜欢的东西是不可数名词,like+不可数名词: I like orange juice.like+Ving 喜欢做某事时,要用动词的现在分词形式:I like playing table tennis with my friends.would like= want 想要(某物),直接跟名词。 would like to= want to 想要做(某事),后面跟动词原形。-5A-Unit4 (1)1.mask ma:sk n.面具;伪装 vt.掩饰2.vase va:z n.(装饰用的)瓶 3.pumpkin 5pQmpkin n.南瓜4.chicken 5tFikin n.小鸡5.duck dQk n.鸭,雌鸭;鸭肉6.horse hC:s n.马7.pig pig n.猪8.would wud9 wd aux.v.将;愿9.family 5fAmili n.家,家庭10.chocolate 5tFCklit n.巧克力11.mask ma:sk n.面具;伪装12.pumpkin 5pQmpkin n.南瓜13.lantern 5lAntn n.提灯,灯笼14.change tFeindV n.零钱15.evening 5i:vniN n.黄昏,晚上16.thing i n. 东西,物品17. need ni:d v. 需要18. animal niml n.动物19.work w:k v. 工作5A-Unit4 (2)1.his family 他的家庭2.in the sitting-room 在客厅3. would like to 想要(做)4.buy things 买东西5.a Halloween party 一个万圣节聚会6.tomorrow 明天7.some chocolate 一些巧克力8.some masks 一些面具9.a pumpkin lantern 一个南瓜灯10. What else do you need? 你还需要什么?11.eighty-seven yuan 八十七元12.Heres your change.这是找你的零钱13.a bus driver 一位公交车司机14.on Saturdays and Sundays 在每个星期六和星期天15.like cooking 喜欢烹调16.in the evenings 在晚上17.listen to music 听音乐18.look at 看5A-Unit4 (3)1. They would like to buy things for a Halloween party. 他们想要为万圣节聚会买东西。2. What do they need? 他们需要什么?3. Mum, its Halloween tomorrow. What do we need? 妈妈,明天是万圣节,我们需要什么?4. Do you like masks, Ben? Yes, I do. I like pumpkins, too.你喜欢面具吗,本?是的,我喜欢。我也喜欢南瓜灯。5. Lets buy a pumpkin lantern then. 那么让我们买一个南瓜灯。6. What else do you need? 你们还需要什么?7. What masks do you like? 你喜欢什么面具?8. How much are they? 它们多少钱?9. They dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. 他们周六和周日不工作。10. They like swimming on Sundays. 他们喜欢在周日游泳。11. They like cooking, but Mike and I dont他们喜欢烹调,但是麦克和我不喜欢。12. We like playing table tennis with our fri


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