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Howdoyougettoschool Unit3 A1 Proverb Practicemakesperfect 熟能生巧 Findoutdifferentmeansoftransportation bus b s ka r car trein train s bwe subway plein plane baik bike Howdoyougettoschool Igotoschoolby onfoot onfoot Howdoyougettoschool I toschool takethebus takethecar takethetrain takethesubway taketheplane rideabike walk 在英语中 表示乘某种交通工具要用 by 交通工具名称 这一介词短语 注 by后的名词一律用单数 而且这一名词前一般不加冠词 如 bybike bus car train motorbike electricbike subwaybyplane airbyboat waterbyship sea当交通工具名称前有 a the 时 不能再用 by 要用 take 如 takea the bus bike motorbike electricbike train subway plane ship taxi car但是 表示步行时 要用onfoot A Howdoyougettoschool B I toschool Pairwork B Howdoyougettoschool A Igotoschoolby onfoot Howdoeshegettowork YaoMinggetstoworkbybikeeveryday YaoMingridesabike towork everyday bike bicycle LiuYifeioftentakesacartowork LiuYifeioftengetstoworkbycar Howdoesshegettowork HanGengoftentakesthebustowork HanGengoftengetstoworkbybus HanGeng Howdoeshegettowork Jaysometimestakesthetraintowork Jaysometimesgetstoworkbytrain Jay Howdoeshegettowork LiuXiangusuallytakesthesubwaytowork subway LiuXiangusuallygetstoworkbysubway LiuXiang Howdoeshegettowork Howlong 时间 Howfar 距离 minutes 25 A Howlongdoesittake B Ittakestwenty fiveminutes A Howdoesshegettoschool B Shewalkstoschool Shegetstoschoolonfoot home work Howdoeshegettowork Hedrivesacartowork 5minutes Howlongdoesittake Ittakes only 5minutes home park 公园 Howdotheygettothepark Theyrideabiketothepark 10minutes Howlongdoesittake Ittakes about 10minutes Beijing Shanghai HowdotheygettoShanghai TheytakethetraintoShanghai 12hours Howlongdoesittake Ittakes12hours 5kilometers Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sabout5kilometers Home School 5公里 kil mit ki l mit It s about 10kilometers home school Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool Home School 10kilometers 10公里 A Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool B Ittakesabout 25minutes 40minutes 50minutes A Howdoyougettoschool B I toschool 10km 5km 20km A Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool B It sabout Makeaconversationusingwhatwehavelearnt Youcanhaveadiscussionfirst A Howdoyougettoschool B I toschool A Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool B Ittakesabout A Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool B It sabout 1 rideabiketo goto bybike骑自行车2 takethesubway bysubway乘坐地铁3 takethetrain bytrain乘坐火车4 takeaplane byplane乘坐飞机5 takethebus bybus乘坐公车6 walks onfoot走路 步行7 getto到达 我们学了什么 1 我们经常坐公交车去上学 Weoften a school2 他骑自行车回家 He a 3 你们乘地铁上班吗 you the 4 Mikeoftengoestoworkbybus Mikeoften a 5 Theygotoschoolonfoot They takebusto ridesbikehome Dotakesubwaytowork takesbustowork walktoschool Ittakessb sometimetodo 我坐汽车到学校用两个小时 It twohours thebustoschool 爸爸走到学校用半小


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