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形容词 副词比较级和最高级 形容词的构成 1 由名词词尾 ful变化而来 care carefuluse usefulhelp helpfulhope hopefulthank thankfulsuccess successfulwonder wonderful 2 由名词词尾 y 双写 y 变化而来 luck luckyrain rainycloud cloudysnow snowywind windysun sunnyfun funnyfog foggy3 由名词词尾 ly变化而来 friend friendlylove lovelylive lively 4 由动词词尾 ed ing变化而来 interest interested interestingtire tired tiringsurprise surprised surprisingexcite excited excitingfrighten frightened frighteningbore bored boring 形容词的用法 1 定语 修饰名词 adj n Thisisalargeschool Tomisanhonestboy Ihavemanybeautifulskirts 2 表语 连系动词 adj 连系动词 be look smell taste sound feel turn get become seem stay go Tomishonest Theskirtlooksverybeautiful Thefoodtastesdelicious Thatsoundsgreat Theleavesturnyellowinautumn 副词的构成 1 由形容词词尾 ly变化而来 usual usuallycareful carefullyslow slowlystrong strongly2 若形容词是以y结尾的 把y改为i 再加ly happy happilyeasy easilyangry angrilyheavy heavily 3 不发音e结尾的几种变化 a nice nicelypolite politelywide widelysafe safelyb true trulyc terrible terriblypossible possiblygentle gently 4 与形容词同形 fast fastlate latedead deadearly earlyhard hardenough enough 5 有些副词形状相似 但含义不同 late 迟 晚 lately 最近地 hard 努力地 hardly 几乎不 high 高 highly 高度地 高贵地 eg Hewashighlypraisedbyhisteacher 副词的用法 1 修饰动词 Theoldmanwalkedslowly Theboyislisteningcarefully 2 修饰形容词 Iamreallysorryaboutit Thatoldwomanisterriblyill 3 修饰整个句子 Luckily hepassedtheexam Naturally I llaccepttheinvitation Sheislaughing happy happily Shelooksvery How shelooks Sheiscrying sad sadly How heis Heisrunning excited excitedly Whatan man Heisshouting angry angrily 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 DoesMarywriteas asMeihua No Sheisn ta girllikeMeihua careful 2 It s tolearnallyoursubjectswell Butmost youshouldlearnhowtostudybyyourself important carefully careful important importantly 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 3 Sheisa girlandshecandance beautiful 4 Poorthing The sickmandiedquicklyafterheheardthe news terrible beautiful beautifully terribly terrible 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 5 Thatis work Youcanfinishit ontime easy 6 How thewindis It sblowing now strong easy easily strong strongly 形容词 副词的比较等级 原级 比较级 最高级形容词 副词的比较级 最高级的构成 1 一般在词后加 er estfast near tall fasterfastest nearernearest tallertallest 2 如果以 e结尾 只加 r st late laterlatest 3 以辅音字母 y结尾的 改y为i 再加 er est early 4 双音节词和多音节词 其比较级和最高级要加more most slowly beautiful earlierearliest moreslowlymostslowly morebeautifulmostbeautiful 形容词 副词不规则比较级 最高级形式 good well better bestbad badly ill worse worstold older elder oldest eldestmany much more mostfar farther further farthest furthestlittle less least 写出下列形容词 副词的比较级和最高级 fast late early hard slowly carefully quickly little much well badly fasterfastest laterlatest earlierearliest moreslowlymostslowly morecarefullymostcarefully morequicklymostquickly harderhardest betterbest lessleast worseworst moremost 形容词 副词的比较等级的用法 1 同级比较 as 原级 as notas so 原级 as eg IrunasfastasLily butIdon trunas sofastasLiuXiang 2 形容词 副词比较级 形容词 副词的比较级常用than来表示 表示两者之间的比较 可以用much still even far alittle abit alot修饰比较级 表示比较的程度 eg 1 HespeaksEnglishmuchbetterthanyou 2 TomisalittlemorecarefulthanJim 比较级常用句型 表示最高级 1 比较级 thananyother 名词单数eg Jimistallerthananyotherboyinhisclass 2 比较级 thantheother 名词复数eg Jimistallerthantheotherboysinhisclass 3 比较级 and 比较级 越来越 eg Kateistallerandtaller Lilyismoreandmorebeautiful 3 形容词 副词最高级 形容词 副词使用最高级时 常和一个表示范围的短语连用 如 in of 副词最高级中的the可省略 eg 1 Lucyisthebeststudentinherclass 2 Hecametoschoolearliestofallthestudents 4 倍数的表达方式 倍数 as as 是 的几倍 倍数 1 比较级 than 比 多 大 几倍 eg Ourclassroomisthreetimesasbigastheirs Ourclassroomistwicebiggerthantheirs 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 Hecomestoschoolmuch early thanI 2 Practiseas much asyoucan 3 The much wepractise the wonderfully wespeak 4 Shestudies carefully ofthethreeboys earlier much more morewonderfully mostcarefully 补全句子Lookatthesun Italwaysshinesb atthistimeofyear 2 Ithinkthedictionaryish toyourstudy 3 Youshouldlistentoyourteacherc inclass 4 Sandywasu becauseshefailedtheexamyesterday 5 Themanwasb hurtintheaccident rightly elpful arefully nhappy adly 中考练习 Johnnydoesn tsing theotherboysandgirlsinhisclass 2003广州 A sowellasB asgoodlikeC aswelllikeD sogoodas2 Idon tbelievetheyoungmancouldrun fast 20kilometresanhour 2004广州 A as asB as likeC much asD so like A A 中考练习 3 HarryPotterisan bookforchildren butmycousindoesn tseematall init 2004广州 A interesting interestingB interested interestedC interesting interestedD interested interesting C 中考练习 4 Doyoulikewesternfood No Thefoodofourcountryis thatofwesterncountries 2005广州 A rathergoodthanB muchbetterthanC morebetterthanD notsogoodas B 中考练习 5 Howwelldidyoudointhemathsexam Betterthanbefore Ithinkitwas difficultthanthelastone 2006广州 A moreB lessC muchD very B 6 Ifyoudoitagain Ibelieveyouwon tmakesomanymistakesnexttime 2007广州 A morecarefulB muchcarefulC morecarefullyD muchcarefully 中考练习 C 7 Thoughthepla


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