八年级英语上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party Section A1课件人教版新课标.ppt_第1页
八年级英语上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party Section A1课件人教版新课标.ppt_第2页
八年级英语上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party Section A1课件人教版新课标.ppt_第3页
八年级英语上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party Section A1课件人教版新课标.ppt_第4页
八年级英语上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party Section A1课件人教版新课标.ppt_第5页
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unit5 canyoucometomyparty sectiona welcometomybirthdayparty canyoucometomybirthdayparty sure i dloveto sorry ican t i ihavetostudyforatest ihaveapianolesson whycan tyoucometotheparty iamgoingtothemovies ihavetoomuchhomework hehastogotothedoctor whycan the she theycometotheparty heisplayingbasketball shehastovisitheraunt they regoingfishing aunt canyoucometomybirthdayparty sure i dloveto i msorry ican t ihavetogotothedoctor excuseme canyoucometomydancingparty certainly i dloveto sorry ican t ihaveapianolesson matchthewordswiththepictures thenputtheminchinese 1 studyforatest 2 helpmyparents 3 gotothedoctor 4 visitmyaunt 5 haveapianolesson b d a c e listen writethenames tim wilson anna kay nexttothecorrectstudentsinthepicture ted tim kay anna wilson a canyoucometomypartyonwednesday b sure i dloveto c sorry ican t ihaveapianolesson d i msorry too ihavetogotothedoctor task1 groupwork studentainvitethreestudentstoyourparty studentsb c andd giveanswers listen circle can or can t 1 jeffcan can tcometotheparty 2 marycan can tcometotheparty 3 maycan can tcometotheparty 4 claudiacan can tcometotheparty 5 paulcan can tcometotheparty 2a 2 3 1 2b listenagain numberthereasons 1 3 whypeoplecan tgototheparty task2competition 竞赛 canyoucometomyparty birthdayparty dancingparty halloweenparty 1 chooseonepartyandinviteyourfriends findoutwhocancome whocan tcome thenfillinthechart 选一晚会 并邀请你的同伴参加 找出谁能来 谁不能来 然后再把姓名 是否能来以及理由写在表格里 2 giveareportintheclass 小组汇报 a hey dave canyoucometomypartyonsaturday b i msorry ican t ihavetoomuchhomeworkthisweekend a that stoobad maybeanothertime 下一次 b sure joe thanksforasking task3 example davecan tcometomyparty hehastoomuchhomework andlucywouldlovetocometomyparty but sample 示范 report summary howtoacceptordeclinetheinvitations 如何接受或拒绝邀请 接受邀请 sure i dloveto 婉拒邀请 sorry ic


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