八年级英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party2 课件人教版.ppt_第1页
八年级英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party2 课件人教版.ppt_第2页
八年级英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party2 课件人教版.ppt_第3页
八年级英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party2 课件人教版.ppt_第4页
八年级英语 Unit 5 Can you come to my party2 课件人教版.ppt_第5页
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self check unite5canyoucometomyparty a whatareyougoingtodotomorrow b i mgoingto a whatareyougoingtodothedayaftertomorrow b well i m pairwork greatpicnic time sat oct23 at13 00pmplace zhongshanparkcomeandhavefun groupworkplanaparty lookattheinvitationandfindoutwhocancome a canyoucometomypicnic b whenisit a nextweek onsaturdayafternoonat13 00 b yes i dloveto c i msorry ihavetostudyforamathtest d i msorry too ihaveto 3areadthee mailandwrite hihenry thankyouforyourinvitation i msorryican tvisityouthisweek iamreallybusy thiseveningi mgoingtomycousin sbirthdayparty andtomorrow ihavetogotothedentist yuck onwednesday ihavetennistrainingwiththeschoolteam andihavetostudyformychemistrytestonthursday onfridayevening i mgoingtothemovieswithsomefriends canyoucometothemovieswithusonfriday writesoon sonia cousin sbirthdayparty tennistrainingwiththeschoolteam studyforthechemistrytest goingtothemovieswithsomefriends a whatissoniagoingtodoon b sheisgoingto fillintheblanksinthee mailmessage use i m verb ing or ihaveto verb subject partyfrom tonyhihenry thanksalotfortheinvitation i msorryican tvisitnextweek onmonday ihaveto ontuesday i m withmyfriends onwednesday ihaveto mydad onthursday i mstudyingfor andonfriday onvacationwith pleasecallmeafterthevacation tony gotothedocter goingtothemovies gofishingwith anenglishtest i mgoingtojiangxiisland myparents 2imagineyouaremarie readtheinvitationsandlookatyourschedule writerepliestotheinvitations marie whatareyoudoingonsaturday canyouplaytenniswithme rose marie canyoucometomypartyonmondayat7 00pm julie marie canyoucomeovertomyhousewednesdayeveningtodiscussthesciencereport i mfreetill10 00pm dave self checkfillintheblankswiththewordsgiven changetheformofthewordifnecessary playcomehavetostudyvisit1 myamericanfriendisgoingto menextvacation 2 areyou footballthisweekend 3 ican tjoinyoubecausei helpmymomonweekdays 4 pleasekeepquiet i mtryingto 5 doyouwantto tomybirthdayparty playing visit study haveto come 3chomeworkwriteane mailmessagetoafriend saywhyyoucan tcometothepicnicnextweek greatpicnic time sat oct23 at13 00pmplace zhongshanparkcomeandhavefun hitim ann thanksforyouritovisitnextmonday canyoucomeotomyhousetojourmusicclub heistthesciencereportwithhisclassmates hehaspianoleveryfriday theyarehavingafootballm cantheygotothec 二 选择正确的词thankyoufor ask asking butican tgotothemovieswithyou paulhastostudy at for themathtesttonight mysisterhastoo much many homeworktodo canyoucometomyparty at on saturdaynight sheinvitesme watch towatch thebasketballmatchthedayaftertomorrow ilikeplaying piano thepiano 三 选择题canyouplaytenniswithonsaturday a usb wec ourd ours nvitation ver oin alking esson atch oncert asking for much on towatch thepiano a 2 henryhishomeworkthisafternoon a havetodob havetodoingc hastodod hastodoing3 tonyisplayingtennistheschoolteam a onb inc tod with4 jimplaysoccerwithhisfriendthisweekend becauseheisverybusy a canb cansc cann td can t5 it soctoberthe14th a whenistodayb what stodayc whattimeistodayd whatdayistoday6 heiswithhisfatherthewholeday a fishb fishesc tofishd fishing7 canyoucometomyparty a sure iloveb sure ilovetoc sure i dlovetod sure i dlove c d d b d c 1 they inthebeautifulmusic a enjoyedoneselfb forgotthemselvesc lostthemselvesd lostthemself2 helpyourself chicken kate mumsaid a toeatingsomeb toeatsomec tosomed toeatany3 youmust ofyourlittlesister anddon tletherrunontheroad a careb carefulc becared takecare4 heisamanoffewwords helikestokeep a silentb besilentc silentlyd besilently5 theteacher swords hisface red a make toturnb made turnc made turnedd made turns6 thethinmandoesn thave money butheisveryhappy a manyb somec alotd much7 don tplayneartheriver youwillfallintoit a andb soc ord but8 ihavetwotickets theconcert a forb ofc tod from9 don twakethe childup a sleepb asleepc sleepingd sleepy c c d a b d c a c 10 thefishsmell a badb worsec worstd badly11 wouldyouliketoplayfootballwithus buti mbusy a no ican tb no iwouldn tc yes i mgladd yes i dloveto12 itakethenewspaperaway no youmustn t you readitonlyhere a must canb may canc need mustd must must13 whohasadictionary children ihave a itb thisc oned so a d b c ii 对话填空 每空一词 单词的第一个字母已经给出 a hey xiaowang canyougotothem onsaturday b i ms ican t ihavetoomuchh thisweekend andi mnotf welltoday a that stoobad what sthem b i mnotsure maybeihaveac asi mfeelingalittlecold a ithinkyou db gotothed b ialsot so a maybei maskingyoutocomeanothertime b sure t forasking ovies orry omework atter old etter octor hink hanks eeling 用所给词的适当形态填空 1 canyou come overtomybirthdayparty sure i dloveto 2 wetalktoeachotherin japan 3 cathyis real anexcellentlanguagestudent 4 canyoutellthe different betweenthetwostudents 5 youlookso happy 6 she work inthetvfactory 7 thisbikeis cheap thanthatone 8 heis old studentinhisclass 9 hestudies hard inhisclass 10 heisas athletic asliming come japanese really difference happy works cheaper theoldest hardest athletic 按要求转换句型 he splayingtennisonsundayaf


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