



六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠51715-16人教版(无) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听一遍) ( ) 1. A. thing B. thief C. thin( ) 2. A. down B. how C. town( ) 3. A. red B. read C. ride( ) 4. A. sport B. stop C. spring( ) 5. A. game B. came C. come ( )6. A. on B. one C. only ( )7. A. some B. same C. come( )8. A. sorry B. worry C. hurry ( )9. A. 40+14 B. 40-14 C. 40+40 ( )10. A. 10:10 B. 9:50 C. 10:50二、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (听两遍) ( ) 1. A. About two kilometers. B. On foot. C. Its on your left.( ) 2. A. By bike. B. Only four. C. Every five minutes.( ) 3. A. Yes, its over there. B. Bus No. 11C. I can get to the History Museum by bus.( ) 4. A. My uncle is. B. Yes, you re right. C. My brother is older than me.( ) 5. A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is.三、听录音,填入所缺的词。(听三遍) A: _ me, wheres the _centre, please?B: Go along this _, then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its _ the Bank of _.A: Is it _ from here?B: No, its about a kilometer _.A: _ you very much. B: Not at all.四、 按要求写出下列单词或词组的相应形式。 1.fast (反义词) _ 2. thief (复数)_3.early (比较级) _4.stop (过去式)_5. do well in(同义词组)_6.thin (比较级)_7. far (比较级) _8.get on (反义词) _9.No. (完全形式) _ 10.same(反义词)_五、翻译下列词组 1.更擅长于做_2.soumds great_3.我的左手_ 4.how far_5.每隔三天_ 6.run along the street_7.下火车_ 8.need help with_9.和交谈_ 10.all of the animals_六、选择填空 ( )1.Do you have_brothers_sisters? A some; and B some ;or C any ; or ( )2. Yang Lings kite_higher than _. A flys ; Liu Taos B flies ; Liu Taos C fly;Liu Tao ( )3.Lucy is taller than_, but Im stronger than_. A me ; her B I ; she C me;him ( )4.Jim, Tom and I_in the school. A are all B all are C is all ( )5. We are going to meet_the bus stop _1:30. A at;at B in;on C on ;in ( )6. _are you going to the supermarket? A Where B Which C When ( )7. Which subject do you like_(good), Chinese or English? A. well B. good C. better D. best( )8. Liu Tao _ know about the weather in Guangzhou.A. want B. wants C. want to D. wants to( )9. The apples _ the tree turn red.A. in B. at C. on D. of( )10. You are good at _ kites. Can you make one _ me?A. make, for B. making, for C. to make, to D. makes, to七、改错 1.My schoolbag is new. How about your? _ 2.Would you please to read the words? _ 3.My birthday is on the 18 of April._ 4.Whos ruler is longer, his or hers? _ 5.Is he jump farther than his friend, Tom?_ 八、根据短文内容判断句子的正“T”误“F” A mother camel(骆驼) is looking for water and grass with her son .The son is asking his mother,“What do water and grass look like ?”The mother is answering , “The water is blue as the sky, and grass is not blue,its green and nice . ” After a day and night , her son cries(叫,喊), “Look, mother, theres water and grass there .” “Youre wrong , child . The water and grass are on the left , and the desert(沙漠) is on the right .”The mother camels left eye is blind(瞎的) . Now , the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), but his mother thinks thats not true . She says she knows more than her son and cant be wrong. Her son is not happy. He doesnt want to stay with his mother , so he goes away . He runs into the grass and eats his fill(饱) . ( )1. Three camels is looking for water and grass .( )2. The mother says to his son, “ Youre right, child .” ( )3. The mothers left eye is blind . ( )4. The young camel doesnt want to stay with hi


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