



2015辽宁大连市高考英语语法填空及阅读类联合训练(5)语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【辽宁卷题型】m: now we have fiveday classes every week, so we have more spare time_1_before.w: how do you spend your spare time, timmy?m: i have an interest in playing the violin and ill continue to practice_2_(play) it.w: do you often go to a concert?m: yes, i like listening to music._3_present_4_major objective is to learn from others.w: do you like classical music_5_pop?m: i like both. _6_do you spend your spare time then. lily? w: playing the piano is my favorite_7_(act)m: our hobbies are similar_8_each other. i hope we can often exchange our experience together. w: so do i, but i am_9_(weakness)in music theory.m: me, too. would you like_10_(go) to my uncle? hes a professor at the institute of music. w: i will be glad to go with you. we can ask him for advice. 1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.than2.playing3.at4.my5.or6.how 7activity8.to9.weak10.to go 完形填空mr. and mrs. harris had always spent their summer holidays in a small hotel at the seaside near their hometown. one year, however(然而) , mr. harris made a lot of 1 in his business, 2 they decided to go to a foreign country and stay at a really good 3 .they flew to rome, and 4 at a 5-star hotel late in the evening. they thought they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that 5 hotel where they had been used to stay in the past, no meals were served (供应) 6 seven in the evening. they were 7 to be told that the hotel served dinner until ten.“then what are the times 8 meals?” asked mrs. harris.“well, madam, we serve breakfast from seven to eleven, lunch from twelve to three, 9 from four to five, and dinner from six to ten.”“but that hardly 10 any time for us to see the city!” said mrs. harris.名师点评哈里斯很少住星级宾馆,一次在罗马旅行时住进了一家五星级宾馆,因为对宾馆提供的服务不胜了解,结果闹出了笑话。(d)1. a. mistakesb. time c. friends d. money 【解析】d。根据下文,哈里斯夫妇出国旅游并住进高级宾馆,说明他们赚了很多钱。故选money。(b)2. a. but b. so c. though d. yet【解析】b。made a lot of money与下文go to a foreign country构成因果关系, 故选so。(a)3. a. hotel b. place c. city d. restaurant【解析】a。与下文他们住进a 5-star hotel相对应,这里应选择hotel。(c)4. a. stayed b. got c. arrived d. reached【解析】c。表示到达目的地,reach可直接接宾语, get后应加介词to, arrive为不接物动词,后应加介词in或at才能接宾语,所以arrive为正确选项。(a)5. a. small b. big c. foreign d. good【解析】a。根据文章的第一句,以前他都是住的small hotel,这里应选small。(b)6. a. on b. after c. during d. until【解析】b。on和during都不能与seven连用。他们估计要挨饿,说明在以前住的宾馆里7点以后不可能有饭菜供应。故应选择after。(c)7. a. tired b. interested c. surprised d. worried【解析】c。有人告知饭菜供应会持续到十点时,他们理应感到surprised。(d)8. a. with b. on c. at d. of【解析】d。of常用来表示所有关系,the times of the meals表示“每顿饭的供应时间”。(b)9. a. drink b. tea c. beer d. food【解析】b。根据西方人的生活习性,宾馆一般不会在一段时间只供应啤酒,下午喝茶比较合乎常理。故选tea。(d)10. a. takes b. does c. has d. leaves【解析】d。哈里斯以为从早到晚都得在吃饭或喝茶,几乎没有剩余时间观光旅游了,leave表示“剩下,遗留”,为正确选项。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a.b.c和d项中,选出最佳选项。beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to be met and many decisions to be made. your future begins here.however, you will find college life is different from your previous school environment. many of us can be easily overwhelmed(压垮) by the details of running a well-balanced life. while some of us may have the know-how, i guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the experiences of other who have walked the college halls before you.the following you may find of use about life on campus.plan well. there are so many new things to do at a new college or university, social and academic(学术的). give yourself time to make new friends and become familiar with the campus, but dont forget why you are there. give some time for social activities and manage your time wisely. if you dont have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day time, a computer date book), get one. most of all, dont depend on your memory.dont miss the guidelines, restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found in your student handbook. consider them well-balanced food for thought. what dates are important? what pieces of paper need to be handed in? what can/cant you do in your student residence(住处)? who has authority for what? what do you need to complete to graduate?write the word “study” on the walls of our bedroom and bathroom, and maybe it will help to write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, tv and the kitchen table. consider this you are paying thousands of dollars for courses. you pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.1. what is the main purpose of the passage?a. to offer advice on college life.b. to explain why college life is exciting.c. to describe the importance of college life.d. to persuade you to go to college 2. from the passage, we can know .a. one will have more freedom at collegeb. one will make more friends at collegec. one prepares for ones future career and life at colleged. professors at college will provide you with many new ideas3. what is the probable meaning of the underlined word “know-how” (in paragraph 2)?a. an understanding of how things are going at college.b. a practical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at college.c. college halls where rules and regulations are presented.d. an environment completely different from the one youre used to.4. according to the passage, college students . a. neednt learn from those who went to college before themb. should spend as much time as possible on social activitiesc. should have a “system” for planning their timed. are supposed to repeat or replace at least one course【参考答案】14、acbc阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a.b.c和d项中,选出最佳选项。sports account for a growing amount of income made on the sales of commercial time by television companies. many television companies have used sports to attract viewers from particular sections of the general public, and then they have sold audiences to advertisers. an attraction of sport programs for the major u. s. media companies is that events are often held on saturday and sunday afternoonsthe slowest time periods of the week for general television viewing. sport events are the most popular weekend programs, especially among male viewers who may not watch much television at other times during the week. this means the television networks are able to sell advertising time at relatively high prices during what normally would be dead time for programming. media corporations also use sports to attract commercial sponsors that might take their advertising dollars elsewhere if television stations did not report certain sports. the people in the advertising departments of major corporations realize that sports attract male viewers. they also realize that most business travelers are men and that many men make family decisions on the purchases of computers, cars and life insurance. golf and tennis are special cases for television programming. these sports attract few viewers, and the ratings (收视率) are unusually low. however, the audience for these sports is attractive to certain advertisers. it is made up of people from the highest income groups in the united states, including many lawyers and business managers. this is why television reporting of golf and tennis is sponsored by companies selling highpriced cars, business and personal computers, and holiday trips. this is also why the networks continue to carry these programs regardless of low ratings. advertisers are willing to pay high fees to reach highincome consumers and those managers who make decisions to buy thousands of “company cars” and computers. with such viewers, these programs dont need high ratings to stay on the air. 1. television sport programs on weekend afternoons _.aresult in more sport eventsbget more viewers to play sportscmake more people interested in televisiondbring more money to the television networks2. why would weekend afternoons become dead time without sport programs?abecause there would be few viewers.bbecause the advertisers would be off work.cbecause television programs would go slowly.dbecause viewers would pay less for watching television.3. in many families, men make decisions on _. aholiday trips bsports viewingctelevision shopping dexpensive purchases4. the ratings are not important for golf and tennis programs because _.atheir advertisers are carmakersbtheir viewers are attracted by sportsctheir advertisers target at rich peopledtheir viewers can afford expensive cars5. what is the passage mainly about?


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