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大学英语三册1456单元生词相关的单选题1单元1. They attached great importance _ the friendship between the two countries.A. for B. of C. with D. to (D)2. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat. A. mild B. slight C. light D. tender (D)3. After we _ the advertisement in the newspaper, several people came to buy the car. A. inserted B. interjected C. interposed D. Introduced (A)4. The joys of travel, having long _ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means. A. omitted B. missed C. neglected D. discarded (C)5. I enjoyed all his novels with the _ of his last. A. excursion B. expedition C. exception D. explosion (C)6. He could be _ about everything else in the world, but not about Mary. A. critic B. Typical C. critical D. logical (C)7. Wheat is among the _ exports of the United States. A. principal B. principle C. official D. probable ( A)8. We attacked the enemy _ the rear. A. at B. in C. out of D. from ( A)9. Patrick Henrys political views were _ for his time. A. radical B. Drastic C. extreme D. extract ( C)10. The train ticket is only _ within this week. A. sincere B. valid C. actual D. unusual ( B)11. His knowledge of French literature is _ to mine A. inferior B. infinite C. superior D. superficial ( C)12. The Prime Minister was followed by five or six _ when he got off the plane. A. laymen B. servants C. directors D. Attendants (D )13. My finger is _ because I cut it yesterday. A. tender B. hurt C. delicate D. pain ( A)14. The _ talks between China and the United States were the base of the later agreement. A. original B. primary C. initial D. primitive (C )15. Dont _ to lock the door when you leave. A. ignore B. disregard C. neglect D. overlook ( C)16. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the window. A. vision B. look C. picture D. view ( D)17. She had clearly no _ of doing any work, although she was very well paid. A. tendency B. ambition C. intention D. willingness ( C)18. Several experts have been called in to plan _ for boating, tennis, refreshments and childrens games in the projected town park. A. equipment B. instruments C. implement D. facilities (D )19. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages. A. unceasingly B. gradually C. implement D. facilities ( D)20. I am allowed no more than 400 words in which to _ his experience in the forest. A. conclude B. deduce C. generalize D. summarize (D )21. The performance of this reasonably priced record player is _ in quality to that of some more expensive hi-fi sets. A. comparable B. comparative C. compatible D. competitive ( A)22. They committed _ crimes to the country and the people. A. huge B. vast C. immense D. enormous (D )23. The people living in these apartments have free _ to that swimming pool. A. access B. excess C. excursion D. recreation (A )24. The corporation has enough _ to build another factory. A. funds B. principal C. wealth D. allowance ( A)25. As they havent child of their own, theyre going to _ a little girl. A. adapt B. adopt C. accept D. receive ( B)26. The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in _. A. denying B. upsetting C. protesting D. competing (C)27. Astronauts in flight must _ to weightlessness. A. adopt B. adjust C. convert D. modify ( )28. Those wealthy indolent (懒惰的) women got up at noon and spent the rest of the day trying to relieve _. A. boredom B. blossom C. broom D. breeze ( )29. There is not much time left; so Ill have to tell you about it _. A. in detail B. in brief C. in contempt D. in vain ( )30. 1-4 单元测试题里的单选题Vocabulary and Structure41.I guess Professor Wang hasnt finished grading the papers yet.If he had,he would not keep us in _.AA)suspense B)trouble C)doubt D)wonder 42.John remarked after the meeting that speaker was a woman of _ wit.DA)emotional B)accurate C)excellent D)exceptional43.-“Are you worried about your son being alone in strange country?” -“_.Im sure hell mange fine”CA) By all means B)Of course C)Not in the least D)No wonder44. The plot the economic development of the village.AA) evolves with B)emerges from C)blends with D)attaches to45.The decision to quit school at that young age is,_,the most stupid thing I have ever done.CA) at times B)at first sight C)in retrospect D)by comparison46. At the conference yesterday,our differences were further _.The next step is to work out a solution acceptable to both sides.AA) narrowed down B)cooled down C)driven home D)brought about47. Brian cheated in the last math exam,so he thought he could _ it again this time,but he was wrong.BA) get rid of B)get away with C)avoid being caught D)mess around with48. This child is a born mathematician.He loves mathematics _ he will spend a whole day solving mathematical problems without remembering to have meals.CA) and so B)to the extent that C)so much so that D)so much that49. As a cleaning woman, her _ duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.BA) continuous B)routine C)initial D)constant50. Even _ what she said about his personal life is true,it is irrelevant to his qualifications as a software engineer.BA) knowing B)assuming C)recognizing D)constant51. Bonuses are meant to_ hard work and outstanding performance.This means that not all workers are entitled to them.DA) restore B)grad C)push B)reward52. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just _ until the examination time.BA) fooled around B)to fool around C)having fooled around D)to have fooled around53.The president of the automobile company said that short-term profit is not at the top of the companys _ list.Their major concern at present is developing a more competitive model.BA) interest B)priority C)assignment D)job54.In the past ten years Jack has been with us,I think he has proved that he _ respect from everyone of us.DA) qualifies B)expects C)reserves D)deserves55. He has been _ since he was appointed as president of the university last year.DA) putting up B)getting away C)making use of his relationship D)throwing his weight around56. A market economy allows businesses to compete against each other free from government _.CA) restriction B)planning C)interference D)arrangement57. The seller gave me a thirty percent _ on the shirt.Dont you think its a good bargain?AA) discount B)treatment C)decrease D)favor58. Mark does not take his schoolwork seriously. _,no one experts a millionaires son to work hard.CA) However B)Conversely C)But then D)Nevertheless59. I am sorry I am not in a position.Ask the man sitting by the window.He is _ here.AA) in charge B)liable C)reliable D)in power60. Despite a very tight schedule,everyone who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be _ for sightseeing.AA) set apart B)added C)put in D)inserted61. But for her mothers sudden illness,she would never think of breaking this _ with you.C A) arrangement B)schedule C)appointment D)interview62. To be frank,I dont like Jack.His rather superior manner _ on me.BA) jams B)jars C)irritates D)upsets63. His _ argument against our proposal is based on misinformation.DA) organic B)valid C)formal D)principal64.As a receptionist,my job _ answering phone calls and offering general information about company.BA) is involved with B)consists of C)requires D)evolves65. This entrance is in _ use: do not block it.AA) constant B)tender C)creative D)critical66. We are all _ to dislike those who are critical of us.CA) suspicious B)easy C)liable D)desirable67. At the dinner party last night Christine felt greatly _ because her mother kept bragging about her accomplishment at school.DA) alarmed B)disappointed C)ashamed D)embarrassed68. James Joyces novels are difficult to understand and impossible _ into another language.AA) to translate B)for translation C)to translate it D)being translated69. Sports help to build character and _ competitiveness.AA) cultivate B)accomplish C)assist D)restore70. The _ breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work.DA)continuous B)continued C)continuing D)continual1. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _it. (D)(A) postpone (B) refuse (C) delay (D) cancel2. These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you _you need. (A)(A) all the information (B) all the informations (C) all of information (D) all of the informations 3. Not until the game had begun _at the sports ground. (C)(A) had he arrived (B) would he have arrived(C) did he arrive (D) should he have arrived4. Young people are not _to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. (B) (A) conservation (B)content(C) confident (D) generous5. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is_. (C) (A) granted (B)implied(C)exaggerated (D)remedied6. These surveys indicate that many crimes go _by the police, mainly because not all victims report them. (A)(A) unrecorded (B) to be unrecorded(C) unrecording (D) to been unrecorded7. I have no objection _your story again. (B) (A) to hear (B) to hearing (C) to having heard (D) to have heard8. The clothes a person wears may express his _or social position. (B)(A)curiosity (B)status(C)determination (D)significance9. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _opportunity to change his mind. (D) (A) accurate (B)urgent (C) excessive (D)adequate10. You will see this product _wherever you go. (B)(A) to be advertised (B) advertised (C) advertise (D) advertisingP214P2181. Primitive monetary systems require the same balance of supply and demand that _the U. S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve System. (B) (A) confirms (B) confronts(C) conducts (D)confesses2. A scientist usually directs his attention towards problems which he notices have no satisfactory explanation, and his curiosity makes him look for _relationship even if the data available seem to be unconnected. (D)(A) underlining (B) underneath(C) undergoing (D) underlying3. During an earthquake, the great part of damage and loss of life has been _collapse of buildings and the effect of rockslides, floods, fire, diseases, and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves. (A)(A) due to (B) owing to(C) by reason of (D)on account of4. In Japan most people still feel that a womans place is the home; and most women willingly accept their traditional role as wife, leaving the business of making a living _their husbands. (A)(A) to (B) with(C) for (D) on5. Whether to go to college is optional _that no student is required to do so as he is required by law in most states of America to go to school. (A)(A) in a sense (B)in the way (C) in the sense (D) in the case 6. Of all the senses that help a small baby to distinguish hie mother, sight is _. (B)(A) permanent (B) predominant (C) prevalent (D)preliminary7. The normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours sleep alternating with some 16-17 hours wakefulness. Broadly speaking, the sleep normally _with the hours of darkness. (B)(A) conform (B) coincide(C) collide (D) comply8. Today the Americans love of comfort is seen in the way they _their homes, the way they design their cars, and the way they like to travel. (D)(A) trim (B) modify (C) carpet (D)furnish9. Science is the systematic _of knowledge using nature itself or laboratory models and experience. (A)(A) acquisition (B) exploration (C) survey (D) pursuit10. Computers can provide information which allows businessmen to _their list of goods, by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. (A)(A) keep track of (B) keep pace with(C) keep in touch with (D) keep company with P258 1. The early pioneers had to _many hardships to settle on the new land. (C)(A)go along with (B) go back on(C)go through (D)go into2. The suggestion that the mayor _the prizes was accepted by everyone.(B)(A) would present (B) present(C) presents (D)ought to present3. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.(A)(A) whose (B) which(C) that (D) what4. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _at the next town.(B)(A) to stop (B)stopping(C) stop (D)having stopped5. I didnt know the word. I had to _a dictionary. (C)(A) look out (B) make out(C) refer to (D) go over6. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _his arguments in favour of the new theory. (D)(A) to be based on (B) to base on (C) which to base on (D) on which to base 7. There are signs _restaurants are becoming more popular with families. (A)(A) that (B) which(C) in which (D) whose8.I think I was at school, _I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news. (A)(A) or else (B) and then (C) or so (D) even so9.It is said that the math teacher seems _towards bright students. (A)cpartial (B) beneficial(C) preferable (D) liable10.In order to show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took _trouble over the figures. (C)(A) extensive (B) spare(C) extra (D)supremeP2611. There is no _to the house from the main road. (A)(A) access ( B) avenue(C) exposure (D) edge2._energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. (A)(A) ccumulated ( B) gathered(C) assembled (D) collected3. He wasnt appointed chairman of the committee, _not very popular with all its members. (C)(A) To be considered (B) considering (C) being considering (D) having considered4. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural _. (D)(A) tradition ( B) transportation (C) transmission (D) transformation5. The _stuck on the envelop says “By Air”. (B) (A) diagram ( B) label(C) signal (D) mark6. Mobile telecommunications _is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies. (A)(A) capacity ( B) potential(C) possession (D) impact7. Reading _the lines, I would say that the Government are more worried than they will admit. (B)(A) behind ( B) between (C) along (D) among8. My brothers plans are very _; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen. (C)(A) arbitrary ( B) aggressive(C) ambitious (D) abundant9. Things might have been much worse if the mother _on her right to keep the baby. (B)(A) has been insisting ( B)has insisted(C) would insist (D)insisted10. The statistical figures in that report are not _.You should not refer to them. (A)(A) accurate ( B) fixed(C) delicate (D) rigidP3011. 1 . -“May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five oclock tonight?” -“Im sorry. Mr. Williams _to a conference long before then.” (A)(A) Will have gone (B) had gone(C) would have gone (D) has gone2. You _him so closely; you should have kept your distance. (D)(A) shouldnt follow (B) mustnt follow(C) couldnt have been following (D)shouldnt have been following3. The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes, _more women to take advantage of employment opportunities. (D)(A) have allowed (B)allow(C) allowing (D)allows4. Everybody _in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. (A)(A) assembled (B) accumulated (C) piled (D) joined5. Putting in a new window will _cutting away part of the roof. (B)(A) include (B)involve(C) contain (D)comprise6. Living in the western part of the country has its


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