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牛津初中英语8B Unit1单元知识点复习1. used to do sth (过去常常做某事) be used to do / for sth (被用来做某事) (1) This building is a shopping centre now. It used to be a cinema.(2) Children at the beginning of last century used to read a lot of books.(3) The computer is often used to search for information.2.pleasant ,pleased, pleasurepleasant令人高兴的,令人愉快的,作定语,用来修饰事物不能修饰人pleased高兴的pleasure n.愉快,乐趣 Its my pleasure. With pleasure.(1)I am pleased to work with her. (2)His voice is pleasant.(3)Could you look after my garden while Im away? With pleasure.3.returnv. return sth to sb.=give sth. back to sb return to sp=go / come back to sp4.own adj / v. / n.This is /his own house (自已的)=This house is his own He owns a motorcycle.on ones own 独立地 He has collected a lot of information about Hong Kong on his own.5.marry marry sb与某人结婚,e.g. She married a football player. marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人,e.g. He married his daughter to an actor.get/be married to sb和某人结婚,e.g. Yao Ming got married to Ye Li in 2007. 表示“已经结婚”用have/has got married,表示“已经结婚多久”用have/has been married for时间段或since时间点。e.g. They have got married. They have been married for 5 years.用法拓展marriage n.婚姻e.g. They will celebrate their fifty years of marriage next month.6. feel a bit lonely from time to time from time to timeat timessometimes有时;不时地知识链接a bit形容词原级或比较级a little形容词原级或比较级,有点a bit expensive=a little expensive a bit of不可数名词a little不可数名词 e.g. a bit of watera little water7. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化the changes to 的变化知识链接change n.变化,常用复数changes。 Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years? change a lot变化大Things have changed a lot over the years.Great changes have taken place over the years. =There have been many changes over the years.知识链接over the yearsin the last/past years这些年来,这是现在完成时的一个标志。8. There once was a shoe factory. There once was/wereOnce there was/were= There used to be从前有。9. turn the place into a park turninto把变成10.in the past在过去at present现在in the future未来;将来,注意这些短语中的介词和冠词。11.water pollution水污染air pollution空气污染,noise pollution噪音污染12. have an interview with sbinterview sb采访某人;对某人面试;与某人面谈 知识链接My parents have had an interview with my teacher. They interviewed 20 people for the job. There are a number of interviews with some famous football players13. move into the new flats move into搬进,move out of搬出14. lend me a booklend sb sthlend sth to sb把某物借给某人,是“借出”。知识链接borrow sth from sb向某人借某物,是“借入”。Keep 借(持续V.)How long can I keep this magazine?15.Coaches have been in use/service in Beijing since 1958. have been in use / servicehave been used16. Later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. take action to do sth采取行动做某事,reduce the pollution减少污染a very serious problem非常严重的问题problem(需要着手解决的)问题;难题,question(需要回答的)问题 e.g. solve a Maths problem, answer my question17. It is difficult for him to see some of them as often as before.It isadj.for sb to do sth. as often as before像以前一样经常asas18. When I was in primary school, my mother took me to school. take sb to school送某人上学19. The changes to Moonlight Town have brought advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people. bring advantages to 给带来好处,advantage优点;有利条件disvantage缺点;不利条件 cause problems for给带来麻烦20. 现在完成时:构成:主语+have/has+done用法:(1)表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与just, yet, ever, never,already, before 连用。 (2)表示动作或状态开始于过去, 一直延续到现在, 甚至还可能继续延续下去. 常与for , since, so far, in the past/ last +一段时间, recently 等连用。动词应用延续性动词。常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。come/go/arrive be in/at; get up-be up;leave be away from; begin/start be on; buy have; borrow keep; join be a memberof/be in; die be dead; catch a cold have a cold; fall illbe ill; become be ;fall asleep be asleep;open be open; close-be closed ; stop/end/finishbe over; get marriedbe married;come back- be back ;fall asleep-be asleep(3)have (has) been to sp.曾经去过某地,(或多少次)而现在不在某地have (has) gone to sp. 已经去了或正在去某地的路上have (has) been in sp 在某地(多久)1).The twins are not at home. They have gone to the West Hill Farm.2).A: Where have you been? Im looking for you. B: I have been to the library. 3) How long has he been in Japan?Unit 2知识点复习一.【精选词汇】重点短语1. go on a trip to South Hill go on a trip to去某地旅游2. take you out for a few days带你出去玩几天take sb out带某人出去3. go hiking, go skiing gov-ing去做某事,see/enjoy the beautiful view观看/欣赏美景 4. a symbol of Japan the symbol of的象征,e.g. The Great Wall is the symbol of China.5. have a really fantastic timehave a good/great/wonderful timehave funenjoy oneself 6. at the entrance在入口处 at the exit在出口处7. move at high speed高速运转8. scream and laugh through the whole ride through 整个9. a fast food restaurant快餐店fast food快餐,10. clap and stream with joy高兴地拍手尖叫 11.scream with excitement兴奋地尖叫 with excitementexcitedly激动地知识链接exciteexcited兴奋的exciting令人兴奋的;扣人心弦的;刺激的excitement n.激动,兴奋 be excited about (doing) sth对兴奋13. in all总共;共计first of all首先14. a really delightful holiday and a meaningful experience一个高兴的假期、一次有意义的经历知识链接experience n.(C)经历;e.g. He had a pleasant experience in Hong Kong last year.15. buy a gift for my parents buy sth for sbbuy sb sth 16. travel abroad到国外旅游go abroad出国,e.g. He has gone abroad for further studies. 17. during this May Day holiday在“五一”假期里18. three and a half hours三个半小时one/an hour一小时,half an hour半小时one and a half hours一个半小时,two and a half hours两个半小时 19. have a birds-eye view of Hong Kong have a birds-view of鸟瞰;俯视20. a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening高楼林立、灯火辉煌的现代化城市 with lights shining作后置定语,用法拓展He sleeps with windows closed. 21. the cultural centre of Hong Kong香港的文化中心the cultural centre文化中心知识链接culture n.文化cultural adj.文化的用法拓展nature natural词汇解析cheerfulcheerless, colourfulcolourless, carefulcareless, hopefulhopelessmeaningfulmeaningless, helpfulhelpless, harmfulharmless, usefuluseless delightful, wonderful, successful endless, noiselessquiet二.【重点句型】1. It must be fun. Can I join you?一定很有趣。我能和你一起去吗?知识链接情态动词must(表示推测)一定,用于肯定句,反义词:cant不可能。may可能,may not可能不。join sb和某人一起做某事,e.g. Kitty joined them in the Disney parade.join in +an activity2. I couldnt stop taking photos with them. cant/couldnt stop doing sth禁不住做某事知识链接cant/couldnt wait to do sth迫不及待做某事。用法拓展stop doing sth停止做某事,stop to do sth停下来去做某事。3. The performers all wore different costumes and waved to people while they marched across the park, singing and dancing all the way. all the way一路上 知识链接wave to sb向某人招手/挥手wave n.波;波浪 march across迈步穿越 singing and dancing all the way是现在分词短语,作伴随状态。4. Im sure youll love it.你一定会喜欢的。Im sure that sb will do sth.Sb is sure to do sth.知识链接Im sure that he will win the match.He is sure to win the match.5. The line of people outside Space Mountain was endless. We thought it was hopeless to wait in the line.太空山外人们排的队伍不见尽头。我们原以为排不上队了。知识链接endless无尽的;无休止的,e.g. endless love We have endless homework to do. wait in the line排队等候 Sb thoughtthat从句,某人原以为。6. Im watching an interesting TV programme. It started at 7 p.m. and has been on for haf an hour.知识链接be onbe shown放映 be on show展出, e.g. Many old things are on show in the museum. When we reached the cinema yesterday, the film had been on/shown for 5 minutes.7. Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese garden. Chinese garden中国园林 知识链接the best time for doing sththe best time to do sth做某事的最佳时节 e.g.Autumn is the best time for visiting the Fragrant Hill.Autumn is the best time to visit the Fragrant Hill.8. Do you have any ideas about what to do for May Day holiday? 9. By the way, how long does it take to fly to Singapore? Sorry, I dont know, but I can check it for you. by the way顺便问一下,check sth for sb替某人核实某事知识链接It takes sb some time to do sth. How long does it take sb to do sth?10. The day of our trip to Hong Kong finally arrived. My parents and I were excited about this special trip because we all wanted to visit Disneyland and take photos with the cute cartoon characters. the day of ones trip to某人去某地旅行的那一天 知识链接be excited about (doing) sth对(做)某事感到兴奋 take photos拍照,take photos with 和拍照 take photos of拍.的照片11. The weather in Hong Kong is quite different from that in Beijing.香港的天气与北京不同。知识链接在asas, not as/soas, the same as, be different from或形容词、副词的比较等级结构中,当主语为不可数名词时,后者用that代替。当主语是名词复数时,后者用those代替。e.g. Usually the pollution in big cities is much more serious than that in the countries. There are more books in our library than those in theirs.15. I hope I can visit there again some day. I hopethat引导的一般将来时或can从句。知识链接some dayone day有朝一日;(将来的)一天。one day还表示过去的“某一天”。12. I left a book at Millies home. leave sth地点,把某物忘在某处;forget忘记某事。知识链接The forgetful man often leaves his bag on buses. Why werent you at the meeting? Sorry, I forgot.Unit3知识点复习一.【精选词汇】重点短语1. I have no idea.Ive no idea.I dont know.我不知道。 2. turn on the TV turn on/off打开/关闭,turn up/down调大/调低3. change the channel换台4. different uses of computers计算机的不同用途:draw and design, play computer games, search for information, send and receive e-mails收发电子邮件, do word processing进行文字处理, write computer programs编写计算机程序 5. travel around the world in eight hours八小时环游地球,educational CD-ROM教育软件6. come out (书等)出版,发行,发表,不能用于被动语态知识链接When will her new novel come out?用法拓展(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;露出,e.g. The rained stopped and the sun came out. (花朵)开放;(草)出芽,e.g. In March flowers and grass come out.7. learn English and geography at the same time同时学英语和地理at the same time同时知识链接learn and play at the same time边学边玩8. the main character主角play the main character ofplay the lead role of知识链接play the role of扮演的角色9. help you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary知识链接by介词,通过某种方法、手段,后接名词或动词-ing。He made a living by selling flowers. You can know more about the news by reading todays newspaper.have a knowledge of有某方面的知识,e.g. He has a wide knowledge of painting.他在绘画方面知识渊博。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。10. one of the best on the market市面上最畅销的一种11. choose one icon in the menu在菜单里选择一个图标,click on it for more details点击它以了解详情click on点击, double-click on双击12. open my new e-dictionary on my computer打开我电脑上的新电子词典知识链接“打开”电脑的软件用open不用turn on。用法拓展英汉词典an English-Chinese dictionary,汉英词典a Chinese-English dictionary查字典:look up a word in a dictionary或look a word up in a dictionary13. restart the computer重新启动电脑 start vt.启动;开始 restart重新启动14. check the settings检查设置,double-click on the “auto-run” icon双击“自动运行”图标,double-click on the icon for “Tour” double-click on theicondouble-click on the icon for双击图标,put in the CD-ROM插入光盘15. connect the keyboard to the computer properly正确地连接键盘和电脑知识链接connect A to B连接A和B be connected to与连接 proper adj.正确的properly16. grow an inch长一英寸,grow to six feet long长到六英尺长17. daily Englisheveryday English日常英语daily newspaper日报19. go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand去澳大利亚和新西兰短期旅行18. be hidden in somewhere in the Arctic被藏在北极的某个地方be hidden地点,被藏在19. the treasure box百宝箱treasure hunt寻宝 词汇解析1. online adj.联网的;在线的e.g. chat online网上聊天,order a package online网上订购一套2. reach vt.到达get toarrive at/in 达到,e.g. reach 18 years old年满18岁 The child isnt tall enough to reach the snacks on the table.3. correctly adv.正确地correct adj.正确的incorrectincorrectly vt.改正;修正,e.g. correct a mistake改正错误 correct正确的wrong错误的,in the correct order按正确顺序4. educate v.教育education n.教育educational adj.教育的,e.g. educate oneself自修;培养 be educated at school在学校里受教育 have a good education受到良好教育10. control n.(键盘上的)控制键 vt.控制 controlled二.【重点句型】1. What do you use your computer for? I usually use it to search for information.知识链接Whatfor?Why?为什么? e.g. What did you do that for?Why did you do that?2. It sounds interesting, doesnt it? “陈述句附加疑问?”构成反意疑问句。 e.g. Simon didnt take part in the football match, did he? Yes, he did. Though he wasnt feeling well. 西蒙没有参加足球赛,是吗?不,他参加了。尽管他当时不舒服。3. One day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky, when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.一天,他躺在草地上,看着美丽的蓝天,不知不觉间睡着了,并做了个奇怪的梦。lie 躺lieslyinglaylain 说谎lieslyingliedlied 位于lieslyingliedlied知识链接lie意思是“躺”,常用于lie down躺下,find sb/sth lying地点 She found a purse lying on the ground. I found a homeless man lying at the street corner. fall asleep睡着,e.g. He fell asleep when he was watching TV. have/dream adream做了一个的梦,e.g. have/dream a strange dream用法拓展lie 说谎 tell a lie位于,e.g. Jiangsu lies in the east of China.4. See those big clouds of different colours with questions on them? You get a point every time you answer a question correctly. every time陈述句,每当,引导时间状语从句。知识链接get a point得一分,answer a question correctly答对一题5. When you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.知识链接have got enough points获得足够的点数,carry you off to把你带到6. Are you ready? Lets go!准备好了吗?出发!7. For example, when you reach London, you will learn about the Museum of London and many other interesting places. learn about了解 many other名词复数,其他许多 9. The places you have visited are marked in bright purple. 你到过的地方都标上了明亮的紫色。10. Get it now before it is sold out. sell out售完,be sold out被售完,sell well好卖(不用被动)知识链接Have you got a size M? Sorry, they are all sold out. They sell well.11. Ive bought many educational CD-ROMs before, but Ive found none of them to be any good.知识链接find none of them to be any good没发现一个好的12. How can your teacher read your homework on the computer? I can send him e-mails or print it out. read your homework批阅作业,send sb e-mails给某人发电子邮件 知识链接on the computer在电脑上,on the screen,on TV,on the Internet(在因特网上)13. Weve got many kinds of personal computers. This green one is called Kiwi, and it is designed especially for students. personal computer个人电脑be designed especially for students特别为学生而设计14. Is it used widely? Of course, very widely in Beijing. be widely used被广泛使用知识链接English is widely used as the second language in many countries. (be widely used as被广泛用作)15. When a total of ten questions are answered incorrectly, the princess will become bald. 知识链接total n.总数,总和 a total of become bald秃顶become形容词16. The questions get more difficult as you go to higher levels.当你到更高的级别,问题就更难了。知识链接as连词,当时,随着。e.g. The air will get fresher as you reach the top of the mountain.17. Many topics are covered in the course, including travel and hotels, food and drink, and shopping and money. 这一课程涉及许多主题,包括旅游、饭店、购物和钱币。知识链接coverinclude包括;涉及 including介词,包括在内,e.g. His talk covered/included the history between the two World Wars. The package includes/covers a book and two CD-ROMs. There were ten students left in the classroom, including Tom.18. Can you show me how to start this online tour of Australia, please? 你能告诉我如何开启这个澳大利亚的在线之旅吗? how to start是“疑问词动词不定式”。19. Do you mind telling me how to use this function?你介不介意告诉如何使用这个功能?知识链接mind介意Do/Would you mind my/me doing sth?你介意我做某事吗


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