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Module 6 Unit 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading【学习目标】1. Raise reading ability by focusing on language points.2. Grasp the new language usage in the text by learning the text.【学习重难点】Language points.【学习方法】1发现辨别语言点、探索分析语言点、训练巩固语言点和创造运用语言点。2课前预习P2-3 Reading课文,找出课文中长句和重要的短语、句式。3阅读课文,在理解课文的基础上,解决课文中的语言点,并通过适当的练习巩固并运用。【预习内容】任务一:课前预习,阅读课文,找出课文中长句、重要短语和相关语言点。任务二:探索分析词汇。【课堂教学】1检查预习情况,展示所找词汇。2在老师的帮组下掌握相关语言点,并通过练习巩固及运用。【重点短语】1. 取决于;依靠depend on / upon2. 对做出反应 react to 3. 各种各样的a variety of4. 讲笑话tell jokes5. 排队等候queue up6. 拿开玩笑make fun of7. 喜爱,钟爱have affection for8. 后来,过些时候later on9. 想出come up with10. 哄堂大笑howl with laughter11. 追随某人的脚步follow in ones footsteps12. 绊倒trip over13. 保持健康stay healthy14. 逝世pass away15. 支持,维护stand up for【互动探究】Welcome to the unit1. Everyone agrees that laughter is good for you. (Page 1) 考点1laughter n.Uthe act or sound of laughing 笑;笑声;笑的样子e.g. burst into laughter/burst out laughing 突然大笑起来拓展:burst into tears/burst out crying 突然大哭起来 roar with laughter 放声大笑考点2be good for(1) beneficial; wholesome 对有益的;有益健康的【英译中】Exercise is good for health.锻炼对健康有益。(2) suitable; appropriate 对适合;对适宜【英译中】This beach is good for swimming but bad for surfing.海滩适宜游泳不适宜冲浪。2. Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest? (Page 1)考点 “do you think”为插入语,句式结构为:疑问词 + do you think + 其余部分 (陈述语序)?【典题精练】1. He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A. which I think is B. which I think it isC. which I think it D. I think which is2. _ the film will end?A. How do you think B. What do you thinkC. You think how D. How do you think that【二次练习】2013年高二英语暑假作业检测题1. Mum is coming. What present_ for your birthday? A. you expect she has got B. do you expect that she has gotC. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she gotKey: C7. What _?Being charged with giving away state secrets.A. do you know made Susan so upsetB. do you know did make Susan so upsetC. did make Susan do you know so upsetD. you know did Susan make so upsetKey: AReading1. People have always enjoyed laughing, and there has always been humor. (Page 2 Line 1)考点 humor n. e.g. He read a story full of humour just now.【常用搭配】1) have a/no sense of humour【完成句子】Our Maths teacher have a good sense of humour (很有幽默感)2) in a good/bad humour 心情好/坏【词形变化】humorous:adj. =funny, or making you laugh【英译中】Her latest book is a humorous look at teenage life.她的新书幽默地观察青少年的生活。2. A stand-up comedian may tease an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes depending upon how the audience reacted to his or her previous jokes. (Page 2 Line 3-6)单口喜剧演员可以拿某一位观众开玩笑,也可以根据观众的反应随机应变,讲各种笑话。考点1tease vt. 取笑,戏弄,寻开心e.g. 1) Dont get upsetI was only teasing. 别不开心,我只是在逗你玩。2) I used to get teased about my name. 过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。拓展:同义的表达:laugh at, make fun of, play a trick on / play tricks on 考点2 depending on / upon 视乎,决定于 depend on / upon sb. / sth. 依靠,信赖;确信,相信,指望 depend on / upon sb. / sth. (for sth.) 需要,依靠(提供资金、帮助等) depend on / upon sth. 受的影响,由决定,取决于 That / It (all) depends. 那得看情况。/要看情况而定。 depend on it that 拓展:相似结构:appreciate/see to/like/dislike/hate+it+从句。e.g. 1) Starting salary varies from $1000 to $1 500, depending on experience.起薪为1000美元至1500美元不等,依个人经验而定。2) He was the sort of person (who / that) you could depend on. 他这个人你是可以信赖的。3) Depend upon it we wont give up. 请相信,我们绝不会放弃。4) We depend on our parents for food and clothing. 我们的衣食靠父母。5) Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up.我们是否需要更多的食物,这要视到场人数而定。高考链接Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?_. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (2010江苏高考)A. Of courseB. It dependsC. Dont mention itD. By no means解析:by no means 决不,并没有e.g. He is by no means of a cruel man. 他决不是一个残酷无情的人。拓展:by all means (1) 尽一切办法;一定,务必 (2) (表示答应)好的,当然可以e.g. May I have one? Yes, by all means. 可以给我一个吗? 当然可以。by this means=in this way考点3 react (to sth.) (by doing sth.) 作出反应,回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏 against sb. / sth. 反对,反抗e.g. 1) Local residents have reacted angrily to the news. 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。2) She reacted so badly to the seafood that we had to send for a doctor.她对海鲜非常过敏,我们只好去找医生。3) Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们往往以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。拓展:reaction n. 反应,回应;(对旧观念等的)抗拒;生理反应,副作用;反应能力即学即用It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.A. impressionB. commentC. reactionD. opinion3. There are a variety of different style of stand-up comedy. (Page 2 Line 8)a variety of该短语可以改写成其形容词的形式,此形容词是various。该短语的复数形式是varieties of。4. Some people tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life. (Page Line 8-9)当the way作为先行词、表示方式/方法时,定语从句的引导词是that/in which/-。5. For example, they may talk about how people act when they queue up, or they may ask why it only rains when you forget your umbrella. (Page 2 Line 9-11)for example, such as与namely的区别for example / for instance: 既可以用来列举事物,又可以用来列举具体的例子。such as: 只能用来列举事物,不可以用来列举具体的例子。namely: 即,那就是(将要列举的内容全部罗列出来)。queue up 排队(等候)=wait in linequeue up for 为而排队等候a queue of 一长列(车等)【中译英】1. 他们排队等候看电影。They are queuing up to see the film.2. 孩子们排队一小时等候买票。The children queued up for an hour to get the tickets.6. Another comedian points to a video tennis game and says, “Ive been playing tennis every day for a month. I dont understand why I am not losing weight!” (Page 2 Line 14-16)point to该短语的含义是指向(远指)。【常用搭配】point out 指出point at 指向,瞄准on the point of 正在之时to the point 简明恰当;简洁中肯off the point 离题There is no point in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义。【完成句子】1)Its rude to point your fingers at people.2) He pointed out (指出) that they were mistaken.3) He pointed to/at (指向) the spot where the house used to stand.4) I was on the point of leaving the room (正要离开房间) when the telephone rang.【中译英】发火是没有用的。There is no point in getting angry.and says可以改写成sayinglose weight:该短语的含义是减肥,该短语的反义短语是put on/gain weight。7. Yet other comedians may trip over chairs, walk into doors, and fall down on stage in order to make people laugh. (Page 2 Line 16-17)trip over/on/up:该短语的含义是 绊倒。【中译英】1. 有人会让那条绳子绊倒的。Someone will trip over that rope.2. 小心别在台阶上绊倒了。Be careful you dont trip up on the step.8. The last kind of comedian does impressionshe or she will act or speak like a well-known person in order to make fun of that person. (Page 2 Line 19-20)最后一种是滑稽模仿,这类演员模仿某个名人的言谈举止以取笑这个名人。考点1impression n. (of sb. / sth.); (that ) 印象; (on sb.) 影响,效果(对某人举止言谈的)滑稽模仿e.g. 1) John does a great impression of Chaplin. 约翰模仿卓别林很象。2) I didnt get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.我并不觉得他们不满于当时的状况。3) She gives the impression of being very busy. 她给人的印象是特别忙。4) His trip to India made a strong impression on him. 他的印度之行对他的触动很大。5) My words made no impression on her. 我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。拓展1impress vt. sb. (with sth. / sb.) 使钦佩,使敬仰,给留下深刻的好印象 sth. on / upon sb. 使意识到(重要性或严重性等) sth. / itself on / upon sth. 使铭记e.g. 1) We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.我们对数名申请者进行了面试,但他们都没有给我们留下什么印象。2) It impressed me that she remembered my name. 令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。3) He impressed on us the need for immediate action. 他让我们意识到立刻采取行动的必要性。4) Her words impressed themselves on my memory. 她的话语我铭记在心。拓展2impressed adj. (by / with sb. / sth.) (对)钦佩,敬仰,有深刻的好印象e. g. We were all impressed by her enthusiasm. 我们都被她的热情打动了。即学即用1) The first time I saw her, she left me a good impression.第一次见到她,她就给我留下了很好的印象。2) My father impressed on / upon me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。考点2make fun of 嘲笑,取笑,拿.开玩笑 拓展:同义短语:laugh at 嘲笑,讥笑play a trick on / play tricks on 戏弄;耍诡计e.g. 1) Its cruel to make fun of those who are disabled. 嘲笑残疾人是很不人道的。2) The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher. 孩子们经常耍些花招戏弄老师。拓展fun U享乐,乐趣,快乐,享乐的事have fun = enjoy oneself / have a good time 玩得愉快for fun / for the fun of it 为了消遣It is (great) fun to do sth. 做某事(很)有趣What fun it is to do sth! 做某事多有趣啊!即学即用1) _ it is to ride on a one-horse open sleigh on such a beautiful day!A. What a funB. What funC. How a funD. How fun2) Daddy didnt mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _ fun.A. hadB. haveC. to haveD. having9. While this kind of humour may sound cruel, it usually only works if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of. (Page 2 Line 20-22)考点1while conj. (置句首)虽然,尽管 在期间,与同时(对比)然而e.g. 1) While I am willing to help, I dont have much time available. 尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。2) We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们必须乘热打铁。3) Tom is very good at science while his brother is absolutely hopeless.汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。4) While I agree with you, I do not believe that your way is the best. 5) While I like the colour of the hat, I do not like its shape. 6) While I am willing to go, I would like it better if you went.高考链接I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free _ the third costs $30. (2009安徽高考卷)A. whileB. untilC. whenD. before拓展:while, when, as的区别while引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词只能是延续性的动词。when引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词既可以是延续性的动词,又可以是短暂性动词。as引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词与主句中的谓语动词同时发生,翻译成“一边,一边”。考点2affection n. 喜爱,钟爱 have / show (a deep / great) affection for e.g. 1) He had a great affection for the town where he grew up. 2) She obviously has a warm affection for Italy and its people. 3) I have a great affection for Nanjing.拓展:affectionate adj. towards sb. 表示关爱的10. Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film performers later on in life. (Page 2 Line 24)later on 后来,过些时候【中译英】后来,他找了份政府官员的工作。Later on, he became an official.11. One such person is Billy Crystal. Like other stand-up comedians who have gone on to act in films, Crystal still enjoys stand-up. (Page 2 Line 25-26)一个这样的成功例子就是比利克里斯托。与其他转向电影表演的单口喜剧演员一样,克里斯托现在依然热爱单口喜剧。考点1such修饰单数名词时,放在名词前。若名词被one, no, some, any, many, all等修饰时,放在这些修饰词之后。注意:such前有one, no等词时,后面不可再加a或an.e.g. 1) He said he didnt have time or made some such excuse. 他说他没有时间或别的诸如此类的借口。2) I have one such English- Chinese dictionary.3) All such possibilities must be considered.4) There is no such thing as a free lunch.5) You gave me such a fright!即学即用It is known to all that there is _ as a free lunch.A. no such a thingB. no such thingC. such nothingD. no such things考点2go on to do sth. 接着做另外一件事/继续做与原来不同的一件事go on doing sth. 继续做原来的事go on with sth. 继续做某事continue to do sth./continue doing sth. 继续做某事e.g. 1) He went on to speak of his war experiences. 他转而谈到了他的战争经历。2) You cant go on working without a break. 你不能不停地工作而不休息。12. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV. (Page 2 Lin e 28-30)每次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼电视直播的时候,他都会在数百万观众面前表演他的单口喜剧节目。考点1perform v. 演出,表演 vt. 做,履行,执行 vi. 工作,运转,表现e.g. 1) The play was first performed in 1987. Id like to hear it performed live.这部剧于1987年首次上演,我希望听该剧的现场演出。2) Im looking forward to seeing you perform. 我们期待着看你演出。3) perform an experiment / a miracle / a ceremony 做实验;创奇迹;举行仪式4) She performs an important role in our organization. 她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。5) A computer can perform many tasks at once / at the same time. 电脑能同时做多项工作。6) The company has been performing well / badly / poorly over the past year. 这家公司在过去一年业绩不错 / 欠佳。拓展performance n.C表演,演出 U, C表现,性能,业绩,工作情况performer n. 演员;表演者即学即用翻译下列句子1) He was fired / dismissed / laid off for performing badly / bad performance. 他因表现差被解雇。2) This operation has never been performed in this hospital before. 这家医院从未做过这种手术。考点2routine n. C(演出中的)一套动作,一系列笑话(等) C, U常规,正常顺序 U生活乏味,无聊adj. 常规的,例行公事的,日常的 平常的,正常的 乏味的,平淡的 routinely adv.e.g. 1) We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine. 我们定期清洗和修理机器。2) Its important that you (should) make exercise a part of your daily routine.让锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分很重要。3) She needed a break from routine. 她需要摆脱一下刻板的生活。4) The fault was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。5) Visitors are routinely checked as they enter the building. 来访者在进入大楼时都要接受例行检查。考点3live adv. 现场地,直播地 adj. 现场的,直播的(反义词recorded“录制的,转播的”) adj. 有生命的,活的(与dead想对应,作定语要前置,一般只修饰动物。)e.g. 1) With all the news broadcast live, the pressure on the announcers is becoming heavier.随着新闻的直播,播音员的压力变得更大了。2) We are watching the live coverage of the Olympics. 我们正在观看奥运会实况报道。3) She was frightened at the sight of a live snake. 看到一条活蛇她吓坏了。辨析live, alive, living和livelyalive adj.“活着的,健在的”(在句中作表语、后置定语或补足语,多修饰人)。living adj.“活着的,有生命的;逼真的;在使用/实施的”(在句中作表语或前置定语,修饰人或物)。“生物”只能译作living thingslively adj. 精力充沛的,生气勃勃的,活跃热情的 (地方、事件等)充满趣味的,令人兴奋的 (颜色)浓的,鲜艳的 (句中作表语、定语或补足语,修饰人或物)。即学即用1) What a pity! I havent got a ticket for the football match. Dont worry. Itll be broadcast live.2) Our chemistry teacher has a strange way to make his classes lively and interesting.3) He is one of the greatest scientists alive today.4) He was buried alive in the earthquake.5) They are carrying out an experiment with a live monkey.6) All living things need sunlight.7) The only season that makes one feel lively is spring.8) How long will the _ broadcast about the match between Manchester United and England last? About two hours, I think.A. livelyB. liveC. livingD. alive13. One reason Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinking, and is often able to come up with new jokes about the people and things around him. (Page 3 Line 34-35)克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他思维非常敏捷,常常能就身边的人或事即兴编排笑话。考点come up with 想出(计划、主意) (=put forward),找出(答案);拿出(一笔钱等)e.g. 1) She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的一个新招儿。2) How soon can you come up with the money? 你什么时候能拿出这笔钱?拓展come up vi.(植物)长出地面;(太阳)升起;发生;被提及/讨论;即将发生(或出现、到来)come down with vt. 患,得,染上(小病)come about vi. 发生come across vt.(偶然)遇见,碰到come out vi.(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;(花朵)盛开,开花;出版,发行/表;(消息、真相等)被获知;显示,显出When it comes to (doing) sth. 谈到,说到How come ()? 美口怎么会的?即学即用1) Can you tell me how the accident came about yesterday?2) When it comes to politics, I know nothing about it.3) Having been caught in the heavy rain, he came down with flu.4) I came across some old paragraphs in my drawer.5) If he spent five years in Paris, how come his French is so bad?6) The question we are discussing now is sure to come up ate he next meeting.7) I dont know how it came about that they stopped loving each other.8) When is her new novel coming out?Next month, I think.9) How come you didnt see her there? 你在那儿怎么会没有看见她?高考链接1) I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean. (2011全国高考卷)A. come up withB. put up withC. turn toD. stick to2) I dont think Ill be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. _? (2011浙江高考卷)A. And howB. How comeC. Hows it goingD. How about it3) The T shirt I received is not the same as is shown online. ? But I promise you well look into it right away. (2013江苏,22)A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry14. (L39-41) Instead of telling the joke he had planned, Crystal made up a new one. He said, “It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films!” (见此情景,)克里斯托放弃了事先准备好的笑话,编了一个新的。他说:“看来他的确适合从无声电影起家!”考点1make up 编造(故事、谎言等);形成,构成;补上(失去的东西),作出补偿;凑数/足;和解,言归于好;化妆,打扮consist ofe.g. 15 boys and 16 girls make up this class.=This class consists of 15 boys and 16 girls.make up for sth. 弥补,补偿make up (with sb.) = make it up (与某人)言归于好e.g. 1) They quarrelled with each other but soon made up.2) He made up some excuse about his daughter being late. 他编了个借口,说他的女儿病了。3) Girls make up 45% of the student numbers in our school. 女生占我们学校学生数的45%。4) Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow? 我今天下午早点儿走,明天补上这段时间,可以吗?5) Saying you are sorry wont make up the damage of breaking the vase.光说对不起补偿不了你打破花瓶的损失。6) We need one more person to make up a team. 我们还需要一个人才能组成一个队。7) Tom watched his sister make herself up for her date. 汤姆看着他姐姐为了约会而打扮。8) Nothing can make up for the loss of a close friend. 失去一个密友是任何东西都无法弥补的。9) After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. 耽搁了这么久,我们急着想弥补失去的时间。10) Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. 她的热情弥补了她经验的不足。拓展make it 获得成功;(尤指在困难情况下)准时到达;能够出席(或到场);幸免于难,度过难关;把时间定在make a / some / any / no difference (to ) 有/没有影响;起/不起作用make for sth. vt. 向移动(=head for );促成make the most / best of = make good/full use of = take full advantage of 充分利用make out vt. 看清,听清,分清,辨认清楚;(否定和疑问句)理解,明白(事理)make sth. over (to sb. / sth.) (合法地)给予,转让make sense 有意义,有道理,讲得通make sense of 理解,明白make (great/rapid) progress 取得(巨大/迅速的)进步to make thing /matters worse = worse still 更糟糕的是高考链接1) I could hear voices but I couldnt make out what they were saying.2) To make matters worse, some people fail to realize the importance of protecting the environment.3) We should make the most of every minute to gain enough knowledge.4) If you want to make a difference in the future, you should s


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