七年级英语下册 module 5 shopping unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语下册 module 5 shopping unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语下册 module 5 shopping unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语下册 module 5 shopping unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet课件 (新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语下册 module 5 shopping unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet课件 (新版)外研版_第5页
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Module5ShoppingUnit2YoucanbuyeverythingontheInternet 1 Therearemanynewwaysofshopping andonlineshoppingisoneofthem 有很多新型的购物方式 网上购物是其中的一种 wayofshopping意为 购物方式 其中way是名词 意为 方式 way还可以表示 道路 短语onone swayto 表示 在某人去 的路上 Todaywehavemanyother havinglessons 今天我们有很多其他的方法上课 ImeetLiza 我在上学的路上遇见了丽萨 waysof onmywaytoschool 2 Thenyoureceiveitafewdayslaterbypost 然后几天后你会通过邮寄的方式收到物品 receive是动词 意为 收到 接到 信件 礼物 电话等 后面可直接跟名词 常用于短语receivesth fromsb 从 收到 如 Youwill aletter Jenny 你将会收到来自珍妮的信 receivefrom 辨析 receive accept两者都可表示 接受 receive指收到某物这一动作 本身有一定的被动性 不包含本身是否愿意接受的意思 accept则指经过考虑 由主观意志来决定接受 动作者本身是主动的 Ialways manygiftsonmybirthday 在我生日时我总是收到很多礼物 Shegivesmesomemoney butIdon twantto it 她给了我一些钱 可是我不想接受 receive accept 3 Youcanalsocomparethepricesofthesameproductandspendalot orsavemoney 你还可以对比同一产品的价格 花很多钱或是省钱 1 compare作动词 意为 比较 compare with 表示 把 和 比较 如 Don t me otherstudents 不要把我和其他的同学相比较 comparewith 2 辨析 take pay spend cost 完成那项工作花了我两个小时 metwohours thework 这台电脑花了我10 000元 Thecomputer me10 000yuan Ittakestofinish costs 你买那本书要花50元 Youwill 50yuan thatbook 我姐姐花了很多钱买衣服 Mysister alotofmoney clothes payfor spendson 4 becauseyou llbeabletobuyanythingontheInternet 因为你将能够从网上买任何东西 anything作代词 其常见用法有 1 用于肯定句 意为 任何东西 任何事情 如 IthinkIcandoanythingforyou 我认为我可以为你做任何事 2 用于疑问句或条件句中 意为 什么东西 什么事情 如 Isthereanythinginthatbox 那个盒子里有什么东西吗 3 用于否定句以替代something 意为 任何东西 任何事情 如 Idon tknowanythingaboutit 我不知道关于它的任何事情 Idon thave totellyou That sover 结束 A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything Youcanbuy youlike A anythingB nothingC anyoneD anywhere B A 一 根据课文内容 完成下列思维导图 然后口头复述课文 choose pay receive disadvantages product changing 二 请认真阅读课本Act 2短文 完成下列题目 1 Para 1 2 Para 2 3 Para 3 4 Para 4A Howistheonlineshoppingchangingourlives B Disadvantagesofonlineshopping C Severaladvantagesofonlineshopping D HowtoshopontheInternet D C B A 三 请根据课本Act 2短文 完成下列短文填空 Onlineshoppingisoneofthenewwaysofshopping Itiseasytobuyalmost1 choosesomething pay2 itandwaittoreceiveitby3 Shoppingonlinewillsaveyoualotoftimeand4 Youcanalso5 thepricesofthesameproduct everything for post money compare Butitisn talways6 topayovertheInternetandyoucan tseetheproductor7 theclothes8 Sosomepeopleprefertogototheshops Onlineshoppingischangingourwayoflife Maybeonedaynoone9 totheshopsanymore becauseyou llbeabletobuyanythingontheInternetandreceiveit10 intheworldatanytime safe try on willgo anywhere 一 根据句意和首字母提示 用单词的适当形式填空 1 Onlineshoppinghasseverala Forexample it sveryconvenient 方便的 2 Youcanalsoc thepricesofthesameproduct thendecidetobuywhichone dvantages ompare 3 Isa heretoday Yes Linglingis 4 Somepeoplethinkit snots toshoponline 5 Weshouldsay Thankyou whenwer apresentfromourfriend nyone afe eceive 二 完成句子 每空一词 1 西蒙 你愿意和我们外出吗 Wouldyouliketo withus Simon 2 总有一天我会和琳达见面的 IwillmeetLinda goout oneday 3 目录购物是新型的购物方式之一 Catalogueshoppingis thenew ofshopping 4 女人通常花费大量的时间在商场买衣服 Womenusually alotoftime theclothesinmalls 5 你可以在一年的任何时候游览美国 YoucanvisitAmerica oftheyear oneofways spendon atanytime 三 单项填空 1 Howmuchdoyoupay thecomputer A atB inC onD for 2 Mary agiftfromafriendofhers butshedoesn twantto it A receives acceptB accepts receiveC receive acceptsD accept receives D A 3 Isthere elseIcandoforyou Nothanks Icandoitmyself A everythingB anythingC nothingD something 4 Somepeopledon tlikeshoppingforclothesontheInternet theycan ttrythemon A becauseB soC whenD since B A 5 Onlineshoppingisveryeasy butsupermarket isfun A shopB shopsC shoppedD shopping 6 I thetwodresses andIthinkIliketheblueone A chooseB saveC receiveD compare D D 一 单项填空 1 Itisnot towalkaloneatnight A dangerousB easyC convenientD safe 2 Thewomanoften forherclothesontheInternet A getsB paysC spendsD takes D B 3 Theshopis from8 00amto6 00pmeveryday A openB opensC openingD toopen 4 LinShuhaoistall that soneofhis A advantageB advantagesC disadvantageD disadvantages A B 5 Peopleusually thepricesbeforetheybuysomething A receiveB payC spendD compare D 6 Doyouhave elsetosayforyourmistake butsorry A anything SomethingB something EverythingC something AnythingD anything Nothing D 二 根据句意用适当的介词填空 1 Therearemanynewways shopping 2 Ifyougotothesupermarket youcangothere car notonfoot 3 WangNaalwayslistenstomusic theInternet of by on 4 Areyougoingtothezoo yourfriends 5 Youcanreadbooksinthisroom anytime 6 Ioftenreceiveemails Americanfriends with at from 三 拓展阅读 WiththehelpoftheInternet shoppingisnotadifficultjob Justclickyourmousetochoosethearticle 物品 youlike andtheshoppingisfinished Youneedn twalkoutoftheroom Itseemseasyandquick Butthere satrap 陷阱 onlinesometimes Ifyouarecareless itwillbringyousometrouble 麻烦 Youmayfindthecolorofthearticleisdifferentfromwhatyouwant orthesizeiseithertoosmallortoobig Ifyouwanttobedifferent you dbetternotbuyclothesonline Onceyouputontheclothesyoubuyonlineandgoout youwillfindmanypeoplewearthesameclothesinthestreet 1 Youmayfindthecolororthe isdifferentfromwhatyouwant A sizeB clothesC mouseD glass 2 Ifyouwanttobedifferent you dbetternotbuy online A shoesB mobilephonesC clothesD trousers A C 3 IsshoppinganeasyjobwiththehelpoftheInternet A Yes itisn t B Yes itis C No itisn t D No itis B 4 Whyisshoppi


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