Lesson 127-128 A famous actress 著名的女演员.doc_第1页
Lesson 127-128 A famous actress 著名的女演员.doc_第2页
Lesson 127-128 A famous actress 著名的女演员.doc_第3页




Lesson 127 A famous actress 著名的女演员Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear?听录音,然后回答问题。谁只有29岁?为什么这件事如此含糊不清?KATE: Can you recognize that woman, Liz?LIZ: I think I can, Kate. It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.KATE: I though so. Whos that beside her?LIZ: That must be Conrad Reeves.KATE: Conrad Reeves, the actor? Its cant be. Let me have another look. I think youre right! Isnt he her third husband?LIZ: No. He must be her fourth or fifth.KATE: Doesnt Karen Marsh look old!LIZ: She does, doesnt she! I read shes twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.KATE: Im sure she is.LIZ: She was a famous actress when I was still at school.KATE: That was a long time ago, wasnt it?LIZ: Not that long ago! Im not more than twenty-nine myself.New Word and expressions 生词和短语famous adj. 著名的actress n. 女演员at least 至少actor n. 男演员read (read, read) v. 通过阅读得知 参考译文 凯特:莉兹,你能认出那个女人吗? 莉兹:我想我认得出来,凯特。那一定是女演员卡.马会。凯特:我也这样想。她旁边的那个人是谁?莉兹:一定是康拉德.里弗斯。凯特:康拉德.里弗斯,那个男演员吗?不可能是。让我再看一看。我想你是对的。他不是她的第3个丈夫吗?莉兹:不,他一定是她的第4个或第5个丈夫。凯特:卡伦看上去不显老嘛!莉兹:是的,谁说不是呢!我从报上看到她是29岁,但她一定至少有40岁了。凯特:我肯定她有40岁了。莉兹:当我还是学生时,她就是个著名的演员了。凯特:那是好久以前的事了。是吗?莉兹:不,没有那么久。我自己现在还没29岁呢。课文详注 Further notes on the text1I thought so.我也这样想。 so 是代词,意为“这样”、“如此”。 I think so的否定式为I dont think so(我不这样认为)。类似用so的短句如:I hope so. 我希望如此。I expect so. 我期待如此。I told you so. 我这么告诉过你的。2have another look,再(仔细)看一眼。3 look old,看上去老。这里look是系动词,后跟表语。4at least,至少。5Im sure she is.我肯定她有40岁了。 其后省略了 at least forty。6not more than twenty-nine myself,我自己还没29岁。其中not more than是“不超过”、“不到”的意思。这里反身代词myself是I的同位语,用来加强语气。She did it herself. 这事是她自己做的。语法 Grammar in use 表示猜测和推断的情态助动词must和cant(1)表示最有力的推论的最常用的形式是must和cant。这时,它们一般与系动词be连用。肯定的推断用 must be来表示,否定的推断用 cant be来表示,而不用mustnt。请看例句:He cant be a doctor. He must be a dentist. 他不会是个医生。他一定是位牙医。She cant be Danish. She must be Norwegian. 她不会是丹麦人。她一定是挪威人。He cant be shaving. He must be having a bath. 他不可能在剃胡子。他一定是在洗澡。It cant be cheap. It must be expensive. 它不会便宜。一定价格昂贵。He cant be ill. He must be tired. 他不可能生病了。他肯定是累了。词汇学习 Word study1famous adj.(1)闻名的;出名的:Shes a very famous actress. 她是一位非常闻名的女演员。(2)第一流的;极好的:To my surprise, he had a famous appetite. 让我感到惊奇的是,他有着极好的胃口。This is famous weather for a stroll. 这是散步最理想的天气。2at least(1)至少:This antique vase is worth at least 20,000. 这只古花瓶至少价值两万英镑。At least, you should consider our suggestions. 至少你应该考虑一下我们的建议。(2)反正;无论如何;不管怎样:He has no plans to go abroad yet, at least as far as I know. 他尚未有出国的计划,至少据我所知是这样的。That party wasnt exciting at all, but at least it filled the time. 那个聚会一点儿都不令人兴奋,但不管怎样,它使人打发了那段时光。练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 128A1 He has to be here at six oclock.2 I think he is probably busy.3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.4 I think he is probably sleeping.5 I think he is probably French.6 He has to be in France next week.7 I think he is probably an engineer.B1 I dont think so. She cant be Italian. She must be Greek.2 I dont think so. He cant be English. He must be American.3 I dont think so. They cant be Canadian. They must be Australian.4 I dont think so. He cant be a mechanic. He must be an engineer.5 I dont think so. He cant be a bus conductor. He must be a bus driver.6 I dont think so. He cant be a sales rep. He must be the boss.7 I dont think so. He cant be twenty-four. He must be thirty.8 I dont think so. They cant be five. They must be seven.9 I dont think so. He cant be seventy-six. He must be over eighty.10 I dont think so. She cant be fifty-five. She must be under fifty.11 I dont think so. It cant be the 21st today. It must be the 20th.12 I dont think so. It cant be Tuesday today. It must be Wednesday.13 I dont think so. It cant be the 2nd today. It must be the 3rd.14 I dont think so. It cant be cheap. It must be expensive.15 I dont think so. It cant be easy. It must be difficult.16 I dont think so. She cant be old. She must be young.17 I dont think so. They cant be early. They must be late.18 I dont think so. H


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