已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




一、 看英文,选中文(把正确的字母写在左边的括号里)。(20分)1、( )morning A 早上好 B 鱼2、( )afternoon A 中午好 B 爷爷3、( )high A 高的 B 公路4、( )get up A 姐妹 B 起床5、( )house A 厨房 B 房子6、( )dog A 家庭 B 小狗二、判断下列句子的正误。对的打()错的划()(30分)1、“This is my house.”的中文意思是你几岁了?( )2、“May I come in?”的中文意思是她在厨房做饭? ( )3、 “Hello,is this your house?”的中文意思是我可以进去吗? ( )4、“Have a cup of tea.”的中文意思是喝杯茶。( )5、“Goodafternoon,daddy!” 的中文意思是爸爸,下午好! ( )6、“Morning,nice to see you again.!”的意思是早上好,很高兴又见面了。 ( )三.看英文,写中文。(把正确的字母写在左边的括号里)(32分)1、( ) low A 矮的 B 老师2、( ) chair A 椅子 B 起立3、( ) sky A 天空 B 下面4、( ) sorry A 女孩 B 对不起5、( ) bee A 老鼠 B 蜜蜂6、( ) here A 男孩 B 这儿7、( ) UFO A 太空飞船 B 小猫8、( )help A 救命 B 名字四、判断对错,对的打()错的划()(18分)1、Whats that?的意思是那是什么?( ) 2、Where is Jack?的意思是Jack 在哪?( )3、Is this a cats house?的意思是这是一个小猫的房子吗?( ) 4、Let me get on it.的意思是你的家在哪?( ) 5、Look!Merry is here.的意思是Merry,快过来!( ) 6、Lets be friends.意思是Hello是我的好朋友。( ) 7、It is a bed。的意思是它是一张床。( )8、Hellos magic chair.的意思是Hello的魔法椅子。( ) 9、It that a dog?的意思是那是一只狗吗?( )一、听音选出你所听到词。( ) 1. A.make B. cake C. lake ( ) 2. A. fast B. fork C. far( ) 3. A. chips B. chopsticks C. trousers( ) 4. A. sweater B. shirt C. shorts( ) 5. A.feed B.speak C. read二、听音选出你所听到的短语。( ) 1. A.over there B.get out C.dragon boat( ) 2.A.play football B.play basketballC.playtennis( ) 3.A.jump far B.run fast C.swim fast( ) 4.A.watch TV B.listen to music C.doHomework( ) 5.A.make a cakeB.make a planeC.make a kite三、听音选出你所听到的问句。(2点5=10点)( ) 1.A.Whats this? B.Whats that?C.What are these?( ) 2.A.Where is the bread? B.Where is it?C.Where is your book?( ) 3.A.Is it Shangshans ruler? B.Is this a ruler?C.Whose ruler is it?( ) 4.A.Can your Dad swim? B.Can you swim?C.Can your Mum swim?( ) 5.A.Can this dog run? B.Can this boy run?C.Can this man run?四、听音选出你所听到的词。(2点5=10点)jump winner far friends puddleSam and Amy are good_.Amy can jump_.But Sam cant _far.Amy is the_.Sam can swim in the _.笔试部分(60点)五、给单词归类(1点10=10点)duck shorts noddles monkey sweater drawshirt write bread drink1.动词-,-,-2动物-,-,-3食品-,-,-4衣服-,-,-八、连词组句(2点5=10点)1.rubber/Sams/this/is_.2. run/you/can_.九阅读短文,选词填空(2点5=10点)Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesnt want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.1.( )Sam is a/an_boy.A.English B.Chinese2.( )His father is a _.A.policeman B.doctor3.( )His mother is a _.A. teacher B.nurse4.His _can speak Chinese.A.father B.grandfather5.Sam is going to be a _.A.policeman B.doctorI. 朋友,用线条连接相应的大、小字母。(20%)B wW iA b Y mH yM tL nR aN hT r五、 读一读 、请给下列数字排序号one three seven ten five_六、 小朋友, 你是数学小天才吗? 请试着算一算吧。1. seven -one=_ 2. two + _= six3. ten -_ = five 4. _+ three = nine六、选词填空( )1、How are you?A、old B、big C、am( )2、I seven.A、m B、am C、are( )3、You nine.A、are B、re C、am( )4、A book you.A、to B、is C、for( )5、Happy birthday you.A、to B、for C、is七、读一读,选出一个和其他两个不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内。1、( )A、faceB、eye C、dress2、( )A、doctor B、teacher C、you3、( )A、thin B、red C、fat4、( )A、seven B、twelve C、tree5、( )A、short B、grandfather C、mother八、读一读,在序号上圈出正确的句子。1、当你介绍你的妈妈给小伙伴认识时,你要说:( )A、Hi, this is my sister. B、Hi, this is my mother.2、当你让爸爸睁开眼睛看礼物时,你要说:( )A、Open your eyes. B、Open your present.3、当你让小伙伴看小鸟时,你要说:( )A、Look at the bird. B、I like the bird.4、当你想知道有多少只风筝呀,你应该说:( )A、Seven kites. B、How many kites?一、 Listen and choose the correct words (听录音,选出听到的单词,将其编号填入题前括号内)10%( ) 1. A. tree B. three( ) 2. A. coat B. cold( ) 3. A. tall B. tail( ) 4. A. short B. shirt( ) 5. A. wind B. winter( ) 6. A. slow B. snow( ) 7. A. bell B. belt( ) 8. A. red B. read( ) 9. A. Coke B. cake( ) 10. A. sleep B. sweep三、按要求填单词:A.


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