专题27 单项填空之非谓语动词-年高考英语冲刺专题卷.doc_第1页
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资料收集于网络 如有侵权请联系网站 删除 谢谢 专题27单项填空非谓语动词1Its almost common for a video game nowadays to have multiple endings _ the players choices during gameplay.Adepends on Bdepending onC depended on Dto depend on【答案】B【题型】单项选择【难度】较易2This book is worth _.A to read Breads Cread Dreading【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。be worth doing“值得做”,这里是主动表被动。句意是:这本书值得看。选D。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般3_his telephone number or e-mail address, she had some difficulty getting in touch with John. A. Not knowing B. Not to know C. Not known D. Not having known【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。Not knowing为现在分词的否定形式,在句中作原因状语,含伴随状况,相当于Because she didnt know his telephone number。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般4He ran as fast as he could _ to catch the bus.A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped【答案】C【解析】此题的最佳答案不是B,而是C,其中的现在分词短语hoping to catch the bus用做伴随状语,即一边跑一边希望能赶上汽车。但是,如果选B,将to hope to catch the bus视为目的状语行不行呢?不行。因为“他拼命地跑”目的是“为了赶上公共汽车”,而不是“为了希望赶上公共汽车”,换句话说,将“希望”作为“目的”不妥。因为同样的原因,下面一题也应选hoping。【题型】单项选择【难度】较难5. As the film star began to appear,the children watched, _.Afascinating BfascinatedCbeing fascinated Dhaving fascinated【答案】B【题型】单项选择【难度】一般6_ where to go, he asked a passer-by for help.A. Having lost his way and didnt knowB. Losing his way and didnt knowC. Having lost his way and not knowingD. Lost his way and didnt know【答案】C【解析】考查分词做状语的用法。当动词与句子的主语构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做状语;如果该动词的倒装发生在谓语动作之前,使用完成式having done。否定式是在前面加Not。如果二者构成被动关系,就使用过去分词的形式。句意:因为迷路了也不知道去那里,他向一个过路人求助。故C正确。【题型】单项选择【难度】较难 7_ around the cultural relics for almost an hour, we got together under a big tree for a short break.A. Having shown B. Having been shownC. To show D. To be shown【答案】B【解析】考查状语的用法。 for almost an hour要和Having shown(表主动)或Having been shown(表被动)连用。根据题的意思为被动-我们被领着参观。选B.翻译为“我们先被领着参观了一个小时的文化遗址, 然后在树底下集合休息一小会。”【题型】单项选择【难度】一般【题型】单项选择【难度】一般8Cycling is a good way of exercise and is quite easy _. A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. being done【答案】A考点:本题重点考查不定式用法。点评:解答此类题型要掌握不定式的基本用法,同时还要仔细分析句子结构,主语补语与主语不是被动关系,由此可排除最具迷惑性的B选项。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般9Mother told me _a noise in the hall.A. dont make B. make not to C. not to make D. to make not【答案】C【解析】考查不定式的否定形式。句意:妈妈告诉过我不要在大厅里制造噪音。Tell后用带to的不定式,其否定形式是在to前加not,故选C。【题型】单项选择【难度】较易10_ with teens who spend much of their free time in front of TV sets, those who are physically active often have better grades.A. ComparedB. To compareC. ComparingD. Having compared【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:与把很多空闲时间花在电视机前的青少年相比,积极运动的那些人分数更高。Compared with/to.与相比较,故选A。【题型】单项选择【难度】较难11 The leaders are supposed to care about the sufferings of the people.Contrary to that, some of them act with their eyes _ to the reality.A. closing B. closed C. to close D. being closed【答案】B【题型】单项选择【难度】一般12After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _. A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。此处动词provide与其逻辑主语envelope之间是被动关系,在句中作定语,相当于which is provided。句意为:完成并签名后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。选B。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般13Ill have all of the readings _ by the end of this term if my plan goes well.A. completing B. to completeC. completed D. being completed【答案】C【解析】 考查结构:have sth. done,使某事被做,题中是让所有的读物被完成,所以选C。【题型】单项选择【难度】较易14Do you know that _ with wise men improves your mind? A. chat B. chats C. chatted D. chatting 【答案】D【解析】考查动名词短语做主语。Chatting with wise man是一个动名词短语在句中做主语,后面的动词用单数。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般15Regardless of the sign _ “stop”, he intended to drive ahead but was prevented by a policeman.A. telling B. going C. writing D. sayingpollution n. 污染;弄脏【答案】D【题型】单项选择【难度】较易16_ several times, the young scientist still kept on doing his experiments.A. Having failed B. Having been failed C. Failed D. To fail【答案】A【解析】分词动作fail与其逻辑主语the young scientist之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作时间状语,又因为现在分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用现在分词的完成时。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般17Canada is a country _many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population.A. making up of; made up B. consisting of; making upC. made up of; consists of D. consisted of; made up【答案】B【解析】句意:加拿大是一个由许多不同民族组成的国家,也是一个移民占大多数人口的国家。consist of“由组成”,没有被动形式,be made up of“由组成”,make up“组成,占比例”,此处是两个分词短语做定语,和被修饰词均为主动关系,故用现在分词,答案选B。【题型】单项选择【难度】一般18Could you show me the TV set you d like _?A. to have repairedB. repairing itC. to have it repairedD. to repair it【答案】A【解析】考查短语。have sth. done 句意:你能把你想修的电视让我看看吗?此题中含有一个定语从句,先行词为the TV set,后省略了关系词that/which,youd like to have后缺少宾语,所以选A。【题型】单项选择【难度】较难 19Why didnt you come to the party? I had meant _, but something unexpected happened. A. so B. thatC. notD. to 【答案】D【题型】单项选择【难度】一般20Its said that the heaviest man in this city, _ 1,345 pounds, has be


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