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The Application of Cooperative Learning in College Oral English Classroombywum A thesis presented to the School of English Education ofXian International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of Arts May 18, 2016 Class: 2012-1 Advisor: zmmm 西安外国语大学英语教育学院毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告 姓名性别班级学号 毕业论文题目:合作学习在大学英语口语课堂中的应用The Application of Cooperative Learning in College Oral English Classroom任务起止日期: 2015年11月20日至 2016年5月20日毕业论文主要内容及参考文献: 随着高校的大规模扩大招生,我国高校的英语教学普遍存在着班级人数多,学生参与机会少的问题。另外,由于我国的语言考试以书面考试为主,所以老师将大部分精力放在学生的阅读与写作的训练上而大多忽视了学生口语表达能力在教学过程中的训练。但是,在日常生活中,口语表达能力占据着非常重要的作用。因此本文将从合作学习这一新型教育模式出发,讨论如何将此模式应用于大学英语口语教学以提高大学生的口语表达能力。 论文结构如下:首先,作者将分析当前大学英语口语教学的现状及所存在的问题。其次,具体谈论合作学习的特征及优势。然后,分析合作学习在实际应用中应该注意的问题。最后,作者将会针对应用过程中的问题提出一些改进意见。希望本文会对当前大学英语口语教学起到一些启示作用。参考文献:Chen, X. (2013). The application of cooperative learning in the oral English classroom. English Square, 3(6), 67-71.Jun, S. (2012). The strategy of cooperative learning and the practice of college English teaching. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 7, 10-15.Wang, D. (2013). Cooperative learning in oral English classroom teaching in higher vocational education. Overseas English, 5(1), 53-54.陈玉玲(2002)合作学习与英语交际能力的培养邯郸职业技术学院学报(1),15-23指导教师 (签名) 年 月 日iiiAcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor, Professor Zhao because of her constant encouragement and guidance on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis. Besides, I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in the School of English Education for their direct and indirect help to me. Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft.Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. 合作学习在大学英语口语课堂中的应用摘要: 我国大学英语口语教学存在着教师教学方法单一,学生参与机会少,学习态度被动的问题。另外,由于我国的语言考试主要以书面考试为主,所以在教学过程中老师将大部分精力放在学生的阅读与写作的训练上而大多忽视了学生口语表达能力的训练,结果造成学生英语口语表达能力普遍偏低。但是,英语口语在对外交流合作及文化教育中占据着非常重要的地位,如择业面试、外商谈判、及文化交流等都离不开英语口语。所以改变传统教学方法而采用新的教学模式以提高学生的口语表达能力势在必行。本文将从合作学习这一新型教学模式出发,分析小组合作学习活动对学生的英语口语学习态度、学习信心、学习动机的影响,总结了有效的小组合作学习分组策略,教师监督与干预措施,具体探讨在大学英语口语教学中如何运用此模式提高学生口语水平,分析在应用该模式过程中可能出现的问题并提出相应的解决措施,揭示合作学习对大学英语口语教学的有效性,以促进学生全面发展。本文作者希望此研究可为当前大学英语口语教学起到一些启示作用。关键词:合作学习;口语教学;教学模式;对策 The Application of Cooperative Learning in College Oral English ClassroomAbstract: College oral English teaching in China has a series of problems, such as old fashioned teaching methods, passive learning attitude, fewer chances of oral English practice, the lack of cultural background knowledge and so on. In addition, in China, language test is mainly in the form of writing, so most teachers focus on students reading and writing training and ignore the students oral skills in the teaching process. However, there is no doubt that oral English occupies a very important position in diplomatic career and educational activities. Therefore, it is essential to change the traditional teaching methods and at the same time to apply the new teaching methods to improve students oral English. This article studies the characteristics and the significance of cooperative learning, and analyzes how to put the theory into college oral English teaching practice to improve students oral English. The author finds out some possible problems in the process of application of the model and puts forward the corresponding measures. The author wants to provide some useful enlightenment to the current college oral English teaching.Key words: cooperative learning; oral English teaching; teaching methods; countermeasures Table of Contents1. Introduction12. Current Situations of Oral English Teaching in University22.1 Current Oral English Teaching in Higher Education22.2 Defects in Traditional Teaching33. Characteristics and the Application of Cooperative Learning53.1 Cooperative Learning53.1.1 Three types of cooperative learning groups.53.1.2 Five elements about cooperative learning.63.2 Procedures of Application83.2.1 Pre-class stage.83.2.2 While-class stage.93.2.3 Post-class reflection.114. Problems in Cooperative Learning134.1 The Relationship Between Teachers and Students134.3 Problems with Organization of Class Activities145. Suggestions for Application155.1 Student-Centered155.2 Transformation About Teachers Roles166. Conclusion17References1801. IntroductionUndoubtedly, the vital objective of English language learning is to communicate with others fluently in daily life. However, in China, the traditional style of oral English teaching is still mainly to pass on knowledge of language instead of using English to talk with others. As a result, students can not express their feelings and attitudes in English freely even they have learned English for many years. Cooperative learning is believed to improve students communicative skills, build up students confidence and stimulate learners autonomy, which has attracted domestic and overseas scholars to have a further study about this new teaching mode. Cooperative learning can improve the atmosphere in class and arouse students learning enthusiasm. So some teachers apply cooperative learning in the study of mathematics and other teachers use this pattern in physical research, as well as teachers apply it in Chinese teaching. The purpose of this study is to probe into the effects of cooperative learning on learners oral language learning and to analyze how to apply this model to motivate college students to learn oral English effectively. Besides, as for some problems which arise due to poor group dynamics, time constraints, the author provides some efficient measures to solve those problems. The main findings of study suggest that cooperative learning is significantly conducive to college students communicative competence because it not only emphasizes equality and cooperation but provides students with more opportunities to join in class activities and practice oral English. The author believes that cooperative learning plays a significant role in helping students have an all-round development.182. Current Situations of Oral English Teaching in University The ultimate goal of oral English teaching is to develop learners communicative abilities. However, in China, most teachers mainly pass on language knowledge instead of encouraging students to use English to talk with others. There are many problems in current oral English teaching in University.2.1 Current Oral English Teaching in Higher Education In the fierce competitive society, most people are aware that English as a communicative tool plays a more and more important role and how to use English efficiently becomes one popular topic for everyone. One research reports that as one of the productive skills, speaking requires students to have an all-round command of English language and enables students to get insight into western culture (Zhou, 2014). A requirement of English speaking ability becomes one of the important criteria for qualified personnel in the 21stcentury. With the enlargement of enrollment in Chinese colleges since 1999, teachers have been making all efforts on oral English instruction only to find out an unsatisfactory result. In China, language test is mainly in the form of writing. Therefore, most teachers just pay attention to the training of English reading and writing but overlook the teaching of spoken English. Besides, college oral English teaching is mainly completed in the Chinese context and the traditional teaching method does not provide students with a real social situation to practice their English speaking and it does not cultivate their learning interests. Teachers pay a little attention to oral English and they just offer some simple activities to students. For example, students are often encouraged to read the text and repeat the sentences. Students are always required to memorize dialogues by heart. However, reading or memorizing a printed dialogue does not help students develop the ability to produce the quick real-time responses which are an essential feature of fluency in a conversational context (Shu, 2013). It is not unusual to see that many college students are not good at using English to communicate with others in their daily life. Both teachers and learners should find the problems of oral English teaching and analyze the causes of problems. Teachers should also try to explore some new methods, for example, the cooperative learning. However, traditional teaching methods have many defects.2.2 Defects in Traditional TeachingAs college students, they are still afraid of communicating with foreigners or even with classmates in English. The reason why they are unwilling to talk with others is that they have become accustomed to traditional teaching methods and they just want to recite the sentences and essays by heart. In oral English class, students always tend to keep silent, which has been a headache for many teachers because they are forced to dominate the whole conversation. “Mute English is a phenomenon in China where people can read and understandEnglishas a second languagebut cannot speak it well (Chen, 2002, pp.15-23). One research (Wang, 2013) also mentions that on the surface of keeping silent lies in that students are shy of making mistakes and fear that they lose face before others. Current spoken English teaching methods often neglect students needs and interests and it fails to provide real world situation for students to practice what they have learned. It is high time that we took measures to develop our oral English ability. In the social interactions, students should be able to exchange information in English effectively and at the same time to express their ideas clearly and authentically.3. Characteristics and the Application of Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is a new approach. It is an effective teaching method for oral English teaching, which meets the demands of students in the 21st century. Many scholars have done a series of studies about it and the application of the cooperative learning.3.1 Cooperative LearningAs a creative and practical teaching method, many researchers and teachersdone a series of studies about cooperative learning. The purposes of cooperation learning are to arouse students interests and attract them to participate in class activities willingly by designing various interesting activities, such as discussion, debate, drama, problem-solving and role-play. Cooperative learning, charactering basically with interpersonal cooperation and interaction, is a relatively new teaching method to provide students with more opportunities to speak English, to reduce the tension of the students, to enhance the enthusiasm of students to participate in the oral group activities and to improve students spoken English significantly (Zhang, 2014, pp.197-199). During the process of doing those activities, students have a chance to communicate with others so that they can practice their oral English. And there are three styles about cooperative learning group.3.1.1 Three types of cooperative learning groups.“There are three styles of cooperative learning groups: formal, informal and cooperative. In formal groups, all students learn together, during one or several weeks, to achieve their learning goals and complete learning tasks (Yu, 2010, pp.50-51). Teachers play a vital role in formal cooperative learning groups. First, teachers make a lesson plan about tasks, aims, materials, and room assignment. Second, it is essential for teachers to give a clear and specific explanation about tasks to the students. Third, it is very important for teachers to monitor students learning and at the same time to provide assistance effectively. Fourth, teachers evaluate students learning behavior and let students realize how well their groups behave. Informal group is somewhat off-the-cuff and is often used to break up lectures with group exercises. One research (Shu, 2013) says that informal cooperative learning group mainly refers that in a short period of time, for example, from a few minutes to one class, students gain knowledge and skills together to achieve shared goals. And students have a right to choose their partner beyond the limitation of the space and time. What is the most important is that informal cooperative learning group ensures that students are involved in classroom activities actively. Teachers need to pay attention to two aspects when they use informal groups. On the one hand, teachers have to make the tasks and the instructions explicit and precise. On the other hand, teachers should require the groups to produce a specific product.Cooperative-based group means that over a longer period of time, group members support each other by meeting regularly and holding each other accountable for their contributions. Efforts of all group members are important to ensure the whole group to make a good learning performance and provide everyone with support, encouragement, and assistance during the process of completing tasks.3.1.2 Five elements about cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is distinguished by the presence of five key elements: positive interdependence, face-to-face interaction, accountability, interpersonal skills and group processing (Johnson & Johnson, 2008). Positive Interdependence: It exists only when group members understand that they sink or swim together. Therefore, everyone should know that each participants efforts benefit not only himself, but all other group members. One research (Jing & Ying, 2013) has mentioned that positive interdependence creates a commitment to other peoples success as well as ones own and it is the basis of cooperative learning. The outcome of the task, whether it be a grade, a paper or a product, is judged equally among all participants, so all group members have a stake in the success of the project. Accountability: It means that each student must take a certain learning task. Individual and group accountability ensures that each group member takes part in classroom activities actively. Teachers should design a series of tasks so that students have a deeper understanding about accountability. Formative assessment is necessary and teachers should serve to provide feedback to students in the classroom activities. Teachers assign roles like secretary or recorder and group members give a current report on the group status timely, which requires a good communication among all group members. Face-to-Face Interaction: It depends on group dynamics to exchange ideas and collaborate effectively. Effective interaction occurs when members share resources, help, support, encourage, and praise each other. Interpersonal dynamics occur when students improve themselves on how to solve problems, discussing questions. Teachers should create as much oral discussions as possible to arouse students interests. Interpersonal and small group skills: It is necessary for teachers to teach students social skills so that students can adapt to cooperative learning quickly. Leadership, decision-making, co-operation, communication skills are all included. Those qualities are very beneficial for students collaborated skills. And students also need to learn to appreciate their members strengths and weaknesses. Group processing: One research (Chen, 2012) says that group processing refers that group members reflect on which members actions are helpful to the project and make decisions about which actions to continue or change. Group processing can improve the effectiveness of the cooperative learning. In cooperative learning group, students have to learn professional knowledge and interpersonal and small group skills. In addition, all group members must be involved in the classroom activities so that the whole group can complete tasks quickly. Only in this way can they have a satisfactory performance in classroom activities.3.2 Procedures of Application Based on cooperative learning, many scholars have done a series of researches on how this mode enables students to work together with their teachers and partners to get fully involved in classroom activities so that they can improve their communicative skills effectively. The application of cooperative learning in the oral English classroom includes three stages.3.2.1 Pre-class stage. In order to encourage students to take part in classroom activities actively and ensure the smooth and effectiveness of the cooperative learning, teachers had better arrange students to prepare materials related to communicative topics with their group members from three aspects before the class. Informal cooperative learning group can be used in pre-class stage to help students collect information to achieve shared goals. Students have right to choose their partner beyond the limitation of the space and time. First, students should have a general understanding about the topic which the teacher will present in class through the network, newspapers, books and other ways, which is a good way to enhance students self-confidence. Second, on the basis of background knowledge about the topic, group members may need to find out the correct pronunciations of some difficult words or phrases by the dictionary or computer in order to reduce the possible errors. Third, each member should be familiar with some sentences and phrases that may be used in social interactions in advance. Preparation activities help students develop their interpersonal skills, learn more languag


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