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第五课时 语法学案- 情态动词(I) (Modal verbs)学习方法 learning method:根据所给例句发现情态动词所表示的不同语气,从而在不同的语境下学会使用适当的情态动词。Step I 情态动词概述1. 情态动词本身具有词义,表示主语或说话人的语气或对事物的态度。但它不能单独作谓语动词,只能和行为动词或系动词连用,构成谓语。2. 情态动词都没有人称和数的变化。常见的情态动词有: Step II Discovering useful structures Find the sentences in the reading passage that use modal verbs. Underline them.Step III summing up总结几个主要情态动词的用法:学法指导: 从下面的例句和意思总结出情态动词的不同用法 切记:一定要先认真研读例句和汉语意思 1. can 和could 的用法(1) 表示 有“能” ,“会”的意思。She can speak English The young man cant carry the big stone (2) 表示允许。常译为“可以”(could比can语气更委婉客气)。Can I help you? You can go nowBut he cant goCould you do me a favour? 注意: 以上三句中的could不表过去,could和can没有时间上的差别。 (3) 表示 ,意思是“可能”,“也许”,“或许”(主要用于 或 ) - Can she be in the reading-room? - No,she cant be in it - Where could(can)he be now? -He could go to the cinema (could比can可能性更小) Can和be able to 的区别 Eg: I havent been able to drive a car. We will be able to finish the task soon. 2may和might的用法(1)表示 回答用 或 You may go nowHe said that I might use the telephone- May l watch TV after supper? - Yes,you may/canNo,you mustnt/cant(2)表示 She may come tomorrowHe might be English (3)may用于祈使句中表示 。May you succeed! May you be happy! 3shall和should的用法 1)shall的用法 (1)用于第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示 What shall we do next? Shall the driver wait? (2)用于第 人称的陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺和威胁。You shall fail if you dont work hard. 表示 You shall not leave your post表示 He shall have the book when I finish reading it表示 You shall get a computer as a present if you study hard.表示 He shall be punished表示 2)should的用法 (1)用于表示 ,作“应该”,“应当”讲。 You should keep your promise You should wash your hands first. You should learn how to use computers. (2)WhyHow should? 结构表示说话人对某事不能理解,感到意外、惊异等意思,意为“竟会”。 Why should you be so late today? (3) should可表示 含有“按道理应该,应当”之意。They should be at home by now for they have been away for two hours.4. will和would的用法 (1) 表示 , 常用于第 人称问句中。用_ 比_用语气更委婉。 Will you please go with me? Would you like a cup of coffee? (2)表示 有“愿,要”之意,would 表示过去的意愿和决心。 I will never do that again. I will do my best to help you. (3)表示 译作“总是”“惯于”。will指现在,would则表示过去的习惯。 Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold天气变冷时一些鸟会飞向南方。 Oil will float on water. On Sunday he would go to the park to play chess. He would sit there for hours sometimes,doing nothing at all. would和used to 的区别 eg. He would get up at six. He used to get up at six. 5must的用法 (1)must表示“必须;必要”,用于一般疑问句中,肯定回答用 ,否定回答要用 - Must we hand in our exercise today? - Yes,you must - No, you needntdont have to (2)mustnt表示 You mustnt lend the new book to others (3) must表示推测时,只能用于肯定句,意为“一定;肯定, 准是”, 语气很肯定。作此解时,must的否定形式不是mustnt,而是 He must come from Sichuan Province. Your brother must be anxious to know the result of the examNo one is answering the phoneThey must be out It cant be the headmaster, for he is on a visit in the USA. |另: must后可接动词的进行式,(即 结构 )表示“估计正在”,这是对正在进行的动作的推测。 You must be joking 你准是在说笑话。 Lets hurryThey must be waiting for us快一点。他们现在一定在等我们。 (4) 有时must表示“偏要;硬要;偏偏”,指做令人不快的事情。Must you shout so loudly? It cant help;he must do that After I gave her adviceshe must go and do the opposite Step IV 情态动词的其他用法 情态动词除各自有自己的词义外,还可以表示推测和责备等意义。 1. 表示推测 表示对现在的推测 He must / may be at home He may be at home。 He must / may know you He cant be at home He may not be at home Can he be at home? Your mother must / may be waiting for you at home She cant be watching TV now Can they be playing football? 注意: 1) 表示推测时,肯定句一般用must,may, might否定句用cancould not,maymight not;疑问句用cancould. 2) could可以代替can,might可以代替may,此时它们都不表示过去时,而是指可能性更小,说话人更没把握。 表示对过去的推测 “mustmaymightcould+have+过去分词”常用来表示对过去事情的推测,在否定句和疑问句中常用“cancould+have+过去分词”。 It mustmay have rained last night 昨晚一定可能下了雨。 The door was lockedHe cancould not have been at home Can he have got the book? 表示对将来的推测 由“mustmaymightcancould +动词原形do”表示对将来情况的推测,常与表示将来的时间状语连用或用在一定的上下文中。 She must arrive before five - Can she arrive before five? - Im afraid she cant 2. 表示责备和批评 表示本该做而实际上未做的事。 You should have been here five minutes ago You ought to have helped me 表示本不该做而实际上做了。 You neednt have waited for me You shouldnt have told him the secret. 2. 用适当的情态动词填空a) Youve been working all day. You _ be very tired.b) (The door bell rings)I wonder who that is, it_ be Lisa. Shes still in the library at this time.c) It is a long time since we met last time. You _ come and see us more often.d) I havent decided where Im going for my holidays. I _ go to Australia. e) My fathers birthday is coming. What _ I buy for him ? f) Why dont you try on this dress? It_ look nice on you.g) “Who was the man talking with your teacher?” “Im not sure. It _ be her brother.h) I dont know when the guests will be here. They _ arrive at any time.Unit 1 Festivals around the worldReading 1. Fast reading (tips:统揽全文,获得大意即可,不要句句阅读。)1) How many paragraphs in this passage _2) Which festivals are mentioned in the passage?_2. Careful readingParagraph 1: When did ancient people celebrate ?_Paragraph 2: Festivals of the dead1. What are festivals of the dead for?_2. How do Japanese honor their ancestors?_3. What do the people in Mexico do in memory of the dead?_*Are there any similar festivals in China? What to do? What to eat? _Paragraph 3: Festivals to honor peopleFestivalsCountryPeople honoredParagraph 4: Harvest Festivals1) Why are autumn festivals happy events?_2) What do people do to celebrate it?_Paragraph 5: Spring FestivalsFestivalsCountryWhat to doThe Lunar Chinese New YearCarnivalsThe Cherry Blossom FestivalParagraph 6: What are the purposes of festivals?_思考:Based on the reading passage, what do most festivals seem to have in common?_ 随堂练习重点短语 1. take _ 发生 2. _ memory of 纪念,追念3. dress _ 盛装;打扮;装饰4. play a trick _ 搞恶作剧;诈骗; 开玩5. look forward _ 盼望,期望 6. day _ night 日夜; 整天7. _ though 好像 8. have _ with 玩得开心9. in the shape _ 以的形式 10. be proud _ 为而自豪I Summary of the passage There are all kinds of festivals and _ around the world, which are held for different reasons. Th


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