陕西省汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《Unit6 Accidents》lesson 48新课标同步授课课件 冀教版.ppt_第1页
陕西省汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《Unit6 Accidents》lesson 48新课标同步授课课件 冀教版.ppt_第2页
陕西省汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《Unit6 Accidents》lesson 48新课标同步授课课件 冀教版.ppt_第3页
陕西省汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《Unit6 Accidents》lesson 48新课标同步授课课件 冀教版.ppt_第4页
陕西省汉中市陕飞二中九年级英语上册《Unit6 Accidents》lesson 48新课标同步授课课件 冀教版.ppt_第5页
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lesson48单元小结 词型转换 1 accident 形容词 副词 2 act 名词 3 warn 名词 4 careful 反义词 5 injury 动词 6 safe 名词 反义词 7 drop 现在分词 8 ice 形容词 9 rush 单三 10 high 名词 11 sudden 副词 12 break 过去式 13 gift 同义词 14 catch 过去式 15 fall 过去分词 词组回放 1 发生事故 2 不必 3 小心 当心 4 保暖 5 够高 6 掉到上面 7 不严重 8 安全规则 9 把某人单独留下 10 掉下来 11 在 边缘 12 穷人 13 阻止某人做某事 14 伤着自己 15 生 的气 16 扑灭 17 警告某人不要做某事 填空 1 movethatbagaway ortheremaybeana 2 bec acarmayhityou 3 thereareplentyof 病人 inthehospital 4 thesoliderrushedoutandcarriedtheboyto 安全 5 mikejordanistwometresin 高度 6 don tplaywith 火 7 let sasklucy 代替 oflily 灵活运用 1 youever see anaccident 2 whynot listen tomywarning 3 theboyistallenough reach theceiling 4 onmywayhome isawapurse lie ontheground 5 theteacheroftenwarnsus notplay inthestreet 6 nothingcouldpreventmefrom go home 7 ithinkmylegis break 8 ittookmetwohours draw apicturelastnight 9 be care oryou llhurt you 10 thesoliderrushedoutandtooktheboyto safe 11 theboyis1 65metresin high 12 mychildistooyoung ican tleavehimby him 13 istheman bad hurtintheaccident 14 weareallworriedaboutbrian s injure 祈使句 一 肯定句式1 pleaselistentomecarefully 2 bequiet please 3 let shavearest 二 否定句式1 pleasedon tlookoutofthewindow 2 let snotplaybasketballintheclassroom 三 特殊句型 noparking nonoise nophotos nosmoking 祈使句的反意疑问句 一般情况下 祈使句的反意疑问句是willyou 但是当祈使句是let s句型时 反意疑问句是shallwe don tbelateforschool willyou let sgototheparktomorrow shallwe 祈使句的应答 应答祈使句要用将来时 pleaseremembertobringyourhomeworkheretomorrow yes iwill pleasedon tsmokehere sorry iwon t 祈使句的相关句型 祈使句 and or 一般将来时的结果状语从句 结构可以转换成一个由if引导的条件状语从句 如 workhard andyouwillpasstheexam ifyouworkhard you llpasstheexam ifyoudon tworkhard youwon tpasstheexam hurryup oryou llbelate ifyouhurryup youwon tbelate ifyoudon thurryup you llbelate 技能提高 1 let sgotoplaybasketball a shallweb dowec willyou2 studyhard you llfallbehindtheothers a andb soc butd or3 thinkhard you llfindaway a andb soc butd or4 don tmakeanynoiseinclass a yes iwon tb sorry iwon tc yes idod no idon t 句型转换 1 youmustn ttalkinclass 否定祈使句 inclass 2 whydon tyougohome 同义句 why home 3 you dbetternotleavethebabyathomealone 同义句 you dbetternotleavethebabyathome 4 merrychristmas 补全应答用语 5 ittookmethreemonthstofinishthework 同义句 i threemonths thework 6 youneedn ttakeanumbrellawithyou 同义句 you takeanumbrellawithyou 7 mybikedoesn tworkwell 同义句 thereis mybike 8 youhavetostayathometoday 9 wetookbriantothehospitalyesterday 被动语态 brian tothehospitalyesterday 情景反应 1 whensomeoneisclimbingatree youshouldsay don tclimbtoohigh 2 whenyouareindander youshouldsay help 3 whensomeoneispl


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