



影片讲述的是一个赛车手的故事。他就是“闪电麦昆”。麦昆的赛车本领一流,反应速度极快,但是他有一个很不好的脾性。就是喜欢单干。记得在那次赛车的时候,他爆了两个胎,但是他就是不管自己的后勤部门保障系统。一意孤行继续往前冲。后面的赛车王,和另一个选手追了上来,快到终点线的时候,奇迹发生了。“闪电麦昆”狡猾地伸出了自己的舌头而和其它两辆赛车一起触线。正当裁判不知道该如何裁决而反复观看电视录像的时候“闪电麦昆”已经在为自己将来签约恐龙石油公司而梦想不已。在无数的闪光灯下,他想起了荣誉,活塞杯,美女,钞票。还有那无上的待遇,恐龙石油公司的直升机属于自己的直升机。当乐声响起,礼炮奏响,观众一片山呼海啸的时候。“闪电麦昆”一个箭步冲上台,在领奖台上激动不已。他骄傲地的闭起眼睛,而当他睁开眼睛的时候突然发现,自己的左右两侧多了两辆赛车。这就是和他同时触线的那两辆赛车。主持人宣布,有三辆赛车同时出线,将共同角逐“活塞杯”。 “闪电麦昆”的骄傲,和他对于后勤部门的疏慢态度。造成了他所在的原来的润滑油公司的其他伙计的大为不满。“闪电麦昆”的拖车将麦昆拖运上路,麦昆一边安抚着自己的拖车熬夜前行。而自己却在拖车里面睡起了大觉。拖车也睏得嘀哩当啷。正当拖车一个劲儿地打瞌睡的时候,其他赛车冲上前来在高速路上,对麦昆的拖车一路嬉闹。结果拖车稀里糊涂地打开了车厢的后门。熟睡中的麦昆不知不觉滑下了拖车。麦昆睁开眼睛,突然发现自己已经在66号高速公路上前行。他慌里慌张躲过无数疾驰的汽车。由于自己没有车灯,他像没头苍蝇一样乱撞。偏离了高速公路,还以为是在高速公路上前行。麦昆一路横冲直撞,最后在一个叫做水箱温泉小镇的地方停了下来。这个名字相当类似水族箱的小镇,它的创始人的雕像,也被麦昆拖拽着,移动了相当长的距离,为此,麦昆将原本就不平整的公路破坏得一塌糊涂。小镇上的警察,在麦昆夜里开车的时候,就已经奏响了警笛,并将麦昆扭送到当地的法庭。小镇的法官宣判道:将麦昆赶出小镇。麦昆对此求之不得。但是温泉小镇的一个女律师,却坚持要麦昆修好马路才能离开。自我感觉良好的麦昆,在一开始还觉得女律师在为自己的魅力而着迷不已。等到他发现女律师却要求自己修完马路的时候。脾气不好的麦昆再也忍受不住。他心里一直盘算,离开水箱温泉小镇,能够快速地赶到目的地。提早和恐龙石油公司联系。而现在,自以为是一个城里人的他,却突然被一群乡下人拦住,并要他干苦力。麦昆认为,这是对麦昆认为,这是对他的极大侮辱。心里自然憋了一肚子火。第二天清早,麦昆突然发现自己的面前多了一辆破旧不堪的汽车,还是一辆油缆拖车。这辆汽车最显著的特征就是他的两颗大门牙。这家伙自称自己的名字叫“板牙”。板牙问麦昆的名字。麦昆糊里糊涂含混地回答他。板牙却认为麦昆的名字也叫板牙。麦昆想逃离,却发现自己带了轮胎锁走不动。当一辆老爷车要求麦昆修路的时候。麦昆趁板牙刚刚给自己打开轮胎锁的瞬间像箭一般冲了出去。在板牙瞠目结舌的表情还没有做完的时候,麦昆早已不见踪影。可是好景不长,麦昆突然发现自己没油了。经验老辣的老爷车告诉他,在麦昆睡着的时候已经给他抽干了油。并且要按天定额配送给他。麦昆对此无计可施。只好答应修路。一开始,麦昆想,死就死了,修就修吧。于是加足马力挂着修路机很快的在不到一个小时的时间内把马路修了一遍。板牙高兴地在刚修好的马路上狂奔,却震得自己像筛框一样。老爷车要求麦昆再次修路,并和他约定比赛决输赢。如果麦昆赢了,就让他远走高飞,如果麦昆输了,继续老老实实地修路。骄傲自满的麦昆,怎么也想不到在非赛场的土地上,竟然会输给一辆老爷车。麦昆的急转弯技术总是掌握不好,老爷车漫不经心地给他指点了两句。被仙人掌的刺刮花的麦昆,根本没把老赛车的话当一回事。但事实上,他确实输了。只好安心修路。劳累了一天的麦昆,得到了女律师的关心。请他住到自己的旅馆里,并且住在一号房间。和麦昆已经相当要好的板牙,开起了麦昆的玩笑。他戏谑地说,麦克已经爱上了女律师。这一回修路的工作变慢了,但是修路的质量却大为提高。好久没有在那样平坦的马路上行驶的小镇的居民,第一次感受到了那平坦如砥的快感。女律师带着麦昆去兜风。和他来到一个轮舱旅店这是当66号公路没有修成的时候的一个非常重要的汽车旅馆。在那时,所有的车辆都要悠闲地从小镇经过。而当66号公路修通以后,为了赶时间的汽车们再也无暇去光顾小镇。小镇无复往日的繁荣兴旺。居民也失去了往日的欢乐。此时一首非常抒情的歌曲唱起来。让我们一起重温水箱温泉小镇的历史。把路修好的麦昆在一个偶然的机会发现老赛车原来是1951年至1953年连续三年的“活塞杯汽车赛”冠军。并且还有1座“终身冠军成就奖”奖杯。作为一个赛车界的新进后生,麦昆对老赛车产生由衷的敬意。终于他得到了老赛车的亲自指点。将自己得独门绝技传授给他。而且在一天晚上,板牙向麦昆展示了自己的独门倒车绝技。此时的麦昆,让我们一起重温水箱温泉小镇的历史。把路修好的麦昆在一个偶然的机会发现老赛车原来是1951年至1953年连续三年的“活塞杯汽车赛”冠军。并且还有1座“终身冠军成就奖”奖杯。作为一个赛车界的新进后生,麦昆对老赛车产生由衷的敬意。终于他得到了老赛车的亲自指点。将自己得独门绝技传授给他。而且在一天晚上,板牙向麦昆展示了自己的独门倒车绝技。此时的麦昆,已经和水箱温泉小镇的居民们产生了深厚的感情。他在那里充满了油,换上了白色边界的轮胎,焕然一新地赶到活塞杯比赛目的地。毫无疑问,麦昆的出现,遭到了其他对手的嘲笑。但是令他非常鼓舞的是,温泉水箱小镇的人们来到了比赛场周围为他加油。老爷车也亲自坐镇指挥。在爆胎的情况下,他们为他及时更换了轮胎,其换胎速度令对方后勤瞠目结舌,大跌眼镜。在比赛中,麦昆还不失时机地展示了自己的倒车绝技,并且顽强的从草皮上返回主车道。最后一圈的时候,赛车王被甩到一边。摔得满身是伤。已经具备优良品质的麦昆,推着老赛车王,跑完了最后一圈。而另一辆不顾其他赛手的赛车,虽然第一个冲过终点线,却遭到了观众的唾弃,臭鸡蛋和烂西红柿扔了一身。麦昆的表现得到了恐龙石油公司经纪人的垂青。他想邀请麦昆和他们签约。此时的麦昆,已经不是那个心高气傲的麦昆。他想起了自己的润滑油公司的老同事们。决定和他们一起走过后面的路程。恐龙石油公司的经纪人果然专业,他温和地向麦昆说,希望我们以后有机会合作。麦昆赢得了大家的掌声和欢呼声。板牙如愿以偿坐上了恐龙石油公司的直升机。麦昆回到了温泉小镇,和美丽的女律师走到一起。他们要一起去兜兜风,看看瀑布。一起来享受水箱温泉小镇的美丽时光。影片到这里就结束了。从剧本上说,如果发生在人类社会,也不过是一个比较普通的赛车故事。但是用一群拟人的赛车和汽车来表演的话,整个故事给人的感觉就大为不同。给人极其新鲜的感觉。由此可见约翰拉萨特作为编剧,具有很强的创新能力。这也延续了“皮克斯”不采用老套的王子公主童话模式的创新理念。在材质和渲染上面来说,无论是生锈的材质,还是光洁如新的金属漆表面,都表现得非常逼真,无可挑剔。那雄阔的西部风光,滚滚的车尘,都让我们惊叹他们的水平已经达到了如此高度,技巧也已经如此的娴熟!原本毫无生命的汽车,到了他们的手里,却有了眼睛、嘴巴;普普通通的四个轮子就成了角色的手和脚。赋予了他们鲜活的生命,他们和车身一起传达着角色的感受。Film tells the story of a racer. He is the Lightning McQueen. McQueens racing skills class, fast response, but he has a very good temperament. Is like to go it alone. Remember that at that car, he burst two tires, but he is regardless of their back office support systems. Obstinately continue forging ahead. The car behind the king, and the other players catching up, approaching the finish line when a miracle happened. Lightning McQueen cunning way out of his tongue while the other two cars with the touch-line. While referees do not know how to ruling repeatedly watching television when the video Lightning McQueen has been signed up for their own future and dream of endless oil dinosaurs. In numerous flash, he thought of honor, piston cup, sex, and money. Then there is supreme treatment, dinosaur oil company helicopters - their own helicopters. When the music started playing, gun salute sounded, the audience, when a tsunami Shan Hu. Lightning McQueen a sudden big stride forward onto the platform, on the podium excited. He proudlys Biqiyanjing, and when he opened his eyes, when they suddenly discovered that his left and right sides over the two cars. This is the touch line, and he was two cars. Moderator announced that there are three cars qualifying at the same time, will co-competing for the Piston Cup.Lightning McQueen and pride, and his sparse for the logistics sector, slower approach. The cause of his original oil company where the other guy is much discontent. Lightning McQueen The trailer will be McQueen haulage road, McQueen with his trailer while staying up late to appease the former line. Inside the trailer while they Shuiqi a big sense. Trailers also sleepy tick miles Barang. While towing a hammer to fall asleep, others come in high-speed car onto the road, the trailer all the way to the McQueen frolic. Results trailers sleepwalk compartment door opened. Sleeping McQueen unknowingly slipped a trailer. McQueen opened his eyes, and suddenly found that he has approached the line of Highway 66. He survived numerous Huanglihuangzhang gallop cars. Because he did not lights, he was rattling like a failed head like flies. Deviate from the highway, but also thought it was on the highway came up OK. McQueen rampage all the way, anMcQueen believes that this is a great insult to him. Naturally hold in mind a belly fire.The next day morning, McQueen suddenly found himself more in front of a dilapidated car, or an oil-rope tow. The cars most distinctive feature is his two front teeth. This guy claims his name is called die. Die asked McQueens name. McQueen muddle muddled to answer him. Die thought that McQueens name is also destabilize teeth. McQueen would like to escape, but found himself unable to walk with a tire lock. When an old car when required McQueen roads. McQueen die just to yourself to take advantage of the lock to open the moment tire washed out like an arrow. In the die jaw-dropping expression has not yet done, when McQueen has long disappeared. However, short-lived, McQueen suddenly found themselves running out of oil. Experience the sophistication of classic cars to tell him, McQueen was asleep when the oil had drained him. , And according to a fixed delivery days to him. McQueen can do. Had promised to repair.The beginning, McQueen would like, dead on the dead, repair the repair bar. Then add a little horsepower machine quickly hung road in less than an hours time, the roads get repaired and over again. Die pleased to have just repaired the road on the mad rush, but it was played so loudly as to be like a sieve box.Classic cars required McQueen re-build roads, and agreed with him never winning or losing games. If McQueen wins, let him fly far away, if McQueen lose, continue to honestly road. Complacency McQueen, how could not think of in the non-stadium land, even an old car will lose. McQueens sharp turns technology has always handled badly, classic cars carelessly to him pointing the two. By cactus thorns scratched the McQueens impossible for the old car so seriously. But in fact, he did lose. Roads had peace of mind. Labor Leiliaoyitian of McQueen, has been of concern to women lawyers. Invite him to live in his own hotel, and lived in the room on the 1st. And McQueen is already quite good to die, open McQueen played a joke. He jokingly said, Mike has fallen in love with women lawyers.The road back to the work of slowing, but the quality of roads has greatly improved. For a long time did not like the flat on the roads of the towns residents for the first time felt the thrill of it flat, such as Tobe. Women lawyers go to a drive with McQueen. , And he came to a round of the capsule hotel. This is when Route 66 is not cultivated itself into a very important time of the motel. At that time, all vehicles have to be relaxed from the town through. When the 66-pass road, then, to save time for the car they no longer have time to go and patronize the town. No-town past and prosperity. Residents have lost their former joy. At this point a very lyrical song to sing together. Let us review the history of the town spring water tanks.Build the road repaired McQueen was found by chance in an old car was originally from 1951 to 1953 for three consecutive years the Piston Cup race car, Champion. And there is a lifetime achievement award winner, trophy. As a racing industry New epigenetic, McQueen produced the old car heartfelt respect. Finally he got the old car in person pointing. Dumen his stunt was to teach him. And in one night, die to the McQueen show their be a private parking stunts. At this time McQueen has been, and water tanksd finally a spa town called the tank where a halt. The name of the town very similar to the aquarium, its founders statue has also been McQueen dragging, moving a fairly long distance, for which McQueen will not be formed the original road damage from the mess.Small town police, in the McQueen driving at night when the siren had sounded, and McQueen seized and turned over to the local court. The towns judge sentencing Road: The McQueen out of town. McQueen this could wish for. But the spa town of a female lawyer, has insisted McQueen fix the road in order to leave. Feel-good McQueen, at the outset also felt that women lawyers for their own charm and endless fascination. When he found that women lawyers are asking their own time to complete a road. McQueen could no longer endure the bad temper, not live. I always figured he was leaving town spa water tank can be quickly rushed to the destination. Early and dinosaurs oil contact. Now, self-righteous a city people, he suddenly stopped by a group of country folk, and asked him to do hard labor. McQueen believes that this is aLet us review the history of the town spring water tanks.Build the road repaired McQueen was found by chance in an old car was originally from 1951 to 1953 for three consecutive years the Piston Cup race car, Champion. And there is a lifetime achievement award winner, trophy. As a racing industry New epigenetic, McQueen produced the old car heartfelt respect. Finally he got the old car in person pointing. Dumen his stunt was to teach him. And in one night, die to the McQueen show their be a private parking stunts. At this time McQueen has been, and water tanks as a spa town residents had a deep affection. Where he was full of oil, put on a white border, tires, new look to rushed to the Piston Cup race destination.There is no doubt that McQueens appearance was mocked by other competitors. But so he is very encouraged by the spa town water tank came to the playing field for people around the fuel for him. Classic cars also personally took command. In the case of a puncture, they promptly changed his tire, the speed of its tires and other logistics to make breathtaking surprise.In the race, McQueen has also lost no time in reversing their stunt show, and stubborn from the turf on a return to the main lane. On the last lap, when Wang left out to the side of the car. Fell and covered with wounds. Has already had excellent quality of McQueen, pushing the old car Wang, finish the last lap. The other a total disregard of other racing cars, although the first one crossed the finish line, but was cast aside by the audience, rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes thrown one.McQueens performance has been dinosaur oil brokers favor. He would like to invite McQueen, and their contract. At this time McQueen, has not that Xingaoqiao of McQueen. He remembered his own oil companys old colleagues. The decision and walked with them back away. Sure enough, the dinosaur oil broker profession, he was gentle to McQueen said that he hoped in future we have the opportunity to


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