头盘Appetizers阿拉伯三角豆泥酱Arab bean puree sauce 有机全麦饼,搭配新鲜蔬菜,配酸辣豆泥酱、黑水榄、红萝卜、水芹、紫甘蓝Organic whole wheat bread,with fresh vegetables , vinegar-pepper bean puree,virgin black olive ,carrots,water fennel ,purple cabbage 49元明香三文鱼Ming xiang salmon大虾、烟熏三文鱼配青芥Prawns, smoked salmon with green mustard79元汤 soup 养颜蔬菜汤Skin nourishment vegetable soup 奶汤咸嫌配全麦土司面包Milk soup with Whole wheat toast 29元德士南瓜汤De shi pumpkin soup 用醇香南瓜,佐议南瓜籽油。配全麦土司面包With fragrance pumpkin ,pumpkin seeds oil ,Whole wheat toast 22元沙拉salad 鲜虾木瓜沙拉Shrimp papaya salad一款地道的东南亚风味美食,佐味的烤虾配上新鲜木瓜、黄甜椒、生菜、腰果、黄瓜片、洋葱、薄荷叶和特制的酸辣汁。An authentic southeast Asian cuisine ,Grilled shrimp with fresh papaya,yellow sweet pepper ,lettuce,cashew nut,cucumber slices, onion,mint leaves with special hot and sour sauce .59烤三文鱼沙拉Grilled salmon salad 新鲜烤三文鱼排配上生菜、红、黄樱桃番茄、橄榄、面包丁、黄瓜片、紫甘蓝、洋葱配油醋汁及奶油柠檬汁Freshly baked salmon with lettuce, red and yellow cherry tomatoes, olive, small piece o bread, purple cabbage , onion with vinaigrette and cream lemon sauce .68凯撒沙拉Caesar salad 新鲜的西生菜配自制的油醋汁,番茄、鸡蛋、芝士、牛肉、面包丁Fresh Romaine lettuce with home-made vinaigrette,tomatoes, eggs, cheese, beef, small piece of bread. 52智利牛肉沙拉Chile beef salad 新鲜的烤牛肉陪西生菜、豆角、九层塔、瓜子仁、鸡蛋配自制风味千岛汁Freshly baked beef with Romaine lettuce, green bean ,basil ,shelled melon seed ,eggs with home-made special flavour thousand island sauce .49蔬菜沙拉Vegetable salad 时令的新鲜蔬菜搭配千岛酱、油醋汁、酸奶柠檬汁、橙味香醋汁(四选一)Seasonal fresh vegetables with thousand island sauce ,vinaigrette, lemon juice yogurt, orange taste sweet vinegar(Four choose one)29地中海风味沙拉Mediterranean flavor salad 顶级帕尔玛火腿、九层塔、煎蛋、腌腩片配蛋黄酱。Top Prosciutto di Parma, basil, fried eggs, marinated pork with mayonnaise.39水果沙拉Fruit salad 时令水果搭配蛋黄酱Seasonal fruit with mayonnaise .36芝士面包沙拉Cheese bread salad 法式面包、芝士、番茄、酸青瓜、洋葱、牛肉、蛋黄酱配新鲜蔬菜French bread, cheese , tomatoes ,pickled cucumbers, onions,beef ,mayonnaise with fresh vegetables .42意大利面条沙拉Pasta salad 意大利面配菠萝、生菜、乳瓜、火腿Pasta with pineapple ,lettuce ,gherkin,ham 39主菜Main dish 冰岛鳕鱼扒Iceland cod 新鲜鳕鱼配时令水果、酸奶柠檬汁Fresh cod with seasonal fruit ,Lemon juice yogurt 89菲力牛柳Filet mignon 红椒蒜蓉腌制的上等牛柳配新鲜蔬菜,黑椒汁Red pepper and garlic pickled high-quality beef with fresh vegetables ,black pepper sauce 89咖喱牛肉饭Rice with curry beef 用迷迭香、百里香烤制的上等牛肉,搭配进口泰式黄咖喱,佐咦新鲜蔬菜。Use rosemary and thyme baked high-quality beef, with Thai import yellow curry ,fresh vegetables .49咖喱鸡肉饭Rice with curry chicken 香脆的鸡肉块佐以泰式黄咖喱,配新鲜蔬菜。Crispy chicken ,Thai import yellow curry with fresh vegetables .39卤汁猪脚蛋包饭Marinaded pig feet fried rice in omelette 用各种香料烤制的德式猪手,配纽伦堡肠,配时令蔬菜。In all kinds of spices baked German type of the pig feet ,with Nuremberg sausage ,with seasonal vegetables .49肉酱意大利面Pasta with meat paste特级进口牛肉加新鲜番茄熬制而成,配有机意大利面Import high-quality beef with fresh tomatoes be boiled to make,with Organic pasta 36海鲜烩意大利面Pasta with seafood 有机彩色螺丝面配新鲜鱿鱼、大虾、菠菜、彩椒。咸鲜味Organic color screw noodles with fresh squid, prawns,spinach,color pepper,the salty taste 46海鲜乌冬面Udon noodles with seafood 乌冬面配秘制酱,佐一青口、大虾、鱿鱼、蟹肉Udon noodles with secret sauce ,Mussel,prawns,squid,Crab meat 38抹茶松饼Maccha muffin 有机小麦粉加进口抹茶粉烘烤松饼,配蓝莓酱、草莓酱、蜂蜜Organic wheat flour add import maccha powder baked muffins , with blueberry jam ,strawberry jam , honey 39巧克力松饼Chocolate muffin有机小麦粉加进口可可粉烘烤松饼,加冰激凌球、奶油、时令水果Organic wheat flour add import cocoa powder baked muffins ,with ice-cream ,cream ,seasonal fruits 42果酱蜂蜜松饼Jam honey muffin有机小麦粉烘烤原味松饼,配蜂蜜、炼乳、蓝莓酱Organic wheat flour baked original taste muffin ,with honey ,condensed milk,blueberry jam 36冰激凌松饼Ice-cream muffin有机小麦粉烘烤原味松饼,加香草、草莓冰激凌球,芒果摆盘Organic wheat flour baked original taste muffin,with vanilla ,strawberry ice-cream,Mango made dish 39腌肉肠仔松饼Pickles sausages muffin 腌腩片两片、鸡肉肠、牛肉肠配炼乳、蓝莓酱2 pieces of marinated pork,chicken sausages,beef with ,condensed milk,blueberry jam 42香草发包Vanilla French bread 法式面包6片6 pieces of French bread 29悦土司Yue toast 进口小麦粉烘培方块土司,切丁烘烤微焦,搭配时令水果,冰激凌球 Import wheat powder baked Square toast, dice toast baked to sear,with seasonal fruits ,ice-cream 39有机手工披萨Organic handmade pizza有机披萨饼底,自制披萨酱,配黑椒牛肉、鸡肉肠、牛肉肠、青红椒、洋葱烤制酥脆Organic bottom of the pizza ,homemade pizza sauce ,with black pepper beef, chicken sausage, beef sausage ,green and red pepper,onions baked to crispy 49悦热狗Yue Hot dog 炭烤的纽龙宝肠,配新鲜蔬菜、番茄、青瓜、放在有机小麦面包里Charcoal grilled Nuremberg sausage, with fresh vegetables ,tomatoes,green cucumbers, put in to organic wheat bread 32老爸煎牛排三明治Dad Fried steak sandwich特技牛柳、配洋葱、圆菇、芝士、生菜、甜椒、蕃茄片、蛋黄酱High-quality beef, with onion,mushroom,cheese,lettuce,sweet pepper,tomato slices,mayonnaise39自治公司三明治Bacon sandwich 全麦土司面包配生菜、番茄、腌肉、鸡蛋、火腿Whole wheat toast with lettuce, tomato,bacon,ham 32吞拿鱼三明治Tuna sandwich 全麦黑土司配西生菜、蛋黄酱、吞拿鱼Whole wheat black toast with lettuce ,mayonnaise,tuna39碳烤烟鸡胸三明治Grilled chicken breast sandwich 腌制鸡胸肉炭火煎烤,配西生菜、蔓越莓、蛋黄酱Coals baked marinated chicken breast, with lettuce,cranberry,mayonnaise 32希腊羊肉薄饼Greek mutton pancakes腌制上等羔羊肉爆炒,配红萝卜、西芹、洋葱Stir-fried marinated high-quality lamb,with carrot,celery,onion58鸡扒套餐Grilled chicken meal 腌制鸡胸肉炭火煎烤,配时令蔬菜沙拉,薯条Coals baked marinated chicken breast, with seasonal vegetables salad, French fries.36摩洛哥烤肉盘Morocco meat dish 小牛腿,帕尔玛火腿、鸡腿、鸡翅根配新鲜蔬菜酸辣汁Calf leg, Prosciutto di Parma, chicken drumstick,chicken wings with fresh hot and sour vegetable sauce . 69套餐Set meal花色两层(一位)Two layers of design and color(for 1 people)任选进口茶一壶。点心:马卡龙、费列罗、三明治、蛋卷、纸杯蛋糕、其他根据当日烘焙点心为主。香槟(不含酒精)Select import a pot of tea.dessert:Macarons,Ferrero,sandwich, egg roll ,cup cake ,others according to the same day baked dessert.Champagne( without alcohol).89元 109元白色两层(两位)Two layers of white(for 2 people)任选进口茶一壶。点心:马卡龙、费列罗、三明治、蛋卷、纸杯蛋糕、曲奇、水果杯、慕斯杯、其他根据当日烘焙点心为主。香槟(不含酒精)198元任选芝士蛋糕一块Select import a pot of tea.dessert:Macarons,Ferrero,sandwich, egg roll ,cup cake , fruit cup,mousse cup, others according to the same day baked dessert.Champagne( without alcohol).choose any 198 yuan piece of cheese cake .168元 198元白色三层(两位)Three layers of white(for 2 people)任选进口茶里二壶。点心:马卡龙、费列罗、三明治、蛋卷、纸杯蛋糕、曲奇、水果杯、慕斯杯、其他根据当日烘焙点心为主。小吃:进口蔓越莓干、樱桃干、蓝莓干。香槟(不含酒精)任选芝士蛋糕一块Select import two pot of tea.dessert:Macarons,Ferrero,sandwich, egg roll ,cup cake ,cookies, fruit cup,mousse cup, others according to the same day baked dessert.Snacks:import dried cranberry ,dried berry ,dried blueberry. Champagne( without alcohol).choose any piece of cheese cake .268元白色三层(三位)Three layers of white(for 3 people)任选进口茶里二壶。点心:马卡龙、费列罗、三明治、蛋卷、纸杯蛋糕、曲奇、水果杯、慕斯杯、其他根据当日烘焙点心为主。小吃:进口蔓越莓干、樱桃干、蓝莓干。香槟(不含酒精)任选芝士蛋糕一块Select import two pot of tea.dessert:Macarons,Ferrero,sandwich, egg roll ,cup cake ,cookies, fruit cup,mousse cup, others according to the same day baked dessert.Snacks:import dried cranberry ,dried berry ,dried blueberry. Champagne( without alcohol).choose any piece of cheese cake .298元白色三层(四位)Three layers of white (for 4 people)任选进口茶里二壶。点心:马卡龙、费列罗、三明治、蛋卷、纸杯蛋糕、曲奇、水果杯、慕斯杯、其他根据当日烘焙点心为主。小吃:进口蔓越莓干、樱桃干、蓝莓干。香槟(不含酒精)任选芝士蛋糕一块、水果沙拉一份Select import two pot of tea.dessert:Macarons,Ferrero,sandwich, egg roll ,cup cake ,cookies, fruit cup,mousse cup, others according to the same day baked dessert.Snacks:import dried cranberry ,dried berry ,dried blueberry. Champagne( without alcohol).choose any piece of cheese cake , a fruit salad.398元中国茶Chinese tea 绿茶系列一壶、曲奇饼一份、任选芝士蛋糕一份A pot of green tea , a cookies ,choose any piece of cheese cake .129甜点 Dessert 可奇浓香重乳酪Aroma cheese 简单的才是最好的,此句话形容这款蛋糕,绝对恰到好处,第一口就能品尝到丝滑般香浓的重乳酪散发出的浓郁气息,用舌轻轻化开扎实又绵密的cheese,不呛不腻地划入喉间,令人难以抗拒,每一口都能吃出最单纯的幸福滋味29抹茶慕斯Maccha mousse清新茶香萦绕,仿佛济州岛清风拂面。红豆与抹茶童话般的相遇了,那么纯洁与和谐,把甜蜜包围26501布朗尼501 Brownie典藏配方。浓郁的卡玛百利巧克力的甜润与醇美,带着美好的憧憬,忘却不安、烦恼、快来香甜回味无穷!29卡玛巧克力乐脆Kumar cr
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