广东省中山市九年级英语全册 Unit4 what would you do section 1agrammar精品课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
广东省中山市九年级英语全册 Unit4 what would you do section 1agrammar精品课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
广东省中山市九年级英语全册 Unit4 what would you do section 1agrammar精品课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
广东省中山市九年级英语全册 Unit4 what would you do section 1agrammar精品课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
广东省中山市九年级英语全册 Unit4 what would you do section 1agrammar精品课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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sectionaperiod1 1a grammar unit4whatwouldyoudo dreams bird astronautess athlete soldier doctor richman li t str n t s chairmanhu ifiwereabird iwouldflyinthebluesky ifiwerechairmanhu iwouldsendtroops 军队 tothediaoyuislands tru ps chairmanhu 胡主席 a whatwouldyoudoifyouwereasoldier b ifiwereasoldier iwoulddefendthemotherland d f nd d f nd 保卫祖国 soldier a whatwouldyoudoifyouwereadoctor b ifiwereadoctor iwouldhelpthepatient 病人 a whatwouldyoudoifyouwereliuxiang b ifiwereliuxiang iwouldjoininthe2016olympicsinbrazil a whatwouldyoudoifyouwereliuyang b ifiwereliuyang iwouldtravelinspaceagain a whatwouldyoudoifyouwereapolicewoman b ifiwereapolicewoman iwouldcatchthethieves a whatwouldyoudo ifyouhadalotofmoney b ifihadalotofmoney iwouldgiveittocharity i dputitinthebank iwould i d discussingroup rebuildthehomes whatwouldyoudo ifyouhadalotofmoney putitinthebank medicalresearch thepoorchildren hunger redcross 1c pairwork a whatwouldyoudoifyouhadamilliondollars b i dbuyabeatifulcar whataboutyou a i dtravalaroundtheworld otheropinions buyabeautifulhouseformyparentsgiveittothepoorchildrengiveittomedicalresearchgiveittothehungersgiveittotheoldpeople shome billgatesgavehis58billiondollarstocharity themoneywillbeusedforeducation 教育 andmedical 医疗 let swatchavideoaboutbillgates a whatwouldyoudoifyouhadamilliondollars b ifihadamilliondollars iwould makeasurvey thenfillintheblank activity1groupwork report iflilyhadamilliondollars hewouldgiveittothecharity sheisakindgirl 1b listenandnumberthepictures 1 4 intheorderyouhearthem 1 4 3 2 2b listenagain check thefourthingslarry ssistersaystohim 1 ifiwereyou i dwearashirtandtie 2 youshouldn tworryaboutwhatotherpeoplearewearing 3 ifiwereyou i dbealittlelate 4 ifiwereyou i dtakeasmallpresent 5 ifyoudon tknowanyone youcantalktotom 6 butifyou restillnervous youdon thavetogo listenagain completetheblanks whattowear present anyone shirt take whatwoulddo ifyouwerelarry a whatwouldyoudo ifyouwerelarry b ifiwerelarry iwouldwearashirtandtie a whatwouldyoudo ifyoudidn thaveapresent b ifididn thaveapresent iwouldtakeasmallpresent apenorsomething a whatwouldyoudo ifyoudidn tknowanyone b ifididn tknowanyone iwouldtalktotom pairwork groupwork whatwouldyoudoifyousawthishappen ifisawthishappen iwould activity2 disabledperson blindpeople rubbish awomanwithababystandinthebus a whatwouldyoudoifyousawthishappen b ifisawthis iwould activity2groupworkmakeasurvey 英语中有三种语气陈述语气 祈使语气和虚拟语气 虚拟语气表示所说的话只是一种主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况或与事实相反的假设 语法小结 虚拟语气 课堂反馈练习一 选择题 1 whatyoudoifyoualotofmoney a will hadb would hadc were haved were had 2 ifiabird iflyinthesky a were willb was shouldc were wouldd was would 3 ifmyfather herenow he tellmewhattodo a were wouldb were willc is willd was would 4 ifiawallet iwouldgiveittothepolice a findb foundc findingd find 5 idon tknowanyone ifyoudon tknowanyone youcantalktotom a whyb whatc howd whatif b c a b d if 主语 动词过去式 其他 主语 would 或should could 动词原形 其他 homework finishtheexerciseinthepaper 二 用所给词正确形式填空 1 a i msostressedout b ifi be you i take sometimeoff 2 ifhe have alotofmoney he give ittocharity 3 i


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