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module7feelingsandimpressionsunit2ifeelnervouswhenispeakchinese hefeels when rideahorsenervous紧张的 nervous heridesahorse let slearnnewwordsfirst shefeels when becomethewinnerproud骄傲的 proud shebecomes thewinner hefeels when catchtheballstupid愚蠢的 stupid hecan t catchtheball hefeels when falldownangry生气的 angry hefallsdown theyfeel when winthegameexcited激动的 兴奋的 excited theywin thegame nervous proud stupid excited howdoeshe shefeel howdotheyfeel angry newwords hair dark fair glasses n 头发 a 皮肤 发黑的 黑暗的 a 金黄色的 皮肤 白皙的 n 眼镜 复数 recognise v 认出 adv 十分 相当 quite dance v n 跳舞 especially adv 尤其 abit 有点儿 一点 n 陌生人 stranger bicycle 自行车 v 摇晃 shake shook shaken shakehands 握手 stare v 盯着看 strict naughty a whatishe shelike b he sheis nice politea 礼貌的 rudea 粗鲁的 无礼的 a whatdoeshe shelooklike b he shelooks beautiful shortsmart tallthin pretty workinpairs lookatthetwophotos talkabouthowtheylook usethewordsintheboxtohelpyou darkfairglasseslongoldprettyshorttallyoung readthetextandanswer 1 whereistheletterfrom 2 wherewillsallygo it sfromsally shewillgotochina fastreading lingling sally readsally sletterandfindoutwhichisherphotos whatdoeslingling sallylooklike readagain matchthequestionswiththeparagraphs 1 whatdoyoulooklike 2 whatdoyoulikedoing 3 howdoyoufeelwhenyou paragraphb paragraphc paragraphd gobacktothetextandsaysomethingaboutsally 1 whatdoessallylooklike 2 whatdoessallylikedoing 3 howdoesshefeelwhenshe 1 getbadmarkatschool 2 leavehermumanddad 3 isthestranger 4 shepeakschinese 5 doessthwrong6 sheflies lookatthesentence she squitetallwithshortfairhairandshe swearingglasses she scarryingawarmcoat nowdescribeusethewordsintheboxandinactivity1 1 thegirlinotherphoto 2 peopleinyourclass workingroups describeoneofyourgroupmates thenlettheothersguesswhohe sheis heisverytallandstrong hehassmalleyesandshorthair heis whoishe guess whoishe she askandanswer whendoyoufeel nervous proud stupid angry excited ifeel wheni afraid sad shy sorry 1 thanksfor n v ing因为 而谢谢 2 hearfromsb收到某人的来信 getaletterfromsbhaveyouheardfromyourmother 你收到妈妈的来信了吗 3 can twaittodosth迫不及待地干某事 languagepoints 5 wearglasses戴眼镜 4 recognizesbfrom 从 认出某人 6 besure that 句子确信 iamsure that wewillwinthegame 我确信我们会赢得比赛 7 tellsbaboutsth告诉某人某事 8 aswell也用于肯定句 不用逗号隔开 9 beproudof n v ing以 而自豪iamproudofbeingachinese 我以作为中国人而自豪 10 getbadmarks得低分 11 beangrywithsb对 生气 12 somethingwrong错误的事情形容词修饰复合不定代词时 形容词放在代词的后面 如 somethingimportant nothingserious 13 beafraidofsth doingsth害怕某事 物 做某事mysisterisafraidofmice 我姐姐害怕老鼠 sheisafraidofgoingoutatnight 她害怕在晚上出去 abit alittle 1 abit和alittle在肯定句中修饰动词 形容词 副词和比较级时可以互换 表示 一点儿 的意思 如 thisstorymademealittle bitsad 2 abit和alittle在否定句中的意思恰恰相反 notabit notatall 一点儿都不 notalittle very much sheisnotabittired sheisnottiredatall sheisnotalittletired sheisverytired 3 alittle可以直接作定语修饰名词 而abit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语 两者都只能修饰不可数名词 如 thereisalittle abitofmilkinthefridge writing writeareplytolinglinganddescribeyourself say whatyoulooklike whatyoulikedoing howyoufeelwhen ihaveshort darkhairand ilikeplayingbasketballand ifeelnervouswhenispeakenglish 1 feelings howdoyoufeelwhen ifeelnervous proud stupid angry excited 2 describeaperson whatisshe helike she helooksfriendly nice naughty whatdoesshe helooklike she helookspretty sumup exercise 1 thanksforyourhelp a nothanksb letmeseec itdoesn tmatterd that sok 2010武汉市 2 thanksalotforhelpingme a itdoesn tmatterb you rewelcomec no thanksd yes i dloveto 2009云南 d b 3 barbaraiseasytorecognizeasshe stheonlyofthewomenwho aeveningdress a wearb wearsc haswormd haveworm 2010全国卷 4 oh it sy
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