高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains词汇句型突破 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains词汇句型突破 牛津译林版.doc_第2页
高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains词汇句型突破 牛津译林版.doc_第3页
高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains词汇句型突破 牛津译林版.doc_第4页
高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains词汇句型突破 牛津译林版.doc_第5页
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unit 2 growing pains一、词汇突破 welcome to the unit & reading(ps21-25)词汇-1.be supposed to 【原句呈现】but, but you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow. (想一想“werent supposed to”可以换成什么? shouldnt , oughtnt to) 【考点聚焦】you are supposed to take off your shoes before entering the lab. 你应该先把鞋子脱掉再进实验室。you are supposed to have finished the work ahead of time, but you havent. 你本来应该提前做完这项工作的,但是你没有。supposing/suppose he cant come, who will do the work? 假使他不能来,这工作谁来做?i dont suppose she is a volunteer, is she? 我认为她不是志愿者,是吗?he wont be coming tomorrow, will he? 他明天不会来,对不对?no, i suppose not(=i dont suppose so).对,我认为他不会来的。what do you suppose has happened to her? 你猜她出了什么事?(注意do you suppose作插入语)be supposed to do sth.按照约定、规则或义务“应当、理应”做某事,相当于ought to /should do sth. 本来应该做某事(而事实上没有) be supposed to have done sth.i suppose so.我认为是这样。 i suppose not.(=i dont suppose so.)我认为不是这样。suppose/supposing (that从句)假定/假如(相当于if引导的条件状语从句)【考题研读】单项选择题mrs. brown is supposed _ for italy last week.a. to have left b. to be leavingc. to leaved. to have been left【答案与解析】a。本来应该做某事(而事实上没有) be supposed to have done sth. 句意:布朗夫人本该上个星期去意大利的(事实上没有去)。 you should apologize to her, barry._, but its not going to be easy.a. i suppose so b. i feel so c. i do so d. i like to【答案与解析】a。i suppose so我想是这样;i feel so我觉得是这样;i do so我也是这样做的;i like to我喜欢。句意:“巴里,你应该向她道歉。”“我想是这样的,但是这将不是件容易的事情。”youll not be here tomorrow, will you?_, for i may go to meet my parents at the station.a. i suppose so.b. i suppose notc. it depends d. of course. 【答案与解析】b。原句的肯定句子应是“youll be here tomorrow”,后面的回答都是对这句话的肯定或者否定。a 、c回答表达的意思都是“我想我在这里”,只有b选项是“我想我不在这儿”的意思。c选项的意思是“看情况而定”;d选项的意思是“当然”。句意:“你明天不在这儿,是吗”“是的,我想我不在这儿,因为明天我要到车站接我的父母亲。”词汇-2. do with 【教材原句】what did you do with the cash we left?(查一查字典“deal with”的用法) 【考点聚焦】this is a very hard problem and what will you do with it? 这是一个很难的问题,你将如何处理?how did you deal with the problem between them? 你是如何处理他们之间的问题的?a clerk must know how to handle difficult customers.店员一定要知道如何应付麻烦的顾客。do with, deal with都可以表示“处理,应付,对付”,其区别在于:do with和what连用,而deal with和how连用;the housewife doesnt know what to do with those ragged clothes. the housewife doesnt know how to deal with those ragged clothes.那位家庭主妇不知道如何处理那些破烂的衣服。注意:handle为及物动词,后面不加介词with。【教材原句】i dont know how to handle=deal with this .(p34)我不知道如何应对这件事handle还可以做名词用,意为“把手”:i turned the handle and found the door was open.我转了一下门把手,发现门开着。【考题研读】单项选择题what do you _ the waste bottles?we can sell them instead of throwing them away.a. deal with b. to deal with c. do with d. to do with【答案与解析】c。do with和what连用。句意:“你们是如何处理这些废瓶子的?”“我们把它们卖了而不是扔掉。”could you tell me how to _ these problems so that i will be able to adapt to the life in guiyang ?a. do with b. come up with c. agree with d. deal with【答案与解析】d。deal with处理、应对,和how连用。句意:你能告诉我为了适应贵阳的生活,应该如何应对这些问题吗?do with也有此意,但是要和what连用; come up with 提出; agree with同意、一致。can you tell me who can best _ the problem?a. do b. handle c. deal d. hang【答案与解析】b。句意:你能告诉我谁能把那个问题处理得最好?handle在此题中意为“处理(问题等)”,与题意相符;do 与hang不与problem搭配;deal在表示“处理”时,需要 与with搭配使用。词汇-3.fault, error【原句呈现】why is everything always my fault?(查一查字典“mistake, error, shortcoming”的意义和用法) miss xu made an error and mixed up my results with someone elses!(p34)【考点聚焦】he didnt pass the exam, but it was his fault for cheating in the exam.他考试不及格,但那是他考试作弊的错。it would be rude to find fault with her appearance.对她品头论足是不礼貌的。it was not our fault that we were late.迟到不是我们的错。error是通用词,指任何错误,“犯错误”可以说commit/make an error。mistake指判断或理解方面,或指因考虑不周而造成的错误,搭配是make a mistake犯错误。by mistake错误地fault表示“过失”,多用来指缺点,特指缺乏某要素因而不完美。there is a fault in this machine.这台机器有一处毛病。构成短语“find fault with”挑剔,找毛病,找茬,找岔。shortcoming 缺点,可指人或事物的本质上不足之处(常用复数)in spite of his shortcomings, i still like him.尽管他有缺点,我仍然喜欢他。【考题研读】单项选择题his wife is constantly finding _ with him, which makes him very angry.a. errorsb. shortcomingsc. faultd. flaw【答案与解析】c。句意:他的妻子不断地找茬,这使得他非常生气。find fault with sb是固定用法,意思是找茬。sorry, dear. its my _ to have you take tablets by _.a. mistake; error b. fault; mistake c. error; fault d. fault; error【答案与解析】b。句意:对不起,让你服错了药是我的过错。fault强调过错,过失,做错了什么事。固定短语:by mistake错误地,所以b正确。词汇-4. scene 【原句呈现】act two, scene one (查一查字典“scene,scenery,view,sight”的异同)【考点聚焦】the leading player is ill. let his understudy to appear on the scene.主角演员病了,让他的替角出场。enemies behind the scene are more dangerous than those on the stage.幕后的敌人比前台的更危险。these objects were found at the scene of the crime.这些物品是在犯罪现场找到的。the browns stood staring at the happy scene of children playing in the park.布朗一家站着,专注的看着正在公园里孩子们高兴地玩耍的场面。i am impressed by the beautiful scenery in the countryside.乡下的美丽风景给了我深刻印象。theres no view from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.除了一些工厂的烟囱外,从我卧室看不到任何风景了。the great wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world. 长城是世界上最令人叹为观止的景点之一。scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。scenery(出现在模块八unit 3)指某地总的自然风光或景色(不可数名词),尤指美丽的乡间景色。sight既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以(用复数形式)指名胜,风景。view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色,指“视野,眼界”。还可表示“观点”。【考题研读】单项选择题the _ reminded me of a snow night twenty years before.a. scenery b. scene c. spot d. position【答案与解析】b。scenery风景;scene场景;spot 地点;position位置,句意:这场景让我想起了二十年前的一个下雪的夜晚。theres a fine _ of the lake from our hotel window.a. scene b. view c. scenery d. sight【答案与解析】b。view可以表示“风景”,指从特殊的角度所看见的景色。句意:从我们宾馆的窗户,可以看见美丽的湖景。the natural _ of the mountains is beautiful.a. scene b. sceneryc. sceneries d. scenes【答案与解析】b。scenery是不可数名词,意为“风光、景色”。句意:群山里的风景真美。wed better not leave until the play ends, for the last _ of the play is very important.a. scene b. sight c. scenery d. view【答案与解析】a。scene 场面,景象。句意:我们最好直到演出结束时在离开,因为该剧的最后一场非常重要。词汇-5.upset【原句呈现】daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.(查一查字典upset的词性和词义) 【考点聚焦】mr. smith felt upset for being turned away from the concert he had longed for. 斯密斯先生因被拒之梦寐以求的音乐会的门外而沮丧。dont be upset about missing voice of china.不要为错过中国好声音感到苦恼。im sorry, but i didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我不是故意使你不高兴的。my house is located near the main street, so my family were often upset by the outside noise.我的房子靠近大街,所以我的家人经常收到噪音的干扰。he came into the classroom very upset.他走进教室,心里很是不快。长城是世界上最令人叹为观止的景点之一。(注意本句中very upset作伴随状语)upset形容词。难过的,心烦的 upset 动词。使烦恼,使不高兴;搅乱(计划,形势等)be upset by被所打乱/打扰 be upset for因而不安/难过 be upset about/at/over为而心烦注意:熟词生义:he ran into the table, upsetting the flower vase.他撞倒了桌子,把花瓶打翻了。【考题研读】单项选择题the protesters _ the meeting by shouting and throwing stones at the windows.a. attendedb. heldc. upsetd. mixed【答案与解析】c。upset扰乱,打乱;attend参加;hold举行;mix混合。句意:抗议者们通过大喊和朝窗户扔石头的方式扰乱了会议。what were you so _? my sons not passing the college entrance examination _ me most.a. upset; upset about b. upset about; upsetc. upset for; upset d. upset; upset【答案与解析】b。句意:“你为什么感到难过?”“我儿子没有通过高考让我感到很难过。”be upset感到难过;be upset about为感到难过。词汇-6. defend【原句呈现】they never even gave me a chance to defend myself. (查一查字典defend的意义以及guard和protect的意义)【考点聚焦】i cant afford a lawyer so i shall defend myself in court.我没有钱请律师,所以我要在法庭上为自己辩护。how can we defend our homeland if we dont have an army?如果我们没有军队,我们怎样保卫我们的家园?dont keep silent. you are supposed to defend your right. 你不要保持沉默。你应该捍卫自己的权利。the forest will act as a barrier to defend against sandstorms.这片森林将充当抵御沙尘暴的屏障。he picked up a stick to defend himself from/against the three mens attack. 他拿起一根棒以保护自己免遭那三个人的攻击。he gave his life in defence of his country.他为保卫祖国而献出了生命。the company has arranged for a famous lawyer in defence of him as the case is tough. 公司已经安排了一个著名的律师为他辩护,因为这是桩艰难的案子。defend作动词表示“辩解,辩白,辩护;防守,防护”。其名词形式为:defence防御,辩护保护免遭伤害defend from /against 抵御defend against保卫,捍卫,为而辩护in defence ofdefend“保卫、防御、捍卫”:指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,捍卫主权、人格、尊严;也可指在体育比赛中的防守it is every citizens duty to defend our country.保卫祖国是每个公民的责任。they defended very well in the game.在那场比赛中他们防守得很好。guard指“注意观察、戒备,以免受可能受到的攻击或伤害”she bought a dog to guard her happy farm.她买了一只狗来保护她的快乐的农场。protect指“保护以免遭受危险或伤害等”,强调“保护”的作用sunglasses are sometimes worn to protect the eyes from strong sunlight. 有时候戴太阳镜是为了保护我们的眼睛免受强烈的阳光的照射。【考题研读】单项选择题they made every effort to _ their argument.a. protectb. judgec. defendd. hold【答案与解析】c。defend辩护。句意:他们努力为他们的论点进行辩护。once a neighbor charge me _ playing my radio too loudly .oh, you had the right to defend yourself _ the charge.a. with; against b. for; of c. against; for d. for; against【答案与解析】a。charge sb. with sth控告/指责某人某事;defend sb. against sth保护某人不受。句意:“曾经有一个邻居指责我收音机开的声音太大。”“哦,你有权为你自己辩护而不受这样的指责。”mrs. green stood up _ the 16-year-old boy, saying that he shouldnt have been punished. a. in honour of b. in terms of c. in the form of d. in defence of【答案与解析】d。in honour of用来纪念;in terms of就而言,谈到;in the form of以的形式;in defence of保卫,捍卫,为而辩护。句意:格林夫人站起来为那个16岁的男孩辩护说他本来就不应该受到惩罚。he was wearing a lot of clothes to _ himself from the cold.a. protect b. prevent c. keep d. stop【答案与解析】a。protect sb from保护某人免受伤害;prevent/keep/stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事。句意:他穿了很多衣服以保护自己不被冻伤。故a正确。many people with lofty ideals gave their lives in _ of freedom.a. protection b. guardc. defence d. favor【答案与解析】c。in defence of为保卫,为捍卫,为而辩护。句意:许多许多仁人志士为了捍卫自由而献出了他们的生命。 词汇-7. deserve【原句呈现】they dont deserve an explanation. (查一查字典“worth”的用法)【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分these people deserve our help.他们应该得到我们的帮助。women deserve to have equal opportunities to men.女子应该和男子拥有平等的机会。你关于改革的建议值得考虑。your suggestion on the reform deserves consideration.your suggestion on the reform deserves considering.your suggestion on the reform deserves to be considered.your suggestion on the reform is worth considering.【考点聚焦】deserve 意为“应得”、“应受到”或“值得”(有类似意义的词“worthy,worthwhile”将在模块六unit 4中出现,到时我们再讨论。)deserve to do sth.应该做某事,值得做某事 deserve to be done=deserve doing=be worth doing值得做某事deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/值得关注【考题研读】单项选择题at least 1.64 million children in china suffer from autism (自闭症), and they _ more attention and care from society.a. forgive b. tolerate c. include d. deserve【答案与解析】d。forgive原谅;tolerate忍受;include包括;deserve应该得到、需要。句意:中国最少有164万儿童患有自闭症,他们应该得到社会的更多关心和爱护。there are a few books on the shelf. but only one of them is _. a. worth to be read b. worth being read c. well worth reading d. worth read【答案与解析】c。句意:书架上有一些书,但只有一本书值得去看。be worth reading值得看。he deserves _ such a great honor for his excellent work.a. to give b. give c. to be given d. being given 【答案与解析】c。deserve to be given=deserve giving应该得到,to be given在此为不定式表被动。句意:他工作出色,应该得到如此高的荣誉。word power, grammar and usage & task(ps26-37)词汇-8.stay up 【原句呈现】i studied a lot yesterday and stayed up very late.(想一想含有“stay”的动词短语)【考点聚焦】the final exam is coming and i have to stay up going over my lessons.期终考试就要到了,我不得不熬夜复习功课了。the old house stayed up in the earthquake.那座旧房子在这次地震中没有倒塌。he warns you to stay away from his daughter when he stays out.他警告你在他不在家时,你要离他女儿远远的。i should stay out of trouble if i were you.如果我是你的话,我就会避开这些麻烦。tony stayed behind after school to help john clean up the classroom.托尼放学后留下来没有走,帮助约翰打扫教室。i think id better stay in on sunday instead of going out to do some shopping.我想星期日最好还是呆在家里,而不是外出买东西。stay up熬夜,没有倒塌 stay behind留下来不走stay in呆在家里 stay out待在户外,不在家 stay out of不参与,不插手,置身于之外 stay away from离开/远离,不接近【考题研读】单项选择题mary is taking the final exam tomorrow.no wonder she _ until 12:00 last night.a. stayed out b. stayed in c. stayed up d. stayed away【答案与解析】c。stay up熬夜。句意“玛丽明天就要参加期终考试了。”“难怪昨天晚上她熬夜熬到12:00。”the brothers doubt is whether henry can _ jail.a. stay out of b. stayed in c. stayed up d. stayed away【答案与解析】a。句意:哥哥的忧虑是亨利能否免受牢狱之灾。she had to _ from school for a week to take care of her sick mother in hospital. a. keep awayb. leave awayc. stay awayd. take away【答案与解析】c。stay away from离开/远离。句意:她有一个星期不再学校,去在医院照顾她生病的母亲。故选c。some weak bridge may not _ in an earthquake.a. stay up b. fall down c. fell down d. fell off【答案与解析】a。stay up熬夜,没有倒塌。句意:一些薄弱的桥梁可能会在地震中倒塌。词汇-9.after all【原句呈现】i didnt fail my maths test after all.(查一查字典“above all, all of sudden, all in all, in all”的意义)【考点聚焦】we were very tired and walked with difficulty, but we got home after all.我们已疲惫不堪,行走艰难,但我们毕竟到家了。i was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. 我正在街上骑车突然一辆汽车撞倒了我。we were having a picnic when all at once there came a downpour, which was really a wet blanket. 我们正野餐的时候突然来了倾盆大雨,真是令人扫兴。tom is good boy and above all he is honest. he never tells a lie.汤姆是个好孩子,首先他是诚实的。他从来没有撒过谎。the benefit of our country is above all.祖国的利益高于一切。we both thought that all in all it might not be a bad idea我们两人都认为总的说来它或许不是个坏主意。there were twelve of us in all for dinner.我们一共十二个人吃饭。my aim was first of all to determine what i should do next.我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什么。after all毕竟,终究,别忘了 in all总共 above all/first of all首先,特别是,最重要的是 above all高于一切 all of a sudden/all at once突然 all in all总的来说【考题研读】单项选择题why are you so anxious? it isnt your problem _.a. on purposeb. in allc. on time d. after all【答案与解析】d。on purpose故意,in all总共,on time按时,均不符合题意,故排除。after all“毕竟,别忘了”符合题意。句意:你为什么担心呢?毕竟那不是你的问题。we won three games and lost two. _, id say it was a successful tournament.a. in all b. in particular c. in need d. all in all【答案与解析】d。all in all总的说来。句意:我们赢了三次输了两次。总的说来,这是一次成功的巡回赛。to be successful, you must be smart, confident, and, _ honest. a. thereforeb. above allc. howeverd. after all【答案与解析】b。therefore因此;above all首先,最重要的是;however然而;after all毕竟,终究。句意:要想成功,你必须聪明,自信,最重要的是要诚实。所以选b。all of _ sudden, the passengers on _ board let out screams, running upstairs like crazy. a. a; / b. the; the c. the; / d. a; the 【答案与解析】a。“all of a sudden,on board ”为固定习语,不加任何冠词。句意:突然,船上的乘客们发出尖叫声,像疯了一样的跑上楼去。词汇-10.mix up【原句呈现】miss xu made an error and mixed up my results with someone elses!(查一查字典“mix”的词性变化和用法)【考点聚焦】i think you must be mixing me up with someone else.我想你一定是错把我当成别人了(我想你一定是把我跟其他人弄混了)。she put the sugar and butter into a bowl and mixed them up.她把糖和黄油放在一个碗里,并且把它们混合在一起。it is known to all that oil and water dont mix up.众所周知,油与水无法混合起来(水火不相容)。the boys father asked him not to mix with such boys as tom and jack.男孩的父亲告诉他不要和像汤姆以及杰克这样的孩子混在一起。mixing red paint with blue paint, you will get another beautiful paint of different colors.如果将红色和蓝色涂料混在一起,你将会得到另一种漂亮颜色的涂料。the film has had mixed reviews from the audiences, because not everybody thinks highly of it.这部电影得到了观众们的多种不同的评论,因为并非人人都喜欢它。as far as i know, this is a type of music popular in the 1950s, a mixture of jazz and folk music.据我所知。这是一种在20世纪50年代很流行的音乐,一种爵士乐和民间音乐的混合音乐。mix v.混合,相容,相处mixture n.混合物mixed adj.混合的mix up把混合起来(如果宾语是代词就要放在词组的中间)mix up(如果宾语是代词就要放在词组的中间)with把和搞混了mix with 与相融合/混合 mixwith把与混合起来mix(well)with与(友好)相处/(友好)交往【考题研读】单项选择题lemons can be made into a nice drink when you _ their juice with sugar and watera. mix b. cover c. add d. match【答案与解析】a。mixwith把与混合起来。句意:当你把柠檬的果汁和糖、水混合在一起,可以制成很可口的饮料。just as oil doesnt mix with water, my little daughter never _ her schoolmates in school. a. mix with b. mix up with c. mix up d. mixes well with【答案与解析】d。mix well with=get along/on well with与友好相处。句意:就像水火不相容一样,我的小女儿在学校跟她的同学就是处不好。youre always _ me up with my twin sister! a. mixed b. put c. comparedd. joined【答案与解析】a。mix up(如果宾语是代词就要放在词组的中间)with把和搞混了。句意:你老是把我和我的挛生妹妹弄混了!词汇-11.insist 【原句呈现】recently, he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching dvds and listening to foreign music. (查一查字典“insist”的用法)【考点聚焦】the road is covered with snow. i cant understand why they insist on going by motor-bike. 路上有积雪。我不理解他们为何坚持骑摩托车去。she insisted that the homework (should) be finished before five oclock. 她坚持作业要在五点之前完成。the young man insisted that he hadnt stolen the watch.那个年轻人坚持说他没有偷那只手表。insist 意为“坚持”或“坚决”。它主要有以下两种用法:insist on/upon(doing)sth.意为“坚决要求(做)某事”或“一定要(做)某事”。he insists on/upon paying a visit to her home. 他坚持要到她家拜访一下。insist后接从句表示“坚持认为”时(实际上事情还没有发生),从句习惯用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should亦可省略。如果表示“坚持说”(实际上事实已经存在)则用陈述语气,谓语动词按常规随时态而变化。the boy insisted that he had done nothing and (should) not be punished.那男孩坚持说他什么也没做,不应该受到惩罚。【考题研读】单项选择题mr. smith advised us to _ a written agreement even if it was just a small deal. a. depend on b. insist on c. believe in d. rely on【答案与解析】b。句意:即使只是一笔小买卖,史密斯先生建议我们也要坚持书面合同。we insisted that the girl _ qualified for the job, but the manager insisted that she _ the job.a. should be; was offered b. was not; should be offeredc. was; not be offered d. should not be; was not offered【答案与解析】c。句意:我们坚持这个女孩适合这份工作,但是经理坚持认为不能给她提供这份工作。词汇-12.harm 【原句呈现】how can i help my son without harming our relationship?(查一查字典“harm”词性变化及搭配)【考点聚焦】it wouldnt do her any


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