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Unit 6 Section A3a ReadingLearning Aims 学习目标 Be able to understand the passage correctly.能够正确理解课文 Be able to read and remember the key words and sentences in the passage.能够熟读并记住文中关键词和句子 Be able to talk about the characters in Journey to the West.能够谈论西游记里面的人物I 情景导入1. 教师导入(1) Enjoy a video 短片欣赏(2) Answer the questions 回答问题 In which book are they from, and who wrote the book? Who is the main character? Which character do you like best, and why?2. 师友对话Make a conversation with your partner和同伴完成对话Student A: Hi, _. How do you think about Journey to the West?Student B: I think its interesting.Student A: _?Student B: Wu Chengen.Student A: Which character do you like best?Student B: I like _ best, because _.温馨提示:师傅帮助学友共同完成对话练习。II 阅读理解1. 师友阅读Read the passage quickly and then finish the information card 快速阅读文章,然后完成信息卡(1) When did pupils in England begin to watch Journey to the West?_(2) How many changes can the Monkey King make?_(3) Why does the Monkey King use his stick?_(4) Why do Western children like Journey to the West?_温馨提示:先自学,后师友讨论,再展示答案(师傅问,学友答)。2. 教师点拨(1) Read the 2nd paragraph carefully and then fill in the blanks.认真阅读第二段,然后完成填空The Monkey King can/cannot doThe Monkey King is a _ monkey.(用一个词来描述)1. He can 1.2. He can 2.3. He cannot 3.温馨提示:先自学,后师友讨论,再展示答案(学友英语,师傅汉语)。(2) Read the 2nd paragraph together. 齐读第二段III词句巩固1. 师友互查Read and remember the key words and sentences in the passage 会读并记住文中的重点词句(1) object bdkt 物体 hidehad隐藏 tailtel尾巴(2) magic mdk 有魔力的 stickstk棍 excite ksat 使兴奋(3) Western west()n西方国家的 turninto 变成(4) Unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a man.除非他能把自己的尾巴藏起来,否则他无法把自己变成人。(5) Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.有时他能让这棒子变得很小,小得可以把它放进自己的耳朵里。(6) As soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this story.自从30多年前这个电视节目一出来,西方的孩子就对这个故事感兴趣。温馨提示:熟读并记忆,然后“汉翻英”。2. 教师检查Check the above words and sentences. 检查以上词句 IV 拓展提高1. 教师提升Discuss Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West. 讨论西游记中的孙悟空和猪八戒CharacterCharacteristic look like.like/love.can/cannot do.I am a _ man.My dream is to_.Sun Wukong(Monkey King)monkeyclever,Zhu Bajie(Zhu Wuneng)eating,2. 师友展示Hengqin Middle school will hold a Chinese traditional culture festival, please show the characters in Journey to the West to the foreign visitors. 横琴一中将要举行一场中国传统文化节,请给外国友人展示西游记里的人物。Hello, everyone. I am Sun Wukong/Zhu Bajie, I have another name _. I look like a _. I really like _. I can _, but I cannot _. In fact, I am a _ man. You know my dream is to _. 温馨提示:先自己完成写作,然后师友讨论;最后,展示写作。V 总结归纳1. 师友梳理l What have you learned in this class?这节课你掌握了哪些知识? How do you think of your partner and yourself? (Great, Good, Not bad)你们师友两人表现如何? Which pair is the best one?你认为哪组是最佳师友?温馨提示:师友从文章理解,重点词句,口语表达,写作能力等方面作总结。2教师总结(1)Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature中国文学四大名著


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