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词序是高考试题中常考的内容,同时也是中学教材的重点和难点。为便于同学们复习,下面我们把高考中 所出现的各种词序题归类简析如下: 一、短语动词中宾语的位置 (79MET). If you dont know the word, why dont you_in the dictionary. (A)look at it (B)look after it (C)look up it (D)look it up 析:答案为D。其意指“查(字典等)”,A意为“看”,B 意为“照顾”均不符题意,故排除。由动词加 副词构成的短语,其宾语是名词时,宾语可放在整个短语后面,也可插在动词与副词之间,但宾语是代词时, 代词宾语只能插在动词与副词之间。 试题选练:(画线项为答案,下同) (83MET).If you are at home this evening, Ill_. (A)ring you on (B)ring upon you (C)ring to you (D)ring you up - (78MET).I need a day or two_ (A)to think it over (B)to think over it (C)of thinking 二、虚拟语气省略if时的词序 (95上海)._ for the free tickets, I would not havegone to the films so often. (A)If it is not (B)Were it not (C)Had it not been (D)If they were not 析:答案为C。这是一个与过去相反的虚拟条件从句的省略形式,当从句中的if省略时,从句要用倒装句。 这类倒装句只需将助动词、情态动词或系动词提至主语前即可。常见句式更换如下: a.与现在相反:If I were you (=Were I you) , I would go with him. b.与过去相反:If I had had time then (=Had I had time then), I would have gone with you. c.与将来相反:If I were to visit/should visit/visited the Great Wall tomorrow, (=Were I to /Should I visit the Great Wall tomorrow), I would take my son with me. 注意:在否定句中not不可提至主语前,如: (误)Werent I here now, I would be in the bus. (正)Were I not here now, I would be in the bus. 试题选练:(94上海)._ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Y angpu Bridge. (A)Were (B)Should (C)Would (D)Will _ your letter, I would have written back two daysago. (A)If I received (B)Should Ireceive (C)Had I received (D)If I could have received 三、否定词放在句首时的词序 (91MET)Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? I dont know,_ (A)nor dont I care (B)nor do I care (C)I dont care neither (D)I dont care also 析:答案为B。A项多了not,C项、D项分别要改neither、 also 为either。否定词作状语放在句首时要用 倒装句,倒装句只需将情态动词、助动词、系动词be提至主语首即可(见例2)。 实意动词的倒装要在主语前 面加助动词 do,does,did等,此时谓语动词要用动词原形(见例1)。常见的否定词或结构有:neither/nor /never/hardly/ little/seldom/ scarcely/ barely/ not until/no sooner than/hardly when/not onlyb ut also/at no time/not once/by no means 例:1.Little did Einstein care for money. 2.By no means( Never/At no time) will China besuperpowers. 试题选练:(85MET). Did you enjoy that trip? Imafraid not. And_. (A)my classmates dont either (B)my classmates dont too (C)neither do my classmates (D)neither did my classmates (90MET).Not until I began to work _how much time I had wasted. (A)didnt I realize (B)did I realize (C)I didnt realize (D)I realize (95NMET).Not until all the fish died in the river_how serious the pollution was. (A)did the villagers realize (B)the villagers realize (C)the villagers did realize (D)didnt the villagers realize (91上海).Not only_ polluted but _ crowded. (A)was the city, were the streets (B)the city was, were the streets (C)was the city, the streets were (D)the city was, the streets were (94上海).Little _ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself. (A)does he care (B)did he care (C)he cares (D)he cared 四、Sothat放在句首时的词序 (92上海). So _ that no fish can live in it. (A)the lake is shallow (B)shallow the lake is (C)shallow is the lake (D)is the lake shallow 析:答案为C。在sothat句型中,当so 后的部分提到句首时要用部分倒装。如: So hard does he study that he is sure to succeed. 试题选练:So excited _ that he couldnt speak a word. (A)he gets (B)he got (C)does he get (D)did he get 五、so含“也”意时的词序 (87MET).John won first prize in the contest. _. (A)So he did (B)So did he (C)So he did, too (D)So did he, too. (79MET). I like sports and _ my brother (A)so does (B)so is (C)so (D)so like I like playing football. _. (A)So you do (B)So do you (C)You do so (D)So did you 析:答案分别为A、A.So开头的句子, 如果是重复前面一句话的部分内容,该内容也适合另一人,物。要 用倒装(但谓语要与前句谓语时态,形式一致)。此时两句中的主语不可是同一人或物。如: He has got up, so have I. You are honest, so am I, so are all of us. 但So开头的句子,如果是重复前面一句话的意见,表示对别人说的话加以肯定,语序不必倒装。此时两句 的主语常常是同一人或物。如: He asked me to support him, so I did. I have passed the maths exam. So you have. 六、As引导让步状语从句时的词序 (85MET)._ , he doesnt study well. (A)As he is clever (B)He is as clever (C)Clever as he is (D)As clever he is 析:答案为C。As引导让步状语时要将句中作表语的形容词、 名词(前面不可用冠词)、作状语的副词或 部分谓语动词提至as(though)前。 Child (Young) as she is, she knows a lot. Fast as you run, I can catch you easily. Try as you might, you are sure to fail again. 试题选练:_ the dictionary, he could not afford to buy it. (A)Much as he liked (B)Liked as he (C)He liked very much (D)As he liked much 七、多个形容词排列时的词序 (95NMET). How was your recent visit to Qingdao? It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the _ days at the seaside. (A)few last sunny (B)last few sunny (C)last sunny few (D)few sunny last 析:答案为B,此题考测多个形容词或修饰语并列时的位置问题。 多个修饰语并列修饰一个名词时的位置规则为: a)限定词如:a, the, all, many, little, first, last, these, this等。(如有数词同时出现时,序 数词在前,基数词在后。) b)描绘性形容词如大小,长短,高低,新旧,颜色,国籍, 材料,用途,类别等。同类形容词排列时短 的在前,长的在后。如:He isa kind honest old man.(限定短性质长性质年龄) This useless old geography book doesnt belong me.(限定 性质新旧种类) My house is furnished with three comfortable dark brown chairs.(数词性质短颜色长颜色 ) 试题选练:(93NMET).Tony is going camping with _ boys. (A)little two other (B)two little other (C)two other little (D)little other two When I was a child, my grandmother told me _ stories. (A)many such funny (B)such many funny (C)many funny such (D)funny many such He saw nothing but a _ table in the farm house. (A)round small wooden (B)small round wooden (C)round wooden small (D)small wooden round The _ bridge in our village was built scores of years ago. (A)a stone old fine (B)an old stone fine (C)a fine old stone (D)an old fine stone These are his cousins first two _ paintings. (A)little red French interesting oil (B)interesting little red French oil (C)interesting French little red oil (D)little red intersting oil French 八:词序不同意义不同的词 (95上海).It was_ late to catch a bus after the party, therefore we called a taxi. (A)too very (B)much too (C)too much (D)far 析:答案为B。B是个副词词组,只修饰形容词或副词以加强语气。可作形容词修饰名词,也可作名词充当 主语,宾语等成分。 A 中 toovery不能连用。D不能修饰原级形容词故排除。常见的词序不同、 意义不同的词 组有:in all 总共all in 疲倦, in hand 在手中hand in 上交,turn in 上交in turn轮流、排队, from far来自远方far from 离得远、远非,for good永远 good for对有好处,allfor都赞成for a ll尽管,much too太,过于,修饰形容词或副词too much太多,充当名词或修饰名词,if only 要是(常 与虚拟语气连用)only if 只有(引导条件从句),long before 很久以前before long不久以后。 试题选练:I knew you _ I knew John. (A)before long (B)long before (C)long ago (D)after long _ you try your best to prepare your lessons well willyou be able to pass the exam. (A)If only (B)Only if (C)Long before (D)Before long 九、作定语后置时的情况: (93NMET). Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school. Not really, my dear, youd better stay at home for another day or two. (A)so well (B)so good (C)well enough (D)good enough 析:此题答案为C。根据题意只能选well 意指“健康”。Enough修饰形容词或副词时要放在所修饰的词的 后面。修饰名词时可置于名词前后。如: We havent enough time (or: time enough) to lose. 常见的几种修饰语后置的情况有: 1)形容词修饰something, nothing, anything, everything 等不定代词时要后置。 present作“出席的 ”之意时,要放在所修饰词后。如: I have nothing new to tell you. The people present areworkers. 2)副词或介词短语作定语时要后置。如: The man upstairs (in charge of the factory) often comes home very late. 3)以A开头的表语形容词如alive, asleep, awake, alone 等作定语时要后置。如: Do you know the greatest poet alive in your country? 4)非谓语动词作定语时,定语要后置。如: The building built last year/being built now/to be built next year will be equipped with co mputers. 试题选练:(89MET).There was a terrible noise _ thesudden burst of light. (A)followed (B)following (C)to be followed (D)being followed (87MET).Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists. (A)invited (B)to invite (C)being invited (D)inviting 十、Only状语放在句首时的词序: (90上海). Only by practising a few hours every day_be able to master the language. (A)you can (B)can you (C)you will (D)will you 析:答案为C。由“only 状语”引起的强调句放在句首时要用倒装结构,此结构只需把助动词、情态动 词或系动词be提至主语前即可,故排除A、C。B中的can与be able to 意义重复故也排除。 试题选练:(84MET).Only in this way _ progress in your English. (A)you make (B)can you make (C)you be able to make (D)will you able to make (86上海). Only when the war was over in 1945_ to geta college education. (A)he was able (B)he is able (C)was he able (D)is he able 十一、副词、介词短语放在句首时的词序: _ from the north to the south in winter. (A)Away do some birds fly (B)Away do a few animals run (C)Away fly some birds (D)Away run all the animals 析:答案为C。某些副词如here、there、up、down、in、out 等以及介词短语放在句首引起的倒装句(不 可用助动词)要注意如下三点: A.主语是名词时(用完全倒装)把动词提至主语前:Here ( In)came a lady. B. 主语是代词时(用部分倒装)只将上述副词提至主语前即可:Here(In)he come. C. 介词短语放在句首时要用全部倒装, 即动词提至主语前:Infront of the farmhouse sat a small boy who was cutting a cane. 试题选练: _ who had caught him three times for stealing bikes. (A)Before George stood the policeman (B)Before George the policeman stood (C)The policeman stood before George (D)Before the policeman stood George _ from the 11th floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him. (A)Down jumped the murderer (B)Down the murderer jumped (C)Down jumped he (D)Jumped down he 十二、宾语从句的词序 (91NMET). No one can be sure _ in a million years . (A)what man will look like (B)what will man look like (C)man will look like what (D)what look will man like 析:此题答案为A。连接代词who, which, what等和连接副词why,where, when等引导的名词性从句,从句 的语序要用陈述句语序。B、 C、D均属词序错误故排除。 试题选练:(89MET).These photographs will show you_. (A)what does our village look like (B)what our village looks like (C)how does our village look like (D)how our village looks like (90NMET).Can you make sure_the gold ring? (A)where Alice had put (B)where had Alice put (C)where Alice has put (D)where has Alice put (92NMET).He asked _ for the violin. (A)did I pay how much (B)I paid how much (C)how much did I pay (D)how much I paid 十三、不定冠词的位置 (84MET).He is _ teacher that all of us like him. (A)a such good (B)s


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