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初中常见的非谓语动词 主讲 泰和三中刘克家 Hello everyone Canyoutellmethemistakesinthesentences 1 What sonshowinthemuseum Someoldmachineswereinventedthousandsofyearsago 2 Therearesomepeopleworkinthefields 3 Traveltotheinterestingplacesisverypleasant 4 Hehopesclimbthemountaintomorrow wereinvented 过去分词 work Travel 现在分词 动名词 不定式 climb invented working Travelling toclimb 动词不定式 动名词 现在分词和过去分词 非谓语动词 1 不定式 to V V 提示 在want hope plan forget remember learn decide like begin start等动词后 用不定式作宾语 b Jimtoldhisbrothertocleantheroom 提示 在ask tell like want find等动词后 用不定式作宾补 想一想 Ioftenhearher sing inthenextroom c Sheoftengoestovisithisparents 提示 在come go leave等动词后 用不定式作状语 a Hewantstoknowtheanswertothequestion 作宾语 作宾补 作状语 sing 提示 在hear see watch feel let make等动词后不定式中的to省去 动词不定式 动名词 现在分词和过去分词 非谓语动词 1 不定式 to V V 想一想 Pleasegivemeapieceofpapertowrite 对吗 e Tokeepourenvironmentcleanandtidyisourduty 可以说成 Itisourdutytokeepourenvironmentcleanandtidy d Theyhavelotsofbookstoread 作定语 作主语 on 动词不定式 动名词 现在分词和过去分词 非谓语动词 2 动名词 V ing b Hefinisheddrawingthepicturelastnight 提示 在enjoy finish stop keep like start begin等动词后用动名词 a WalkinginthecountryismoreinterestingthanwatchingTVathome 作主语 作动词的宾语 c Tomoftengoeshikinginsteadofreadingbooks 作介词宾语 动词不定式 动名词 现在分词和过去分词 非谓语动词 3 现在分词 V ing b Chinaisadevelopingcountry 提示 在see watch hear find feel等动词后 常用现在分词作宾补 表示该动作正在进行 a Look Wecanseetheboyflyingakiteoverthere 作宾补 作定语 c Therearesomechildrenswimmingintheriver 作主补 d Thewindblewawaytheearth leavingsand 作状语 动词不定式 动名词 现在分词和过去分词 非谓语动词 4 过去分词 V ed b Theusedcarwasmadeinadevelopedcountry a Thiswasthefirstnewspapersoldontrains 作定语 作定语 Exercises 1 Choosethebestanswers a Haveyoumetournewteacher YoumeantheyoungwomanwithMrHanksintheoffice A TalksB talkingC talkedD totalkb Who sthatboy Whichboy Theonenearthewindows A issittingB sitsC wassittingD sittingc You llbetoldtogooutifyouarefoundinthemuseum A smokeB smokingC tosmokeD smokedd WhattookAuntAlicesuchalongtime thehouse A CleanB CleaningC CleanedD Cleans B D B B Exercises 2 Fillintheblanksusingtherightverbforms a Everyonewastold see thefilmyesterday b Hetoldafunnystoryandmadeallofus laugh c It smoreinterestingthan work inclass d Let sstop read andgoon write e Theman ride abikeishisuncle f Canyouseemanystudents play basketballontheplayground g The break windowwasmendedwell h It simpossible finish theworkinsuchashorttime i It sverycoldoutsideandlet saskhim notopen thewindows j Canyoufindoutanotherwayof solve theproblem tosee laugh working reading towrite riding playing broken tofinish nottoopen solving Doyouknowthefollowing 1 It stimeforus go overtheoldlesson 2 Theboykept read forabouttwohours 3 Shespentalotofmoney buy clothes 4 Ittakeshimabout20minutes walk toschooleveryday 5 Wouldyoumindmy smoke here 6 Ithinkthefilmisworth see 7 Hehashishair cut onceamonth 8 There snoneed thank me I monlydoingmyjob 9 Hewassobusy write aletterthatheforgotthetime 10 Shefeltlike eat thismorning togo reading buying towalk smoking seeing cut tothank writing
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