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风能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,越来越受到世界各国的重视。其蕴量巨大,全球的风能约为2.74109MW,其中可利用的风能为2107MW,比地球上可开发利用的水能总量还要大10倍。风很早就被人们利用-主要是通过风车来抽水、磨面等,而现在,人们感兴趣的是如何利用风来发电。风力发电的原理,是利用风力带动风车叶片旋转,再透过增速机将旋转的速度提升,来促使发电机发电。依据目前的风车技术,大约是每秒三公尺的微风速度(微风的程度),便可以开始发电。风力发电正在世界上形成一股热潮,因为风力发电没有燃料问题,也不会产生辐射或空气污染。风力发电在芬兰、丹麦等国家很流行;我国也在西部地区大力提倡。小型风力发电系统效率很高,但它不是只由一个发电机头组成的,而是一个有一定科技含量的小系统:风力发电机充电器数字逆变器。风力发电机由机头、转体、尾翼、叶片组成。每一部分都很重要,各部分功能为:叶片用来接受风力并通过机头转为电能;尾翼使叶片始终对着来风的方向从而获得最大的风能;转体能使机头灵活地转动以实现尾翼调整方向的功能;机头的转子是永磁体,定子绕组切割磁力线产生电能。风力发电机因风量不稳定,故其输出的是1325V变化的交流电,须经充电器整流,再对蓄电瓶充电,使风力发电机产生的电能变成化学能。然后用有保护电路的逆变电源,把电瓶里的化学能转变成交流220V市电,才能保证稳定使用。机械连接与功率传递水平轴风机桨叶通过齿轮箱及其高速轴与万能弹性联轴节相连,将转矩传递到发电机的传动轴,此联轴节应按具有很好的吸收阻尼和震动的特性,表现为吸收适量的径向、轴向和一定角度的偏移,并且联轴器可阻止机械装置的过载。另一种为直驱型风机桨叶不通过齿轮箱直接与电机相连风机电机类型。随着现代风力发电技术发展的日趋成熟,风力发电机组正不断向大型化发展。2002年前后,国际风力发电市场上主流机型已经达到1500千瓦以上。目前,欧洲已批量安装3600千瓦风力发电机组,美国已研制成功7000千瓦风力发电机组,而英国正在研制巨型风力发电机组。目前风力发电机组的规模一直在不断增大,国际上主流的风力发电机组已达到2-3MW。2004年MW级风机已经成为商业化机组的主流,1.0MW以上的兆瓦级风机占到新增装机容量的74.9%,比2003年略有上升,是2000年的两倍。大体上大型风力发电机组有两种发展模式。陆地风力发电,其方向是低风速发电技术,主要机型是25 MW的大型风力发电机组,这种模式关键是向电网输电。近海风力发电,主要用于比较浅的近海海域,安装5MW以上的大型风力发电机,布置大规模的风力发电场,这种模式的主要制约因素是风力发电场的规划和建设成本,但是近海风力发电的优势是明显的,即不占用土地,海上风力资源较好。风力发电是一种主要的风能利用形式,风力发电已经开展了多年,随着能源环境的变化和风力发电产业的成熟,未来几年风力发电将呈现新的趋势。1、风力发电成本将大幅降低风力发电相对于太阳能、生物质等可再生能源技术更为成熟、成本更低、对环境破坏更小。在过去20多年里,风力发电技术不断取得突破,规模经济性日益明显。根据美国国家可再生能源实验室NREL的统计,从1980年至2005年期间,风力发电的成本下降超过90%,下降速度快于其他几种可再生能源形式。根据丹麦RIS国家研究实验室对安装在丹麦的风力发电机组所进行的评估,从19812002年间,风力发电成本由15.8欧分/kWh下降到4.04欧分/kWh,预计2010年度电成本下降至3欧分/kWh,2020年降低至2.34欧分/kWh。随着风力发电技术的改进,风力发电机组将越来越便宜和高效。增大风力发电机组的单机容量就减少了基础设施的投入费用,而且同样的装机容量需要更少数目的机组,这也节约了成本。随着融资成本的降低和开发商的经验丰富,项目开发的成本也相应得到降低。风力发电机组可靠性的改进也减少了运行维护的平均成本。总体上,风力发电成本将得到大幅降低。2、技术装备国产化比例必然提高实现风力发电技术装备国产化的目的是提高我国风力发电装备的制造能力和技术水平,降低风力发电成本,提高市场竞争能力,为推动我国风力发电技术大规模商业化发展奠定基础。加大风力发电机组的国产化力度,一方面可为风力发电场建设采用国产设备提供优质廉价的选择;另一方面,也可迫使国外同类企业在参与我国市场竞争时大幅度降低产品价格。风力发电技术装备国产化的指导思想是以市场为导向,以工程为依托,在引进消化吸收国际先进技术的基础上,进行创新提高,开发具有自主知识产权的风力发电设备。实现风力发电机组国产化70%,预计可降低风力发电机组成本15%,在不改变其它条件的前提下,可使风力发电成本降至0.375元/kWh。如全部实现风力发电机组国产化,预计可降低风力发电机组成本30%,在不改变其它条件的前提下,可使风力发电成本降至0.332元/kWh。为此,国家必须加大科研开发投资力度,在目前条件下以风力发电场建设投资1.5-3%的比例支持我国的风力发电技术科研开发和国产化是适宜的。其重要意义不仅仅在于降低风力发电成本,还将推动我国风力发电机组产业的形成,利用我们的优势走向国际市场。3、海上风力发电悄然兴起并将成为重要能源形式海上有丰富的风能资源和广阔平坦的区域,使得近海风力发电技术成为近来研究和应用的热点。多兆瓦级风力发电机组在近海风力发电场的商业化运行是国内外风能利用的新趋势。国际上,到2003年末,围绕欧洲海岸线,海上风力发电总装机600MW,集中在丹麦、瑞典、荷兰和英国。目前最大的海上风力发电场是位于丹麦南海岸的Nysted风力发电场,容量为165.6MW,由72台Bonus2.3MW海上风力发电机组组成,于2003年12月开始发电。预计到2010年,欧洲海上风力发电的装机容量将达到10000MW。海上风速大且稳定,利用小时数可达到3000小时以上。同容量装机,海上比陆上成本增加60%,电量增加50%以上。随着风力发电的发展,陆地上的风机总数已经趋于饱和,海上风力发电场将成为未来发展的重点。海上发电是近年来国际风力发电产业发展的新领域,是“方向中的方向”。海上风能资源储量远大于陆地风能,储量10m高度可利用的风能资源超过7亿kW,而且距离电力负荷中心很近。目前上海已开始海上风力发电项目的建设,到2010年,上海的风力发电总装机容量将达到200300兆瓦。为达到这一目标,第一座长距离跨海大桥东海大桥两侧将建成内地首个海上风力发电场。随着现代风力发电技术发展的日趋成熟,风力发电机组正不断向大型化发展。2002年前后,国际风力发电市场上主流机型已经达到1500千瓦以上。目前,欧洲已批量安装3600千瓦风力发电机组,美国已研制成功7000千瓦风力发电机组,而英国正在研制巨型风力发电机组。目前风力发电机组的规模一直在不断增大,国际上主流的风力发电机组已达到2-3MW。2004年MW级风机已经成为商业化机组的主流,1.0MW以上的兆瓦级风机占到新增装机容量的74.9%,比2003年略有上升,是2000年的两倍。大体上大型风力发电机组有两种发展模式。陆地风力发电,其方向是低风速发电技术,主要机型是25 MW的大型风力发电机组,这种模式关键是向电网输电。近海风力发电,主要用于比较浅的近海海域,安装5MW以上的大型风力发电机,布置大规模的风力发电场,这种模式的主要制约因素是风力发电场的规划和建设成本,但是近海风力发电的优势是明显的,即不占用土地,海上风力资源较好。虽然我国近几年风电发展很快,装机量以每年20%30以上的速度递增,但风电仍仅占全国电力总装机的0.11%,因此我国的风力发电目前仍处于起步阶段。企业生产规模小,工艺技术落后,一些原材料和产品国产化程度低,加大了产品的生产成本。为更好地实施国家可持续发展和西部大开发战略,国家发改委、科技部、国家经贸委制定了新能源和可再生能源产业发展的“十一五”规划,其中包括国家的“乘风计划”、光明工程和“863”计划后续能源技术主题等国家重大科技发展计划。指导思想是以市场为导向,选择成熟的、具有市场前景的技术产品作为产业发展的重点,提出合理的发展目标,制定符合市场发展的产业政策。采取规范市场的措施,进一步推动新能源和可再生能源技术的开发和应用。重点是开发600kW及以上风力发电机组,实现规模化生产;研究开发无齿轮箱、多级低速发电机、变速恒频等新型风力发电机组提高10kW以下离网型风力发电机的生产技术水平,推广风/光互补、风/柴互补和风/光/柴联合供电系统。主要目标是:到2015年,新能源和可再生能源年开发量达到4300万吨标准煤,占我国当时能源消费总量的2%;该产业将成为国民经济的一个新兴行业,拉动机械、电子、化工、材料等相关行业的发展,对减轻大气污染、改善大气环境质量作用明显,将减少3000多万吨的温室气体及200多万吨二氧化硫等污染物的排放,提供近50万个就业岗位。可见,有了国家的重视和政策的支持,作为主要可再生能源的风力发电行业,也必将有广阔的发展前景。目前国外的风力机厂商供给我国的风力机综合造价已经从每千瓦10000元以上下降到每千瓦9500元(600kw风电机组)左右,国产机组(600kw风电机组)综合造价为每千瓦7650元以下,并有进一步降低的空间。因此在寻求国家政策支持的前提下,实现和进一步提高大型风力发电系统国产化,将大大降低我国风力发电的成本,促进我国风力发电事业的发展,同时也为社会提供了一个新的经济增长点,并提供大量就业机会。Wind power as a kind of clean and renewable energy, more and more get the attention of the countries all over the world. The great amount of aggregates, global wind is about 2.74 x 109 MW of wind power, which can use for 2 x 107 MW, than the earth can be developed using the total amount of water can even 10 times. The wind have long been using-mainly through the windmills to pump water, mill etc, and now, people are interested in is how to use the wind to power.The principle of wind power, is driving the windmill blades rotating use wind power, then through growth machine will rotate speed ascension, to promote the generator power generation. Based on current windmills technology, is about three meters per second (the extent of the breeze breeze speed), then can start generating electricity. Wind power is formed on the upsurge of wind power, because no fuel problem, it wont produce radiation or air pollution. Wind power in Finland, Denmark and other countries popular; Our country also strongly advocated in the western area. Small wind power generation system efficiency is very high, but it is not only by a power of nose, but a certain technology content of small system: wind generators + charger + digital inverter. The wind generator head, tail, by the swivel of leaves, composition. Each part is important, each part function for: leaf used to accept wind and through the head into electrical energy; That leaves the rear wing to always to the direction of the wind to get the biggest wind; The swivel can make starting to turn to realize flexible tail adjust the function of direction; The helicopter rotor is permanent magnet stator winding, cutting lines to generate electricity. The wind generator for air volume is not stable, so its output is 13 to 25 V change of alternating current, must be approved by the charger rectifier, again to storage the accumulator, make the wind generator produces electrical energy into chemical energy. Then use have protection circuit of the inverter power supply, the battery down chemical energy into ac 220 V the utility, ability assures stable use. Mechanical connection and power transmission horizontal axis fan blades through the gear box and its high speed shaft and universal elastic joints is linked together, will be passed to the generator torque of the drive shaft, the joints should press has the very good absorb damping and vibration characteristics, to absorb right amount of radial performance, the axial and certain Angle of migration, and coupling can stop a mechanical device overload. Another for direct driving type fan blades not through the gear box connected directly with the motor fan motor type 。With modern wind power technology development becomes mature, wind power generators are constantly to the large-scale development. Around 2002, the international wind power generation market mainstream model has reached 1500 kw or more. At present, Europe has batch installed 3600 kw wind power generators, the United States has successfully developed 7000 kilowatt wind power generators, and Britain are developing giant wind power generators. At present the scale of wind power generators has been increasing, the international on mainstream wind generators are up to 2-3 MW. 2004 MW grade fan has become the mainstream of the commercial units, 1.0 MW more mega watt fan account for 74.9% of new installed capacity, more than 2003 risen slightly, is twice over that of 2000. Generally large wind power generators are two kind of development mode. Land wind power, their direction is wind power generation technology, low main machine is 2-5 MW large wind power generators, this model is the key to the power grid transmission. Offshore wind power, mainly used for quite shallow coastal waters, 5 MW large installation above the wind generator, decorate large-scale wind farm, the pattern of the main factors of the wind farm is in the planning and construction cost, but the advantage of offshore wind power is obvious, i.e. not occupied land, sea wind resources is better. Wind power is one of the main wind energy use form, wind power has carried out the DuoNian, along with the energy changes in the environment and wind power industry in the next few years, the mature wind power will present new trend. 1, wind power cost will be greatly reduced Wind power relative to solar, biomass and other renewable energy technology more mature, more cost-effective, to the environmental damage more small. In the past 20 DuoNian, wind power technology constantly breakthroughs, scale economy is more and more obvious. According to the national renewable energy laboratory NREL statistics from 1980 to 2005 period, the cost of wind power to fall by more than 90%, down faster than in several other renewable energy form. According to the Danish national research laboratory of RIS installed in Denmarks wind power generators of evaluation, from 1981 to 2002, the cost of wind power generation by 15.8 cent/kWh down to 4.04 cent/kWh, 2010 annual electricity costs are expected to decline to 3 cent/kWh, 2020 and dropped to 2.34 cent/kWh. With the improvement of wind power technology, wind power generation units will become cheaper and more effective. Increase of wind power generators single capacity reduced infrastructure investment costs, but the same capacity need more a few units, this also purpose saved costs. Along with the financing cost reduction and developers of rich experience, project development costs also get reduced. Corresponding Wind power generators of reliability improvement also reduced the operation and maintenance of the average cost. Overall, the wind power cost will be greatly reduced. 2, technology and equipment will improve localization proportion Wind power technology to realize the nationalization of the equipment the purpose is to raise the wind power in China equipment manufacturing capability and technical level, reduce the wind power costs, improve the market competition ability, in order to promote wind power technology large-scale commercial development lay the foundation. Increase of wind power generators localization efforts, on the one hand, but for wind farm with domestic construction equipment provides high quality cheap option; On the other hand, also can force the similar foreign enterprise in our country in market competition greatly reduce product price when. Wind power technology equipment the nationalization of the guiding ideology in the market as the guidance, engineering to rely on, and the introduction of the digestion and absorption of advanced international technology on the basis of innovation, improve the development with independent intellectual property rights of the wind power generation equipments. Realize localization of wind power generators, can be expected to reduce by 70% the cost of wind power generators, 15% not to change the condition of other, can make the wind power cost to fall to 0.375 yuan/kWh. Like all realize localization of wind power generators, can be expected to reduce the cost of wind power generators, 30% not to change the condition of other, can make the wind power cost to fall to 0.332 yuan/kWh. Therefore, the state must increase investment in scientific research and development under the present condition, with wind farm construction investment 1.5 3% proportion of wind power technology in support of scientific research and development and the key is appropriate. Its important meaning is not only reduce the cost of wind power in China, will also promote the formation of wind turbine generators industry, use of our advantage to go into the international market. 3, offshore wind power generation has emerged, and will become the important energy form Sea is rich in wind energy resources and wide flat area, make offshore wind power technology as a recent research and application of hot spots. Many mega watt wind power generators offshore wind farm in the commercialization of the operation is the new trend of wind power at home and abroad. International, to the end of 2003, around Europe coastline, offshore wind power generation, concentrated in the total installed 600 MW Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Britain. The largest offshore wind farm in Denmark is the south coast Nysted wind farm, storage capacity of 165.6 MW, by 72 units Bonus2.3 MW offshore wind generator set up in December 2003 began to power. It is estimated that by 2010, European offshore wind power generation capacity will reach 10000 MW. Offshore wind speed is large and stable, use hours can be up to 3000 hours. The installed capacity, than with sea land cost increased by 60%, the power increased by more than 50%. Along with the development of wind power, on the land of total fan has tended saturated, offshore wind farm will become the focus of future development. Sea power generation is in recent years the international wind power industry development new areas, is the direction direction. Offshore wind resources reserves far outweigh the land wind, reserves 10 m height of wind energy resources available to more than 700 million kW, and distance power load center is very near. At present Shanghai has started to offshore wind power projects of construction, to 2010, Shanghai total installed capacity of wind power will be achieved 200-300 megawatts (mw). To achieve this goal, the first a long distance bridge the east sea bridge will be built on both sides of the mainlands first offshore wind farm.Although our countrys wind power development in recent years by 20% a year, installed soon 30% speed increases, but the wind power is still accounts for only 0.11% of the national total installed power, so Chinas wind power is still in the initial stage. Enterprise production scale is small, the technology behind some raw materials and products, low degree of localization, increasing the production cost. To better implement the national sustainable development and the great western development strategy, the national development and reform commission, ministry of science and technology, the state economic and trade commission made a new and renewable energy industry development of the eleventh five-year plan, including the countrys ride the plan , bright and 863 project plan follow-up energy technology major national science and technology development theme of plan. Guiding ideology is the market as the guidance, choose a mature, a market prospect of technology products as the key industry development, and puts forward the reasonable development goals, with the development of the market for industrial policies. Take measures to regulate the market, further promoting new and renewable energy technology development and application. Key is to develop 600 kW and above wind power generators, realize large-scale production; Research and development no gear box, multilevel low-speed gene
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- 2025年湖南安全技术职业学院单招职业技能测试题库参考答案
- DB3202-T 1063-2024 质量基础设施“-站式”服务与建设规范
- 2025年广东省深圳法院招聘书记员招聘144人历年高频重点模拟试卷提升(共500题附带答案详解)
- 百所名校高一数学试卷
- 第九章-或有事项教学教材
- 2024年江西青年职业学院高职单招职业适应性测试历年参考题库含答案解析
- 2025年安徽省烟草专卖局(公司)招聘高频重点提升(共500题)附带答案详解
- 2025年春新冀教版英语三年级下册课件 2L2