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2002中考模拟10第I卷听力部分(共30分) I根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案: (5分) 1ALucy got up earliest of the three BMeimei got up earliest of the three CWu Dong got up earliest of the three 2AI went to school by bus sometimes BSometimes I went to school by bike CI never went to school by car 3AThe farm is far away from my school BThe farm isnt so far away from my school CThe farm isnt so near to my school 4AI dont go to bed until my mother comes back BMy mother goes to bed before I come back CMy mother goes to bed after I come back 5AHe knows her address and I know it,too BI know her address,but he doesnt CI dont know her address and he doesnt,either II听句子,选择恰当的答语: (5分) 1AIm not sure BYoure welcome CThats right 2AImsorry BHello CSee you tomorrow 3AIts June 20th BIts6:30 CIts Wednesday 4AHold on for a moment,please BThe same to you CHello!Whats the matter? 5AIt doesnt matter this time BIts very kind of you CNot at all III听对话,根据所提问题,选择最佳答案:(5分) 1Whats Bobs mother doing? AShe is buying a present for her son BShe is having a look at some birthday cakes CShe is buying herself a bicycle 2How soon is Bobs birthday? AIn a week BTwo weeks away CIn less than ten days 3What size of bicycle does she buy? ASize 24BSize 26 CSize 28 4What do you think Bob is like? AHe is short BHes like his mother CHe is tall 5How much is the bicycle? A110 yuanB110 dollars C100 dollars IV听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确答案:(5分) 1Mr Clock likes buying _ Apictures Bstamps Cclocks 2Mr Clock has _ clocks now Afive hundred Beight hundred Cnine hundred 3Does Mr Clocks wife like buying clocks,too? AYes,she does BNo,she doesnt CWe dont know 4 _ makes all the clocks clean every day AMr Clocks wife BMr Clock CNo one 5From this passage we know _ Aall the clocks have the sound only at night Bevery clock tells the right time Cfew of the clocks can keep the right time V听短文,根据其内容和所提问题,选择最佳答案:(10分) 1AA good football team BA good basketball team CA good school paper DA good school headmaster 2ABecause he didnt take any exams BBecause he was a very poor player in the team CBecause he copied from Susan in the exam DBecause Susan copied from him in the exam 3AHe was a good player but not a good student BHe was a good student but not a good player CHe was a good student and a good player DHe was neither a good player nor a good student 4AIt was quite different from the players BIt was the same as the players CIt was clean and beautiful DIt was dirty and terrible 5AOneBTwo CThreeDFour 第II卷(选择题,共55分) I选择填空:(20分) A)从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出一个正确的选项填在句子的空白处。 1This is _ useless dictionaryHe borrows it from school library Aan;a Ba;the Ca;Dan;the 2Please dont make any noise _ Ill be as quiet as a mouse(老鼠) AYes,I wont BNo,I wont CNo,I will DYes,I will 3It will be a long time Peter _ his work Asince;has finished Bafter;finishes Cwhen;will finish Dbefore;finishes 4Do you want Tom or Jack to do it? _ can do it well,Im afraid ABoth BNone CEither DNeither 5Tom and Jack?I didnt believe they could do the work ,but they really did it well ASo did I BSo I didnt CNeither did I DMe too 6Bob ,_ the window quickly _strongly the wind blow! Awill close;Because Bis closing;How Cclose;For Dclose;How 7Would you like some coffee? Yes,pleaseBut do you have any milk?I prefer coffee _ milk Afrom Bwith Cthan Dfor 8 _ do you think me the news? AWho;to tell BWho;told CWhom;to tellDWhom;told 9Few of us like him because he thinks _ of others than of himself Amuch Bmuch more Cmuch less Da little 10Mark _ go there with us tonight,but he isnt very sure about it Amust Bmay Ccan Dwill 11The flowers _ Aneed to water Bare needed to water Care needed watering Dneed watering 12A group of _ are eating and _ at the foot of the hill Asheepes;grasses;leaves Bsheep;grass;leaf Csheeps;grass;leafs Dsheep;grass;leaves 13Dad,do you know when _ ? At seven this evening Athe football game will start Bthe football game start Cis the football game going to start Dshall we start the football game 14Oh,Im sorryI _ your book at home Aleft Bforgot Cmissed Dlost 15If _ a good programme on,Ill watch TV tonight Athere is Bit is Cit will be Dthere will be 16 _ of us will have an English book when school begins AEveryone BEvery one CNone DNo one 17_ you _ a wash yet? Yes,I _ a moment ago ADid;have;washed BHad;had;washed CHave;had;washed DHave;had;have washed 18The teachers name is John Herry Brown His students call him _ AMr Brown BMr John CMr Herry DMr Herry Brown 19Though Mr Smith felt tired after hours of work,_ without a break Ahe went on to work Bhe went on with working Che went on working Dbut he went on with the work 20Just after going to bed,_ ALucy heard the doorbell Bthe doorbell rang Csomeone was knocking at the door Dthe door was knocked loudly II完形填空:(15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 I used the new machine to 1 _the clothesEverything worked well,but I 2_ one of my husbands socks missingI looked everywhere 3_ it,but I couldnt find it anywhere 4_ morning I got ready for school as usualWhen the bell rang, the students came inWe began the classWhen I turned round to write on the 5_ ,the class broke out a roar(哄堂大笑)!They laughed and laughedThey laughed 6_ that I was 7 _that the headmaster would be in to see all thisI asked the class 8_ ,9_ the more I asked,the more they laughedI decided to 10_ my lessons and I wrote on the blackboard When I 11 _this,they roared even more At last the teacher 12_ had the room next to mine came in to see what had happenedWhen he came in,he started to 13_ ,too “Oh,dear!”I said .Will someone please tell me what is so interesting?“My God,”said the teacher,“you have a brown sock stuck(粘)the 14_ of your shirt!” “So thats 15_ I cant find my husbands missing sock” 1Amake Bdo Cwash Dmend 2Afound Bthink Clooked Dwatched 3Aat Bfor Cover Dout 4ALast BThis CNext DThe next 5Apicture Bpaper Cblackboard Dwall 6Aso many Bso much Cmany enough Dtoo much 7Asad Bglad Csorry Dafraid 8Ato stop Bto write Cto read Dto go out 9Aand Bbut Cor Dif 10Afinish Bgo on with Cend Dbegin 11Awrote Bdrew Cdid Ddo 12Awhose Bwho Cwhom Dwhich 13Alaugh Bcry Cshout Dspeak 14Aback Bfront Cside Dpocket 15Awhere Bwhy Chow Dwhen III阅读理解:(20分) (A) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 No one was left in the museum now,and John was walking round to see if everything was all right Suddenly he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floorJohn picked it up and gave it to the director(馆长)of the museum The director called several museums to check(检查)and see if it was a stolen painting,but no one claimed(认领)itSo the director decided to hang it in the museumAll the experts(专家)came to look at the paintingEach one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaningThe director was proud(自豪)to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery(发现) Some weeks later a woman and her little son came to the museumWhile they were looking at the new painting,the little boy began to cryThe director went over and asked him “Why are you crying?” The child pointed to the painting and said,“Thats my painting on the wall and I want it back” “Yes,”said his mother,“he left it on the floor a few weeks agoIf you look carefully,you can see the name on the painting” 1John was perhaps _ Aa painter Ban expert on painting Ca visitor to the museum Da man working in the museum 2John found the painting _ Abefore the museum opened Bafter the museum was closed Cduring his visit to the museum Dwhile he was enjoying his walk 3The boy began to cry before the painting because _ Ahe was afraid of it Bhe thought it was his painting Che wanted to have the painting back DBoth B and C 4After the director heard what the woman and the boy said,he must be very _ Aangry Bafraid Cproud Dsurprised 5Allthe experts thought the painting good because _ Ait was really very beautiful Bit had very deep meaning Cnone of them looked carefully enough Dthey examined it very carefully (B) 根据下列广告所示内容,选择最佳答案。 (A)For Sale Chinese-made bicycle Good condition(状况)Zhang Ying 306, dormitory(寝室)4(B)Needed 25-year-old woman 900yuan a month speak good EnglishLan Fleming 422389506(C)Roommate Wanted Male(男)English native(本地的) speaker wanted to share(共用)a 2-bedroom apartment(公寓)near campus(校园)washer,dryer,kitchen Call Li,228-940605 any evening after 5(D)Lost Black briefcase(公文包)with 3 books on physics(物理) Call:John Smith 843-316065(E)Wanted to Rent(租用)One-bedroom apartment from Feb1 through June better near campus Call Robert Waller 843429065(F)FoundBrown briefcase with some money See:Joseph Hofman in Chemistry Dept(化学系) 6You can call Zhang Ying if you want to _ Abuy a bike Bsell a bike Chave your bike repaired Dborrow a bike 7If you want to find work,and you can speak English,you can _ Atelephone 843-429065 Bcall 228-940605 Ccall Hofman Dcall Lan Fleming 8One of the reasons why Li wants someone to share his room is that _ Ahe wants to live near the campus Bhe wants to improve(提高)his English Che wants his washer,dryer and kitchen to be used Dhe wants someone to use his kitchen 9Robert Waller wishes to rent a room _ Anear the school Bfar away from the school Cinside the school Doutside the city 10Joseph Hofman _ Afound John Smiths briefcase Bwas a teacher Cfound the briefcase with many books Dfound the brown briefcase with some money 第III卷(非选择题,共65分) I单词拼写:(10分) A)根据句意填入适当的词。 (5分) 1My mother didnt buy that jacket for me though it was not _ 2When English people meet each other,they often talk about the _ 3The driver drove very _ and he never hit anybody 4We can get beef and milk from_ 5There are trees on _ side of the river B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 6All the students are listening to the teacher_ (care)in class 7What will the population be in that country at the end of the_ (twenty)century? 8Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful_ (park)in Beijing 9My sister is_ (happy)now because she lost her money 10In our school,everyone is _ (friend) II动词填空:(10分) 选用所给动词的适当形式填空,每词只许用一次。 1Could you tell us if he _ tomorrow? 2Well have this question_ about after class 3The students spent as much time as they could _ over their lessons 4Be quick!All the exercises have_ before class 5The Smiths _ greatly in the last two years 6He made faces _ the baby stop crying 7Liu Ying _ some water for the old woman twice every week 8When I got there ,the meeting_ for half an hour 9Jim was doing his homework while his father _ a football match on TV 10The girls are often heard_ in their classroom III句型转换:(15分) 在改写后的句子空格上填写适当的词,使句子完整并与原句意思相符,每空限填一词。 1Wang Hai jumps the highest in our school _ in our school jumps so high _ Wang Hai 2I dont think Japanese is so difficult as French I think Japanese is_ _ than French 3I believe that when I see it with my own eyes I _ _ believe that I see it with my own eyes 4I havent got a letter from my parents for a long time I havent _ _ my parents for a long time 5It is three days since he caught a cold He has _ a cold _ three days ago IV完成句子:(10分) 根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,每空限填一词。 1你稍等一会儿,我去把那辆车子挪走。 Wait a moment,Ill go and_ the bike _ 2你昨天请人修表了吗? Did you _ your watch_ yesterday? 3这些木头是用来干什么的? _ are these bits of wood used _ ? 4博物馆里正在展出什么? What kinds of things are _ _ in the museum? 5你能肯定她不会介意吗? _ you _ _ that she doesnt mind? V综合填空:(10分) 根据所给单词首字母的提示,写出适当的词,使短文意思完整,句子正确。 Cars are an important p_ (1)of life in the United States Without cars most people f_ (2)that they are poorAnd even though(即使)a person is poor,he doesnt r_ (3)feel poor when he has a car Perhaps you have heard o_ (4)Henry FordHe first started making cars in large numbersPerhaps he didnt k(5)_ how much the car was going to be to American culture(文化)The car m_ (6)the United States a nation on wheels(车轮上的民族)And it h(_ 7)make the United States what it is now Cars have become popular in the United StatesThe Americans like to m_ (8)around in carsW_ (9)a car people can go to any place without s_ (10)much money VI书面表达:(10分) M y favourite season I like winter bestThough it is very cold,it is good for skatingI often go skating on Sundays with my friendsWhen it snows,everything turns whiteTrees and houses are covered with thick snowHow beautiful the world looks!My friends and I like to make snow- menSometimes we make snowballs and throw them at each otherThats a very interesting gameIn winter we have a holiday,and the Spring Festival is in winter,too 第I卷听力部分录音原文及答案: I1Lucy got up earlier than Wu Dong,but Meimei got up earlier than Lucy(B) 2Sometimes I took a bus to school(A) 3The farm is quite near to my school(B) 4My mother doesnt go to bed until I come back(C) 5Neither he nor I know her address(C) II1Thank you very much(B) 2See you tomorrow(C) 3Whats the time?(B) 4Hello!Could I speak to Mr Black,please?(A) 5Im sorry,Im a little late(A) IIIM:What can I do for you,madam? W:Id like to buy a bicycle as a present for my son, Bob M:A birthday present? W:YesHell be fifteen in two weeks M:What do you think of the blue one,Size24? W:I like the colourBut Bob is a big boy M:What do you think of this one,Size 26? W:It looks goodIm sure hell like itHow much is it? M:A hundred and ten dollars W:OKIll take it (15ABBCB) IVMost people always like buying things,for example, stamps,books and picturesBut my friend Mr Clock likes buying clocksHe has five hundred clocks now There are clocks everywhere in his houseYou can see shelves standing in every roomAllthe shelves are full of clocks Though Mr Clock is glad to do this,his wife doesnt enjoy it at allShe has to clean each clock every day,and it is difficult for her to do soShe is also angry at the noiseEach clock keeps its own time,so she can hear the sound of the clocks almost any time during the day and the nightShe says,“The trouble is,I never know the real time,though I have so many clocks around” (15CABAC) VThe school had a very good football team,and its best player was a student who always had trouble in schoolThen one year the headmaster said that the player would have to leave because he had made a mistake in an examThe football team at once went to try to ask the headmaster to let the student stay in schoolThe headmaster showed them two answer papers “This one is Susans paperShe is the best student in the class,”he said“And this one is your football playersTheyre justthe sameHe satatthe nextdesk and just copied from her” “But maybe she copied from him,”one of the foot- ball players said,“How do you know it was the other way?” “Look at thisSusan didnt know the answer to this question,so she wrote,I dont knowAnd your footballplayer wrote,Neither do I” Questions: 1What did the school have?(A) 2Why did the student have to leave the school?(C) 3What did the school think of the player?(A) 4What was Susans paper like?(B) 5How many answers couldnt Susan know at least? (A) 第II卷 I1B2B。此题考查日常英语。根据英语习惯: yes后面必须跟肯定回答,no后面必须跟否定回答,所以可先排除A、C项,再根据语境来判断:Ill be as quiet as a mouse表示同意。故应选B。3D。此题考查句型:“It is(not)时间before从句”,意为“时间很长(不长就)才”。如:It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了好长时间我才又睡着。4D5C6D。此题应特别注意Bob后面有一逗号,Bob为呼语,后面的句子为祈使句,因此,应选动词原形。7B。此题考查的是英语的一种固定用法:coffee with milk为“加牛奶的咖啡”。8B。此题考查的是双重疑问句句型,即:在句首的疑问词后插入了一个一般疑


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