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Unit 7 How much are these socks? (Section B 2a 2c )教学设计 (Period 4 Reading)泸化中学初中英语 周继平 一、教学内容分析本节课是(人教版)新目标英语七年级上册Unit7 How much are these socks? Section B 2a-2c的内容,是一节阅读综合课。本课时以谈论服装店的各种衣物及价格为阅读主题,主要复习1-31的数字及会用目标语言通过小组活动、实景购物等任务型活动进行交际,既培养了学生的阅读技能,又为后面的写作做好了铺垫。二、设计思路 根据教材内容、学生具体情况和英语课程标准的要求,我按照阅读课教学的步骤“读前导、读中学、读后用”设置了活动。读中,采用skimming 及scanning等阅读策略引导学生阅读。首先让学生整体感知了解文章大意,然后引导学生深入细致阅读,并提醒学生注意抓住“衣物、价格” 等关键词获取信息,培养他们的概括和推理能力;用跟读、表演读训练学生的语音语调,加深对课文的整体理解,同时引导学生关注文章中介词使用,目的是为后面的广告写作做铺垫。在读后,设计了三个练习进行知识点的巩固和语言输出。三、教学目标(Objectives)1、 Knowledge goals:1)Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words and phrases:a. New words: clothes, store, buy, sale, sell, all, very, price, Mr., boy, a pair of.b. Phrases: at great sale, at very good prices2)Be able to talk about clothing and prices with the sentences:Come and buy. Do you like/need? We have for Come to now.2、Ability goals: 1)To be able to read a passage about a clothes store by using the correct reading skills (skimming 、scanning ).2)To develop students ability of communication with other people in English. 3、Moral goals: students will be able to have a correct view of consumption(消费观)and go shopping politely。四、教学重点、难点1、Teaching key points: 1)Use the words and sentences to talk about clothing and prices.2) How to read the passage by using the correct reading skills and get the useful information from it.2、Teaching difficult points: How to read an ad for a clothes store.五、教学方法1、Teaching methods :Task-based teaching method, communicative approach2、Learning methods:reading skills(skimming , scanning ), imitating , cooperating and competition. 六、教学准备Teaching Aids Some clothes ( bag,sweater)with different prices. PPT七、教学步骤Teaching and learning Steps:Step1. Greeting and Review 1. Sing a song together to revise the numbers(1-20). Good morning,class! Nice to meet you.This song is about numbers.Lets sing this song together,OK?2.Count the numbers from 0 to 31.3.Finish 2a. Match each clothing item with a price.Show the bag and sweater on the teachers desk and say:Can you guess how much these things are? A:I think the bag is. B: I think the sweater is.Then tell the true prices and work on 2a to ask some students to say:I think a skirt is./ a pair of socks is1. a skirt _ 3. socks _ 5.shorts _2. a sweater _ 4.trousers _ 6. shoes _3.Pairwork: Then show more pictures of clothes on the screen to practice these two sentences. “How much is/are the ?” “Its/They are” (设计意图:课前用与数字有关英文歌曲激趣,通过真实衣物完成2a,和复习询问价格的句型,对2b中的衣物价格产生预期。)Step2 Presentation1.Show a picture of a clothes store on the screen, teach new words and sentences.T: The weather is getting colder and colder. I want to buy some shoes. Do you want to go shopping with me?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Lets go. Look! This is Mr Cools clothes store. What can you see at the store? It sells beautiful clothes. They are at great sale. You can buy them at very good prices .Lets go and see! 2. Show a pair of nice shoes with the price of only 20 dollars on the screen. Teach Ss at a good price. The shoes are only 20 dollars. They are at a good price.( 非常合理的价格,非常便宜) $20 $15 3. Show some nice skirts with 15 dollars on the screen. Say:I have purple skirts.I have skirts in purple. I sell skirts in purple. the purple skirts are only fifteen dollars. For girls, I have purple skirts for only fifty dollars. the purple skirts are only fifteen dollars. For girls, I have skirts in purple for only fifty dollars. 4.Can you say? “We have.for.”(幻灯片显示图片) Ss say:For boys,we havefor. For girls,we havefor. $4 $2 $3 $6 5. Game:竞价时间。同样的衣物,你有比我更便宜的价格吗?用 “I havefor”来告诉大家。Practice this sentence to describe shorts, skirts and T-shirts.( 设计意图:通过展示“Mr Cool服装店”的图片,进行新课导入。吸引了学生的兴趣与注意力,同时,相机教学本课的新单词, 让学生在语境中学习生词、句子,师生共同探究本课重难点知识,通过游戏巩固,相机板书生词、句子,为课文学习作铺垫。)Step3 While-reading1.Fast-reading (1)Look at the picture in 2b and read the Ad quickly. Answer the question. What can we do at Mr. Cools clothes store? (We can buy some clothes at very good prices. )(提醒学生注意:Read the topic and the first two sentences, and guess the main idea of the passage. )2.Careful-reading (1)Ss read the ad and fill in the price tags then check the answers. After reading, ask 3 students to check answers . (2)(指导:此题是考试中的任务型阅读理解题。捕捉图片中所示物品及短文中对应的价格是解题的关键。学生读短文过程中,可用“_”划出广告中所售的衣物,然后用“ ”圈出该物品的价格。最后将衣物名称与价格一一对应,填入价签中。并引导学生将图中衣物的价格与活动2a中自己匹配的衣物价格进行比较。) (2)Read the Ad carefully, and answer the questions. (2)1)What can we buy at Mr.Cools Clothes Store?2)How much are the green sweaters?3)If you want to buy six pairs of socks, how much do you have to pay?(让学生细读广告,回答几个细节问题,从而更全面、细致地理解全文。)3. Group work: reading(Can you read well!)1)Repeat the tape, imitate the pronunciation and intonation.2)Then imagine you work at Mr. Cools Clothes Store, and read the ad aloud in groups. (让学生以店主Mr.Cool的口吻,用夸张的语气朗读文章,然后提炼出广告中用于宣传、促销的表达方式。)Step4. After-reading1.Show time (Have a try!) Class,lets have some exercises!Who can try?翻译官一、课前预习单词和2b课文,试着翻译下列单词短语。1. 服 装 店 _ 2. 买_卖_(名词)_(动词)3. 价 格 _ 4. 绿色的毛衣_紫色的短裙_ 5.特 价 出 售 _6以非常合理的价格出售_ 6. 一双 _ 7. 两条裙子_二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 这是一件价格合理的T恤衫。 This is a sweater _ a good _. 2. 我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。 We dont sell socks _ _ here. 3. 快来买,服装大减价了! Come and _ clothes _ our great _. 4. 我们这些短裤每件仅售13元。 We have shorts _ _ _ dollars. 5. 这是给你的一双新鞋。 Heres _ _ _ _ shoes for you. (设计意图:在幻灯片上显示学案上的翻译作业,加深对语言点的掌握。在展示学习成果环节,积极鼓励学生完成并参与。通过展示台展示一两个学生的作业,提醒学生注意书写。)2.Fnish 2c.(1)Ss read the conversation and fill in the blanks. The teacher goes around the classroom to help the students. Then check the answers. Ask two or three students to answer, and say the reasons.(屏幕上显示阅读指导:首先,快速阅读对话一遍,注意联系上下文和2a仔细判断。首先,快速阅读对话一遍,明确自己售货员的身份,可知第一句话应为“Can I help you?”。然后,读对话,通过对话中谈到的衣物的颜色或价格等信息来确定是何衣物;或通过所谈到的衣物来填写其颜色或价格。如在女孩购物的情境中,短根据短文中的“We have skirt in purple”信息,可知女孩是想买短裙,价格是$20。男孩谈到需要一双黑色的某物上学穿,再由下文知其仅是28美元,回顾短文可知所谈应是鞋子。男孩还谈到了要买短裤,对应短文内容可知短裤的价格是16美元。)(2)Group work: Work in a group of three students. Role-play the conversation with some real clothes. One student to be shop assistants, two students to be customers.Try to sell the clothes to the customers. You have 3 minutes to discuss with the group members.And ask one or two group to present before the class.(设计意图:通过任务型教学创设真实的情景,让学生运用目标语言进行交际,来训练口语能力。)3.Retell the ad.“This time, read the ad by yourselves. After that, we will retell the ad according to the form.” Try to use these sentences on the blackboard: Come and buy your clothes at our great sale. We havefor. For girls/ boys,We have infor ,Come to. ThingsColorsPricesFor whomsweatersgreen$15 /yellow$12/trousersblack$22For boysshorts/$16skirts purple$20for girlsjackets/$30 /shoesblack$28/socks/$2/3pairs(设计意图:进行语言输出(output),让学生运用今天所学的广告用语,为后面的写作做准备。)Step5 Summary:Sing A Song Use the melody of the song (TWO TIGERS)with the new words to review and consolidate the important sentences.The Song:Do you like T-shirts?How much is the T-shirt ? For girls, its only 18 yuan, Come and buy. Come and buy!Do you need socks?How much are the socks? For boys, theyre only 5yuan each,Come to buy. Come to buy!T:OK.Please remember:Save(节省 )money, and do some good things for others. Then we will be happy.(设计意图:让学生一起齐唱老师编的儿歌总结今天所学重要单词、句子,并进行德渗透。)Step6 Homework 1. Review the words and phrases we learned today.2.Preview 3a and try to finish it. If you have a clothes store,make an ad for your own clothes store. 附:Blackboard design(板书设计) Unit7 How much are these socks? SectionB (2a-2c) Words:Mr. clothesstorebuysale (n.)sell (v.)allverypricesentences:How much is the .?Its.dollars.How much are the.?Theyre.dollars.Come and buy. Do you like/need?We have for Come to now.Useful expressions:at our great sale,at very good prices,附:Unit 7 How much are these socks? 导学案Period Four Section B(2a2c)【学习目标】 一、知识目标: 1.识记并能正确运用下列词汇和短语:a. New words: clothes, store, buy, sale, sell, all, very, price, Mr., boy, a pair of.b. Phrases: at great sale, at very good prices2.学会用下列句型进行交际: Come and buy. Do you like/need? We have for Come to now.二、能力目标:1. 学会阅读广告,了解广告的内容;2、练习听说读写的综合技能,以训练阅读能力为主。三、情感目标:1、通过购物的对话练习,了解异国人民购物所使用的规范语言及文明举止。2、鼓励学生勤俭节约,合理消费。 【学习重难点】 :能读懂服装店广告并找寻关键信息。 【预 习 案】I、预习要点:1.回忆并试着写出下列词汇:(1)表示衣服的:sweater, sock, shirt, shorts, _shoe, skirt(2)表示颜色的:color, black, _ green, yellow(3)表示数目的:one,_twelve,_ twenty_thirty-one2.根据音标拼读单词,并识记。a. New words: clothes_, store_, buy_, sale_, sell_, all_, very_, price_, Mr._, boy_, a pair of_.b. Phrases: at our great sale_, at very good prices_II、预习并尝试性探究:(红色字体为尝试探究部分,也是本课教学的重点)一、试着翻译下列单词短语。1. 服 装 店 _ 2. 买_卖_(名词)_(动词)3. 价 格 _4. 绿色的毛衣_紫色的短裙_ 5.特 价 出 售 _6以非常合理的价格出_ 7. 一双 _8. 两条裙子_二、预习2b,根据广告内容填入所空缺的单词。(自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。根据图片和文章标题等,预测新课内容)Come and buy your clothes _ Mr Cools great_! Do you like sweaters? We have _ and sweaters for 15 dollars and 12 dollars. Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only dollars! And are only 16 dollars! For girls, we have skirts in for only 20 dollars! Socks are only 2 dollars for . Come to Mr Cools now!三、想一想:1、翻译对比: black trousers与 skirts in purple , at a very good price 与at great sale 你发现了什么?2、观察 for 在句子中的位置,


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