已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




六年级上册 第五单元第1课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:Wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking, a restaurant, No smoking, shopping centre, smell, careful。X| k |B| 1 . c| O |m2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does it mean? It means No littering/parking/smoking/ You can/cant 。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共场所标志的含义。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:能初步用句型:What does it mean? It means (No littering/parking/smoking/) You can/cant 。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Mr/Miss T: Im glad to see you.S: Glad to see you, too.【设计意图:日常问候,过渡课堂。】Step 2 Play a gameT: Boys and girls, lets play “true and false”, OK? Look, if you think the picture is right, please say “yeah yeah yeah”, if you think its wrong, please say “no no no”.T: Wonderful, you all had a good time, I think. Now, there are four pictures of “no no no”. To tell people not to do the wrong things, we can see signs. Now please read after me.(教授sign)【设计意图:通过玩游戏,让学生快速反应图片信息正确与否,并在最后的图片中插入与标志相关联的图片,引出生词,为下一步学习进行铺垫。】Step 3 PresentationT: Boys and girls, we can see many signs around us. Please think, where can you see signs?S: I can see signs in a library/cinema/bus T: Great! Now lets have a look at our friends. Who are they?S: They are Mike, Helen and Tim.T: Lets see where do they go, OK? (播放动画)【设计意图:通过认识人物引入课文,为教授课文做准备。】Step 4 Story time1. Watch and answerT: My friends go to many places. Where do they go first?S: They go to the shopping centre first. Then the juice shop, the book shop, and the restaurant.T: Read after me: want, ant, -rant, restaurant. (教授shopping center, restaurant)2. Listen and chooseT: Now please listen to the tape and choose. Mike, Helen and _ are at a shopping centre. a. Tom b. Tim c. Sam The floor at the shopping centre is _. a. wet b. dirty c. clean The floor is wet , we should _. a. be careful b. be quick c. be quiet (教授mean, wet floor, be careful)【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文。】3. Read and answer T: Mike, Helen and Tim are at a juice shop, what can they see there? Read the dialogue on page 48 and answer the two questions.Q1: What do they want?Q2: What do they see?(教授 litter, No littering)T: Now lets learn. Look at the pictures, ask and answer with your partner.A: What does it mean?B: It means you cant 【设计意图:通过图片引导学生学习词组及句型。】4. Learn by yourselvesT: There are still two places. Lets see. Now please look at the PPT. Open your books and try to learn by yourselves.a. circle the new words on your book. (教授smoke, smell, take into)b. find the signs on the book, then discuss their meaning with your deskmates.(教授no eating or drinking, no smoking)c. fill in the form(Let students fill in the blanks and complete the sentences according to the PPT.)【设计意图:引导通过自读寻找问题的答案,培养学生的阅读能力。】5. Listen and read T: OK, boys and girls, I think you have known the story well. Listen and repeat after the computer. Try to imitate the tones.【设计意图:引导学生通过不同途径学习生词与句型。复习和巩固课文学习,通过PPT的指引,让学生模仿语音语调,培养学生的语感。】Step 5 Consolidation1. Complete a passageT: Look at the picture. Helen wants to send a message through the phone.Please complete the passage for her.Today I go to the with Mike and Tim. We see four signs there. The sign on the floor means . We cant . The sign in the juice shop means . The sign means we cant . At last, we see a man in the . He is . We remind him and he stops. Do you know the meaning of this sign?【设计意图:检查学生课堂上对词汇的掌握。】2. Team work: a short playT: Look, there is a poster on the blackboard. They want to find some volunteers to keep the school clean and safe. You can be the Narrator, Volunteer and the rule-breakers. And there are some useful structures to help you. Now please work in groups of four. Practice your play.(PPT呈现一些可用句型)【设计意图:锻炼学生的口语能力,对标志的内容加以拓展。】Homework 家庭作业1. Read after the tape and try to retell.2. Draw the signs and write down the meaning of each one. 3. Write down your short play on the paper, and make a little book with other groups.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体PPT板书设计: Unit 5 Signs signs mean a shopping centre wet floor a juice shop No littering cant littera book shop No eating or drinking cant eat or drink a restaurant No smoking cant smoke说课 “标识”这一主题之前涉及的比较少,所以本课一开始,教师先通过判断正误的游戏渗透标识的内容,也对学生进行了潜移默化的公德教育。在课文学习部分,教师采用了由宏观到微观的策略,先让学生通过看动画整体感知Story time的内容,然后针对每段课文,教师设置了不同的任务,让学生带着任务听或读课文并关注课文中的细节信息,培养学生的阅读能力。最后的巩固环节,教师安排了两个活动,一是以手机短信形式呈现了课文叙述,增加了趣味性,另一个是创设新的情境,让学生编排短句,将所学与实际结合,锻炼学生的语用能力。六年级上册 第五单元第2课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:Wet floor.、No littering.、No eating or drinking.、No smoking.、No parking.、 Danger!。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语: What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/)、You can /cant 。3. 能正确地理解并学会使用“No verb+ing.”。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共标识的含义。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并学会使用“No verb+ing.”。教学难点:能进一步学用句What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/ )、You can/cant 。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Brainstorming T: Can you name some signs? Lets have a brainstorming.【设计意图:让学生在游戏中回顾所学标识含义,考查学生知识掌握程度以及反应能力。】Step 2 Practice1. Listen and point (两人一组操练)S1: You can find the sign in the shopping centre. It means the floor is wet S2: (手指“小心地滑”的标识) Wet floor.【设计意图:巩固复习在特定场景下,不同公共标识的含义。】2. Fill in blanksT: Look at the table. Try to fill in the words or phrases and use the form to retell Story time. (PPT呈现) a. Fill in the tableX| k |B| 1 . c| O |m b. Fill in the blanksMike Helen and Tim are at a _. They see the first sign. They should _ on the wet floor. In the juice shop, they see the second sign. They know they cant _ there. In the bookshop, they see the third sign. It means they cant _ there. When they are eating some _ in the restaurant, someone _. They tell the man there is a sign on the wall. It means he cant smoke there. (Answers: shopping centre, be careful, litter, drink or eat, noodles, is smoking)【设计意图:巩固复习Story time,通过表格的知识梳理,能够有效帮助记忆重点内容。】ttp:/www .Step 3 Presentation1. Chant timeT: Well done. Its time to sing the chant together. Ready? Go.What, what, what does it mean?No smoking. No smoking.It means you cant smoke. What, what, what does it mean?No parking. No parking.It means you cant park.【设计意图:通过歌谣复习巩固句型单词,配上音乐节奏,提升学生兴趣,培养语音语调的节奏感。】2. Read and findT: Look at these sentences. What can you find?(PPT呈现标识语)【设计意图:学生自主通过仔细观察,找出语法规律,培养良好的学习习惯,提升学生的学习动力。】3. Discussion timeT: Please work with your partner and try to practice.S1: What does it mean?S2: It means 【设计意图:同桌练习互动,巩固句型的同时练习“No+动名词”用法,合作探究新的标识的表达,促进团结协作意识,提升语言实用性。】Step 4 Consolidation1. Introducing more signsT: Now, what do these sign mean?【设计意图:通过所学知识与新学语法的联系巩固,配以图片理解,认识更多新的公共标识。】2. Game timeT: Would you like to play a game together? Game: Little train, go, go, go. Lets find which group can finish the whole line first. Are you ready? One, two, start.【设计意图:小组比赛开小火车,培养学生团队协作意识,考查知识掌握程度,激发学习动力。让学生在游戏中在巩固新知,水到渠成地达成了教学目标。】Homework 家庭作业1. Find more signs on the Internet and write down each signs meaning.2. Design some signs by yourself.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体板书设计: Unit 5 SignsWhat does it mean? Wet floor. It means No littering. No littering/parking/smoking/ No eating or drinking. You can/cant No smoking. No+doing (动名词) 说课 本课的主要内容是Grammar time,这个板块虽然形式上是一个单独的板块,但是内容来源于Story time,与Story time是有机联系在一起的,所以教师在课程开始先通过Brainstorming和Practice 复习已学标识,为下一环节做好语言铺垫。语法板块教师主要通过呈现标识语,让学生观察后发现其构成规律,在巩固环节教师通过新的标识和一个游戏,让学生进一步体会规律并掌握。语法板块可以适度拓展但是不宜深度挖掘。六年级上册 第五单元第3课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:Wet floor.、No littering.、No eating or drinking.、No smoking.、No parking.、 Danger!、No fishing.、No swimming.。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语: What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/)、You can /cant 。3. 能正确地理解并学会使用“No verb+ing.”。4. 能进一步将本课所进行的游戏及复习的词汇和日常用语运用于生活场景。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并学会基本句型的游戏练习。教学难点:能进一步学用句What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/ )、You can/cant 。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good morning/afternoon, Mr./Miss T: Im glad to see you.S: Glad to see you, too.【设计意图:日常问候,过渡课堂】Step 2 Warm-upT: Boys and girls. Look, Mike, Helen and Tim are walking on the street. And what else can you see?T: Wonderful! We can see many signs. Can you work with your partner and guess each signs meaning? And try to use this sentence: What does it mean? It means (教授No parking./Danger./School crossing.)【设计意图:通过图片观察,创设情景。让孩子快速反应图片信息,在图片中插入与标识相关联的图片,巩固复习,为下一步学习进行铺垫。】Step 3 Presentation1. Revieww W w .X k b 1.c O mT: Now, boys and girls, Mike, Helen and Tim are walking into a sign park. Lets follow them, OK? What can you see? Do you know their meanings? S: It means (逐个练习)【设计意图:由主人公带入下一个场景:标识公园,学习巩固单词和句型,并为下一步找出规律做好铺垫。】2. Conclude the rules (No+动词-ing/名词)T: Can you find the rules?T: Wonderful. Look here. We have four verbs: fish, swim, run, shout. And how can we use “No ”?S1: T: Right. We should add “-ing”. For example: No fishing. (同法讲解其他词)T: Shall we conclude the rule together. (总结No+动词-ing/名词)【设计意图:学生自主思考,通过举例,发现文字标识的构成规则,培养了学生的观察能力和自主学习的能力。】3. PracticeT: (PPT呈现对话范例) Please work with your partner and practice.【设计意图:同桌练习,巩固知识句型,进一步理解各标识的含义。同时培养协作意识,为下一步游戏做好铺垫。】4. Fun timeT: Oh, today, there is a big chess in the sign park. Shall we play together?Here is the game rule. 【设计意图:通过游戏,让学生在兴趣中练习句型,巩固各标识的含义。同时在小组竞赛中提高竞争意识,从而提升知识记忆。】Step 4 Consolidation1. Show around the sign park T: Oh, look. Mike, Helen and Tim are beginning to visit the park.Now, its your turn to decide the routes. Please work in groups of four. One should act as a guide and introduce each signs meaning. (PPT呈现主要句型)【设计意图:引导学生自主参观公园,让学生在情景中巩固学习单词句型。】2. Ticking time and conclusionX Kb1. Co mT: Boys and girls, today we learn so many signs. Can you name some of them?S: T: Yes, now can you use “It means /No ” to explain each signs meaning? How many stars can you get? Please tick for yourselves on Page 57.3. SummaryT: After getting a better knowledge of each sign, shall we follow the rules more politely? T: Follow the rules. The world will be better.【设计意图:引导学生在日常生活中遵守标识,进行情感培养。】Homework 家庭作业Look for more signs on the Internet, and draw 1-2 and figure out their meanings.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体板书设计: Unit 5 Signs What does it mean?It means 说课本课的教学内容是Fun time,是一个综合性比较强的游戏活动,把看、听、说、玩融于一体,为保证游戏能顺利进行,教师安排了多个环节为Fun time做好铺垫。先是以三个教材人物为主线,以他们前往公园为背景分别呈现了去公园路上看到的标识和公园里的标识,这样安排是为了让学生能够在比较真实的场景中理解和记忆标识。接下来的Practice环节里,学生需要使用目标句型完成标识图的问答,经过这一步骤的操练,学生才能在接下来的棋盘游戏中可以更加得心应手。经过棋盘游戏,学生对目标句型和标识图已经熟悉,所以教师在Show around the sign park环节要求学生以角色扮演的形式练习,既增加了难度,也给了学有余力的学生发挥的空间。六年级上册 第五单元第4课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:outing, sweet, around, on an outing, walk on, wet floor, No littering./No eating or drinking./No smoking./No parking./Danger!/No fishing./No swimming.。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/)、You can /cant 。3. 能正确理解故事内容,理清文脉框架,进行角色朗读和表演。4. 能进一步将本课所学的词汇和日常用语运用于生活场景。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确理解故事内容,理清文脉框架,进行角色朗读和表演。教学难点:能进一步学用句What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/ )、You can/cant 。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Ask and answerT: What day is it today?T: Whats the date today?T: Whats the weather like today?【设计意图:营造轻松自然的英语学习氛围。】2. Do you know the signs?(PPT呈现一些趣味标识图)【设计意图:通过运用有趣的公共标识引入课题,有利于提升学生学习兴趣。】Step 2 Lead-in1. Game: Super bombSay the signs you know loudly. When you see a bomb, please say “attention”.【设计意图:通过游戏回顾已经学习过的公共标识,起到复习作用,并且有利于集中学生注意力。】2. Lets review(PPT呈现标志图,学生描述其意思) X Kb1. Co mP1: It means wet floor. It means the floor is wet.P2: It means no littering. It means you cant litter here.P3: It means no eating or drinking. It means you cant eat or drink here.P4: It means no smoking. It means you cant smoke here.3. 复习标识类单词并板书T: What does this sign mean?【设计意图:再次引导学生对个别标识进行解释,巩固所学公共标记。通过展示新的标识引入本堂课的主题,自然衔接。】Step 3 Presentation1. Look and say(呈现Cartoon time图片,引导学生就Who, Where和What提问)【设计意图:通过展示故事背景图片让学生首先了解故事的三要素,培养学生推理猜测能力。】2. Watch and answer (教师先呈现以下问题,再播放Cartoon time动画)What time is it? (We dont know. Its time for lunch.)What does Bobby have for lunch? (He has some bananas.)Does Bobby have a good lunch? (No, he doesnt.)【设计意图:带着问题观看动画,学生注意力更集中。】3. Learn by yourselves (1) 学生自主阅读,讨论解决阅读中遇到的问题 (2) 学生跟录音读,注意语音语调,读后回答 “Why didnt Bobby have a good lunch?”【设计意图:自己阅读课文,小组讨论解决问题中的难点,培养学生自学能力。】4. Lets read and act学生在多种方式朗读后开始表演。【设计意图:跟读课文,培养学生语音语调。通过表演巩巩固课文。】5. Fill in the blanks and retellBobby and Sam are _ an _ in the forest. It is time for _. Bobby _ tired and _. Bobby _ for his bananas. Then he _ Sam a banana. They walk on and find a _ on a tree. It _ we cant _ bananas there. Then they see a lot of _ around them. They are _ at Bobbys bananas. At last, they _ why they _ eat bananas there.【设计意图:在课文填空后,复述课文,检测学生对课文的理解记忆。】Step 4 Consolidation1. Practice time(1) Look and say(2) Lets read新|课 | 标|第 |一 | 网(3) Ask and answer(4) Game: A hot ball【设计意图:通过练习总结今日及本单元所学内容。】2. Ticking time and conclusion(1) I know some public signs.(2) I can use mean to ask and answer some questions.【设计意图:自我评价有利于学生认识自己对已学内容到底掌握如何。】Homework 家庭作业1. Read Cartoon time after the tape three times. 2. Make a short story with your desk mates.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体w W w .X k b 1.c O m板书设计: Unit 5 SignsWhat does it mean?It means No littering/parking/eatingYou can/cant 说课 本课教学内容是Cartoon time,作为单元的趣味拓展阅读板块,Cartoon time的主要作用是在新的场景中呈现单元目标语法点,并适当拓展提高,因此为了更好地理解和利用该板块,教师先安排一些活动帮助学生复习标识图的意思以及单元目标句型。在Cartoon time,教师通过看图问答,看动画和自读课文的形式帮助学生了解了故事的大概内容和笑点,接下来的多种朗读活动进一步强化了语言的输入、培养了语感,同时也增强了学生对故事的熟悉程度。这些都为表演打好了基础。在巩固环节的Checkout time,围绕Ticking time第1栏和第2栏的内容补充了一些练习,这样学生可以即时根据自己的表现,完成Ticking time的自评六年级上册 第五单元第5课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Sound time, Culture time & Checkout timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:dirty, underground, subway, wet floor, No littering./No eating or drinking./No smoking./No parking/Danger!/No fishing./No swimming.。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/)、You can /cant 。3. 能准备读出字母ir在单词中的发音。4. 能进一步将所学的词汇和日常用语运用于生活场景,并在公共场合注意举止文明。新|课 | 标|第 |一 | 网Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能熟练运用句型:What does this mean? 和It means 。教学难点:能准备读出字母ir在单词中的发音。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting2. Look and sayT: Do you know these signs in the park? (师生问答)【设计意图:营造轻松自然的英语学习氛围,借助公园图片,展示公园不同地方的标识,帮助学生复习signs。】3. Ask and answerT: What does this sign mean?S: (引导学生回答) It means No smoking. It means you cant smoke here. (同法操练其他标识)【设计意图:再次引导学生巩固所学公共标记的意义。】Step 2 Presentation1. Look, listen and fil


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