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WelcomeConnectionsl Spanish Goldl The King of Francel Stamps and Teal Criminalsl TreesAncient Britain:A Series of Invasionsl Ancient Britain was originally settled by a neo-lithic group called the Beaker People sometime before 2975 BCE. These are the people who built Stonehenge. l Then Britain was invaded by the CeltsBritons. These were the people there when the Romans invaded.l After the Romans left, Britain was invaded by Germanic peoples who had never been RomanizedThe Angles, Saxons and Jutes.l 1066-The Norman Conquest under William the Conqueror.Medieval Englandl England is a Catholic country (This is true for all of Europe)l Government and economy is feudalism with a monarch and a number of “Great Barons”l There is a series of dynastic struggles. The last one, The War of Roses, brings the Tudors to power.l Two Stories and a legal document.King Arthurl King Arthur. A story every English-speaker knows.l Legend about unifying England.l Knights of the Round Tablel Quest for the Holy Graill Fall and return.l Robin Hood: the other story everyone knows.l There are two real historical figures involved: King Richard the Lionhearted and Prince Johnl Sets up defiance against oppression as cultural valuel May be clue to parts of English character.lThe Magna Cartal The Magna Carta The first was signed 1215. This stated that English freemen had certain rights including habeas corpus. It also limited the power of the king and started the idea that no one is above the law. It also provided for a Great Council which would rule England along with the king. This is the foundation of the British Parliament.lHenry VIII (1491-1547)l He represents the break for England from the Middle Agesl Monarch from 1509. He is an early Renaissance figure who set the stage for modern England and created the conflicts that would plague England until 1688.l He brought the Reformation to Englandl Married six timesl His marriages also reflects the politics and problems of England.Henrys Wives and Childrenl 1. Catherine of Aragon- Catholic Daughter: Mary. Divorced (Mary married Philip of Spain.l 2. Anne Boleyn- Protestant Daughter: Elizabeth. Beheadedl 3.Jane Seymour- Catholic Son: Edward. Diedl 4.Anne of Cleves- Protestant. Divorcedl 5. Catherine Howard- Catholic.Beheadedl 6.Catherine Parr- Protestant. Survived.Elizabeth Il 1533 1603, monarch from 1558l Never married.l Quelled but did not end religious strife.l Modernized the monarchy and government in England.l Early conflict with Spain and the rise of Britain as a powerful country.l Start of colonization in North AmericaElizabeth and the Renaissancel Part of the Renaissance complete with the rise of Humanism, the new learning and the age of exploration.l In different parts of Europe, the Renaissance took different forms. In England the most representative form was drama.l The transition to the early modern period from the Medieval periodl The printing press and a change in how people read.lThe Seventeenth Centuryl James I and Charles Il Civil War 1643-1651 and the Commonwealth (Puritan Republic) 1649-1653 Protectorate of Cromwell 1653-9l Charles II and James IIl Restoration 1660 and the Glorious Revolution 1688 English Bill of Rights and Act of Toleration 1689l The First British EmpirelHobbes and LockeThe Origins of ESC Political Ideasl Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Principle work: The Leviathan (1651) Hobbes idea of the social contract: Governments exist to provide order. Hobbesian state of nature.l John Locke (1632-1704) Principle work: Second Treatise on Government. Lockes idea of the social contract: Governments exist to protect the rights of individuals to life, liberty and property. The Lockean state of nature. Beginning of the Eighteenth Centuryl Britain becomes a major power in European affairs during the Nine Years War (1688-97), fought to prevent France from controlling the Netherlands and the War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713) (aka Queen Annes War) fought to prevent French control of Spain.l Bank of England founded (1694)l Union with Scotland 1707the Union Jack.l Hanoverian Ascension 1714.The EnlightenmentA few points and writers.l In many ways this was a reaction to the religious strife and emphasis of the 17th century.l Accompanied a rising middle class and social transformation.l It began as a rejection of absolute, received authority and sought new bases for morality, social structure and government. It found them in the application of human reason.Enlightenment (contd)l The English and Scottish Enlightenment were part of a western movement of thought which included France, Germany and British North America.l Like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment sought to reorganize not just society but how people learned and thought.l This is the time of the first English dictionaries and encyclopedias.Some Interesting Enlightenment Figuresl Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Energetic ombudsman of the Enlightenment. Principle work: A Dictionary of the English Languagel Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Satirist of social conventionsThe Rape of the Lock. “Essay on Man” and the great chain of being.Contdl Adam Smith (1723-1790) Scottish Enlightenment. Believed reason should be applied to how society actually worked. The Wealth of Nations (1776) and A Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). China, little fingers and enlightened self-interest.l William Herschel (1738-1822). Science, the discovery of space and related topics.Some Effects of Sciencel The interest in science led to developments that would become important during this period and for the 19th century.l An effective method for measuring longitude.l Developments of in the production of coal, iron and textiles.l James Watt and the invention of the steam engine.The Latter Eighteenth Centuryl The Scottish Problem.l The American Revolution and the Crisis of Confidencel The French Revolution, the end of the Enlightenment, Edmund Burke (1729-97)and the variation of Hobbes.l Enclosure and increased farm production. The beginnings of urbanization.l Act of Union (Ireland 1800)Edmund Burkel Born 1729 in Dublin. Dies 1797.l Was MP for Bristol. Supported reconciliation with the colonials during the America Revolutionl Reflections on the Revolution in France 1790 lContdl Principle ideas: rights are inherited and specific rather than abstract, hierarchies should be respected and reform should be from within the system.l Existing hierarchies and tradition are needed to maintain order.l Rejected the traditional interpretation of the Glorious Revolution.lThe 19th Century (Victorian Age) Social Changesl The Thought Experiment 1814 v. 1910l Urbanization and Industrializationl An example: Railroads by 1848 there were over 8,000 miles of railway.l Population expansion: 1801 15.74, 1851 27.39 (in millions)By 1901 80 percent of the population lived in towns.Contd plus politics l Marx believed the revolution would happen in England first but it didnt.l The creation of the lower middle classl Working classes and unions (narrowly focused), friendly societies and rule of law as an idea.l Whig Theory of History and the urge to reform.Politics and Society Contdl Reform Acts (Attached) Also creation of boards of health, police forces and relief societiesl Dickens and Tennysonl The Second British Empireoriginally based on the idea of free trade but then became connected to spreading “civilization.”l Kipling and Conrad.l The Social Problem and the Liberal Consensusthe rise of the Labor Party. l The Boer War.l Welcome to the future, some assembly required.The Great War.l It started over a political assassination. It was fought in Europe, Africa, and Asia but mostly in EuropeFrance. Britain unprepared.l Trench Warfare and the strategy of attrition.l British losses: 750,000 men killed, 2.5 million wounded, many permanently disabled.l The Somme: A month long battle in June 1916British lost 60,000 men on the first day, 420,000 causalities in all. The front line moved 100 yards.l At home, total war.l Good for women. Partial vote in 1918 (Universal in 1928)l David Lloyd George, secret treaties, Versailles, the Break up of the Liberal Coalitionl Ireland and the Easter Rebellion 1916 and the Irish Free State 1921Modernism or “Goodbye to All That”l Obsessive concern with the unknowability of things. Heavily influenced by Einstein and Freud, Modernists were interested in the idea of fractured memory and time.l If the old ways of thinking resulted in war, then the Modernists were concerned with the “shock of the new”. There was also a concern for Reason as Rationale, progress as flawed and Avant- garde.l A new internationalism.l Woolf, Robert Graves and Orwell.Other Aspects of the Interwar Periodl It was, mostly, a period of economic stagnation with some modest gains in living standards during the 1920s and high unemployment during the 1930s.l Rural Depressionl The General Strike of 1926 and simmering divisions.l A keeping up of appearances and Traditional Order.l Britain was essentially on autopilot. l The Imperial System and its discontents.l John Maynard Keynes and new ideas.World War Twol This war lacked the popular zeal of the Great War. But there was the perception of it being a “good war.”l Defeat on the Continent (Dunkirk), Alone (with colonies that remained), Blitzed and running on empty.l Alliance with the United States.l A growing sense of egalitarianism.l Total War, again and the Blitz (60,000 civilians killed)lSocial Change during the War and After.l Beveridge Report (1942) by Sir William Beveridge laid out a scheme of comprehensive social welfare.l There was a sense of a changed world with plans to keep it.l Labor controlled the government from 1945 to 1951. Conservative from 1951-64. (But fairly broad based consensus on how to govern: 1960 saw unemployment increase and the Tories intervened.l Retreat from Empire.l Cold War. l The problem of Europe. lLate Twentieth Century to Todayl The Falklands War, some domestic unrest and polarization under Thatcher.l Oil and Growing prosperity.l Celebrity Culturel Multicultural Society and its discontents.l Ulster and the Good Friday Accords.l Welsh and Scottish nationalism and their Englishjsnu欢迎光临Connections连接Spanish Gold西班牙黄金The King of France法国国王Stamps and Tea邮票和茶Criminals罪犯Trees树Ancient Britain:古老的英国:A Series of Invasions一系列入侵Ancient Britain was originally settled by a neo-lithic group called the Beaker People sometime before 2975 BCE. These are the people who built Stonehenge.古代英国最初是由一个新石器组解决烧杯中人们有时称为公元前2975年之前。这些人是谁建造了巨车阵。Then Britain was invaded by the CeltsBritons. These were the people there when the Romans invaded.那么英国的凯尔特人的英国人的入侵。这些人在罗马人入侵。After the Romans left, Britain was invaded by Germanic peoples who had never been RomanizedThe Angles, Saxons and Jutes.罗马人离开之后,英国入侵的日耳曼人谁从未被罗马化的角度,撒克逊人和朱特人。1066-The Norman Conquest under William the Conqueror.1066征服诺尔曼征服者威廉下。Medieval England中世纪的英格兰England is a Catholic country (This is true for all of Europe)英国是一个天主教国家(这对欧洲是真的)Government and economy is feudalism with a monarch and a number of “Great Barons”政府和经济是一个君主和一些大贵族封建”There is a series of dynastic struggles. The last one, The War of Roses, brings the Tudors to power.有一系列的王朝的斗争。最后,玫瑰的战争,带来了都铎王朝的权力。Two Stories and a legal document.两个故事,一个法律文件。King Arthur亚瑟国王King Arthur. A story every English-speaker knows.亚瑟国王。每一个英语为母语的人知道一个故事。Legend about unifying England.关于统一英格兰的传奇。Knights of the Round Table圆桌骑士的Quest for the Holy Grail对于圣杯Fall and return.落回。Robin Hood: the other story everyone knows.罗宾:其他的故事大家都知道。There are two real historical figures involved: King Richard the Lionhearted and Prince John有两个真实的历史人物:国王狮心李察和约翰王子Sets up defiance against oppression as cultural value建立了反抗压迫的文化价值May be clue to parts of English character.可能是英文字符的部分线索。The Magna Carta的大宪章The Magna Carta The first was signed 1215. This stated that English freemen had certain rights including habeas corpus. It also limited the power of the king and started the idea that no one is above the law. It also provided for a Great Council which would rule England along with the king. This is the foundation of the British Parliament.“Magna Carta第一签了字1215。这表示,英国自由民有一定的权利,包括人身保护令。它也限制国王的权力和开始的想法,没有人是凌驾于法律之上。它还提供了一个巨大的理事会将统治英国随着国王。这是英国议会的基础。Henry VIII (1491-1547)亨利八世(1491-1547)He represents the break for England from the Middle Ages他代表着从中世纪英格兰的突破Monarch from 1509. He is an early Renaissance figure who set the stage for modern England and created the conflicts that would plague England until 1688.国王从1509。他是一个早期的文艺复兴时期的人物,奠定了现代英国和创造的冲突可能会困扰英格兰队直到1688。He brought the Reformation to England他把改革,英国Married six times结了六次婚His marriages also reflects the politics and problems of England.他的婚姻也反映了英国的政治问题。Henrys Wives and Children亨利的妻子和孩子1. Catherine of Aragon- Catholic Daughter: Mary. Divorced (Mary married Philip of Spain.1。阿拉贡的凯瑟琳-天主教 女儿:玛丽。西班牙的菲利普(玛丽结婚离婚。2. Anne Boleyn- Protestant Daughter: Elizabeth. Beheaded2。安妮博林的新教 女儿:伊丽莎白。砍头3.Jane Seymour- Catholic Son: Edward. Died3。简西摩-天主教 儿子:爱德华。死了4.Anne of Cleves- Protestant. Divorced4。克利夫斯的安妮-新教 离婚。5. Catherine Howard- Catholic. Beheaded5。凯瑟琳霍华德-天主教 斩首。6.Catherine Parr- Protestant. Survived.6。凯瑟琳Parr新教徒 幸存下来。Elizabeth I伊丽莎白一世1533 1603, monarch from 15581533君主从1603,1558Never married.从未结婚。Quelled but did not end religious strife.但没有结束镇压宗教冲突。Modernized the monarchy and government in England.英国的君主和政府的现代化。Early conflict with Spain and the rise of Britain as a powerful country.西班牙早期的冲突和英国的崛起为一个强大的国家。Start of colonization in North America在美国北部的殖民开始Elizabeth and the Renaissance伊丽莎白和文艺复兴Part of the Renaissance complete with the rise of Humanism, the new learning and the age of exploration.文艺复兴时期的人文主义的兴起与完整的一部分,新的学习和探索的年代。In different parts of Europe, the Renaissance took different forms. In England the most representative form was drama.在欧洲文艺复兴时期的不同部分,以不同的形式。在英国最具代表性的形式是戏剧。The transition to the early modern period from the Medieval period从中世纪早期现代时期的过渡The printing press and a change in how people read.印刷机和改变人们如何阅读。The Seventeenth Century第十七世纪James I and Charles I杰姆斯我和查尔斯我Civil War 1643-1651 and the Commonwealth (Puritan Republic) 1649-1653 Protectorate of Cromwell 1653-9内战1643-1651和英联邦(清教徒的共和国克伦威尔1653-9)1649-1653Charles II and James II查尔斯二世和杰姆斯二世Restoration 1660 and the Glorious Revolution 1688 English Bill of Rights and Act of Toleration 1689宽容1689恢复1660和1688英国光荣革命比尔权利法案第一帝国Hobbes and Locke霍布斯和洛克The Origins of ESC Political IdeasESC的政治思想的起源Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Principle work: The Leviathan (1651) Hobbes idea of the social contract: Governments exist to provide order. Hobbesian state of nature.托马斯霍布斯(1588-1679)的工作原理:利维坦(1651)霍布斯的社会契约思想:政府的存在提供订单。霍布斯的自然状态。John Locke (1632-1704) Principle work: Second Treatise on Government. Lockes idea of the social contract: Governments exist to protect the rights of individuals to life, liberty and property. The Lockean state of nature.约翰洛克(为相似)的工作原理:政府二论。洛克的社会契约思想:政府存在保护个人的生命权,自由权和财产。洛克的自然状态。Beginning of the Eighteenth Century在第十八世纪初Britain becomes a major power in European affairs during the Nine Years War (1688-97), fought to prevent France from controlling the Netherlands and the War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713) (aka Queen Annes War) fought to prevent French control of Spain.英国成为欧洲事务的主要权力在九年战争(1688-97),阻止法国控制荷兰和西班牙王位继承战争(1702-1713)(又名安妮皇后战争)阻止西班牙法国控制。Bank of England founded (1694)英格兰银行成立于(1694)Union with Scotland 1707the Union Jack.苏格兰1707联盟杰克联盟。Hanoverian Ascension 1714.汉诺威提升1714。The Enlightenment启示A few points and writers.几点和作家。In many ways this was a reaction to the religious strife and emphasis of the 17th century.在许多方面,这是对宗教冲突和第十七世纪的重点反应。Accompanied a rising middle class and social transformation.伴随着一个崛起的中产阶级和社会转型。It began as a rejection of absolute, received authority and sought new bases for morality, social structure and government. It found them in the application of human reason.它开始作为一个拒绝接受权威和绝对,寻找新的基础,道德,社会结构和政府。它发现他们在人类理性的应用。Enlightenment (contd)启示(续)The English and Scottish Enlightenment were part of a western movement of thought which included France, Germany and British North America.英国和苏格兰启蒙运动的思想,包括法国,德国和英国西部北美国运动的一部分。Like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment sought to reorganize not just society but how people learned and thought.就像文艺复兴时期的启示,试图重新不只是社会但人们如何学习和思考。This is the time of the first English dictionaries and encyclopedias.这是第一个英文字典和百科全书的时候。Some Interesting Enlightenment Figures一些有趣的启蒙人物Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Energetic ombudsman of the Enlightenment. Principle work: A Dictionary of the English Language塞缪尔约翰逊(1709-1784)的启蒙精神的特派员。工作原理:一本英语词典Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Satirist of social conventionsThe Rape of the Lock. “Essay on Man” and the great chain of being.亚力山大蒲柏(1688-1744)的社会传统锁的油菜的讽刺作家。“人”这个伟大的链的文章。Contd续Adam Smith (1723-1790) Scottish Enlightenment. Believed reason should be applied to how society actually worked. The Wealth of Nations (1776) and A Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). China, little fingers and enlightened self-interest.亚当史密斯(1723一1790)苏格兰启蒙运动。认为原因应适用于社会如何实际工作。国家的财富(1776)和道德情感的理论(1759)。中国,小手指和开明的利己主义。William Herschel (1738-1822). Science, the discovery of space and related topics.威廉赫歇耳(1738-1822)。科学,空间的发现和相关主题。Some Effects of Science一些科学的影响The interest
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