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四年级英语第二学期期中试卷Class:_ Name: _听力部分(50分)一 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打,不相符的打。(2*10)1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 二听单词,选择与它相符的图片的代号。(2*5) 11. ( ) A. B. C. 12. ( ) A. B. C. 13. ( ) A. B. C. 14. ( ) A. B. C. 15. ( ) A. B. C. 三听录音,用和判断句子正误。(2*5) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 四听录音,完成下列单词。(1*10) 1. tab_e 2. j_mp 3. s_eet 4._rass 5. bic_cle 6. _ly 7. li_e 8. cle_n 9. _ose 10. b_rd笔试部分(50分)一 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。 cow sofa walk rabbit umbrella 二读单词,圈出不同类的词。 1. panda horse bird bear 2. skip climb fly bed 3. ferry plane train car 4. lamp vain bed table 5. duck sleep pig elephant三看图,在正确句子的前面打。1. 2. 3. Spotty can climb. I like to write. Its a table.Spotty can swing. I like to dance. Its a lamp 4. 5. The pencil is under the book. I can ride.The pencil is on the book. I can fly.四读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打 。 1. What can Spotty do? ( ) Spotty can run. ( ) I can run. 2. What do you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I hear a duck.3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, thank you.4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I dont. ( ) No, I dont. 5. Where do you live? ( ) I live in Shiyan. ( )I love Shiyan.五写出下面句子的书写形式。 1. Dont ride a bicycle here. 2. Kitty is under the sofa. 3. Close the window, please. 4. Spotty! Come here. 5. Ive got four eggs.四年级英语第二学期期中试卷姓名:_成绩:_听力部分一、 听音,给单词排序。 today ( ) breakfast ( ) morning ( )1. yesterday ( ) 2. supper ( ) 3. evening ( )tomorrow ( ) lunch ( ) afternoon ( )what ( ) reading ( ) twenty ( )4. when ( ) 5. writing ( ) 6. twelve ( )Where ( ) playing ( ) thirty ( )二、 听句子,选出你所听到的一个单词。( ) 1. A. glad B. nice C. how( ) 2. A. cool B. call C. cold( ) 3. A. friend B. teacher C. father( ) 4. A. markers B. pencils C. pens( ) 5. A. green B. purple C. yellow( ) 6. A. under B. below C. beside( ) 7. A. desks B. chalk C. books( ) 8. A. cloudy B. windy C. snowy( ) 9. A. October B. January C. September( ) 10. A. ninth B. twentieth C. first三、 听上句,选择正确的下句。( )1. A. October first B. May fourth C. November fifth( ) 2. A. June second B. May first C. August first( )3.A. September tenth B. February first C. January first( ) 4. A. September tenth B. July first C. June first四、 听音写出日期。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 五、 听音,选择正确答案。( ) 1. I have super at _ in the evening.A. 6:30 B. 6:00 C. 6:35( ) 2. _ is lunch?A. When B. What C. Where( ) 3. Today is Monday, _.A. June 13 B. June 14 C. June 15( ) 4. _ is the fifth day of the week.A.Sunday B. Thursday C. Tuesday( ) 5. Hows the _ today?A. cloudy B. weather C. windy( ) 6. Is this a _ day?A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy( ) 7. The rain is _.A. above B. under C. below( ) 8. Spring Festival is in _.A. January or February B. March or April C. May or June( ) 9. The boy in red shorts is the_.A. third B. second C. first( ) 10. Are you ready for _class?A. Chinese B. English C. math笔试部分六、 画出相应的时间。At seven thirty At six At ten twenty At five fifteen七、 将单词填写完整并标号。a. J_nuary b. m_ _ ch c. M_ _F_bruary A_ _il J_ _ed. J_ly e. S_ _tember f. N_vemberA_gust O_ _tober D_cember八、 连词成句。1. is, what, ?, it, day_2. Wednesday, June, ., Its, twenth_3. day, ?, tomorrow, What, is_4. the, today, ?, weather, Whats_5. cloudy, Is, ?, it_九、 句子搭配。( ) 1. When is Childrens Day? A. August 7th.( ) 2. How are you? B. Sunday( ) 3. Whats the weather like? C. June 1st.( ) 4. What day is it? D. In the classroom.( ) 5. What day is the first day? E. Fine, thanks.( ) 6. What day is the last day? F. 15.( ) 7. Whats the date? G. A chair.( ) 8. Where is Mr. Wood? H. Saturday.( ) 9. How many books do you have? I. Its snowy.( ) 10. Whats this? J. Thursday.四年级英语第二学期期中试卷姓名 班级 分数_听力部分:(50分)一 听录音,选择字母。(5分)( )1 A.bd B.ed ( )2 A.gj B.ej( )3 A.uw b.qw ( ) 4 A.iy b.xy ( )5 A.sx b.fx二 听音选项。(10分)( )1 A.warm B.hot C.cold( )2 A.cloudy B.pretty C.rainy ( ) 3 A.cheap B.tree C.jeep( )4 A.shoes B.shirt C.socks ( ) 5 A.sneakers B.slippers C.sandals ( ) 6 A.how about B.how many C.how much ( ) 7 A.lunch B.lamp C.library ( )8 A.coat B.cool C.close ( ) 9 A.five B.nine C.four ( )10 A.red B.green C.white 三 听音,把句子补充完整。(10分)1. Its today. 2.I want an .3.This shirt is OK , but its too .4.These are my . 5.My skirt is .四 听句子,编号。(5分)()()()()()五 听问句,选答句。(5分)( )1. A.Its 5:30 B.Im 5. C.Yes,it is . ( ) 2. A.I like this ruler. B.Its blue. C.Yes,she is. ( ) 3. A.Im from UK. B.Its rainy in Beijing. C.Its time to go. ( ) 4. A.Im sorry. B.Yes, I like it. C.Its ninety-nine yuan. ( ) 5. A.Yes,I want a shirt. B.No,its not. C.I can see one.六 听对话,判断正误。(5分)( )1.She can wear her T-shirt. ( ) 2.Its time for music class. ( ) 3.She is eight. ( ) 4.These boots are sixty-five yuan. ( ) 5.She likes green and red.七 听录音,在表格中打勾。(10分)ShanghaiShenzhenHuangshiDalianHongkong笔试部分:(50分)一 把下列字母按照正确的顺序排列。(5分)1. dcb_ 2.wvu_ 3.igh_2. 4.nml_ 5.srq_二 下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“”,不相符打“”(5) ( ) 1.cake face ( ) 2.bike pig ( )3.we she ( ) 4.nose box ( ) 5.bus cup三 选择填空。(10分) ( )1.Its 10 oclock.Its time _ go to school. A.to B.for C.of( )2.Today is hot,I can wear my _. A.jacket B.T-shirt C.coat( )3.Look at the clock,what _ is it? A.class B.time C.can( )4.Its 9:45.Its time _ music class. A.to B.for C.of( )5.Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is( )6.Can I wear my T-shirt?_A. No,you cant. B.Yes,you cant. C.No,you can.( )7.你想知道你买的东西多少钱,你应该说_A. How much is it? B.How many are they? C.How old are you?( )8.你是售货员,你见到顾客常说_A. How much are they? B.What time is it? C.Can I help you?( )9.你想知道今天天气是不是很凉爽,你问_A. Is it cool today? B.Is it red? C.Is this my ruler?( )10.你觉得买的东西太贵了,你说_A.Its too cheap. B.Its too small C.Its too expensive四 英汉互译。(10分) 1.English class_ 2.长裤_ 3.watermelon _ 4.大的_ 5.playground _ 6.香蕉_ 7.colourful _ 8.足球_ 9.washroom _ 10.裙子


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