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九年级Unit 1单词1. 抽认卡n.2. 词汇n.3. 出声的adv.4. 发音n.5. 发-音v.6. 明确的adj. adv.7. 记住;熟记v. n.8. 语法n.9. 不同地adv. adj.10. 使失望的v.11. 令人失望的(物) adj.(人) adj.12. 快地adv.q adj.13. 补充;继续说v.14. 口语的adj.15. 慢地adv.16. 错误n.&v. P. PP.17. 犯错18. 逗号n.19. 挑战n.20. 解决;解答n21. 解决v.22. 以后;随后23. 认识到v.24. 重要v.25. 没关系26. 害怕的adj.27. 害怕去做某事28. 嘲笑29. 完整的adj.&v. adv.30. 秘诀;秘密n31. 学习者n32. 做笔记33. 学期n34. 使感动v.35. 困难;苦恼;忧虑 n36. 快地adv f37. 查阅; 查找38. 软的adj. 39. 编造;组成40. 文章 n41. 处理; 应付v. P. PP.42. .处理; 应付43. 如果不conj.44. 不公正的adj. 反义词45. 将-视为v.46. 责任n47. 容易地adv. adj.48. 影响n&n.49. 生-气50. 过去;消逝51. 友情n52. 失去v. P. PP.53. 分歧n v.54. 发育n v.发达的adj.发展中的adj.55. 成年人n56. 尽力做-57. 不重要的adj.58. 面临v.59. 军人;士兵n60. 突然中止61. 心理学家n短语Unit 1 Section A1. 通过看英语语言的录象2. 和朋友练习对话3. 大声读来练习英语4. 通过和朋友一起学习5. 提高我的听力技巧6. 通过制作抽认卡7. 通过读教科书8. 通过列单词表9. 通过听磁带10. 通过那种方法学了很多11. 做-的最好的方法12. 更明确的建议13. 记住流行歌曲的歌词14. 询问关于15. 用英语写日记16. 在字典里查找新单词17. 感觉不同18. 发现观看电影令人失望19. 变得兴奋关于某事20. 结束做某事21. 记英语笔记(2)Unit1SectionB1. 使得发音正确2. 发一些单词的音3. 在语法上犯错误4. 首先1) 2) 3) 4)5. 害怕做某事(2)6. 害怕某物(2)7. 造完整的句子8. 变成好的语言学习者的秘密9. 决定做某事10. 做大量的语法笔记11. 使用我正在学习的语法12. 被-感动13. 编对话14. 为最重要的词而听15. 嘲笑16. 以后17. 感觉很柔软18. 他感到困难的另一件事情19. 书写练习20. 练习说英语21. 英语口语22. 获得一个“A”23. 做某事有困难(2)Unit1 Reading24. 担忧-(2)25. 与-生气(2)26. 时光飞逝27. 保持生气多年28. 决定不做某事29. 有不同意见30. 持续很久31. 视问题为挑战32. 抱怨关于某事33. 对某人严格34. 对某事严格35. 给某人个教训36. 把-变成-37. 尽某人最大努力做某事(2)38. 在-的帮助下39. 把-比作-40. 把-相比41. 身体上的问题42. 面对挑战43. 让某人不要做某事44. 中断友谊45. 以积极的方式Unit1 首字母填空1. The teacher asked him to read the text a_.2. She has caught the English p_.3. Can you p_ the words correctly?4. The clever girl can m_ the words of pop songs.5. He answered the questions d_.6. His ords made us f_.7. Id like to a_ that we are pleased with the test result.8. We didnt like it at first, but we e_ up cheering.9. The e_ news made us e_.10. Everyone should have a s_ learning style.11. Try not to make so many m_ again.12. What a great c_ it is to this young player!13. Im sorry to break your cup. It doesnt m_.14. He didnt r_ his mistake.15. He told us a c_ story.16. Its one of the s_ of becoming a successful singer.17. We have an exam at the end of t_.18. My progress in study has i_ my classmates greatly.19. Im sorry to t_ you.20. L_ on, the rain stopped and the sun came out.21. The little girl is a_ of dogs.22. To b_ with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word.23. He thought of a good way to d_ with the problem.24. You wont catch the bus u_ you run.25. He is an u_ judge. (法官)26. She is r_ as my best friends.27. Its our d_ to protect environment.28. Dont be i_ by bad persons.29. Dont l_ the opportunity to visit England.30. Parents should pay attention to the d_ of children.31. Most of us learns by m_ up conversations.32. Time g_ buy quickly on vacation .33. A teachers work is often c_ to a candle. (蜡烛)34. The way of dealing with problems is by b_ off a friendship.35. He wants to be a s_ in the army. (军队)Unit21. 过去经常;以前常常2. 飞机n3. 使害怕v.4. 非常害怕的5. 入睡6. 开着的; 接通的;工作着的adj.7. 昆虫n8. 糖果n9. 嚼; 咀嚼v.10. 口香糖n11. 聊天; 闲谈v. P.12. 每日的adj.13. 连环漫画n14. 死n adj.垂死的 adj.死的 v. 死15. 造成;使发生v.16. 他自己pron.17. 有耐心的adj.18. 最后19. 做决定20. 班主任21. 令人惊奇的是22. 正adv e23. 即使; 纵然24. 不再;已不25. 对-感到自豪26. 注意; 专心27. 对-注意28. 放弃29. 浪费Unit2 短语1. 过去常常2. 被用于做某事1) 2)3. 习惯于4. 被用来做某事5. 等一下6. 对-更感兴趣7. 在游泳队8. 乘飞机飞行9. 在一群人面前讲话10. 一直11. 不再1) 2)3) 4)12. 与-聊天13. 直接回家14. 怀念过去15. 在过去的几年里16. 日常生活1) 2)17. 紧张18. 搬到19. 好像(句型)20. 把它留长21. 一个八岁的男孩22. 一个问题孩子23. 改变某人的生活24. 支付得起(做-)25. 尽可能地1) 2)26. 为-惹麻烦27. 陷入与-的冲突中28. 最后1) 2) 3)29. 做出一个艰难的决定30. 送-到-31. 一个男子寄宿学校32. 出乎某人意料33. 即使34. 以-为骄傲1) 2)35. 对-关注36. 对-自己感觉良好37. 放弃做-38. 改变-的想法39. 浪费时间40. 名胜1) 2)Unit2 首字母填空1. He used to be t_ of the dark.2. He often goes to sleep with the light o_.3. She takes an _ in science.4. She can h_ speak English, can she?5. Swallows (燕子) eat i_as food.6. She bought a box of c_.7. They like c_ gum when talking.8. How is his d_life?9. Children like reading c_.10. He felt sad when he thought of his grandpas d_.11. Can you a_ to buy an expensive house?12. The old man has been d_ for two years.13. She often c_ problems for her family.14. Be p_ when talking to kids.15. Its n_fpr is tp learm English.16. Dont w_ time.17. You must pretend to like it e_ though you dongt like it.18. We all take p_ in him.19. Her parents are p_ of her.20. The picnic basked isnt under the tree any l_.Unit31. 穿刺v.2. 执照;许可证n3. 愚蠢的adj.1) 2) 3)4. 耳环n5. 代替6. 不睡觉7. 集中v.8. 全神贯注9. 学习n10. 设计v.11. 目前n12. 目前13. 机会;时机n 1) 2)14. 自愿v.志愿者n15. 地方的adj.16. 经历v.17. 会员; 成员nReading1. 混乱n2. 养老院3. 困倦的adj. v.4. 回答v.5. 时事通讯n6. 服从v.7. 挡道的; 妨碍人的8. 完成v. n.9. 赛跑v. 与-比赛n10. 现实的adj. 认识到v.11. teach P PP12. 重要n13. 担心14. 成功;达到 v. adj. adv. n.Unit3短语1. 被允许做某事2. 选择他们自己的衣服3. 十六岁的年轻人4. 拥有兼职工作5. 扎耳孔6. 获得他的驾照7. 不够严肃8. 不够冷静9. 太粗野10. 好像去做11. 停止带那个傻傻的耳钉12. 取代13. 需要做14. 需要时间去做15. 在白天上学的晚上16. 在周五的晚上17. 熬夜做18. 清理;清扫19. 上学迟到1) 2)20. 参加考试21. 通过考试22. 几天前23. 穿校服24. 集中精力于25. 对-有好处26. 设计我们自己的校服27. -和-都28. 变得吵闹29. 互相学到很多30. 目前31. 去年夏天32. 有一个计划去做-33. 使用英英字典34. 乱七八糟35. 某人穿上-看起来好36. 至少37. 每晚八个小时的睡眠38. 去一家敬老院39. 为-表演小品40. 花费时间去做41. 参观小学42. 对-来说一个很好的经历43. 为某人写-44. 在长长的一周课后45. 周五下午放假46. 回复47. 赞同48. 不赞同49. 挡路Reading1. 一个十五岁的男孩2. 一个赛跑明星3. 在他学校的田径队4. 一个职业的运动员5. 实现-的梦想6. 在他的每一次比赛中7. 没有理由反对做-8. 需要面对现实9. 最后1) 2)10. -的重要性11. 对-认真(严肃)12. 人在-花费-13. 人在做-花费-14. 在意;关心15. 成功做- 16.做-自己的决定Unit 3 首字母填空1. Teenagers shouldnt be a_ to get their ears p_.2. Have you got your drivers l_.3. It is s_ of you to do so.4. That is my o_ house.5. He will go i_ of you.6. I s_ up doing homework every day.7. We should s_ time (in) volunteering.8. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to d_ their own clothes.9. At p_, we should be careful.10. Everyone has an o_ to a_ his dream.11. Tom is a v_ to Tiket .12. Please c_ on your class. Dont look out of the window.13. Our teacher is very s_ in his job.14. The o_ day, my friends and have in school .15. The biggest p_ is that we all think our school u_ are ugly.16. She is busy these days, so thin room is really m_.17. She went to bed late, so she felt s_ in class.18. Could you r_ to the article.19. He didnt know the i_ of studying hard.20. He hopes to a_ his dream one day.21. If at first you dont s_, try ,try again.22. Do you know the p_ of the article.23. Laziness (懒惰) will g_ in the way of your success.24. We need to have a day o_.25. She is s_ about singing, and she wants to be a singer.26. Please c_ up your bedroom.27. Watching TV is one of his favorite h_.28. Only t_ will I have a chance of achieving my dream.Unit 41. 百万n2. 医学的adj. n.3. 研究n.4. 领带n v. P. PP. 现在分词5. 烦恼n6. 如果-将会怎么样7. 小脓疱n8. 有活力的adj. n.9. 自信的 adj.10. 允许n v.11. 她自己 pron.12. 使恼怒;打扰v.13. 一点也不14. 相当地adv. fq pr15. 使生气v. a16. 充足pron.17. 很多的 18. 与-相处19. 圈子;阶层20. 听者n21. 知识渊博的 adj. n.22. 代表v.23. 使-失望24. 提出;想出25. 剩余部分nReading26. 帮助n27. 急救28. 附近的adj.29. 架子;隔板n pl.30. 出版31. 覆盖v.32. 按;压v.33. 深的adj.34. 顺楼梯而下adv.35. 对的adj. adv.36. 烧伤;烧坏v. P. PP.37. 膝盖n38. 疼;疼痛n39. 感到疼痛;使受伤v.40. 提供v.41. 拒绝v.42. 有帮助的adj.43. 对待v.44. 火、热所造成的 伤害nUnit 4 短语1. 把-存入银行2. 医疗研究3. 长丘疹4. 长距离的散步5. 在公众面前6. 在全校面前进行一次演讲1)2)7. 如果-将8. 未经允许9. 感冒10. 征求某人的同意11. 向-做自我介绍12. 等候某人去做13. 邀请某人去做某事14. 社会情形15. 根本不;全然不1) 2)16. 大量的;充足的17. 喜欢享受别人的陪伴18. 与-相处1)2)19. 而不是20. 宁愿做-而不愿做-1)2)21. 一个小的好朋友圈22. 立刻1) 2) 3)23. 对-友好24. 在午餐时间25. 事实上26. 名列前茅27. 让-失望28. 想出1) 2) 3)29. -的解决方法30. -的剩余部分31. 从-出来Reading32. 一本急救书33. 在附近的架子上34. 做-有经验35. 出版36. 偶然37. 用-覆盖-38. 被-覆盖39. 割伤自己40. 使劲挤压41. 跌到楼下42. 匆忙去做-43. 烧伤部位44. 在流动的冷水下45. 停止锻炼46. 吸烟的危害47. 提供某人香烟1) 2)48. 藏某物远离某物49. 同意去做50. 告诉-去做-51. 在一个公共场所52. 对做-有帮助53. 单独见网友Unit 4 首字母填空1. He got five m_ dollars in the lottery.2. The money should be used for m_ research.3. If I w_ you , I would wear a t_.4. W_ if we lose our way to the city?5. When you visit someone . youd better take a small p_.6. An e_ person never feel tired.7. We are c_ that we can overcome (克服) difficulties.8. Without p_, you shouldnt go.9. Im busy, dont b_ me.10. He speaks French f_ well.11. He has a large c_ of friends.12. He cant sing in the s_.13. Dont worry, we have p_ of time .14. Whats he l_? He is outgoing.15. Hes k_ about hand writing.16. She will r_ her class to take part in the speech.17. Keep the r_ of the food in the fridge.18. He lives in a n_ village.19. C_ the table with a cloth, please.20. The river is ten meters d_.21. You should c_ the mistakes in your homework.22. Dont play with fire, It can b_ you.23. He h_ his leg when he fell d_.24. He r_ to marry him .25. He usually c_ up with some good ideas.26. Dont g_ out of the room .Its dangerous outside.27. He is a famous doctor who has a lot of e_ dealing with teenagers.Unit5 1. 属于v.2. 属于3. 作家n a w4. 郊游野餐n5. 发带6. 可能地adv.1) 2) 3) 4)7. 落下v. P./PP8. 交响曲n9. 验光师n10. 约定;约会n11. 关键的adj.12. 形成;组成13. 最后的adj.14. 忧虑的adj. a15. 烦恼的adj.16. 所有者n 拥有v. 17. 牛津大学18. 追逐;追赶v. P. PP.19. 天空n20. 直升机n21. 生物;动物n22. 赶上v.23. 不快乐的adj.24. 极其adv.25. 面试v. 采访者n.26. 噪音n adj.吵杂的 adv. 吵杂地27. 风n adj.有风的28. 邻居n29. 脚步声n30. 垃圾n1) g 2) 3) 4) 5)31. 神秘的 事物n 神秘的adj.32. 主管n 直接的adj.33. 猴子n pl.34. 逃跑v e 2)35. 狗吠声v36. 气味n/v. P. PP.37. 手指n38. 举起v./n电梯39. 石头n40. 蚂蚁n41. 海洋n42. 不诚实的adj. 反义词43. 假装v44. 用完;用光45. 试图v. 46. 网状物n47. 关掉 48. 北极熊Unit5短语1. 属于2. 听古典音乐3. 太怎样4. 太多5. 占据-的百分之三十6. 期末测试7. 设法做某事8. 尝试做某事9. 为-焦虑10. 由于考试11. -的主人12. 在天空中13. 一个奇怪的生物14. 为锻炼而跑15. 赶上公共汽车16. 拍电影17. 在我们的小区18. 深夜19. 从-逃跑20. 飘游在考试的海洋中21. 当心1) 2)22. 一股怪味23. 上飞机24. 下飞机25. 假装做某事26. 用光;用尽1) 2)Unit 5 首字母填空1. Who is the a_ o the book Who Moves My Cheese.2. They will go for a p_ this Sunday.3. You cant p_ finish the work in an hour.4. I find math very difficult. I want to d_it .5. An apple d_ from the tree last week.6. I am a_ to have a new car, I dont have too much money.7. These books b_ to me.8. Jack had some interesting experiences d_ his journey in China.9. The cat c_ the mouse but couldnt catch it.10. Stars cant be seen in the s_ in the daytime.11. Cats like to c_ mice.12. The reporters i_ him after the meeting.13. He is getting along well with his n_.14. Luckily, he e_ from /out of the burning house.15. The dish s_ good.16. I s_ something burning.17. I was not strong enough to l_ the heavy box.18. The radio says clouds will l_ soon.19. The l_ doesnt work. I have to walk upstairs.20. Can you give me a l_ in your car.21. He got lots of money by d_ means.22. He p_ to be rending when his mother came in his room.23. I a_ leaving /to leave , but was stopped.24. It is l_ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.25. We made an a_ to climb the mountain, but failed.26. Please turn u_ the radio a little, I can hardly hear the program.27. If you are the last one to leave the room, you should turn o_ the lights.28. Funny stories make me l_.29. What would you do if you saw a big bicycle a_?Unit61. 更喜欢v. P./PP2. 歌词n3. 轻柔的adj.4. 不喜欢v.5. 提醒;使记得6. 心n7. 细绳n8. 下沉v. P. PP.9. 黄河10. 渔民n pl.11. 最近的adj.12. 娱乐n13. 特点n14. 摄影n15. 摄影师n16. 照片;相片n17. 美术馆n18. 展览v.&n.19. 展览;陈列20. 引起-关注v. adj. 1) 2)21. 等级;类别n22. 不管什么pron.23. 错过v.24. 显示;暗示v. n.25. 活力;力量n 有活力的adj.26. 诚实的adj.27. 课程n28. 适合v.29. 合某人的 意30. 期待;预料v.31. 甜的adj.32. 品尝;尝起来v. 美味的adj.33. 老实说34. 对-有害35. 实际上adv.36. 油煎v.37. 主要地adv. 主要的adj.38. 与-保持距离39. 意见一致40. 它自己pron.41. 实验室n42. 类型;种类n43. 癌症n44. 户外烤肉餐n45. 增加v.46. 危险n47. 饼干n48. 主要的adj.49. 味道好的adj.50. 素食主义者n 蔬菜n,51. 使-震惊v.Unit 6 短语1. 随之歌唱2. 随之跳舞3. 有优美歌词4. 弹唱安静和轻柔的歌曲5. 使-想起6. 唱清楚歌词7. 巴西舞曲8. 不能忍受做-9. 恐怖的怪兽10. 最新的电影11. 多年来12. 找乐13. 几个好的特征14. 务必做15. 著名的中国摄影家之一16. 展览1) 2)17. 在一个展出中18. 稍显逊色19. 出自世界级摄影师之手20. 来来往往21. 音乐组合22. 使-感到恶心23. 与-相比更喜欢24. 与-相比更喜欢做1) 2) 3)25. 幸运地做-26. 坦承的说27. 在一个热天28. 为期6个月的英语课程29. 刚好适合-1) 2)30. 一个印度电影节31. 一群年轻人32. 聚集33. 保持健康34. 尝起来好35. 对-不好36. 宁愿不做37. 快餐38. 在意;关心1) 2) 3) 4039. 远离40. 同意41. 在实验室的测试中42. 一些种类型的油43. 油煎1) 2)44. 引发癌症45. 烧焦的烤肉46. 增加患癌的风险47. 吃平衡的饮食48. 拥有一个良好的平衡49. 一个严格的素食主义着50. 被震惊Unit 6 首字母填空1 The old man p_ living in the country to living in the city.2 Her songs are famous for great l_.3 We all love to listen to g_ music.4 She has a kind h_.5 She d_doing housewoek .6 The picture r_ me of my school days.7 What do you t_ of the musci?8 I like music that I can d_ to .9 I like music tht I can s_ along with.10 Carmen likes m_ who play different kinds og music.11 The ship s_ at last .12 If youre looking for e_, stay at home and watch TV.13 Noise is a f_ of city life.14 The flowers on d_ are beautiful. 15 The p_ can i_ me a lot, because I have seen them before.16 W_ you say, I wont believe you.17 The house is on the corner so you cant m_ it.18 As the name s_ the band is full of e_.19 She is one of the b_ singers in the world.20 This is a great e_ from a w_ photographer.21 The job s_ me fine.22 We e_ to have a day off every week.23 A_, she has passed the test.24 The dish is t_.25 The food i_delicious.26 How many people die of c_every year?27 Eating junk food a lot will i_ the r_ of cancer.28 The m_reason why I want to learn English is to get a good job.29 We were s_ by her words.30 To be h_, I dont know where he is from.31 We are in a_ with the plan after discussing.32 A_ she was tired, she went on woring.33 Im l_ to have a chance to go to London.34 We should s_ away from the computer games.Unti71. 引起疲劳的adj.2. 教育的adj.教育n.教育家n.教育v.3. 平静的adj.和平n.4. 迷人的adj.1) 2)5. 令人激动的adj.sth adj. sb恐怖片 n.使激动v.6. 从容;轻松7. 长途旅行v.8. 热带丛林n9. 瀑布n10. 游客很多的adj.游客n.11. 公众注意的中心n12. 考虑;思考v. c13. 充满活力的adj.14. 名胜;风景n15. 包括;包含prep.16. 塔;塔楼n.17. 总教堂n.18. 教堂n.19. 便利的;方便的adj.20. 地下的adj.21. 一般事物n.22. 通常;大体上; 一般而言23. 葡萄酒n.24. 翻译v.25.


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