



听力答案Practice Test 1Section A: 11-18:CBCDB BBASection B: 19-21:BDB 22-25:CCAC 26-28: BBC 29-31:CAD 32-35:DACDSection C: 36. style 37. frowned 38. interactions 39. determine 40. informal 41. regularly 42. imply 43. addressed44. While buses and trains usually run on schedule throughout Brazil, meetings and appointments seldom do. 45. Whether the appointment is professional or personal, one is not expected to arrive on time.46. it would be rather rude to arrive sooner than an hour late.Practice Test 2Section A: 11-18:ABBBB BBBSection B: 19-22:CBCB 23-25:BB(25题我觉得应该是只有1个交换学生,但答案中无此选项) 26-28: DCA 29-31:BBC 32-35:DCABSection C: 36. Stimulation 37. consequences38. exploration 39. reference40. free-associate 41. draws42. curious 43. drag44. figure out quickly that computers are powerful, and mastering the machine makes them feel grown-up.45. Researchers have found that attitudes towards writing, for example, improve when students compose on a computer.46. Children like to use computer with adults and other kids, asking questions, making predictions, and comparing results.Practice Test 3Section A: 11-18: DBCAA ABBSection B: 19-22: CBCA 23-25: ABC 26-28: CCC 29-31: AAD 32-35: ABACSection C: 36. Communication 37. certainly38. makes 39. counselors40. survey 41. arguments42. major 43. lack44. Theres nothing in the fairy stories to tell us how to discuss our finances, or even that we need to.45. But believe it or not, your partners attitude to money is probably one of the most important things you need to know about him or her.46. isnt it time we stopped whispering sweet nothings and started some straight talk about money?Practice Test 4Section A: 11-18: DCCAB ACDSection B: 19-22: DBCB 23-25: CAD 26-28: CBA 29-31: BCA 32-35: BCBASection C: 36. achieved 37. able 38. actually 39. undertaking 40. doomed 41. refusal 42. guide 43. ashamed44. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it, analyze it and learn why you are defeated.45. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended.46. If you make the best of the power which defeat gives, you can succeed with it far more than you are capable of.Practice Test 5Section A: 11-18:ABDBC CDASection B: 19-22:BACB 23-25:BCA 26-28: CDA 29-31:CBA 32-35:CDAASection C: 36. critic 37. reject 38. appreciation 39. object 40. printed 41. comments 42. separate 43. creative44. I mark the good passages to store them in my memory and ask myself: where, how and why could or should I improve upon it.45. because I can feel my brain expanding, my emotion creating and my way of living changing.46. All good writers in my language have been readers who read critically and creatively and continuously.Practice Test 6Section A: 11-18:ADCCB DDBSection B: 19-22:CBAB 23-25:CAB 26-28: ACD 29-31:BAB 32-35:BCDBSection C: 36. positive 37. ends 38. belief 39. equals 40. attaining 41. pain 42. favor 43. dine44. No parents would choose the word fun to describe raising children.45. They never know the joy of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.46. The moment we understand that fun does not bring happiness, we begin to lead our lives differently.Practice Test 7Section A: 11-18: ACCAC DABSection B: 19-22: ADAB 23-25: DBC 26-29: DDBC 30-32: DBB 33-35: CBDSection C: 36. followed 37. disputes 38. severe 39. aid 40. cutters 41. force 42. misguided 43. flow44. The amount of water in the soil is another influence. Even at the local level, the report says, the efforts do not depend just on the presence of trees.45. The report says people have believed since the nineteenth century that forests prevent floods by capturing heavy rainfalls.46. Such policies give the appearance of strong action, but the effect is to force poor farmers from their lands and leave many people unemployed.Practice Test 811-15 A D B C B16-20 B A C A D 21-25 C A D C B 26-30 C D B B C 31-35 D A C D A 36-43. recruit, competition, highlight, recognizing, prospective, academic, security, acquired44. The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment45. they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers. 46. job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth, with examples if possible. Practice Test 911-15 A D A B D 16-20 D A D D C 21-25 C D B A B 26-30 C A D D D 31-35 A C A D C 36-43. granted, White, average, beyond, shared, account, beliefs, common44. the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another.45. In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two people.46. which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers of age, class or race. Practice Test 1011-15 B A D C A 16-20 C B A A C 21-25 A A D A B 26-30 C D D A B 31-35 D D B A D 36-43. Escape, excuses, process, state, cause, solution, debating, posture44. He studied successful speakers and sized up his ow


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