



Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard潇然教育-你值得信赖的教育机构,我们和你一起努力,共同来创造孩子们的美好明天,加油!1.skeleton n.骷髅;(动物的)骨架,骨骼,基干,纲要,万能钥匙A skeleton in the cupboard/closet=a family skeleton 家丑(cupboard/closet 碗橱)-该是公开家丑的时候了。Skeleton structure 骨架构造 / skeleton staff 基干人员/Skeleton key 万能钥匙Reduced to a skeleton 瘦得皮包骨-He has had nothing to eat for a couple of days so he has been reduced to a skeleton.1、 seemingly adv.表面上的,看来似乎-她演奏起来似乎毫不费力。-She plays with effortless seemingly.2、 respectable adj.体面的,雅观的(=decent=graceful)-这条领带只适合体面的人戴。-The tie is for respectable people only.Respectable adj.值得尊敬的,可敬的,高尚的Respectful adj.尊敬人的,有礼貌的-受人尊敬的人也会尊敬别人。-A respectable person is respectful to others.Respective adj.分别的,各自的-所有的学生都回到各自的教室。-All the students returned to their respective classrooms.3、 conceal v.隐瞒,隐藏Conceal sth. From sb.-他像爸妈隐瞒了他的考试分数。-He concealed his exam marks from his parents.Hide vt./vi 隐藏,把.藏起来(hid,hidden)-当她妈妈进来时,这个小女孩藏到的窗帘后面。-When her mother came in the little girl hid behind the curtain.(口语化)4、 vivid adj.生动的(活泼的)栩栩如生的描述 vivid description-She gave the police a vivid description of the accident.-She is a child with vivid imagination. Adj.鲜明的,鲜艳的(光线、色彩等)Vivid color 鲜艳的颜色 vivid blue 碧蓝色 vivid green 翡翠绿比较级 more vivid/最高级 the most vivid5、 dramatic adj.令人激动的,扣人心弦的(戏剧性的,生动的)-那扣人心弦的一幕还在他的脑中。-The dramatic scene is still in his mind.Dramatic Arts 戏剧艺术Exciting adj.令人兴奋的,令人激动的(没dramatic那么强烈)6、 ruin n.毁坏 Financial ruin 经济损失In ruins 成为废墟-The monastery was in ruins.Relic n.废墟,遗迹Cultural relic 文化遗产,文物7、 heroine n. 女主人公Heroin 海洛因男主人公 hero8、 fiction n.小说(虚构,编造)(集体名词,小说的总称,不可数)科幻小说 science fiction 科幻片 science fiction film Novel n.小说,长篇故事(某一部具体的小说)9、 varying adj.不同的Varying =various (adj.不同的,各种各样的)=different kinds ofDifferent adj.不同的(与.不一样)-My idea is different from yours.Vary vi./vt.-The weather varies from day to day.10、 medicine n.医学中/西医 Chinese/Western medicine 传统/现代医学 traditional/modern medicine配药 mix medicine 服药 take medicine-The doctor mix me some medicine,I take them and they worked.11、 guestroom n. (家庭中的)来客住房客厅 parlor/drawing room 厨房 kitchen卧室 bedroom 主卧 master/main bedroom 次卧 second bedroom 书房 study 卫生间 bathroom Guest house 家庭旅馆Guest book (正式场合或旅馆的)客人登记簿 Guest worker 外籍工人13、unpack vt.(从箱中)取出-He unpacked his bag.Pack v.包装Pack up 整理,打包-I packed up my baggage/luggage.A pack of 一群一群流浪狗 a pack of stray dogs14、 stack v.(整齐地)堆放,排放Stack up 堆积 stack up booksStack room 书库N.摞,叠,大堆一摞报纸 a stack of papers一大堆书 a stack of books-There is a stack of books in the stack room.15、 underclothes n. 内衣Underclothing n. 内衣,贴身衣裤 Underwear n.内衣裤16、 drawer n.抽屉top drawer 最上层抽屉,社会最上层 Bottom drawer 嫁衣 -她出身上层社会。/她社会地位极高。-Shes out of the top drawer/Shes very top drawer.17、 petrify v.使惊呆(=shock)Petrified adj.感到震惊的 petrifying adj.令人震惊的-I was petrified at the news.-The news was petrifying.18、 dangle v.悬挂-树叶迎风摇摆。-The leaves dangled in the wind.19、 sway v. 摇摆-整条船摇晃着。-The whole boat is swaying.Swing v.摇摆n.摇摆,秋千-你能给我推一下秋千吗?-Can you push me on the swing?20、 unsympathetic adj.不表同情的,无动于衷的/ Be sympathetic to sb. 对某人不表示同情-我告诉了他关于我的经历,但是他对我不表示同情。-I told him about my experience but he was unsympathetic to me.Sympathetic adj.同情的,表示同情的-这位经理对我表示同情,但他无能为力。-The manager was sympathetic to me , but he could do nothing to help me.Unsympathetically/sympathetically adv.Sympathy n. In sympathy =sympatheticallyExpress sympathy for 表示同情-We expressed sympathy for her loss.In sympathy with 同情,赞成-很多的同学鼓掌以示对他的支持。-Dozens of students applauded in sympathy with him.21、 medical adj.医学的医疗 medical treatment 医疗设备 medical equipment 医疗保险 medical insurance语法:(L21)as if 引导从句的虚拟语气As if / though引导表从和方式状从分3种情况。1) 从句与现在事实相反,从句谓v.用一般过去时“did”(be过去时were)-He said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend.(状从)-She looks as though she were sick.2)与过去事实相反,从句谓v.用过去完成时“had done”-He talks about pyramids as


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