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人教版英语必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement 重难点 Teaching goals 教学目标 1 Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇 achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . to b. 重点句子 Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 . we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. P2 For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. P2 2 Ability goals 能力目标 a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points 教学重点 a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲 ) that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation. b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. 【词汇用法和 解析】 1 achieve v. 完成,达到;实现,获得 e.g He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work hard. The company has achieved a 100% increase in profitability. achievement: un. 完成;达到 cn. 成绩;成就 e.g We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain. He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement. 2 connection: 1). cn./ un. 联系;关系 (with/between) e.g There is a strong connection between smoking and heart disease. The company has a connection with a number of Japanese firms. 2). cn. 连接物 e.g This town has very good road and railway connections with the coast. 3). Un. 连接,联结 e.g The connection of the popes to the main water supply only took a few minutes. 4). cn. Pl. 亲属;亲戚 She s English but she has Irish connections. in connection with: 有关 e.g In connection with your request of March 3, we are sorry to tell you that we cant give you a reply until the manager comes back next week. 3 devote to devoted: adj. 忠实的 devotion: n. 热爱,忠诚 e.g He has devoted his life to helping blind people. He is my devoted friend. He is also devoted to his wife. 4 behave: v. behavior :n. e.g She has been behaving rather oddly. Behave yourself. 5 worthwhile : adj. e.g We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the ticket. Worthwhile: 值得花时间 /精力 /金钱 Worth: 值得 尊敬的 /重视的 be worth+ n. /doing Worthy: (表语形容词)值得的 be worthy of +n./being done; Be worthy to be done 1). This vase was _ five hundred francs at the most. 2). Everybody has roots. It is _ to search for his roots. 3). She proved herself a _ successor of the former champion. 4). This book is well _ reading and it is _ of being read a second time. Keys: 1). Worth 2). Worthwhile 3). Worthy 4). Worth; worthy 6 observe: v. 看到,注意到;遵守 /奉行 Observe sb. do/doing sth. Observe that e.g I observed a stranger going into the house. Do you often observe the speed limit? 7 respect: n. v. e.g We should respect each other. Respectful: 恭敬的,对人有礼的 Respectable; 受 /被人尊重 e.g He is a respectful student. He respects the teachers. He is respectable teacher. He is respected by all his students. 8 argue v. argue with/over/about e.g He often argues with me.极力说服;劝告 e.g She argued him into/out of leaving his job. Argument: n. e.g His argument doesnt hold water. 9 inspire e.g He tried to inspire them to greater efforts. inspired / inspiring : adj. inspiration: n. inspire sb. to do eg. His speech inspired us greatly. The teacher inspired us to make greater efforts. The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel(促成;赋予灵感 ) inspired 有灵感的 inspiring 激励人心的 10 support : v. 承受;支撑;抚养,资助;赞成,支持; e.g do you think those shelves can support so many books? She needs a high income to support such a large family. Do you support their demands of independence? Supporter: n. e.g Im a strong supporter of womens rights. 11 deliver: v. 传送;把 .踢向;发表,宣布;给 接生 e.g Letters are delivered every day. She delivered a hard kick to his knee. The doctor delivered her baby. Delivery: n. 12 mean 的用法 Mean doing sth. 意味着做 eg. Doing such a thing means wasting time. mean to do sth 打算做某事 eg. Do you mean to go without money? 13 wander 的用法 1)可以解释为漫步,逛,常与 about 搭配 e.g We love wandering about the hills 2)还可以解释为脱离,迷失 e.g Dont wander off the point 13 worthwhile adj. 值 得做的 ,值得花时间 (金钱 )的 It is worthwhile to do/ doing e.g It was worthwhile to visit Paris. = The visit to Paris is worthwhile. 去巴黎访问是值得的 . Its worthwhile discussing/ to discuss the question again. 这个问题值得再讨论一下。 It is a worthwhile book 那是一本值得一读的书 . 14 observe 观察到 ,注意到 eg.She observed his actions with interest. 她很感兴趣地观察他的行动 His neighbour observed a stranger go into his house 他的邻居看到了一个陌生人进入他的家 15 “Only + 状语 ” 开头的句子要用倒装 eg. Only in this way can we learn English better Only then did I realize my mistake. 直到那时我才知道我的 错误 Only you understand me. I met her only yesterday. 16 work out eg. I cant work out the meaning of the poem.(理解,说出 ) Things have worked out badly. (进行,发展) Work out his income (算出) Work out a plan (制定,拟定) 17 have/ has been doing 现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去就已开始, 一直持续到现在,可能还会继续下去 eg. He has been reading since this morning.今早起,他一直在看书 He is very tired; he has been working hard all day He has been writing a letter.他一直在写信 He has written a letter.他已写过信了 18 argue 争论;辩论;说服 argue for / argue against 主张反对 argue about sth. argue with sb. argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 【语法精讲】: 主谓一致 (Subject- Verb Agreement),指 ”人称 ”和 ”数方面的一致关系 .如 : He is going abroad. They are playing football. 可分为 :语法一致 , 内容一致 , 就近一致 . (一 ) 语法一致原则 : 即主语为单数 ,谓语用单数 ,主语为复数 ,谓语也用复数 . 以下为注意事项 : 1. 单数主语即使后面带有 with , along with, together with, like(象 ), but (除了 ),except, besides, as well as, no less than, rather than(而不是 ), including, in addition to 引导的短语 , 谓语动词仍用单数 . 如 : Air as well as water is matter. 空气和水都是物质 . No one except two servants was late for the dinner. 除了两个仆人 外 , 没有一个人迟来用餐。 2. 用 and连接的并列主语 ,如果主语是同一个人 ,同一事 ,同一概念 , 谓语动词用单数 , 否则用复数 . 如 : The poet and writer has come. 那位诗人兼作家来了 .(一个人 ) A hammer and a saw are useful tools. 锤子和锯都是有用的工具 . (两样物 ) 用 and 连接的成对名词习惯上被看成是一个整体 , 如 :bread and butter(黄油抹面包 ), knife and fork(刀叉 )等作主语时 , 谓语动词用单 数。 3. 不定式 (短语 ), 动名词 (短语 ), 或从句作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数 . 如 : Serving the people is my great happiness. 为人民服务是我最大的幸福 . When well go out for an outing has been decided. 我们什么时候出去郊游已决定了。 4. 用连接的并列主语被 each, every 或 no 修饰时 , 谓语动词用单数 . Every boy and every girl likes to go swimming. 每个男孩和每个女孩都喜欢去游泳 . No teacher and no student was absent from the meeting. 没有老师也没有学生开会缺席 . Each man and (each) woman is asked to help. 每个男人和每个女人都被请去帮忙。 5. each of + 复数代词 , 谓语动词用单数 . 复数代词 +each, 谓语动词用单数 .如 : Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有话要说。 6. 若主语中有 more than one 或 many a/an , 尽管从意义上看是复数 , 但它的谓语动词仍用单数。 但 more+复数名词 +than one 做主语时 , 谓语动词仍用复数 . 如 : Many a boy likes playing basketball. 许多男生都喜欢打篮球 . More than one student was late. 不只一个学生迟到 More persons than one come to help us. 不止一个人来帮助我们。 7. none 做主语时 ,谓语动词可用单数 , 也可用复数 ; 但在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数 ,因而谓语动词要用单数 . 如 : None of us are (is) perfect. 人无完人。 None of this worries me. 这事一点不使我着急。 8. 名词如 : trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, glasses 等作主语时 , 谓语动词必须用复数 . 如 : His clothes are good. 但这些名词前若出现 a pair of , 谓语一般用单数 .如 : A pair of glasses is on the desk. 桌上有一副眼镜。 9. 形复意单名词如 :news ; 以 ics 结尾的学科名称如 : physics, mathematics, economics; 国名如 : the United States; 报纸名如 : the New Times; 书名如 : Arabian Night ; 以及 The United Nations 等作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数。 10. “a +名词 +and a half “, “one and a half + 名词 ”, “the number of + 名词 ” 等作主语时 , 谓语动词要用单数 . 如 : Only one and a half apples is left on the table. 注意 : one or two + 复数名词作主语 , 谓语动词用复数形式 , 如 : One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点。 (二 ) 内容一致原则 : 1.主语中有 all, half, most, the rest 等 , 以及 ”分数或百分数 +名词 ”做主语时 ,谓语动词单复数取决于连用 的名词 .如 : The rest of the bikes are on sale today. 剩下的自行车, 今天出售。 60%of the apple was eaten by little boy. 这个苹果的 60%都被这个小男孩吃了。 Most of the apples were rotten. 大部分的苹果都是烂的。 Most of the apple was eaten by a rat. 这个苹果的大部分被老鼠吃了。 2. 不定数量的词组 , 如 :part of , a lot of , lots of , one of , a number of , plenty of 等作主语时 , 谓语动词的单复数取决于量词后面名词的数 .如 : A part of the textbooks have arrived. 一小部分教科书已运到。 A part of the apple has been eaten up by the pig. 这个苹果的一部分被猪吃光了。 3. 加减乘除用单数 .如 : Fifteen minus five is ten . 15 减去 5 等于 10。 4. 表示时间 , 金钱 , 距离 , 度量等的名词做主语时 , 尽管是复数形式 , 它们做为一个单一的概念时 , 其谓语动词用单数 .如 : Ten miles is a good distance. 十英里是一个相当的距离。 5. (1) 通常作复数的集体名词 . 包括 police , people, cattle 等 , 这些集体名词通常用作复数 .如 : The British police have only very limited powers. (2) 通常作不可数名词的集体名词 . 包括 equipment, furniture, clothing, luggage 等 . (3) 可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 . 包括 audience, committee, government, family, enemy, group, party, team, public 等 .如 : The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会决定解雇他。 6. the +形容词 /过去分词形式 ”表示一类人或事物 , 作主语时 , 谓语动词用复数 .如 : The injured were saved after the fire. (三 ) 就近原则 1. 由 here, there, where 等引导的倒装句中 , (有时主语不止一个时 )谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致 .如 : Here comes the bus 公共汽车来了 . Here is a pen and some pieces of paper for you. 给你一支钢笔和几张纸。 Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away? 你不在这儿的时候 , 你爱人和孩子在哪儿呆呢? 2. 用连词 or, either. or, neither.nor, not only.but also 等连接的并列主语 , 谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致。 如: Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it 学生和老师都不知道这事 . He or you have taken my pen. 他或你拿了我的钢笔。 注意 : one of +复数名词 +who/that/which 引导的定语从句中 , 定语从句的动词为复数。如: Mary is one of those people who keep pets. 玛丽是饲养宠物者之一。 The only one of +复数名词 + who/that./which 引导的定语从句中,定语从句的动词应为单数。 Mary is the only one of those people who keeps pets. 玛丽是唯一一个饲养宠物的人。 主谓一致练与析: 请用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Three years _ (have) passed since they met last time, and for them, three years_ (be) really a long time. 2. _ (be) everybody going to take part in the game this afternoon? 3. My family _ (be) the largest one in our village. Besides, my family _ (be) all party members. 4. The whole class _ (be) now listening to the teacher attentively. 5. The news _ (be) very exciting. 6. To learn one or two foreign languages _ (be) very important nowadays. 7. The last and most difficult lesson _ (be) Lesson 14. 8. I, who _ your friend, will try my best to help you. 9. The scientist and engineer _ (have) invented a new machine. 10. Alice, together with her friends, _ (be) punished for having broken the school rules. 11. Every girl and every boy _ (have) the right to join the club. 12. _ (be) either she or you to go and attend the meeting? Neither she nor I_(be). 13. Ancient and modern history _ (be) the subjects we are studying. 14. Many a scientist _ (have) devoted their lives to science. 15. The old _ (be) respected in our country. 答案与解析: 1. have; is。表示时间、金钱、距离、重量的复数名词表示单位数量用作主语时,通常看作整体,谓语动词用单数形式(第二空) ; 若强调数目,谓语动词用复数形式(第一空)。 2. Is。不定代词 anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, something, nobody, nothing 等作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 3. is; are。集体名词 family, class 等作主语 时,如果强调整体(第一空),谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体(第二空),则用复数形式。 4. are。5. is。某些名词以 -s 结尾,表面看是复数形式,实际上是单数概念,如 physics, news等,它们作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 6. is。当主语是不定式短语, -ing 形式短语或主语从句时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。 7. is。一个单数名词同时被两个不同的形容词修饰,如果表示的是同一概念,谓语动词一般用单数。该句意为“最后一课十四课是最难的一课。 ” 8. am。 9. has。两个名词或代词由 and 连接作 主语时,当 and 不表示并列意义,而连接两个在意义上表示同一人、物或概念或由两个部件配成的物品时,谓语动词用单数。 10. was。主语后面接说明主语的修饰语,如用 with, along with, as well as, like, rather than, but, except, besides, including 等与修饰语连接,谓语动词不受修饰成分的影响,仍保持同主语一致的关系。 11. has。两个并列的名词由 each, every, no 等修饰时,谓语动词一般用单数。 12. Is; am。当用作主语的 两个名词或代词由 or, either . or, neither . nor或 not only . but also等连接时,谓语通常与邻近的名词或代词保持一致。 13. are。一个单数名词同时被两个不同的形容词修饰,表示两个不同的概念时,谓语动词一般用复数。 14. has。 “many a + 单数名词 ”作主语时,表达的是复数意义,但谓语动词要用单数。 15. are。 “the+形容词 / 过去分词 ”表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。 【典题精讲】 经典题型 例 1( 2005 年北京 )He have completed his work, otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. A.should B.must C.wouldnt D.cant 思路解析 otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside(否则,他就不会在海边游玩了)表明他一定完成了自己的 工作 。要表示 “一定做完了某事 ”要用 must have done sth.的结构。 should have done 表示 “本该做的事实际上未做 ”; cant have done 则表示 “不可能做了某事 ”。答案: B 黑色陷阱 误选其他项的原因是没有理解清楚本题的语境。不能推测出 “如果他没完成工作,他是不会去海边的 ”,言下之意是 “他一定已经完成了工作 ”。还可能是没有掌握这几个情态动词在用法上的区别。 绿色通道 解答本类题的关键要掌握 must have done 是表示 “肯定做了某事 ”。平时 学习时应该多注意这些情态动词在用法上的区别,做题时才能胸有成竹。 例 2( 2004 年上海 )Chinese arts have won the of a lot of people outside China. A.enjoyment B.appreciation C.entertainment D.reputation 思路解析 解答本题的关键要精确把握题意和四个选项的含义。 enjoyment 意为 “享乐 ;快乐 ”; appreciation 意为 “欣赏 ”;而 entertainment 是 “娱乐 ”之意; reputation 则意为 “声誉 ”。结合本题的含义 “中国 艺术赢得的是别国人民的欣赏 ”,可以确定本处应填 appreciation。答案: B 例 3( 2004 年全国 ) The scientists are looking the problem with air pollution in the city. A.into B.for C.after D.around 思路解析 解答本题的关键要弄清这四个短语的区别。 look into 意为 “调查,研究 的原因 ”, look for 意为 “寻找 ”,look after 意为 “照料某事 /某人 ”,look around意为 “环顾四周 ”。结合题意 “科学家们正在调查这个城市的空气污染问题 ”可知,此处应用 look into。答案: A 黑色陷阱 本题容易错选 B。 look for 指 “寻找 ”,误以为是寻找问题的原因。但此处并没有原因出现。句中的 problem(问题),是本来就存在的问题,不用再去 “寻找 ”。例 4( 2005 年辽宁 )The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has all over the country. A.companies B.branches C.organizations D.businesses 思路解析 the head office of the bank 意为 “这家 银行 的总部 ”。和总部 (head)相对的应是机构的分支( branch)。结合句意 “这家银行总部在北京而它的分部遍及全国 ”,可知本处应填 branches。 company意为 “公司 ”;而 organization意为 “组织 ”; business是指 “企业 ”。答案: B 绿色通道 本题理解的关键是 “总部在北京,分支遍及全国 ”。同时要注意 名词 在词义上的区别。还要注意 branch, head, bank 的一词多义现 象,做题是一定要结合语境来选择恰当的词义。 例 5( 2003年上海 )Some passengers complain that it usually so long to fill in travel insurance documents. A.costs B.takes C.spends D.spares 思路解析 根据 so long 提示,应选择 “花(时间) ”。后面 to fill in .用的是动词不定式的形式, cost, spend 都不能与之连用。而 take 作 “花时间 ”讲时的结构是 “it takes time to do sth.”,正符合题意。答案: B 黑色陷阱 A 项和 C 项干扰很大。错选这两项都是因为没有弄清它们的搭配和运用的环境。cost 的主语应为 “事物 ”,而不是人;而 spend 的主语应为 “人 ”,后面应接动 名词或 on 加 名词 的形式。 绿色通道 了解 take, cost, spare 和 spend 的不同句式结构和含义是解题的关键。 cost意为 “价值为 , (使 )花费 (金钱、时间、劳力等 )”,在句子中主语通常是花金钱、时间、劳力等所要得到的东西;而 spend 所表示的花费则用于 “sb.spend money(time)on sth./in dong sth.”的句型中; take 的常用结构是 “It takes sb.some time to do sth.”, 意为 “做某事花费某人多少时间 ”;而 spare 是 “节约 ,节省 ,分让 ”的意思。 例 6( 2001 年上海 )Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to some schools for poor children. A.set up B.setting up C.have set up D.having set up 思路解析 此题题意是 “Reed 先生决定把他所拥有的献给一些学校的贫困孩子 ”。devote .to 结构中 to 是介词,后面用名词或动 名词 。从 make up ones mind to do能看出要做的事还没做,故不能用表示完成概念的 C 项或 D 项。答案: B 黑色陷阱 本题有两处陷阱。一是误把 devote.to 中的 to 看成不定式符号而错选 A 项 或 C 项。二是没有理解清楚 make up ones mind to do sth.指 “决定做的事 ”暗含了“该件事还没 有做 ”之意,而误用完成式的 C 或 D 选项。 绿色通道 平时要注意 英语 中一些常用的 to 作介词的短语,如 pay attention to, look forward to, lead to, object to 等,这些短语都接名词和动名词作宾语。还要掌握动 名词 、动词不定式和动词过去分词的完成式都具有完成的意义。 例 7( 2004 年重庆 )I failed in the final examination last term and only then the importance of studies. A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realized 思路解析 then 即为 failed in the final examination 之时,应用一般过去时,排除 B、 C两项。 only then 作状语置于句首,起强调作用,句子要部分倒装,排除 A 项。答案: D 绿色通道 了解倒装句式是解此类题的关键。何时用倒装句注意下列歌诀小结: “疑问句, there be;条件句 ,if 去;强(调)表语,重状语;引语后,常用起;否定词,开头使; only 语,往前置;免重复,需代替;要祝愿,为修辞。 ” 例 8( 2003 年全国 ) Theres coffee and tea, you can have . Thanks. A.either B.each C.one D.it 思路解析 按常理讲,别人请你喝点什么,通常是让你从所提供的饮料中选一种。 you can have either 意为 “你可以任选其一 ”。如果使用 each 或 one 都表示前面只提到同一种物品。如果用 it,则表示前面只有一种物品,并且是单数,这和原题是相矛盾的。答案: A 志鸿原创题 阅读短文,完成文后的表格: A recent published analysis of a major survey taken of international students in Australia is providing up-to-date data for teachers and marketers of English language training program. About one third of the students questioned were 20 years and under, and almost three quarters were 25 and under.Only 8% were aged over 30, and fewer than 3% were over 35. Korean students were in their 20s.Students from Japan were also mostly young,with an average age under 20.Chinese students tended to be older than other nationalities, from 25 to 30.The oldest were from Iran, ranging from 30 to 35.Indonesian students were the youngest, with an average age under 19. Information about international students in Australia: Nationality Students Age Korea 1. Japan 20 2. 2530 Iran 3. 4. 5. 思路解析 图表显示,左栏为国籍,右栏为学生的年龄。表格中提到五个国家,左栏已给出 3 个国家,另外两个显然就是中国和印度尼西亚。空格 2 可以从原文 “Chinese students., from 25 to 30.”判断是中国,那么空格 4 只能填 Indonesia。 1 空可以从原文 “Korean students were in their 20s”推断出来,空格 3 可以从原文 “The oldest were from Iran, ranging from 30 to 35”得知, 而 “Indonesian students were the youngest, with an average age under 19”可以给出空格 5 的答案。 答案: 1.2030 2.China 3.3035 4.Indonesia 5. 19 黑色陷阱 国籍的表达极易出错。因为文章中有的地方用了相关的形容词,如 Chinese,Korean, Indonesian,有的地方用国家 名词 ,如 Australia, Japan。根据图表左栏已有信息的表达方式可以判断答案中应该用 名词 。 绿色通道 答题时要注 意文字信息和符号信息的转换。如: in their 20s 转化为 2030;under 20 转化为 20; ranging from 30 to 35 转化为 3035。有时题


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