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构词法英语词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律称为构词法。掌握构词法知识对我们更好地理解词义、认识新词和扩大词汇量都有重大意义。在测试中,能够提高我们的阅读理解能力。英语主要有三种构词法:派生法、合成法和转换法。一、派生法:在一个词的词根(base)的前面或后面加上词缀(affix), 产生新词,这种构词法称为派生法(derivation)。(派生词在阅读理解中不作为生词)。加在前面的词缀叫前缀(prefix), 加在后面的词缀叫后缀(suffix).(一)后缀:许多名词、形容词、副词和动词都是由词根加后缀构成的。(后缀一般只改变词性,不改变词义)1 构成名词的常用后缀有:(1) -er, -or, -ess, -ist, -ee, -ian, -ese, -ant等用于构成表示人或物的名称-er: teacher, worker, thinker, reader, employer cooker-or: actor, sailor, visitor-ess: actress, princess, lioness-ist: scientist, dentist, chemist-ee: employee, trainee, absentee, payee -ian: musician, technician(技师), physician, Russian-ese: Japanese, Chinese, -ant: assistant, inhabitant ( 居民)-(2) -ance, -ence, -tion, -ics, -ing, -ity, -ment, -ness, -sion, -th, -ty, -ure,-age, -al等用于构成表示行为、性质、状态等的抽象名词。-ance:acceptance, assistance, attendance -ence: difference, confidence-tion: repetition, preparation, introduction -ics: physics, economics-ing: wedding, building, crossing-ity: possibility, reality, popularity, similarity-ment: development, government, judgment-ness: illness, happiness-sion: decision revision-th: growth, truth, health-ty: safety, cruelty -ure: failure, pleasure-age: postage shortage-al: arrival survival2. 构成形容词的常用后缀有:-able, -ible, -al, -ful, -less, -ish, -ive, -ous, -an, -ic, -ly, -y, -ant, -ent, -ary, -en, -some等-able: comfortable acceptable-ible: responsible permissible possible-al : accidental critical ( 批判的) environmental-ful: useful grateful helpful-less: fearless homeless helpless-ish: childish selfish-ive: active decisive (决定性的)-ous: famous continuous( 连续不断的) ambitious-an: Canadian European -ic: historic scientific-ly: lively friendly (n.+ly) likely-y: dirty windy sunny thirsty-ant: hesitant significant(重大的)-ent: different dependent-ary: secondary imaginary -en: golden woolen-some troublesome handsome3. 构成副词的常用后缀有:-ly -ward(s) -wise -ly : calmly extremely clearly-ward(s): forward backward northward-wise: otherwise likewise (同样地) clockwise4. 构成动词的常用后缀有: -ise/ ize -en -ify等-ise/ ize: real normalize ( 正常化) modernize-en : widen sharpen lengthen strengthen-ify: beautify simplify purify(二) 前缀 (前缀一般不造成词类的转变,而只是引起词义上的变化)1 前缀中有相当一部分可构成反义词,如:un- dis- in- im- ir- il- non- de- 等un- : unimportant unhappy unexpected undo 解开 unlock unlikedis- : dislike dishonestin- : informal inconvenient indirectim- : impossible impolite immoral (p, m前)ir- : irregular irresponsibleil- : illegal illogicnon- : nonsense(废话) non-existde-: decode(解码) demerit (缺点)2. 另有一些词缀表示其它意思re- (重新): rewrite reform rereadmis- ( 错误地): mistake misspell misunderstandco- (共同): cooperate co-existanti- (反,防):anti-fascist anti-clockwise(逆时针的) counter-clockwise anti-Japanese warex- (前): ex-president ex-husbandpre- (预先): pre-school precaution prehistorypost- (之后的): post-graduate(研究生) post-warfore- (预先,前): forecast (预测)forehead forenoonself- (自我的): self-service self-control self-studysuper- (超级,上层):superman(women) supermarket sub- (下面的): subway subconscious( 下意识的)inter- (之间的,互相):interact international interchangetrans- (跨越,移): transport transmit translatesemi- (一半): semi-final (半决赛)semi-circlevice- (副): vice-chairman vice-president uni- (单) uniform(一致的) unicyclebi- (双):bicycle bimonthly (双月的)tri- (三): triangle tricyclemulti- (多): multinational multi-lateral (多边的)auto- (自己的,自动的) automation autobiography (自传)mid- (中间):midday midnight mid-eastover- (上) overpass (天桥)en- enlarge enable 二、合成法由两个或以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法称为合成法(compounding)。 合成词有的要用连字符连接,有的则直接连在一起。1 合成形容词构成合成形容词的常见方法有:形容词+名词+ed warm-hearted 热心的 noble-minded 高尚的形容词+现在分词 good-looking easy-going 好说话的副词+现在分词 hard-working 勤劳的 far-reaching 深远的名词+现在分词 peace-loving heart-breaking 令人心碎的名词+过去分词 state-owned 国有的 heartfelt 由衷的副词+过去分词 widespread 广泛的 well-known 著名的形容词+名词 high-class 高级 large-scale 大规模的名词+ 形容词 seasick duty-free 免税的2 合成名词构成合成名词的常见方法有:名词+名词 silkworm 蚕 blood-test 验血 rainstorm形容词+名词 darkroom 暗室 madman 疯子 dry-land 动名词+名词 waiting-room sleeping-pill动词+名词 pickpocket 扒手 push-button 按钮名词+动名词 handwriting sun-bathing 日光浴动词+副词 get-together聚会 breakthrough 突破副词+动词 out-break 爆发 downfall 垮台3 合成动词构成合成动词的常见方法有:名词 + 动词 sleepwalk 梦游 hand-pick 手捡副词 + 动词 uphold 拥护 overthrow 推翻 undergo形容词+动词 white-wash 粉刷 blacklist 列入黑名单 mass produce三、 转化 在词形不变的情况下,一个单词由一种词类转化为另一词类,称为转化法(conversion)。 转化后的词义与转化前的词义通常有密切的联系,但有时差异也很大。chair n. 椅子 v. 主持nurse n. 护士 v. 护理bridge n. 桥 v. 以桥连接oil n. 油 v. 上油slow adj. 慢的 v. 减慢second num. 第二 v. 赞成forward adv. 向前 v. 转交有些双音节词转换后,重音发生变化。通常名词重音在前,动词重音在后。Contest 比赛 / 竞争 contrast 对比/ 形成对比Export 出口 / 出口 present 礼物 / 赠送Suspect 嫌疑犯 / 怀疑练习:1 写出下列词的名词形式employ act wait inhabit argue(employment action waiter/waitress inhabitant argument)paint decide feel prepare marry( painting decision feeling preparation marriage)please seize inquire refuse approve ( pleasure seizure inquiry refusal approval )accept difficult warm confident short(acceptance difficulty warmth confidence shortage )2 给下列词加上适当后缀构成形容词cheer decide friend agree apply ( cheerful decisive friendly agreeable applicablefame continue poet ignore day ( famous continuous poetic ignorant daily )accident snow science second trouble (accidental snowy scientific secondary troublesome ) wood talent India America comfort( wooden talented Indian American comfortable )3 给下列词加上适当前缀构成反义词connect dress true accurate moral (disconnect undress untrue inaccurate immoral )able resistible possible dependent cover(unable irresistible impossible independent uncover )regular understand order happy practical(irregular misunderstand disorder unhappy impractical )personal pack legal centralize( impersonal unpack illegal decentralize )词汇、语法综合训练(用括号中单词的适当形式填空)1. He is the _ (honour) chairman of the Writers Union. 2. A _ (hand) of men could defend the mountain pass against hundreds of enemies. 3. In 1972, China and Japan sighed a _ (history) peace and friendship treaty. 4. To my regret, your explanation is _ (satisfy). 5. Last year, the overall industrial _ (grow) rate was 8%. 6. The book has won such esteem from its readers that it has _ (print) for nine times. 7. At _ (night) you hear the clock stroke twelve. 8. If you use the chemical to clean the trousers, the stain will _ (appear) at once. 9. John and Tom had a _ (understand), but they have made it up now. 10. _ (cruel) to animals is considered a crime in some nations. 11. Looking up, I saw her eyes fixed on me in _ (curious). 12. At sea level, the air _ (press) is a little over 14 pounds per square inch. 13. Now he realized money is not everything, it is important to be _ (health) physically and mentally. 14. Efforts should be made to _ (broad) the opportunities of employment for the laid-off workers. 15. If I _ (be) you, I would have taken part in the party. 16. The slightest _ (care) can result in a terrible accident. 17. Every child looks forward to Christmas with great _ (eager). 18. He was disappointed so often that he became _ (hope).19. Recently the boy has shown some _ (improve) in his study.20. It is _ (obvious) a crime conducted by organized criminal groups.21. In addition, the school has started various _ (train) programs to improve students technique. 22. The little girl has obtained her mothers _ (permit) to go camping this Sunday. 23. The boss showed such _ (patient) that he cut short my explanation. 24. The policeman held up his hand so that children could cross the road in _ (safe). 25. Singing after supper with me is one of my grandpas _ (relax).26. Their lives were frequently _ (threat) by earthquakes.27. Everyone looked fresh and _ (energy) after the Spring Festival. 28. Many problems still exist that stand in the way of Chinese womens _ (contribute) to the society.29. After he lost his life for the country, people _ (carvings) his name in stone to remember him.30. Police _ (provide) all the evidence to show that he murdered the man. 31. He said that he had never seen such a _ (imagine) film before. 32. Those chickens _ (consumer) large amount of grain every day. 33. The consumer was paid $20 as _ (compensate) for the damaged goods. 34. Measures have been taken by Government to _ (preventive) AIDS from spreading. 35. The success of the exam was a great _ (please) and encouragement to the boys study. 36. The mayor made a number of _ (construction) suggestions for those who attended the meeting.37. It is widely acknowledged that musicians and artists have to be very _ (create). 38. He decided to learn _ (biological) when he entered college.39. The factory is being _ (large) to produce more products.40. Your suggestion is good, but there are some _ (practice) difficulties in adopting it. 41. It seems there is something _ (mystery) about his family background. 42. A student made a highly _ (offend) remark about his classmate at the class meeting. 43. Nowadays some readers think they can not rely on the _ (accurate) of the media report.44. The first European _ (perform) of the opera was made in 1985. 45. It was _ (courage) of the young man to try to save the drowning child. 46. _ (ultimate), it depends on yourself whether you decide to buy the house. 47. Facts and figures are given to make students realize the _ (necessary) of learning English. 48. With no one _ (turn to) for help, the young boy had to start to look for food and drink by himself. 49. “No pains, no gains” is the truth _ (prove) by life.50. _ (admit) to the school is by entrance exam only.51. The increase of the firms _ (prosper) owes to the open-up policy.52. He was promoted to a post of great _ (responsible). 53. If you want to deposit at a bank, the _ (minimize) initial deposit is one yuan. 54. More than one person _ (be) involved in the case, added the police officer.55. The only _ (accessible) to the main building is along that dark corridor. 56. The products in the factory are _ (comparative) higher quality than those. 57. _ (be) he not a disabled man, he would have had more promotion prospect. 58. Chinas population _ (characterize) by its large proportion of rural population. 59. This bridge is of _ (strategy) importance for the enemy and must be destroyed. 60. The whole magazine is produced and edited in the _ (pursue) of excellence. 61. He was respected _ (equal) by old and young.62. The hotel is not far from here, only ten minutes _ (drive). 63. Traditionally, state-owned enterprises _ (see) as the only passage to employment. 64. _ (sex) equality is one of the most talked topics in this magazine. 65. The teacher gave her personal _ (approve) to the exam rules. 66. Dont forget to put your _ (sign) before handing in your paper. 67. The old man said he could not sleep well, always _ (dream). 68. You can also _ (profitable) from your mistakes, as long as you pay attention to them. 69. Some scientists _ (anticipation) that the world is becoming warmer in the next decade or so. 70. The government has set up a health care network to heal the _ (wound) and rescue the dying. 71. Spring appears _ (be) the best season of the year.72. The government signed a bill _ (force) motorists paying their fees at the end of the month.73. He _ (acquisition) a good knowledge of German at that training course. 74. The young boys dress _ (peculiar). 75. His new novel is _ (concern) with tropical forest. 76. She finished drawing the picture and examined it with _ (satisfy). 77. I know he is just being _ (interest). 78. Nowadays most of children have a very cheerful _ (surround). 79. China is an aging society, with 7% of its population _ (be) over 65 years old. 80. When I got on the bus to buy the ticket, I found my wallet _ (miss). 81. He has been criticized several times by the teacher for _ (violate) of school rules. 82. It is _ (legal) to set up a company without registration. 83. The teacher tells the boy if he cannot finish his _ (assign), he will get a minus mark. 84. No _ (priority) working experience was required to get the job.85. Cooperation is more important than _ (compete).86. Police dont think the witness description of the accident was _ (accept). 87. He put an _ (advertise) in the local newspaper to sell his house. 88. Experts have found out different types of computer _ (virus).89. The typical symptoms of flu are _ (dizzy), headache and cough.90. Please be more _ (attention) to your studies. 91. We can _ (communication) with relatives far away by telephone.92. Government should permit free _ (express) of political opinions. 93. Youll never learn to use a computer if you dont _ (practically) often. 94. The novel gives a good _ (describe) of life of those blacks in America.95. Is there any _ (possible) that you will persuade them? 96. I would like to _ (emphasis) that we are ready to sign the contract at any moment. 97. There is an _ (excessive) of violence.98. It is hard to learn the _ (operate) of this complicated machine. 99. The plan will soon be carried into _ (effective). 100. Hatchinbgs, like many _ (ambition) young lawyers, became interested in politics. 101. For the _ (secure) of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked at the airport. 102. Do you realize that the rules of safe driving _ (application) to all of us? 103. If we make a _ (compare) between these two cities, well find they differ widely in the control of pollution. 104. Air is a _(mix) , whose components are of great use in the chemical industry. 105. It is so lonely a place that I object strongly to _ (stay) here alone. 106. It is said that every country has its own social and _ (economy) problems. 107. All of them stared at him carefully, as though _ (try) to understand something. 词汇练习1. If you have some trouble with work, I can _ you a job in my company. A. offer B. accept C. supply D. provide2. My study of biology has _ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment. A. taken off B. taken down C. taken up D. taken away3. Youre _ your time trying to persuade him, hell never join us. A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing4. Washing food down with water as a _ for chewing is not a good idea, but some water with meals has been found to be helpful.A. substance B. suggestion C. supplement D. substitute5. The Atlantic _ much food for the people on its shores.A. gives B. supplies C. brings D. furnishes6. An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to _ the death-rate.A. keep pace with B. keep up for C. keep in with D. keep on7. She _ regretted having been so unkind. A. fully B. bitterly C. awfully D. severely8. We can never relax in this office. New problems are continually _. A. comi


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