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英语写作中常见结构错误分析何懿雯(江西服装职业技术学院)摘要:本文列举了学生学习英语写作中常出现的典型结构错误,发现了由于概念不清,基本功不扎实而使学生不能正确表达他们的思想,并针对这些错误,提出了避免错误的对策,以提高学生学习英语写作水平及写作教学效果。关键词:常见结构错误 分析随着社会的发展,越来越多的人意识到英语写作无论是在学校的英语学习中还是在实际的社会工作中都十分重要。英语写作能力的高低能体现学生英语综合素质。英语写作日趋重要。然而它却是英语教学中的薄弱环节。由于中英文化背景的差异所造成的思维方式的不同以及写作角度、方法、语法的不同,使中国学生在写英语作文时出现了许多错误。 实践证明,学生英语写作中常见的结构错误,往往与他们的逻辑概念、母语、语法及基本功密切相关,如:他的脚因长途步行很痛,而且,他的胃也呱呱的叫,英语应写成:His feet hurt from the long hike, and his stomach was growing.结果学生写成 His feet hurt from the long hike his stomach was growing.学生的这种结构错误是将两个独立的分句串在一起,没用标点符号,使读者不知道一个思想从哪里结束,另一个思想从哪里开始。 这种结构错误还表现在学生的语法基本功不扎实。例如:He wants either to study English literature or study world history,在这里学生不懂得观察并列的平行结构的语法关系的逻辑性,英语中应写成:He wants either to study English literature or to study world history. 从以上例子可以看出,语法基本功不扎实是导致表达错误的一个主要原因,分析英语写作中常见结构错误,无论是从理性上还是从教学实践上看都将是大有益处的。英语写作中常见的结构错误有以下几个方面:串句串句:错误地将两个独立分句串在一起,不用连词或标点,这种错误会使读者迷惑不解,读者辨不出一个思想到哪结束,另一个思想从哪里开始。有些串句根本没有标点符号来标明概念不同的停顿。 Kita decided to stop smoking she didnt want to die of lung cancer. The exam was postponed the class was cancelled as well.在逗号连接句中(也叫串句),两个完整的概念之间用一个逗号 Kita decided to stop smoking, she didnt want to die of lung cancer. The exam was postponed, the class was cancelled as well. 可以看到两例子使我们迷惑不解,不知道从何入手找句子内容,而两例句,只用逗号来连接两个完整概念是不够的。 改正和避免串句错误的常见方法有三种:1用一个句号和一个大写字母来标明概念间的停顿。如果两个概念联系不密切或别的方法会使句子太长,就特别要使用这种方法.例改:Kita decided to stop smoking. She didnt want to die of lung cancer.例改:The exam was postponed. The class was cancelled as well.2用一个逗号和一个连接词修改串句的另一种方法是用一个逗号加上一个连接词把两个完整的概念连接起来。连接词(也叫连词)包括and(而且,还),but(但是),for(因为,原因是),or, so(因此,所以),yet.例改:Kita decided to stop smoking, for she didnt want to die of lung cancer.例改:The exam was postponed, and the class was cancelled as well.3用一个分号(;)来连接两个完整的概念 改正串句的第三种方法是使用分号(;)来标明两个概念之间的停顿。分号表示的停顿的比逗号长,但也不像句号那样表示完全的停顿。例改:Kita decided to stop smoking; She didnt want to die of lung cancer.例改:The exam was postponed; The class was cancelled as well.二破句每一个句子都必须有主语和动词,且必须表达一个完整的概念。缺乏主语和动词的词组和不表达完整概念的词组都叫做破句。不管是正确还是错误,破句常在人们的说话和写作中出现。那么在写文章时为什么不应该自由的使用破句呢?这是因为在你学会有节制的,战略性的使用破句之前,你的文章显得很杂乱。 下面是一些人们最常写出的破句类型:1.从属连词引起的破句。有些以从属连词开头的词组是破句。下面是一些常见的从属连词After, unless, even if, even though ,since , before , when (whenever),because, if, who(whoever),while, as (as if ), which(whichever), although , so that, where(wherever), until, that 下面是以从属连词开头的这个词组是一个破句(a) After I arrived in Chicago by bus, I checked into a room. 从属句子-以像after这样的从属连词开头的从句是不能单独存在地。它依赖于另一个句子方能使意义完整。“After I arrived in Chicago by bus”,是一个从属句子,它使我们心有悬念。我们期望在同一个句子中找出作者到芝加哥之后发生了什么事。当作者不接着写下去,完成一个概念时,就会产生破句。另外,应该记住从句本身就是破句,(从句必须附属于一个有意义的单独存在的主句)。下面是含有从属连词破句的段落。(b) “My daughter likes to make paper boats which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath.”“which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath” 本身也不是一个完整的概念,我们想知道同一个句子中which指的是什么。修改由从属连词引起的破句的方法:多数情况下,可以把破句附属于其前或其后的一个主句的方法来改正破句。(a)改:After I arrived in Chicago, I checked into a room. (b)改:My daughter likes to make paper boats, which she floats in the tub during her nightly bath.只去掉这个从属连词。(a)改:I arrived in Chicago by bus.(b)改:She floats in the tub during her nightly bath.2.现在分词和动词不定式引起的破句。 当现在分词和动词不定式出现在一个短语的开头时就会产生破句。这样的破句往往缺少主语或动词的一部分,或是同时缺少主语或动词的一部分。A: I spent almost 2 hours on the phone yesterday. Trying to find a garage to repair my car .Eventually I had to have it towed to a garage in another town.Trying to find a garage to repair my car是一个破句,同时缺少主语或动词的一部分。B: She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500. Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7miles a gallon gas.Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7miles a gallon gas是一个破句,同时缺少主语或动词的一部分。C: He looked forward to the study period at school. It being the only time he could sit unbothered and dream with his future. He imaged himself as a lawyer with lots of money and good women to spend it on. It being the only time he could sit unbothered and dream with his future是一个破句缺少动词。修改由现在分词引起的破句的方法: 使破句从属于其前或其后一个有意义的句子.A句可改为:I spent almost 2 hours on the phone yesterday ,trying to find a garage to repair my car . 加上一个主语,并把现在分词改成动词的正确形式。B句可改为:She realized only a week later that the car averaged 7miles a gallon of gas.把being改成动词be的正确形式C句可改为:It was the only time he could sit unbothered and dream about his future. 当动词不定式符号“to”出现在一个词组的开头或靠近开头时,有时候会产生破句.I plan on working overtime. To get this job finished “ To get this job finished”是一个破句,修改由动词不定式引起的破句的方法:可以把动词不定式加到前面的句子上:I plan on working overtime to get this job finished.3. 增加细节引起的破句。 增加细节引起的破句缺少主语或动词,或者主语和动词都缺少。它们往往以下面的词语开头:for example , also, except, such as ,including, especially, among , like.例 He read in a consumer magazine that the ingredients in many cold medicines do not help a cold .Except for the aspirin in them .He could buy aspirin by himself at a much lower price. The class often starts late. For example,yesterday at 9:15 instead of at nine sharp. He failed a number of course before he earned his disagree. Among them, English、Physics、Biology.以上主语和谓语动词原因与由现在分词引起的破句的原因很相似,学生相当然的认为主句中的主语和谓语动词也可以充当这些词组中的主语和谓语动词.但是句子的最基本成分必须有主语和谓语动词。修改由增加细节引起的破句的方法:增加细节引起的破句附属于它前面的完整思想.例可改为: He read in a consumer magazine that the ingredients in many cold medicine do not help a cold except for the aspirin in them. 把破句加上主语和谓语动词,使其成为一个完整的句子.例可改为: The class often starts late.For example,yesterday it began at 9:15 instead of at 9 sharp.改变必要的词使破句成为它前面的句子的一部分.例可改为: Among the courses he failed before he earned his degree were English,Physics,Biology.4. 缺少主语的破句。缺少主语的破句顾名思义:句子缺主语.例如:1. Tom went to the refrigerator to get milk for his breakfast ceral. And discovered about one tablespoon of milk left.2. Jack looked with admiration at the stunningly attractive model. And wondered how the model looked upon walking up in the morning.修改缺少主语的破句的方法:(1)使破句依附于前面的句子 例1.可改为: Tom went to the refrigerator to get milk for his breakfast ceral and discovered about one tablespoon of milk left. (2)加上主语(这个主语往往是代词,代表上句的主语) 例2.可改为: He wondered how the model looked upon walking up in the morning. 三.错误的平行的结构平行的结构:把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法表达.平行结构能够使我们把意思表达得更清楚,更强调.但要使并列的意义处于合适的位置,须密切注意其语法关系的逻辑。(1) 错误的并列: His car is sporting、fast、expensive and its also comfortable. Jack helps his wife by dusting and cooking his own meals.其实当句子中有不平行成分时,看起来和听起来非常别扭.所谓并列:当词组由并列连词连在一起时,必须具有等同的语法结构.为此, 可改为: His car is sporty, fast, expensive and comfortable. (平行形容词) 可改为: Jack helps his wife by dusting and by cooking his own meals. (平行介词短语)两种很常见的并列错误包括:(a)and who/and which 结构的用法。 (b)不正确的使用关联连词。(a)and who/and which 结构例1.Tom, who is wise and intelligent, and who is our union representative, has been promoted to foreman.例2.Soccer is Europes most popular sport and which is becoming more popular every year in North American, is their favorite.and who/and which 结构是学生所犯的错误中最常见但最严重的一种,因为它导致从句与主句间一种不合逻辑的关系.修改的方法:除非前面有and who/and which从句,决不要用and who/and which 从句.为此,例1.可改为:Tom who is wise and intelligent and who is our union representative, has been promoted to foreman.例2.可改为:Soccer, which is Europes popular every year in North American, is their favorite.(b)不正确的使用关联连词例 He wants either to watch TV or read books.例 He is not only my sister but also he is my friend.关联连词成队使用有:eitheror,neithernor, not only but also, both and,因为它们使用的目的是来比较和对比相似的部分,所以连词的每一部分后面必须跟语法上同样的连词。例改:He wants either to watch TV or to read books.改:He is not only my sister but also my friend. 一系列平行结构上的不正确使用。平行结构:当词或词组被放在一个系列时,它们在意义上和结构上必须都是平行的例 When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases ,took showers and then we went to sleep after eating our lunch.例 Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, offers convenience and it is not very expensive.修改此类错误的一系列平行结构的方法:学会观察,使其词和词组在意义上和结构上保持平行,为此,例改:When we arrived at home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, ate our lunch, and went to sleep. 例改:Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, convenience and inexpensive.错误的省略。学生写作中常见的错误表现在Have/ has ,will, shall结构中例 He always has and always will compete for the highest honor. I always have and always shall practice diligently.修改此类错误:检查一下动词及其每个助动词,如果动词时态错误,该结构就不平行,就应该修改此动词,为此, 例改:He has always competed (不能用compete)and always will compete(不能用competed)for the foreign honor.例改:I have always practiced(不能用practice)diligently and always shall practice.(不言自明)使用than或as的比较形式,逻辑上的不平行,不合逻辑,例 The students attending our school are more intelligent than your school.(把人-学生和事物-建筑物相比) His learning is as extensive as Paul.(把抽象的本领-学校与一个专有名词-Paul相比较)修改的方法:当than或as用来连接平行结构时,要确保它们所比较的事物或概念在逻辑上和语法上保持一致。为此,例改:The students attending our school are more intelligent than the students attending your school.例改:His learning is as extensive as Pauls learning. (或者只用Paul)四修饰语错置修饰语错置指的是因为位置放错有些词并不修饰作者想要它们修饰的词.例 By the end of the week, I had almost earned a hundred dollars in tips.(almost修饰earn,还是hundred) I got on a bus that was going to Nanchang by mistake. (by mistake放在bus后面会令人尴尬,使人迷惑) The old man watched into the lamp post going to the optician. (谁的视力不好,老人还是灯柱) He crossed the stream in a came ,which was recently stocked the fish. (which指代stream还是cane) Students who study often get good grades. (often修饰 study,还是修饰get good grades) 通过以上例题,我们可以看出修饰语错置常常使句子意义混淆,为了避免这种错误,要让修饰语与所修饰的词尽量靠近些,那么,修改修饰语错置的方法: 当使用像only, just, almost, nearly这样的修饰语时,尽量让它们靠近被修饰语,且一般放在被修饰语前面。例改:By the end of the week, I had earned almost a hundred dollars in tips. 当一个麻烦的状语修饰语放在别的什么地方都不合适时,句首往往是个好地方.例改:By mistake, I got on a bus that was going to Nanchang. 如果句子中有两个或几个词修饰语都可依附,那么,几乎任何修饰语都会错置,为此一定在逻辑上,在概念上要清楚。例改:Going to the optician, the old man watched into the lamp post. 注意以which, that开头的从句,确保它们紧跟在被修饰语的后面. 例改:In a canoe, he crossed the stream, which was recently stocked the fish. 不要把修饰语放在可修饰句中两个部分的位置上,否则会使句子的意思模棱两可. 例改:Students who often study get good grades.或者Students who study get good grades often. 为了避免太多的以主语开头的句子,可以把时间,地点,方式的状语从句放在句首,尽管它们所修饰的词远些,但给人一种新鲜感。例:表时间: As graduation approached, I began to learn English.表地点: At the end of the street, I come across a strange man.表方式: With lighting speed, mother finished the household chores and began her writing.五垂悬修饰语垂悬修饰语是一个短语或省略从句(没有主语或谓语,或主语和谓语全无的从句)逻辑上与它们所修饰的词语相分离,因而看起来好像与句子的其他部分无关。下面是垂悬结构的例子:垂 悬 介 词: Before submitting any written works, careful proofreading must be done. (谁必须呈交成果?)垂 悬 分 词 短 语:Going through a red li


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