



仁爱英语七年级上册专项练习一用所给动词的正确形式填空(动词的形式:原形;三单;动词不定式;动名词)1. He often _ (go) to the English corner. 2. He _ (like) _ (speak) English at the English corner. 3. Ann _ (have) many friends here in China. 4. My parents _(be) both office workers. 5. Liu Ting doesnt _ (like) English at all. She seldom _ (speak) English there. 6. Maria is a student. She _ (study) in a school in Beijing now.7. -_ Jane _ ( live) in England? 8. Michael _ ( not like) _ (eat ) some chicken. 9. Kangkangs father _ (be not) a teacher.10. Why not _ (say ) it in English? 11. Lets _ ( go) _ (shop). 12. What about _ (drink ) a cup of tea? 13. What do you want _ (do )? I want _ (visit) my uncle . 14. Joe is my sister. She _(like) _ (play) basketball very much.15. My mother _ (tell) me _ (do ) my homework at once.16. I am glad _ (meet )you here in China. 17. May I _ (study ) Chinese with you, Kangkang? 18. Could you please _(tell) me your name? 19. What can I _ (do) for you? 20. May I _ (use) your bike ? 21. Could you please _ ( study ) English with me ? 22. Let me _ ( help) you _ (study) English.23. Our English teacher _ (make) us _(read ) the dialog loudly 24. Lets _ (begin ) our class. 25. _ (not) watch TV. 26. Please _ (bring) my bag here.27. Would you like something _ (eat)? 28. Hed like a cup of tea _ (drink)29. There are some _ (bus ) in the picture.二用所给单词的正确形式填空(代词形式变化,名词单复数形式变化,动词名词之间变化,名词和形容词之间变化,动词形式变化, 形容词和副词之间变化, 肯定形式与否定形式间的变化)1. Help _( you) to some chicken , kids. 2. What do you think of the English corner? It is _ (help) to us. 3. They are my _ (friend). They are very _ (friend) to me.4. He is a _ (work). He _ (work) in a factory. 5. My father is a _ (teach). He _ (teach) in a high school. 6. Look, they are all _ (farm)? 7. May I have some _ ( noodle) 8. Who are the _ (man) on the sofa?9. They work on the -_-_ (farm) 10. Jane , help _(you) to some meat .11. He lives in _ , he speaks _ (England) 12. Lisa , can you help _ (I ) _ (find ) my bag ? 13. Whose dress is this? Oh , its _ (me )14. I d like a glass of water. _ (I) , too. 15. Two hamburgers for _ (he),please.16. This is _ (she) shirt, -_ ( you) is blue. 17. There are five _(people) in my family. 18. There are 30 _( class) in our school. 19. Do you have any _ (friend) here in China? 20. Sorry , I dont have _ (some) pens. 21. Would you like _ (some )rice and chicken? 22. I live in _ , I am _ (China)23. Yao Ming is a basketball _ (play). He plays basketball very _ (good ).七年级英语专项讲练 一般现在时一般现在时表示现在的状态,如:He is twelve.Kate is in the room.表示经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态,如:We often write to each other. 我们时常相互通信。表示主语现在的性格、特征、能力,如:I like English.We can speak Chinese.I.当谓语动词是be时谓语动词be包括_ _ _ 其意义作_讲,其用法是:我( )用_;你( )用_; _用于他( )她( )它( );复数人称都用_.主要句式:1.肯定句式 主语be( _ _ _)其他。2.否定句式 主语be( _ _ _)not其他。3.一般疑问句 将提前be( _ _ _) ,即:Be( _ _ _)主语其他?肯定回答 Yes,主语(必须是_词)be( _ _ _)否定回答 No,主语(必须是_词)be( _ _ _)not(必须用缩写形式 _ _)闯关练习I.用be的适当形式填空1.-How_ you? -I_ fine. 2.I_ David,and my family name_ Green.3.-What color _ your clock? -It_ white. 4.-What_ this in English?-It_ an apple. 5.Toy_my brother.David_my brother,too.They _ my brothers.6.Look!These_apple trees. 7.We_ good students and you_ good teacher.8.My sister and my brother_ students.9.Five and three _ eight.10._your card number 5578?11.Where_ your pencils?12.Thses sweaters _ fifty dollars.13.How much _ his jacket?14.My brothers birthday_ December 11th. 15.When _ Kates birthday?II.将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出回答1. That is my football.2. Those are his books.3. Jim and Tom are good friends.4. My birthday is November 1st.5. His son is twelve years old.III.将下面的句子变成否定句1. His card is on the table.2. Thses are my parents.3. Bob and Tony are our friends.4. These things are five dollars.5. The girl is his sister.IV.划线提问1. Our teachers are in the classroom.2. The girls telephone number is 032-55746.3. Her pen is black.4. September 10th is Teachers Day.5. Thery are thirteen years old.6. The boy is fine.7. The old man is my grandfather.8. These socks are five yuan.II.当谓语动词是实义动词时1.当主语是第一人称(_ _);第二人称(_)及第三人称复数(_及复数的 _)时主要句式:(1)肯定句 主语实义动词其他(2)否定句 主语dont实义动词其他(3)一般疑问句 Do主语实义动词其他 肯定回答 Yes,主语(必须是 词)do 否定回答 No,主语(必须是 词)dont2.当主语是第三人称单数(_ _ _及单数的_)时主要句式:(1)肯定句 主语实义动词的单三形式其他(2)否定句 主语doesnt实义动词原形其他(3)一般疑问句 Does主语实义动词原形其他 肯定回答 Yes,主语(必须是 词)does 否定回答 No,主语(必须是 词)doesnt动词单三形式变化规则:一、一般情况加s,例如:looks, likes, wants,plays,二、以ch, sh, s, x或o结尾的词,加-es,例如:teaches, washes, guesses, goes, does三、辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i加-es,例如:carry-carries, study-studies特殊变化 have-has读音情况如下:1、在p, t, k, f清辅音后,读s,例如:hopes, invites, asks2、在z, s, ?, t?, dz后,读iz,例如:teaches, wishes, fixes3、在浊辅音和元音及其它情况下, 读z,例如:plans, tries, sends闯关练习I.将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出回答1.I have a baseball.2.Meria likes apples very much.3.He plays Ping-pang every day.4.We watch TV in the evening.5.Mr Wang often buys lots of things.6. Janey and Mary go to school at 7:30.1.Im from China. _ _from China?2.I come from the U.S.A. _ _ come from the U.S.A?3.She is twelve. _ _ twelve? 4.She has long hair. _ she _ longhair?5.Are you Li Ming? No, Im _.。 6. Is she from China? No, she _.7. Are they in red? No, they _. 8.Do you have black eyes? No, I_.9.Does Maria come from Cuba? No, she _.10.Do Jane and Michael have the same looks? No, they _.II. 将下面的句子变成否定句1.I need a bag for sport.2.He wants to go to a movie.3.She often goes to see Beijing Opera.4.The girl has an egg for breakfast.5.We play basketball every day.6.My teacher knows my name.7.It sounds very interesting. 8. Im a girl. Im _ a girl. 9.She is twelve. She _ twelve.10.You are right. You _ right. 11.I know. I _ know.12.We look the same. We _ look the same.13.He has a wide mouth. He _ have a wide mouth.14.I come from Japan. I _ come from Japan.III.划线提问1. He likes apples and milk for lunch.2. Mr.Liu plays Ping-pang every day.3. His sister wants to go to a movie.4. We play basketball every day.1.This is their room. _ _ is this?2.Those bananas are yellow. _ _ are those bananas?3. Tom is from Canada. _ _ Tom from?4.My friend is short and he has a big nose and small eyes._ _ your friend look like?5.The boy in a white T-shirt is my brother. _ is the boy in a white T-shirt?6.They are thirteen. _ _ are they?7.We are in Class 5, Grade 7. _ _ are you in?8.These are apple


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