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U5T2P4Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 2 Im feeling better now.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Feeling Excited 为主题。第二话题在系表结构表达感情的基础上学习与别人分享自己的感受并学会安慰和提出建议的表达法。主要功能句有What seems to be the problem? How are you feeling today? Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad? I was really upset and lonely.主要语法是原因状语从句和同级比较结构的肯定和否定形式。本话题的词汇是描述感受和感情的形容词以及提出建议的动词。此外在语音学习环节将关注双元音/ I/和/ e /的区别,句子中的停顿、弱读和不完全爆破等,最后通过Project 的活动讨论同学们的问题并提出相应的建议,对所学内容进行积极应用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 2第二课时:Section A-3 Section B-1a,1b,1c 第三课时:Section B-2a,2b Section C -2 Section B -3a,3b第四课时:Section C-5,3,1a,1b,1c, 4第五课时: Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 2,Project第四课时(Section C-5,3,1a,1b,1c, 4)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section C-1a。本节课的课型为阅读课。利用歌曲热身,开始新的一课。在复习环节利用SectionC-3的表格和图片让学生造句复习同级比较结构。同时学习两个新词汇lovely和helpful。在Pre-reading环节里,首先通过对关键词的讨论猜测文章大意,学习新词汇。接下来阅读表格猜测答案,学生可预测答案的词性,并可以带着问题去阅读1a,加深对文章的理解。有助于提高学生阅读理解的能力。在While-reading环节,学生阅读文章完成1b表格并回答几个更深层次的问题。加深对文章的理解同时锻炼学生组织语言回答问题的能力。在Post-reading环节,首先通过问答的方式解决学生的疑难,巩固知识点。之后复述课文。最后让学生仿照SectionC-3的表格自制一张表格对比自己与组员的异同,并用asas和not as/so as结构写出有关自己和组员相比较的小短文,完成SectionC-4的书面表达练习。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇和短语。usual, either, accept, lovely, helpful, international, as usual(2)学习并掌握形容词和副词的同级比较结构。I live as happily as before.I couldnt sleep as well as usual.Helen is as lovely as Maria.Maria is not as/so brave as Helen.2. Skill aims: (1) 能用asas和not as/so as结构熟练地口头谈论有关两个人或事物同级比较的话题。(2) 能用asas和not as/so as结构规范地写出有关自己和朋友的一些情况的比较的短文。3. Emotional aims:教育学生遇到问题要主动与他人交流,同时要学会适应新的环境。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 正确运用单词表中单词及短语。2. 正确运用asas和not as/so as结构进行交谈和写作。Difficult points:用as.as.和not as/so as结构正确地写出带有比较内容的短文。. Learning strategies1. 通过听唱英文歌曲练习和提高学生的听力与发音。2. 在写作环节进行合作学习可取长补短,互相促进,共同进步! . Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greeting as usual. Prepare for the new lesson. Play the video of Its a small world.T: Good morning, everyone! T:How are you feeling today?T:Lets enjoy a beautiful song named Its a small world. T: Singing English songs can improve your listening and pronunciation. I hope you can learn to sing some English songs in your free time.Greeting as usual. Prepare for the new lesson. Enjoy the song Its a small world .Ss: Good morning, MissSs: Very well. Ss:Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Individual work)Show the form in 3 and review the equal comparison.T: Now lets begin our lesson. You know, Helen would like to help Li Hong to make her happy again. We can say Helen is helpful. Can you understand what I mean?T: Good. And I think she is not only helpful but also lovely. You may find lovely is an adjective. You are all lovely.T: In the last lesson we learned a useful structure. You can use asas to express equal comparison. Look at the table in 3 and make sentences with asas or not as/soas to compare Helen with Maria.T: Good job! You did as well as usual. Im always proud of you.Make sentences according to the form in 3 and review the equal comparison.Ss: Yes. You mean Helen likes to help others. She is kind-hearted.Ss: Thank you.S1: Helen is as lovely as Maria.S2: Maria is not as brave as Helen.S3: Helen is as helpful as Maria.S4: Maria doesnt write so carefully as Helen.S5: Helen runs as fast as Maria.利用SectionC-3复习同级比较,同时学习新单词。Remark:可以用多种方式复习同级比较。如头脑风暴,看图造句,根据实物造句等。Stage 3(8mins): Pre - reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activities)Lead in 1a. Teach the new words.T: Life isnt always full of happiness. We may have some bad experiences. Who can tell us one of them?T: When we have some difficulties, we should talk with our friends. You know, Li Hong has some problems. How does she talk to her friends?T: Yes. Now lets guess what she wrote in the letter. Please read the underlined key words and guess what the letter is about.T: Why? Can you guess the reasons?T: All of your guessing is reasonable. You mean she couldnt study and play with her old friends as usual. Right?T: Usual is the adjective of usually. Can you guess its meaning?T: Excellent! So can you understand “as usual”?T: Good. Lets go on. You said Li Hong may not be used to the life here. I agree with you. Maybe she doesnt like the environment here. What other things do you think she didnt like?T: And I think maybe she didnt like the food here, either. Lets go on guessing. How about the next underlined word?T: Why? What has changed for her?T: You mean her classmates all accept her and she is not lonely any longer.T: It means to treat sb./sth. as welcome. All the classmates accept her and she lives as happily as before.Read the underlined words and phrases in the passage and guess the main idea of it. Learn the new words.S1:I was lonely before, but now I have many friends.Ss:Ss: She wrote to her friend about her problems. S2: A few months ago, she was upset and lonely.S3: She was new here and she didnt have and friends.S4: She missed her old friends.S5: She wasnt used to the life in the new school.Ss:S6: Yes. But what do you mean by “as usual”? S6: Does it mean “通常的,平常的”in Chinese?S7: It means “像往常一样”.S8: Maybe she didnt like the people here.S9: Later, something changed. She lived happily again.S10: Helen and other students made friends with her. S11: What does “accept” mean?通过师生讨论关键词的方式猜测文章大意并学习新词汇。2(Pair work)Ask the students to read the form in 1b and predict the answers.T: Before reading the passage, lets read the form in 1b. You may predict the answers and discuss the answers with your partners. Read the form in 1b and predict the answers.Ss:读1b表格,猜测答案。Remark:通过阅读表格和猜测答案,至少可以确定答案的词性。不仅有助于理解文章,还能培养学生的综合语言运用能力。Stage 4(10mins):While - reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Ask the students to read 1a and complete the table in 1b. And then check the answers.T: Read the passage in 1a and complete the table in 1b.T: Check your answers with your partners.Read 1a and complete the table in 1b. And then check the answers.Ss:Ss:阅读文章,完成1b表格。2(Individual work)Show some questions about the passage.(1) How did she feel several months ago?(2) Did Li Hong think the roads here were as clean as those in her hometown?(3) What did Li Hong think the food and the people were?(4) Do the classmates accept her now?T: Read the passage again and answer the questions.T: Who can tell me the answers?Read 1a again and answer the questions.Ss:S1:设置更深层次的问题,加深对文章的理解同时锻炼学生组织语言回答问题的能力。Remark:Stage 5(15mins): Post- readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activities)Deal with the difficult points in the passage. T: Can you find the key points in the passage? T: Can you make a sentence with it?T: Anyone else?T: Im afraid not. Either is used after two negative sentences. For example, I dont like the red shirt and I dont like the green one, either. Can you give me an example?T: You gave a good example. Any other questions?Deal with the difficult points in the passage. S1: I think “as usual” is an important phrase. S2: After school I went back home and had supper as usual.S3: Can I change “either” into “too” in the sentence “The food was not as delicious as ours, either.”S4: She wont go there and Peter wont go, either.Ss: Thats all. 通过询问学生是否有疑难的方式解决疑难问题,巩固语言点。2(Group work)Ask the students to retell the passage according to 1b.T: You have known how Li Hong talked about her problems with her friends. Lets work in groups and retell her letter based on the key words and the table in 1b.T: Now Ill ask some students to retell the letter. Who would like to have a try?Retell the passage according to 1b.Ss:Ss:3(Individual work)Ask the students to make a table to compare their group members with themselves. And then write a short passage.T: Look at the table in 3. Now make a similar table to compare your group members with you. And then write a short passage about it. You may begin with the help of the sentences in 4.NametalloldcarefullyfriendlyS1S2S3S4T: Exchange your compositionswith your partners and you cancorrect your partnerscompositions.T: Who would like to read yourpassage for us?Make a table to compare their group members with themselves. And then write a short passage.Ss:Ss:S1: Let me have a try. .根据Section C-3、4的提示写短文对比自己与组员的异同,运用和巩固同级比较句式。Remark:在写作环节进行合作学习可取长补短,互相促进,共同进步!Stage 6(4mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: Class


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