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SIA Unit 1 Schools and education DialogueWord:D1 prestigiousprestdsadj.有声望的,有名望的D2 intermediatentmi:ditadj.中级的fluently flu:ntladv. 流利地,流畅地recommend rekmendv. 推荐general denrladj. 大致的;综合的; 普遍的D3brilliantbrlintadj.聪明的climate klamtn. 气候;水土,风土;interact ntrktv. 相互Phrase:D1 Bachelor of Arts degree btl文学学士学位D2 placement test入学分级测试General English course通用英语课程D3 cross ones mind浮现在某人的脑海中wishful thinking痴心妄想Where there is a will, there is a way有志者事竟成Class 1Interpretation of Figures:B M TH百 十 千 百 十亿 亿 亿 万 万 万 千 ,百 十 个Billion 十亿 Million百万 Thousand千Ps: numbers involving three digits should be marked off with the word “and” between the second and third digits.Cardinal numbers 基数词 A number, such as 3 or 11 or 412, used in counting to indicate quantity but not order.Ordinal numbers 序数词 The ordinal numbers includes first, second, third, and so on. A number indicating position in a series or order. The ordinal numbers are first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), and so on.Fraction 分数: Cardinal number 分子 (基本词)Ordinal number 分母 (序数词)Ps: 分子超过1时,分母加”S”1/4 a quarter 3/4 three quarters 1/2 one half正式/ a half 口语Airport AnnouncementDestinationFlight numberGate numberDestinationFlight numberGate number1Tokyo50025Madrid64192Singapore1166Paris81443Vienna45587Athens26024New York318128Boston7424Free talk Counter-measures: 1, 2, 3Conclusion : Board v depart v departure n Attention=ATT Please=Pls Pause=Decimals: decimal point 0.1 naught=English E zero=America EIndefinite numbers: about around roughly approximately fewer than less than under below within above more than数十 tens of scores of (40-99) 数十 Dozens of (24-99) decades of 数十年Tens of thousands of Temperature温度: 摄氏Celsius 华氏 Fahrenheit 温度低于below七大洲(按面积)亚洲非洲北美洲南美洲南极洲欧洲大洋洲七大洲AsiaAfricaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAntarcticaEuropeOceaniaPs: 五大洋=太平洋;大西洋;印度洋;北冰洋;南冰洋Free talk:Introduce one of the scenic spot youve been to.(when, how to go, with whom)Tourist attraction(scenic spot)The advantages and disadvantages of tourism.Ref: 1. Definition 2. There are more advantages than1. Broaden; 2. Make friends3. Advantages: Society; individual; investment(income;employment)4. Disadvantage 5. ConclusionClass 2CPI 消费者物价指数Consumer Price IndexGDP 国内生产总值Gross Domestic ProductGNP 国民生产总值 Gross National ProductFree talk:Introduce one of the traditional Chinese Festival Introduce one of the foreign festivals.Ref: 1. Origin 2. How do local people celebrate? 3. How do you celebrate?Words:The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 The fifth day of the fifth 农历5月5The Mid- autumn Festival中秋 The Lantern Festival 元宵The Double ninth Festival 重阳 The Pure Brightness Festival 清明节The Spring Festival 春节 Chinese Lunar New Year 中国农历新年On the eve of the Spring Festival 除夕 Decorate the doors with couplets 春联A feast of the eve of the Spring Festival 年夜饭 Red envelop with money inside 压岁钱将年定为12年一循环 以动物命名 家庭团聚 扫除霉运 红色代表吉祥如意常用于喜庆场合。Dragon Boat Festival 它是为纪念被腐败朝廷放逐而投江自尽的古代诗人屈原Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th days of the 5th lunar monthIt is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan, and ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court.Zongzi: glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.中秋: 圆圆的月亮象征着家庭美满团聚The round moon is a symbol for completeness and family reunion.Moon cake: with nuts坚果, candied蜜饯, preserved fruits蜜饯, bean paste豆沙, duck egg yolk咸蛋黄(鸭蛋) Mix a little sugar into the bean paste.豆沙里和点儿糖。FriendshipDefinitionBenefits that friendship brings. How to maintain friendship Watson.广出猎,见草中石,以为虎而射之,中石,没镞,视之,石也,因复而射之,终不能复入厂矣。史记(33字)余光中Li Kuang was out hunting one time when he spied a rock in the grass which he mistook for a tiger. He shot an arrow at the rock and hit it with such force that the tip of the arrow embedded itself in the rock. Later, when he discovered that it was a rock, he tried shooting at it again, but he was unable to pierce it a second time.(70 words)For Illustration 一个事物的两个方面(互不矛盾)First, to begin with, for one thing (for another), for example, for instance, to illustrateFor further illustrationSecondly, equally, similarly, likewise, in addition, besides, furthermore, moreover For contrast 对比,对照;差异,差别But, yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of, by contrast, instead of, on the other hand, on the contraryFor making a conclusionSo, therefore, in fact, for this reason, in this regard, consequently, accordingly, as a result.Words.Access the InternetGo on the netGet hooked an the Internet 上瘾Surf the wet Log on the wetConnect to the InternetSelf- service terminals 自终终端 Help yourself terminate XCall off 每隔 过期Stable Stability She lacks emotional stability.她的情绪不稳定Broaden ones horizons. 开阔眼界The river broadens here.河流在这里变宽了双重间碟double agent/ special agent 原因导致结果 lend to Be responsible for Spare a rod, spoil a child 不打不成器/不打不成才 直译:省下一个棍子,宠坏了一个孩子。Pacify vt 使(某人)安静He tried to pacify the mob他试图安抚暴民Ireland 爱尔兰(不列颠群岛之一)EireFree talk:What role do mass media play in your life.Ref: Print media VS Aural media Newspaper Electronic Journal Radio TV Magazine Internet TV VS RadioTV: 1. Connect us to the outside world2. Tell us what is happening near and far3. Shortens the distance between us and the outside world4. Broaden our horizons5. Get instructed.Radio: 1. Radio is portable; you can carry it with you whenever you go. 2. Enjoy listening to informative/ instructive amusing relaxing programs while reading/ waiting for a bus riding on/ a train/ or driving.TV is visual/ not only tells you what is happening, but also lets you see it with your own eye.It is more lifelike vivid and read one picture is worth a thousand words.We no longer have enough time to develop other interests.Homework for Free talk:Is Science a two-edged weapon?Has Science Made us Lazy?(The Advantages and the Disadvantage of Great Discoveries)Ref: 1. S& T computerInternet2.advantage of 3. Disadvantage4. ConclusionHas Science Made us Lazy?The Power of Science.Science has not only changed our life style, but also transformed our way of thinking.The development of science and technology has provided great convenience and comfort.The power of science lies in its ability to make us better at thinking and acting.There is a beneficial cycle: inventions lead to open-mindedness, which in turn results in more novel ideas and inventions.Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to understand the whole universe and miracle of life. They offer the prospect of liberating people from housework on an unprecedented. Scale and of eliminating disease. =give up结构:With the rapid advancement of science and technologyWith the rapid development of economy(society)With the accumulation of knowledge As far as I am concerned in my opinion(view)Secrets of Straight A studentsIts not how long you sit there with the books open. Its what you do while youre sitting.Set prioritiesStudy is business; business comes before recreation. Once the books are open, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored.Study anywhere or everywhereA student posted a vocabulary list by the cabinet. He learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth.ConsistencyWhatever I was doing, I maintained, a slot every day for studying.Get organizedSchedule your timeDraw up a timetable, dividing the project into small pieces. Its like eating a steak. You chew it one bite at a time. Take good notes and using themTake your own notes while reading the text assignment.Test yourself Do more than youre asked, If the teacher assigns five problems, the straight-A student does ten. Parting of learning is practicing The more you practice, the more you learn.Free talk:Juvenile Crime 青少年犯罪The Problem of the Old Age.Long lifespan:1. Economic development 2. Living standards 3. Advanced medical cure 4. Family planning policy 计划生育政策 Ref: Education not enough: 1. Family background-birth control policy2. School -self centered 3. Lack of sense of safetymass media-publicity -government-enforce the lawSet good example 树立好榜样Solution: strengthen education& supervision The elderly the old (people) Senior citizen Free talk:What kind of teacher do you like best? Ideal teacherEnvironmental problems Ref: 小学/中学/大学=时间=空间语/英 不同阶段的学生对老师喜欢的方面不一样。 环境: 1. Categories 2. Consequences 3. Reasons 4.Countermeasures =government-enforce law =mass media-publicity =individual Ps. 1. Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways that man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke. Poisons the water with chemicals and other substances and damages the solid with too many fertilizers and pesticides. People rain natural beauty by scattering junk and litter. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Nearly everyone causes pollution in some way. Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution. People would have stopped using many things. That benefit them scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that automobiles and factories caus. Government can pass and enforce law that requires business and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting activities. Free talk:What are prospects on China after China joins WTO opportunity & Challenge.Ref: Opportunity economic benefit industry open marketbusiness opportunitiesinvestment consumer greater choices; products and services cultural exchange improve Regulations and policies Challenge inefficient companies.Free talk:What are the benefits of hosting an Olympic Games? Ref: Society enhance overall national strength tourism Transportation Cultural exchange Municipal facilities Environment Service Individual- pride Free talk:Is Successful Career more Important than health? Ref: 1. Categories 2. Reasons 3. How to keep开场白:On behalf of all the members of the delegationId like to extend sincerest thanks to the major for the warm hospitality. Free talk:How to solve the traffic problem in Shanghai.Ref: means of transportation Subway/ Underground/ Metro Light rail transportation (LRT) 轻轨 Magnetic levitation train system (Maglev) 磁悬浮Traffic accident Jaywalk Collide VS Collision Crash Aviation accidentsAdditional Passage: The Ideal TeacherThe ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin, the important thing,
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