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2010-2011学年上学期部分学校毕业年级期中联考九年级英语试卷听力测试部分第一节(共6小题,每小题1分)听下面6个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。1 A By bus. B With Kate. C Its fine.2 A Its all right. B Thank you. C Sure.3 A At the school gate. B Hawaii . C Tomorrow morning.4 A Table tennis B Go hiking C Math5 A Its a fine day. B Its Thursday. C Its March 8.6 A Very nice. B Its about young people. C About two hours.第二节(共6小题,每小题1分)听下面6段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。7 What will Tom do tomorrow? A He will go fishing with his friend. B He will go to school. C He will help his mum.8 What did the man think of the concert? A He thought it was worth the money. B He didnt like it at all. C He had his money back.9 Where are they talking? A In a book store. B In a hotel. C In a park.10 What will the man do? A He will turn down the TV. B He will turn up the TV. C He will go to sleep.11 How much will the woman pay for two tickets? A 2280 Yuan B 1280 Yuan C 2560 Yuan12 What was David doing last night? A He was talking to a friend. B He was watching TV about the US. C He was writing an e-mail.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分)听第13段材料,回答第13至15题。13 Where did the woman fall down? A On the stairs. B From the bike. C On the wet floor.14 What is the matter with the woman? A Her left leg hurts. B Her right leg hurts. C Both of her legs hurt.15 How will they go to see the doctor? A By car B By bike C On foot听第14段材料,回答第16至18题。16 How many countries has Betty been to? A 4 B 5 C 617 Can the woman speak French? A Yes, but only a little. B Yes, she is good at it. C No, she cant speak French at all.18 How long did the man take the course? A 7 days B 14 days C 21 days听第15段材料,回答第19至22题。19 Where was the man ? A At the police station. B In the taxi. C Its not clear.20 What did the man lose? A His ID card and cell phone. B His ID card and some money. C His ID card and cell phone and some money.21 Whats the number of the taxi? A A38902 B B38902 C C3980222 Which of the following is NOT true according to the dialogue? A The man found his bag. B The man is very worried. C The woman will call him later.听第16段材料,回答第23至25题。23 What is Garfield like? A He is lazy , funny and fat. B He is angry. C He is kind-hearted and thin.24 Why did Garfield try to get Odie out of the house? A Because he didnt want to share the house with Odie. B Because he cant watch TV. C Because Odie got all of the owners love.25 Who caught Odie? A Jon B A television reporter C A director第二部分 笔试部分二 选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)从各题所给的A、B、C、D四各选项中,选出一个最佳答案。26. -How clean our classroom is! -Yes. I am sure someone_ it. A cleans B will clean C is cleaning D has cleaned27. -I think Mr Liu is the most popular teacher in our school. -_. We all like him very much.A So does he B So he does C So he is D So is he28.- I had too much homework yesterday. I didnt go to bed until half past eleven. -No wonder you look so _ now.A sleepy B energetic C frustrated D annoyed29. -What present should I take to Kathys birthday party? -If I were you, I _ take some flowers to her. A will B must C may D would 30. -When does the Readers_? - At the beginning of every month. A come out B take out C put out D get out31.-Will you please stay here for the party?-Sorry, I_.Ill have to go to an important meeting.A mustnt B neednt C cant D wont32.- Will you look after my baby while I am away? -_. A Certainly not B You are welcome C With pleasure D Never mind33. -I didnt do well in the English test -You will fail again_ you work harder. A until B before C if D unless34. -Ive got an A in the examination. -Thats a good _. You will surely win a second. A advice B news C start D idea35. -Did your family travel to Shanghai Expo during the National Day holidays? - No. we heard it was too_. We went to Qingdao instead. A touristy B fascinating C beautiful D educational36. -What is your plan for this weekend? -I am _ visiting the amusement park in the city.A thinking B planning C preparing D considering37. -Would you like to go out for a walk with us? -_, but I must finish my work first. A Id love to B Id love C Of course not D Yes, I would 38. I used to _ in the morning, but now Im used to _before going to bed.A read read B reading read C read reading D reading reading 39.-Nick ,You dont have to share the umbrella with Erin. Ill give you one _. -Mom, its fine with us. A. every B. more C. each D. both40.- How have you been recently? -_. A Ive been here by air. B very well, thanks. C Its very nice to be here these days. D Thats all right.三、完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-55各题所给的A、B、C、D四各选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Jake was a fisherman and at the weekends he often took his boat out to the middle of the lake to relax. One day, Jake was _41 in his boat. The sun was shining and he was 42_ the gentle lapping(波浪拍打声) of the water around his boat. He _43 _a woman walking by the side of the lake.The woman_44_ and called out, “Hey! You! Are you thinking out there?Jake was a bit_45_ at her calling, but he answered _46_, “Yes, Im thinking. I always come out fishing to _47_ a bit of peace and quietness.”The woman wouldnt _48_ as Jake hoped, but shook her head and shouted again, “But youre thinking!”Jake was getting tired of the woman so he shouted back again at her, “Yes, I was thinking _49_ you interrupted(打扰) me! Now, clear off and _50_ me alone. You are scaring the fish.He was surprised to see that the woman_51_ wouldnt walk away and she just stood there looking at him. Since she wasnt making any _52_ any more, he decided to continue fishing. _53_, Jake noticed that the boat was filling up fast with_54_ and almost immediately the boat sank. He became wet from head _55_ foot, freezing cold. The woman was standing on the bank, looking down at him.“I said that you were sinking,” she said, “but you wouldnt listen.”41 A looking B singingC standingD sitting 42 A listening toB putting awayC hearing ofD looking after43 A caughtB heardC noticedD visited 44 A cameB stoppedC sentD changed45 A annoyed B surprisedC sadD interested46 A lonelyB happilyC livelyD politely47 A miss B enjoyC findD keep48 A go down B go offC go onD go away49 A until B soC orD if 50 A makeB stayC leaveD put51 A always B stillC alsoD yet52 A noiseB voiceC problemD matter53 A Luckily B HoweverC SuddenlyD Instead54 A waterB fieldC fireD fish55 A in B onC forD to四、阅读理解(本题共30分,每小题2分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 A Neighborhood yentas are wellknown women. They spend most of their time watching people around them. The yentas have this title for this. “Yenta” is a Yiddish word. It means a trouble maker or a talkative person. Nobody in the street is safe from their eyes or tongue. Yentas certainly are not bad people. They pass on messages and advice. They give up-to-the-minute weather reports. They know who is doing what. They see,hear,and know all and usually repeat it. They have called themselves reporters. Some of the yentas neighbors think them so interested in others things that they forget their own. Sometimes, however ,a child has to be found,or a robbery has to be reported. Then what yentas do are helpful. Every neighborhood thanks its yentas very much. It doesnt matter what their color,belief(信仰) or accent(口音) is.56. From the passage we know that a yenta_ A. is famous for watching people walking B.1ikes talking about others C. can be either a man or a woman D. is not a help at all57.If you live near a yenta,you_ A. will not be safe B. cant stop yourself from being watched C. will be stopped when you pass by D. have to pay for their help58.When you are in trouble,yentas_ A. will make a joke on you B. will watch you all the time C. can sometimes give you a hand D. will report that to the police59.The word “up-to-the-minute” means_ A. oldest B. best C. latest D. worst60.Which of the following is NOT true? A. We can get weather reports from yentas. B. You can learn things about neighbors from yentas.C. Yentas are sometimes a help to others. D. Yentas care more about themselves than about others. BTeen pop star Miley Cyrus is famous for her self confidence, so its surprising to hearshe hates herself.The 17-year-old actress/singer tells Times that she cant wait to killthe person who made herfamous,Hannah Montana.What I am sure about is Im going to rejoice and be happy to finally not have to be . well, not be somebody Im not exactly,Cyrus says of the role she has played since she was 12.The starsaid shes grown out of the character(角色),but mustwaituntil January 2011 whenDisneys Hannah Montanacomes to the end.Cyrus, who is filming the fourth season of Montana, says part of the problem is the common Disney style which makes Cyrus feel like a product(产品).I am not a doll, and people want to treat me that way, she tells Times. Im older now. I have an opinion. I have my own taste. Cyrus taste has come into change lately. “Slowly get undressed.is her latest song. But she adds that its not singing about herself, but simplytelling a story.61 This story can be seen in _.A a magazine B a diary C a novel D a poster62 Why does Cyrus hate herself?A Because she killed the person who made her famous,Hannah Montana.B Because she has got tired of playing in Hannah Montana.C Because she doesnt like her change in age and taste.D Because Disney turned her into a product.63 How old will she be when Hannah Montana is over ?A 17 B 5 C 18 D 1264 Which is true according to the passage?A Miley Cyrus is a singer rather than an actress.B Montana has four seasons in all.C Miley Cyrus has grown in mind and body and she feels the role in Hannah Montana is not fit for her.D Miley Cyrus is not confident any more.65 The underlined word rejoice probably meansA feel happy B feel sorry C refuse D work hardC66 Mary is allowed to order her lunch from a small restaurant on the third Thursday of every month.During the month of November,she orders it on the_.A.16th B.17th C.21st D.14th67 January 8,2007 will fall on_.A.Saturday B.Sunday C.Monday D.Tuesday68 The dates of the first Sunday of October,November and December are_.A.the 5th, the 1st and the 31st B.the 5th, the 30th and the 3rdC.the lst, the 4th and the 2nd D the lst, the 5th and the 3rd69 During the month of December,Kate is learning to swim.She needs to attend lessons once a week.The day she can attend the most lessons is_.A. Wednesday B.Monday C.Tuesday D. Sunday 70 Toms birthday is on the 13th of December.The number of days from the date (not included)shown on the calendar until his birthday is_.A.3 B.13 C.28 D.30第二卷(非选择题,共35分)五、词与短语填空(本题共10分,每小题2分) 先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。) convenient /churches / cities / expensive / however / In general For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest 71 in Europe. It doesnt have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffle Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous 72 in the world. Travelling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually quite 73 to take the underground train to most places. 74 , though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France , 75 , is the wine!六、阅读理解填词(本题共10分,每小题1分)先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。That day I looked in the mirror and asked myself, “why am I acting like my friends want me to be and not how I want to be?”I realized I had to c_ 76 .So I started dressing, acting and laughing as I liked. To my surprise, I found that people liked me m_ 77 when I acted as I wanted to rather than when I acted like my friends.That experience taught me that you always have to b 78 in yourself.It doesnt m 79 if you wear the latest clothes or shoes. What really matters is who you are and what you think of o 80 .If anyone tries to act like each other, life would be b 81 . Everyone would dress the same, l 82 the same and talk the same.To have f 83 in life, everyone should be themselves.Everyone has something special in them that they need to s 84 to the world. They shouldnt try to act like their f 85 .七、书面表达(本大题15分)老师为了给学生提供英语实践的机会,将在周末举行英语交流活动,要求每位同学用英语介绍一位身边同学的情况。请你用英语准备一篇发言稿,介绍你的朋友Li Ming。要点如下:1很善于学习功课,最喜欢的科目是英语。2对人友善,乐于助人。3课余喜爱音乐和上网,常常上网搜索自己喜欢的歌曲和有用信息。4. 他认为唱英文歌和看英文电影对学英语有帮助。注意: 1. 要求包括内容要点,语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 词数60-80;3. 参考词汇:information信息;3. 介绍的开头已给出。Fellow students, Im glad to tell you something about my friend, Li Ming. 答 案1 -25 A C B C C A C B B A C C C A A B A C C C A A A C B 26 -40 D C A D A C C D C A D A C B B 41-55 D A C B A D B D A C B A C A D 56-70 B B C C D A B C C A A C D D C71 cities 72 churches 73 convenient 74 In general 75 however76. change 77. more 78. believe 79. matter 80. others81. boring 82. look 83. fun 84. show 85. friends录音稿1. How did you come to school yesterday?2. Could you do me a favor?3. Where will wego for vacation?4. Which subject do you like best?5. Whats the date today?6. How do you like the film?7.W: Would you like to go fishing with me after school, Tom?M: Id love to. But I will help Mum with housework at home.8.W: How did you like the concert yesterday evening?M: I wish I could have my money back. The music sounds terrible.9.W: Hello. Can I book a double room with sea views?M: Yes. How long will you stay here?10.W: Could you please turn down the TV?M: Sorry, I didnt notice that.11.W: Would you please tell me how much I should pay for two people to fly from Wuhan to Hong Kong?M: The price of the ticket from Wuhan to Hong Kong is one thousand two hundred and eighty yuan each.12.W: Hello, David. You look tired today.M: Yes, I went to bed very late last night. I was writing an email about an interesting story and forgot the time.13.M: Whats the matter, Kathy? Are you ill?W: I fell down on the wet floor. Im afraid my left leg is broken.M: Oh, let me see.W: It hurts right here.M: I think youd better go to see the doctor and take an X-ray picture to see if there is anything wrong with your bones.W: Could you pleasego with me?M: OK. I will drive you there.W: Thanks a lot.14.M: How was your holiday, Betty?W: Great! Ive been to Europe for two weeks.M: Which countries have you been


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