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课题:Unit 5 What would you like?(Part A Lets learn)(PEP Book2) By Cheng Shaoping from Sanshui Experimental Primary School 设计者:佛山市三水区实验小学 程少萍一、教案背景:近几年,我校致力于“向40分钟的课堂要效率” 的有效课堂研究活动。2010年11月,我区教育局教研室举行了“英语送课下乡”活动,应我区教育局教研室的邀请,在我校领导的大力推荐和支持下,我欣然地接受了任务,并到我区大塘工业园小学上了下面这节课,获得了在场老师的一致好评。二、教材分析:1、教材内容:本节课为PEP四年级上册第五单元第一课时,本课时的主要内容是与一日三餐有关的词汇。通过本课教学使学生能够听说认读新授单词rice fish beef soupnoodlesvegetable,并结合实物图片,在真实情景中运用所学单词以及所学句型What would you like? I d like Can I have some? Sure.Here you are. 本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流。2、教材地位:在本课时之前学生已经在三年极上册第五单元Lets eat 和三年级下册第四单元Do you like pears ? 中学习了一些有关食物、饮料的单词:juice, bread, milk, chicken, hot dog, hamburger.以及句型:“What do you like? Do you like.?” 并且能够表达自己的喜好(I like.Can I have some?),有了一定的基础,而本课时是第五单元的第一课时,学好本课为更好地学习本单元有关食物的话题奠定了基础。三、教学方法:根据以上对教材的分析,结合自己英语教学生活化、情境化的教学理念,我采用了情境法、TPR教学法以及任务型教学法,通过创设多个生活化的情景,来复习旧知、引出新知、操练新知,在教学过程中坚持“词不离句”的教学原则,从说单词到说句子并过渡到说段,逐步引导学生运用英语完成一个个有实际意义的语言任务。四、教学设计:I.Teaching aims:1.Be able to read and say the words: rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable.2.Be able to use the sentences: Can I have some? Sure, here you are.3.Good to know: Healthy food & Unhealthy food.IIKey points and difficult points: 1. The words: rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable.2. The sentences: Can I have some? Sure, here you are.3. Be able to distinguish C.N.& U.N.IIITeaching aids:VCD, PPT, word cards of rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable.IV. Teaching steps: (T means teacher, Ss means students.)Step 1: Greetings & Free talk.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Hello, Im Miss Cheng. I am from Sanshui Experimental Primary School. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: How are you ? Ss: Fine,thank you, and you? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. Just now, I introduce myself. Its your turn. Hello, whats your name? (Ask some Ss.)S1: Im /My namesT: Nice to meet you./ How are you?Step 2: Warming up activity. Do some actions:PEP Book 1 U5 PA lets do.(Watch the flash)T: Today, I am so happy. Because I make so many friends. You are all my friends.Are you happy to make friends with me? (Yes/No?)Ss: Yes.T: Thank you. Now, I want to do some action to show our happiness! Look! (PPT: flash) Are you ready? Ss: Yes! T: Go!Step 3: Review 1. Review: hamburger/French fries/bread/hot dog/chicken/cake/juice/milk. T: Great! In the picture, we can see so many things to eat. What are they? Hands up! (PPT) S: hamburger/French fries/bread/hot dog/chicken/cake.) T: Right? Got it! Look! What else? (PPT: juice/milk)2. T:Look! This is 1 hot dog/hamburgers! These are 2 hot dogs/hamburgers. Step 4: Presentation & Practice. 1. Go to The big fat boys restaurant. T: I am hungry now. Lets go to The big fat boys restaurant. OK? Ss: OK.T: Lets go. 2Present the new words: rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable. T: Open the door,please. (PPT) Wow, so delicious. Look, whats this? Ss: rice. T: Yes! “i”-/ai/ ,rice. Spell it! (Golden finger:3 times/ Group work.) What about this? (单词呈现后用phonics来教学,其他单词同上:fish:“i”-/i/, beef: “ee”-/i:/, soup: “ou”-/u:/, noodles: “oo”-/u:/, vegetable: “e”-/e/, “ge”-/d3/, “a”-/ /)T:Look! These are some vegetables. 3.Practise.(1)Silent speech: Look at my mouth!(2)Group work & row by row &one by one.(3)Bomb game.(soup/vegetable)4. Game: Who can say out the words? If you can, youll get the food card.5. Use the sentences: Can I have some ? Sure, here you are. 板书:注意noodles & vegetables .) T: Can I have some ? (询问有卡片的Ss.) S1: Sure, here you are. T: Who can be a little teacher? Hands up!(让学生去问) 6. Practise: (1) Group work & row by row &one by one. (2) Pair work: check 4 pairs. 7. Sum up: (板书归类:C.N.& U.N.) 8. Exercises. 一、把下列单词按照“可数名词”和“不可数名词”进行分类:rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable, hot dog, milk, hamburger, bread, chicken, juice.二、选出正确的选项。1、Can I have some ,please? A. soup B. soups2、Can I have some ,please? A. vegetable B. vegetables3、Can I have a(一个) ,please? A. hamburger B. hamburgers Step 5: Add-activity: 1. T示范:PPT: Show a waiter of The big fat boys restaurant and a Menu.) T: Hello, can I have some soup? W: (PPT: voice: Sure, here you are.) T: Thank you. How much?W: (PPT: voice: 2 Yuan.)T: OK. Here you are.W: Thanks.T: Can I have some vegetables? W: (PPT: voice: Sorry, no vegetables.)2. T(戴上头饰): Now, I am the waitress of The big fat boys restaurant.(Waitress is a woman or a girl. Waiter is a man or a boy.) Who wants to have something to eat? Hands up!3. Pair work: Check 4 pairs.4. Good to know: Whats the healthy food?在3年的时间里,世界卫生组织对人们日常饮食中涉及的各种食品都进行了分析和研究,评出油炸食品、腌制食品、加工肉食、饼干、碳酸饮料、方便食品、罐头、果脯、冷冻甜品及烧烤食品等为垃圾食品。比如粮食(grain)、蔬菜(vegetables )、水果(fruit)都是健康食品,而添加了防腐剂或色素的食品以及高温炸制的食品就是不健康食品。如汉堡包(hamburger)、热狗(hot dog)等。 Now,design a healthy menu for your parents.Time(时间)Food(食物)breakfast(早餐)lunch(午餐)dinner(晚餐)5. Check 2-3 Ss.Step 6: Exercises. Finish the exercises of Activity Book.Step 7: Homework:Share the healthy menu to your parents.chickenfishbeefjuicemilksoupbreadriceUnit 5 What would you like?V. Blackboard: Can I have somehot dogshamburgersnoodlesvegetablesU.N.PPTC.N.Sure, here you are.Sorry, no .五、教学反思:本课时是Book 3 Unit 5 What would you like ?的第一课时(Part A Lets learn),定位为“food”,主要学习关于食物的三会单词 rice,beef,soup,noodles,vegetable 以及滚动和复习旧的食物单词和旧句型 “Can I have some, please? / Sure,here you are.”。本课时是在第一、二册的食物部分学习有关食物话题的基础上以及在已学一定数量的各类食物词汇的前提下,进一步学习中西式的食物名称。我以Book 1 Unit 5 Lets eat!的一首Lets do引入,让学生动一动,提高学习兴致。以去餐厅吃饭为主线,用了各种方法导入教授了六个新单词,以旧引新,并且在教授单词时刻注意语音的渗透。在教授单词的时候始终注意将单词放在句子中操练,并且为下面的任务做好铺垫。让学生在情境、游戏中不断强化新学单词和句子,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,通过自己观察归纳出“可数名词”和“不可数名词”,也设计了相应的习题让学生加深印象。接着设计了在餐厅吃饭与服务员


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