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四级听力考前冲刺课程讲义主讲:高媛 .听力考试内容简介l Section A 短对话 8个长对话 2个l Section B 短文理解题 3个l Section C 复合式听写 8个+3个一、Section A 短对话讲解 (一)正确答案特征: 1、绝对选项绝对不选E.g.:(1) Everyone uses only one form of communication. (2)the more you listen to music, the higher you test scores will be.2、反义、近义或形似选项中的一项是正确答案(1)A) Only true friendship can last long. B) Letter writing is going out of style. C) She keeps in regular touch with her classmates. D) She has lost contact with most of he old friends.CD为反义举例(2) A) He is pleased with his exciting new job. B) He finds the huge workload unbearable. C) He finds his office much big for him. D) He is not so excited about his new position.AD为反义选项(3)A) The man hates to lend his tools to other people. B) The man has not finished working on the bookshelf. C) The tools have already been returned to the woman. D) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.CD为关联选项,关于工具的两个状态(4)A) The man has never seen the woman before. B) The two speakers work for the same company. C) The two speakers work for the same floor. D) The woman is interested in market research.BC为形似选项(5)A) It was about a little animal.B) It took her six years to write.C) It was adapted from a fairy tale.D) It was about a little girl and her pet.AD为形似选项3、四级词汇的代替选项是正确答案例如:book=reserve 预订(二)听题原则1.转折原则:正确答案出现在转折词but之后 2.光明原则: 用在车祸或灾难题中,人受小伤 小:slight/minor 伤:injury/wound3.受挫原则:野餐-下雨 订房间-客满(full/fully booked) 买票-卖光(sell out) 交通状况-堵车(traffic jam)(三)短对话场景1、学校场景人: freshman sophomore junior senior undergraduate本科生,在校生 graduate 研究生 postgraduate 研究生 lecturer讲师 professor教授 dean 系主任,院长专业: History Chemistry Mathematics Architecture/architect Literature Philosophy Psychology/psychologist 课程分类: optional course 选修课 required course 必修课 day course evening course 作业: assignment paper essay presentation考试: middle exam mid-term exam final exam oral test make up补考 pop test突袭考,随堂考 score/grade/mark 例题A) He wishes to have more courses like it.B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher.C) He wishes the teacher would talk more.D) He does not like the teachers accent.原文W: You took an optional course this semester, didnt you? How is it going?M: Terrible! It seems like the more the professor talks, the less I understand.Q: How did the man feel about the course?2、饭店场景 restaurant place caf eat out make a reservation book a table waiter waitress menu order appetizer开胃菜 main course主菜 dessert甜点 knife 刀 fork叉子 spoon汤勺 chopsticks 筷子 check the bill change 找零 treat n/v 招待,款待 ( its my treat this time.这次我请客)例题一:A) They are both anxious to try Italian food.B) They are likely to have dinner together.C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man.原文:M:Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight?W: You treated me lasted week. Now its my turn. Shall we try something Italian?Q: What do we learn from the passage?例题二A) Looking for a timetable.B) Buying some furniture.C) Reserving a table.D) Window shopping.原文M: Have you a table for four?W: Certainly. Sir. A corner table or would you rather be near the window?Q: What is the man doing?3、工作场景 apply for a job resume letter of application interview interviewer interviewee offer work overtime complain ask for a raise 加薪 fire解雇 resign from a position辞职 promotion升职 laid off下岗 retirement退休 钱:wage日薪 salary月薪,年薪 allowance津贴,生活费 bonus 分红 annual income年收入假期:annual leave年假 sick leave 病假 paid vacation带薪假 break短休例题一A) He wants to get a new position.B) He is asking the woman for help.C) He has left the woman a good impression.D) He enjoys letter writing.原文M: I spent so much time polishing my letter of application.W: Its worthwhile to make the effort. You know how important it is to give a good impression.Q: What do we learn from the passage?例题二A) He is rather disappointed.B) He is highly ambitious.C) He can not face up to the situation.D) He knows his own limitation.原文:W: Arent you disappointed that you didnt get the promotion?M: Maybe a little, but I know I need more experience before Im ready for that kind of responsibility.Q: What do we know about the man from the conversation?4、飞机场场景book reserve destination timetable时刻表 flight 航班one-way ticket单程票 round trip ticket 往返票first class business class economy class direct flight non-stop flight 直航 transfer exchange check-in检票 boarding card登机牌 luggage counter行李柜台 security check安检 take off起飞 departure air hostess空姐 safety belt安全带 landing着陆 pick up接机 hold up支撑,耽搁 end up with以.结束 put up with容忍 delay postpone 晚点 cancel取消例题A)The man went to a wrong check-in counter.B) The man has just missed his flight.C) The plane will leave at 9:14.D) The planes departure time remains unknown.原文:M: Is this the check-in counter for flight 914 to Los Angles?W: Yes. But Im sorry the flight is delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. Please wait for further notice.Q: What do we learn from the passage?5、场景补充:医疗场景:病:cold, fever, flu, headache, toothache, sore throat, stomachache, heart attack, twisted ankle扭脚, high blood pressure,地点:clinic诊所, Emergency Room急诊室,Waiting Room候诊室,人:patient,client,physician科室:surgeon外科, dentist牙科药:pill药丸,tablet药片, liquid液体状的药,powder粉末状的药,mixture混合剂,injection注射,operation手术make an appointment预约(与make a reservation区别),annual check up体检 住房场景:apartment公寓,for rent往外租, to rent自己要租房,shop to let有店要出租suburb效区,downtown市中心rural效区的,urban市里的,furnished配备家具的,blackout断电,leak漏landlord房东,landlady二、Section A 长对话讲解(一)顺序原则(二)逻辑很重要1.比较逻辑 同等比较逻辑:asas the same as 不同等比较逻辑: prefer A to B rather than 2.转折逻辑: but however although despite3.因果逻辑: because since as so due to thanks to (三)强调处很重要1.高频词:短小选项听高频词2.排比句 3.强调词 表唯一:only unique perfect 最高级:most best4.数字 5.语气词: well oh 例题一 1.A) She is worried about the seminar. B) The man keeps interrupting her. C) She finds it too hard. D) She lacks interest in it.2. A) The lecturers are boring. B) The course is poorly designed. C) She prefers Philosophy to English. D) She enjoys Literature more.3.A) Karens friend. B) Karens parents. C) Karens lecturers. D) Karen herself.4.A) Changing her major. B) Spending less of her parents money. C) Getting transferred to the English Department. D) Leaving the university.原文: M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?W: Pardon?M: The book, you havent turned the page in the last ten minutes.W: No Jim, I suppose I havent. I need to get through it though but I keep drifting away.M: So it doesnt hold your interesting?W: No, not really W:Yeah, in a way. But the course itself isnt really that bad. A lot of it is pretty good in fact and lectures are fine. Its me, I suppose. I wanted to do Philosophy rather than English. W: oh, they had my best interests at heart of course, my parents. They always do, dont they? They believe that my job prospects would have been pretty limited with a degree in Philosophy. Plus, they give me a really generous allowance. But I am beginning to feel that Im wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting.例题二1. A) It was about a little animal.B) It took her six years to write.C) It was adapted from a fairy tale.D) It was about a little girl and her pet.2. A) She knows how to write best-selling novels. B) She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults. C) She is able to win enough support from publishers. D) She can make a living by doing what she likes.3.A) The characters.B) Her ideas.C) The readers.D) Her life experiences.4.A) She doesnt really know where they originated B) She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints. C) They popped out of her childhood dreams. D) They grew out of her long hours of thinking.原文M: Hi, Miss Rowling, how old were you when you started to write? And what was your first book?W: I wrote my first Finnish (finished) story when I was about six. It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean. And Ive been writing ever since? W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness. Step one would be finding out what you love doing most. Step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing W:The ideas come first. So it really depends on the ideas that grasp me next.M: where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?W: Ive no ideas where the ideas came from. 三、Section B 短文理解 在文体上,短文理解分为记叙文和说明文。(一)记叙文1、选项特点 (1)选项句子结构完整。 (2)选项句子的主语通常是he/she/the man/the woman. (3)选项句子中通常含有时间地点和人物名。2、原则 (1)听即所得 (2)顺序原则 (3)转折原则:but however although despite (4)因果原则: because since as so due to thanks to (5)主旨原则: 首二尾一例题1.A) He suffered from mental illness. B) He bought the washing on post. C) He turned a failing newspaper into a success. D) He was once a reporter for a major newspaper. 2.A) She was the first woman to lead a big U.S. publishing company. B) She got her first job as a teacher at the University of Chicago. C) She committed suicide because of her mental disorder. D) She took over her fathers position when he died. 3. A) People came to see the role of women in the business world.B) Katharine played a major part in reshaping Americans mind.C) American media would be quite different without Katharine.D) Katharine had exerted an important influence on the world. 原文 Katharine Graham graduated from the University of Chicago in 1938 and got a job as a news reporter in San Francisco. Katharines father used to be a successful investment banker. In 1933 he bought a failing newspaper - The Washington Post. In the 1970s, the newspaper became famous around the world. And Katharine was also recognized as an important leader in newspaper publishing. She was the first woman to head a major American publishing company -The Washington Post Company. In a few years, Her friends said she would be remembered as a woman who had an important influence on events in the United Stated and the world. Katharine Graham once wrote: The world without newspapers would not be the same king of world. After her death, the employees of The Washington Post wrote: The world without Katharine will not be the same at all. (二)说明文1、选项特征(1)选项句子结构不完整(2)选项句子的主语一般是it/they.(3)选项通常是以to/by/as为开始.2、原则(1)听即所得(2)顺序原则(3)转折原则:but however although despite(4)因果原则: because since as so due to thanks to(5)主旨原则:首三尾二例题一 1. A) To protect persons and property.B) To collect taxes.C) To teach and train citizens.D) To save natural resources for future use. 2. A) By selling services that make life comfortable.B) By selling land containing oil.C) By selling public lands.D) By selling coal and other natural products. 3. A) Environmental pollution and protection.B) Taxes and services for the public.C) Police efforts to protect people.D) Peoples attitude toward taxes.原文 We use all sort of services without thinking how we get them. But such services cost money. We pay for them through taxes. What would happen if everyone in a city stopped paying taxes? The water supply would stop. There would be no police force to protect people and property. Years ago the government made money from the sale of public lands. But most of the best public lands has now been sold. The money raised was used to help pay he cost of government. There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal, gas, and other natural products. They could be sold, but we want to save them for future years. So we all must pay our share for the services that make our lives comfortable. 例题二1. A) it can be cooked in many ways. B) It is delicious but inexpensive. C) It gives higher yields than other grain crops. D) It grows easily in various conditions.2. A) Fried potatoes. B) Tomato juice. C) Sweet corn. D) Chocolate beans.3. A) They led to the discovery of America. B) They made native American foods popular. C) They brought great wealth to Spain. D) They made native American life styles well-known.原文 Columbus didnt know it. But the corn was much more valuable than gold. Farmers from Europe to Asia accepted it immediately. They grew it on cold mountainsides and in tropical forest. Today it feeds millions of people all over the world .On his second trip, Columbus brought back a few chocolate beans to make chocolate. Europeans and Asians love this new drink, and soon they were paying a great deal of money for the beans. Chocolate beans became so valuable in Central America that they were used as cash for 200 years.Tomatoes and potatoes took some time to become popular. Eventually, however, they became the basis of a lot of popular foods. It is hard to imagine life without fried potatoes or chocolate. Thanks to native American cultures, many people are able to enjoy lots of tasty food.例题三1. A) They are interested in other kinds of reading. B) They are active in voluntary services. C) They tend to be low in education and in income. D) They live in isolated areas.2. A) The reasons why people dont read newspapers are more complicated than assumed. B) There are more uneducated people among the wealthy than originally expected.C) The number of newspaper readers is steadily increasing. D) There are more nonreaders among young people nowadays 3. A) Lowering the prices of their newspapers. B) Shortening their news stories. C) Adding variety to their newspaper content. D) Including more advertisements in their newspapers.原文 People who dont read newspaper are sometimes referred to as non-readers . Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in education, low in income either very young or very old .In addition non-readers are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbors and friends Recent surveys, however, have indicated the portrait of the non-reader is more complicated than first thought . There appears to be a group of non-readers that do not fit the type mentioned above .Editors and publishers are attempting to win them back. First they are also adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes. This will help overcome the time problem. And they are also giving variety to newspaper content to help build the readers interest.例题四 1. A) For people to share ideas and show farm products. B) For officials to educate the farming community. C) For farmers to exchange their daily necessities. D) For farmers to celebrate their harvests.2. A) By bringing an animal rare


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