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专题限时训练(三十三)史地自然型阅读理解(一) (限时:25分钟) (一)in america, virginia beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort: brilliant beaches, a lively boardwalk, plenty of restaurants and nightspots, and amusement rides sure to appeal to kids. many believe virginia beach is at its best in the offseason, when the town is less crowded but the weather is still mild. meanwhile, some safety tips should be followed, enjoying the happiness and excitement the beach offers.the number 1 safety tip concerns ocean safety: pay attention to flag conditions posted on the lifeguard stands. lifeguards post a red flag to warn when the ocean water is dangerous. take them seriously! tourists from landlocked regions are particularly easily attracted by the magic of the waves. however, a calm ocean can become risky without warning. make sure you swim near a lifeguard. swimming without lifeguard protection is almost five times as great as drowning at a beach with lifeguards. never swim alone. many drownings involve single swimmers. when you swim with someone else, if one of you has a problem, the other may be able to get help, including signaling for assistance from others. dont fight the current. the facts show that some 80% of rescues by lifeguards at ocean beaches are caused by currents. these currents are formed by surf and gravity, because once surf pushes water up the slope of a beach, gravity pulls it back. this can create concentrated rivers of water moving offshore. if you are caught in a rip current, dont fight it by trying to swim directly to shore. instead, swim parallel to shore until you feel the current relax, then swim to shore. most rip currents are narrow and a short swim parallel to shore will help bring you to safety.1. when coming to virginia beach, children cannot enjoy the happiness of_.a. walking on the road made of wood bjoining the nightspotscriding a horse or a pumper car dskiing in the sea2. many people believe the best time to visit virginia beach may be _.a. after autumn school term beginning bin the summer vacationcduring the christmas holiday din the cold winter3. swimming in the sea youd better not swim _.a. with a friend bwithin the sight of the lifeguard cwith the current das far as you like4. from the passage, we can know_.a. one in five persons swimming in the sea is drownedbif one with a lifeguard were drowning, five persons without lifeguards would becsome 80% people drowning by the currents are rescued by lifeguardsdsome 20% drowning by the currents are rescued by lifeguards5. the passage mainly tells us _.a. virginia beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort bthe happiness and excitement the beach offerscsome safety tips when swimming in the sea dthe dangers for tourists from landlocked regions to swim in the sea(二)wind,water,fire and icethese powerful natural forces have shaped the land of america in the past. they are still changing it today. the colorado river slowly cut down through stone to make the grand canyon (大峡谷) long ago,ice sheets cut yosemite valley and the great lakes,and glaciers (冰川) are still on the move in alaska. wind and rain storm hit the land from time to time. fires sometimes burn down forests and destroy the homes of wild animals: this happened in yellowstone park in 1988. dead volcanic (火山的) mountains such as haleakala on maui and carter lakein oregon are beautiful to look at. but there are several active volcanoes in the us,especially along the pacific coast. there are also many earthquakes in this area. scientists can do nothing to control earthquakes or volcanoes. this was shown clearly on may 18,1980.at 8: 32 that morning,mount st helens in washington state broke out. the top of the mountain was blown off. over 60 peoplecampers,scientists,journalists,forest workerswere killed. hundreds of square miles of forests were knocked down. in towns over 100 miles away,day suddenly became night. an ash cloud hid the sun for many hours. towns and fields in washington,oregon,and idaho were covered with dirty gray ash. scientists knew that mt st helens might erupt (爆发) soon. but no one could say when. and no one expected the terrible strength of the eruption. many people were surprised and unready. harry rtruman,84,owned a small hotel in mt st helens. scientists had asked people to move away because the volcano was becoming dangerous but harry r. truman would not leave his home. now it is covered with many feet of dirty ash. a small cross stands above the place where harry probably died. perhaps it is better that he did not see the destruction of mt st helens,the once beautiful lake,and the forests. but slowly, life is returning to the dead area around the mountain. grass and small plants are beginning to grow again. deer and birds have been seen. the land will never be the same as it once was. perhaps mt st helens will erupt again. but this is all part of natures pattern of change,and man has little power to control it.1. choose the best title for this passage. awind,water,fire and ice bvolcanos beauty and dangercthe power of nature dnatural force shapes beautiful land of america2. after the eruption of the volcano, what made the sky turn dark? athe smoke. bthe earth.cthe fog. dthe ash.3. the underlined word “it” means_. athe body of old harry bthe location (place) of harrys homecthe opening on top of mt st helensdthe place where harry probably died4. we can infer from this article that_. awashington and oregon are neighboring statesbcolorado river runs through yosemite valleycthe eruption of mt st helens also caused trouble with the yellowstone parkdscientists never knew mt st helens was active (三)restoring the quakehit ecosystems is a question of balancing the interests of the local people and the environment.rural methane (沼气) projects can reduce the number of locals taking firewood from the mountainsides.the use of straw as food for animals will ensure that vegetation can grow.in sihai township and dazhuangke village, in beijing, they now have a forestry coverage of 85% or more, compared to the 30% they had 15 years ago.back then, land was used very inefficiently: one person would use 20 mu of forest just for firewood.with those pressures on the ecosystem, no amount of spending on reforestation will succeed.then the government relocated the population and paid those who remained to tend the forest and provide coal.this reduced the pressures on the ecosystem and it was able to recover naturally.when an ecosystem has not been pushed past certain limits, it is able to recover on its own.human involvement should only play a minor role, including after an earthquake.this is particularly the case for sandy grasslands, grasslands deserts, the mountains of the south and the northern sides of mountains in the north.in these areas soil remains and the water, light, heat and nutrients needed are available.less human involvement is even more appropriate in areas with a small population, where it can avoid money being wasted on ineffective efforts, such as creating forests in dry areas.the creation of nature reserves should be a model to allow damaged ecosystems to recover.funding can start at the national level; centrallyfunded nature reserves can enforce environmental protection laws and help to promote the local economy.this will solve the problems of reserves being run to make money.when national reserves are funded, local governments will be able to adopt the same model and provide the funds for nature reserves from their own budgets.the first project should be established in nature reserves hit by the quake; these can then become models for other areas.1to restore the quakehit ecosystem, government should _.aforbid locals from taking firewood from the mountainsid


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