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2013高考英语二轮(单项选择)25分钟限时训练(5)及答案.单项填空1(2012福建湖雷中学月考)this morning traffic was_by an accident outside the town hall.aheld offbheld upcheld on dheld over解析:选b。考查动词短语。hold off“不接近”“拖延”;hold up“举起”“支撑”“继续下去”“阻挡”“拦截”;hold on“继续”“不挂断”;hold over“延缓”“推迟”。2the government work report by premier wen covers a variety of issues,and social justice_.ain common bin generalcin particular din practice解析:选c。考查词组辨析。句意为:温总理的政府工作报告包含各种问题,尤其是社会公平。结合a variety of issues与social justice可知表示强调,in particular意为“尤其是”。3surely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from;what_is what they do with it.acounts bappliescstresses dfunctions解析:选a。count在句中的含义为“有价值,有意义”。句意为:“毫无疑问,学生会从哪儿弄到这些钱无关紧要,真正的价值是他们用这些钱来做什么。”4i cant say which wine is bestits a(n)_of personal taste.aaffair beventcmatter dvariety解析:选c。affair指要做的事或已经发生的事,常用复数;event指具有重大意义的事件,也可指日常生活中较重要的事或比赛项目;matter为需要认真考虑的事情或问题;variety“多样性”,名词。its a matter of.意为“是的问题”,根据句意选matter。5(2012北京海淀监测)it has been reported that some government leaders_their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.aemploy babandoncabuse doverlook解析:选c。employ“雇用”;abandon“遗弃;离开”;abuse“滥用;妄用;虐待”;overlook“俯瞰;俯视;未看到”。这句话的意思是:据报道,一些政府领导滥用职权为自己获取非法利益。6a great performance was held on the campus of beijing university on the night of may 4 and was given coverage by the cctv.aalive blivelyclife dlive解析:选d。句意:5月4号晚上在北京大学的校园举办了大型表演,并由中央电视台进行了现场直播。alive是表语形容词,意为“活的,活着的”;lively既可作表语,又可作定语,意为“活泼的,有生气的”;life是名词,意为“生活”;live可作定语,意为“活的;现场直播的”。由句意可知,此处用live表示现场直播。7the coach asked his staff to_the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training plans.aadapt to battend tocrefer to dappeal to解析:选b。adapt to“适应”;attend to“照顾,关照”;refer to“谈到;提到;指的是;参考”;appeal to“呼吁”。这句话的意思是:教练让他的手下关照一下那一群等着他宣布训练计划的记者。8do you think it wise for chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?no,thats_theyre mistaken.awhere bwhencso dhow解析:选a。考查表语从句。答句句意:那是她们的错误所在。表示“(错误)所在”,故用where。9(江苏重点中学联考)i go_to the stadium when theres a game.but usually i watch it on tv.aeagerly banxiouslycfrequently doccasionally解析:选d。考查副词辨析。a项意为“急切地”;b项意为“焦虑地,不安地”;c项意为“经常地,频繁地”;d项意为“偶尔地”。由答语“我通常在电视上看比赛”可知,此处应为“偶尔”去体育馆。故选d。10it was very_and kind of him to donate such a large sum of money to the people in the disaster area.aenergetic bgenerouscstubborn dgreedy解析:选b。考查形容词辨析。a项意为“精力充沛的”;b项意为“慷慨的,大方的”;c项意为“倔强的”;d项意为“贪婪的”。由句中信息“给灾区人民捐了那么多钱”可知,此处应选b。11they really have a great time,designing everything,drawing the blueprints,_the angles(角度)and so on.alooking out btaking outcfinding out dfiguring out解析:选d。考查动词词组辨析。look out小心;take out取出,切除;find out查明真相;弄清楚;figure out计算出。句意为:他们真的过得很快乐,设计东西,画草图,计算角度等。12_the government agrees to give extra money,the theatre will have to close.auntil bunlesscsince dwhile解析:选b。句意为:除非政府同意额外给钱,否则这家剧院将不得不关闭。unless“除非”,符合题意。13i think he should be punished for doing that.i agree with you_.ain a way bin the waycon the way dby the way解析:选a。考查短语辨析。a项意为“从某种程度上说”;b项意为“妨碍,挡路”;c项意为“在路上”;d项意为“顺便说一下”。后句意为:在某种程度上,我同意你的观点。故选a。14the only road to the village_by a huge stone yesterday.ais blocked bblockedcwas blocked dwas blocking解析:选c。考查时态和语态。句意为:昨天通往村庄的唯一的道路被一块巨石挡住了。应用过去时的被动式。15(2012安徽六校检测)when i was in danger,a bright idea suddenly _ to me.ahappened bhitcstruck doccurred解析:选d。根据空格后的介词to排除b、c两项,因为hit和strike多用作及物动词;happen不符合句意。occur除了表示“发生”以外,还可以表示“突然想起”,结构为sth.occur to sb.或it occurrs to sb.that.故选d。*结束71. such a small man cant _ reach the balloon one metre higher than he. a. possiblyb. impossiblec. possibled. impossibly72. at the beginning, i had some difficulty with my english, and my teacher pulled me _.a. down b. overc. upd. through73. the general asked his men to push _ so they might overtake the retreating(败退的) enemy troop. a. outb. overc. ond. off74. all the nations should put _ the misunderstanding between each other. if each nation does so, this world will become a peaceful and lovely garden. a. awayb. onc. offd. up75. he had never spent a day. a. more worry b. most worrying c. more worrying d. most worried76. what she said is _ true. that is to say, not all she said is true. a. some b. partly c. not d. almost77. - what is the weather like these days?- it has been warm for _ few days.a. past b. passing c. the pastd. pass78. erics father, a skilled worker has repaired a lot of bikes of this kind, so he will _ succeed in repairing your bike, i suppose. a. probably b. may be c. maybe d. perhaps79. there are only five minutes left before the train leaves. you should run _ . a. fast as possible as you can b. as quickly as you canc. as fast as possibled. possible as fast as you can80. this novel is _ a good book, but there are many that _ better.a. very, are b. rather, is c. quite, is d. quite, are81. this gentleman is very interested in singing. he often goes to the karaoke hall with his friends and sometimes comes home very late, _, very early in the morning. a. rather thanb. rather latec. or ratherd. would rather82. this isnt a practice game; we are playing for real. the underlined part means _.a. seriouslyb. for moneyc. for fund. thoroughly83. our cousin who is attending college in new york phones us every sunday at six, _ as clockwork.a. regular b. irregular c. regularly d. irregularly84. theyd like to see her daughter _, get married and have kids. a. settle on b. settle up c. settle for d. settle down85. david arrived back from paris _ than i expected.a. soon b. fast c. sooner d. quickly86. joe and my father are getting _.a. along splendid b. along splendidly c. over splendid d. out splendidly87. terry was so tired that he couldnt walk _.a. straight b. straightly c. steady d. direct88. my old school friend comes to see me now and then. the underlined part means _. a. seldom b


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