江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级英语上册《Unit 2 My day》Reading II学案 牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级英语上册《Unit 2 My day》Reading II学案 牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级英语上册《Unit 2 My day》Reading II学案 牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级英语上册《Unit 2 My day》Reading II学案 牛津版.doc_第4页




江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级英语上册unit 2 my dayreading ii学案 牛津版【学习目标】1.知识目标:词汇:kind , mail , send , use , internet , twice , week 词组:swimming pool, show sb.sth., send sth. to sb. , three hours a day, twice a week, 句型:millie goes to the reading club twice a day.2. 技能目标:学会理解课文。3. 情感目标:积极参加各种活动,热爱生活 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 一、 预习导航 1. 阅读课文,加深对课文的印象。2. 标出本课的重点词组和句子,加强记忆。3. 知识点拨 twice 两次, once 一次, three times三次, time用作不可数名词, 意为 “时间”; time用作可数名词,意为 “次数”.e-mail可作动词“发电子邮件”,e-mail也可作名词“电子邮件”。favourite “最喜欢的,特别喜欢的”,既没有比较级,也没有最高级.所以它不能再用程度副词best, most, very 或quite等修饰。favourite既可做形容词 又可做名词。favourite 的近义词组是likebest。二、预习成果(一)认真阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英语:1. 游泳池 2. 把给看 3. 把某物寄给某人 4. 每天3小时 5. 一周两次 5. 通过电脑 (二)从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的选项.( ) 1. classmatesa. not free, having no time( ) 2. favourite b. a person who is swimming( ) 3. pleased c. all of something( ) 4. swimmer d. the students who are in the same class.( ) 5. thursday e. do best in a game( ) 6. museum f. work that a teacher gives the students to do at home.( ) 7. busy g. a place where people can see many old things( ) 8. whole h. likebest( ) 9. win i. happy, glad( )10. homework j. the fifth day of a week(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. “上午6:30”有几种表达:_.7:15 和6:45又有几种表达: 从中你得到时间的正式表达法有什么规律: 2.可不可以说 “send it me”或 “send me it”? 如不可,正确的该如何说? 如把it 改为the book 又如何说? _ _(四)预学质疑 _ _【课堂导学与互动】任务一:复习提问:1. how long does millie spend doing her homework?2. how often does she go to the reading club?3. who is a good swimmer?任务二:fill in the blanks first and then get several students to retell the story.hello, im millie. i study at beijing sunshine school. i have of friends in my class. amy is my _ friend. all my friends are _ to me. the school day at eight every morning. we do morning _ first. my _ lessons are chinese and english. i _about two hours my homework. i go to the school library every day. i go to the club every week.i also _playing volleyball with my friends after school. amy is a _ of the _ club. she is a good _. we have at our school. 任务三:完成第page26页part d部分,讨论并准备就millies school day做报告。1. ask the students what tommy is doing in each picture. eg.t: what is tommy doing in picture one?s1: they are reading some books. t: what time do they read books?s2: they read books at 4:00 p.m.2. then ask some groups of students to talk about other pictures. write the correct activities under the pictures.3. get the students to report millies activities in the time order.e.g. millie gets up at 7:00 a.m. she .任务四:联系个人实际,向班级汇报自己的日常活动。请同学们先用自己的作业本写出来,同桌相互阅读且批改其中出现的错误,然后挑选部分同学在班级进行交流,把好的作品张贴在墙上,让同学们欣赏。任务五:家庭作业。1. 记忆相关词汇,词组和句型。2. 熟读并复述课文。 【总结提升】你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_【当堂反馈】(一)单项选择( ) 1. -whats the first day of the week? -its _. a. mondayb. tuesdayc. saturdayd. sunday( ) 2. i want to borrow some books. lets go to the _, ok? a. library b. school c. museum d. classroom( ) 3. we spend about two hours a day _. a. do our homeworkb. doing our homework c. do our homework d. to do our homework( ) 4. there are _ things to do at my school. a. manyb. two times c. second timesd. too( ) 5. sandy goes to play computer games _a week. a. twiceb. two timesc. second timesd. two time( ) 6. _are good friends. we study at the same school. a. he, you and i b. i, you and he c. you, he and i d. he, i and you( ) 7. my aunt likes _for sweaters. a. shopb. shoppingc. the shoppingd. the shop( ) 8. after lunch i usually chat_my classmates. a. and b. in c. to d. with( ) 9. -how often do you go to the reading club? -_. a. once a week b. once c. a dayd. three times( )10. -would you like _ after-school activities with me after school? - yes, id love to. a. doing b. do c. does d. to do(二)完成下列句子 1. 我们学校大约有100个老师. _ in our school. 2. 她每天花两小时做家庭作业. she _. 3. millie一周去两次俱乐部. millie _. 4. 在学校amy每天都有许多作业要做. amy _. 5. 你所有的同班同学对你好吗? _? 6. 他们经常互相发电子邮件、互相聊天. they _.【课后拓展】一、阅读理解 判断正()误()mr smith is a teacher of english. he comes from america. he teaches english in china. he speaks chinese quite well.he reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books for the students at home. mr smith gets up at five in the morning. he leaves home at ten to six. he begins the first lesson at 8:00. he teaches english every day except saturday and sunday. at ten to twelve he finishes his lessons. ten minutes later he has lunch. in the afternoon, he often plays games with his students. sometimes he teaches his students in his office. supper time is at about six. after that, he reads newspapers and watches tv. at about ten to eleven he goes to bed. ( ) 1. mr smith is an american. ( ) 2. he leaves home at 6:10. ( ) 3. the students come to school five days a week. ( ) 4. he has lunch at 12:10.( ) 5. he watches tv or reads newspapers before supper.二、任务型阅读 根据本课课文内容,完成表格,一空一词。purpose(目的)millie 1) tommy to tell him about her school life. schoolshe 2) in class 1,grade 7 of beijing sunshine secondary school. timeshe starts her school day at 8 a.m. and she has her 3) class after twenty-five minutes. but before that, she usually 4) first. friendsthere are 5) nice people in her class and 6) her new classmates are nice to her. and amy is her best friend.her favourite 7) she likes chinese and english 8) .after-school activitiesevery day she goes to the library.she is 9) both the reading club and the swimming club.she likes 10) volleyball with her friends.reading (2)【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. swimming pool 2. show to 3. send sth. to sb. / send sb. sth. 4. three days a day 5. twice a week 6. by a computer(二)1. d 2. h 3. i 4. b 5. j 6. g 7. a 8. c 9. e 10. f (三)1. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 in the morning half past six in the morning 2. send it to me send the book to me / send me the book【当堂反馈】一. 1-5 d a b a a 6-10 c b d a d二. 1. there are about 100 teachers 2. spends two hours doing homework every d


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